Outro: Wings

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Today was the best day of your life. All you did was open your eyes and you already knew it.

You knew it because you woke up without shaking or screaming and today you could see Hoseok again. The man you were soon to marry one day.

You smiled at the thought, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes as you laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling.

After eight years of being in love and thirteen years of knowing each other, you were finally getting married. You couldn't be happier than you were now having it be him who you were marrying.

Suddenly, your phone buzzes, pulling you out of your thoughts and you pick up the phone to look at the notification.

Hobi: good morning my soon-to-be wife. I hope you slept well~ 

You smiled at the message.

You: good morning my soon-to-be husband. Because you made me so happy last night, I had the best nap. I love you❤️

You sat up and looked outside the sliding door beside your bed and at the resort beyond it. It was a beautiful sight. The sky was a clear blue and the sun was shining between the leaves and branches of the tree outside your balcony and into your room, a warm pool of light shining upon the bed you were laying in. Birds were sitting and chirping on the branches of the green-leaved trees, singing happy songs.

Now, you didn't even care what other people thought and neither did Hoseok. As long as you two loved each other, you were going to be together. You both realised that the only thing that really mattered was that you yourselves were happy. Your happiness comes first in your own life and there's nothing wrong with that. You're entitled to it.

Suddenly, your bedroom door burst open and Jisoo come in.

"Y/n~" She dragged your name out, whining as she walked over to your bed. "How long are you going to be in bed? You've been sleeping almost all morning."

Of course you were sleeping all morning. It was because you were up all night with Hoseok. The thought made the corners of your lips rise in a smile. You pulled Jisoo close to you and held her tight, not saying a word. You felt Jisoo stiffen in the hug.


"Thank you for bringing me here," you said softly through your smile.

Jisoo was still a bit confused but she hugged you back anyway and you both stayed like that for a while.

Soon you let go and so did she. She studied your eyes for any kind of answer. You decided to answer her before she could even ask.

"Jisoo, I'm getting married," you said. Immediately her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you showed her the bracelet on your wrist.

She gasped in realisation. "Hoseok is here?" She asked in shock. You nodded in response. She then gasped again. "And you're... getting married?" She asked.

You nodded again and smiled widely.

Jisoo shook her head. "Wait, how is this happening? Won't the company or the fans-"

"We decided this is what we want," you said. "After all I've been through, I'm not afraid of what others would think."

"And you decided all this last night?" She asked. You nodded once again.

Jisoo was silent for a moment.

Suddenly she squealed in excitement. "You're getting married! Oh my gosh, I'm so proud! We need to start looking for dresses for you to wear already-"

Jisoo got cut off by the sound of multiple knocks by your front door and your name being called out by a series of deep voices.

It was the guys.

Your eyes became wide and you gasped before running to the front door as fast as you could. Your feet came to a halt when you saw their six faces.

Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon.

Their expressions turned to faces of relief when they saw you. Your eyes started to tear up at the sight of your best friends. Especially your brother.

You ran to Jin and he pulled you into a hug. You began to cry as he held you tighter.

"You worried me sick," he said softly, his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry, Seokjin," you said back. "I missed you so much."

You pulled away slowly and when looking into Jin's face, you saw tears in his eyes.

"If you missed us so much, why did you leave?" He scolded, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought you were out somewhere all alone having another panic attack, unable to breathe," he sobbed. "I thought I might never see you again."

You immediately pulled him back into the hug and didn't let go for a long while. You both sobbed into each other's shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, Jin," you cried into the embrace.

Eventually, you felt more pairs of arms wrap around you as you sobbed. You turned around to see their faces.

"Taehyung! Jungkook!" You immediately embraced them both and they didn't hesitate to do the same.

You then did the same for Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin, ever so emotional for seeing them after such a difficult period of time. You were a crying mess.

"I swear I won't ever do it again," you said.

"You better not," Yoongi said. His eyes softened as he looked to you. "We've missed you so much, Y/n."

"I've really missed you guys so much too," you said. "There was never a moment when I stopped thinking about you. I've always been rooting for you from afar. Your song Spring Day was really beautiful too," you said while tearing up.

They all managed to crack a smile.

"I guess we really were able to reach you," Jungkook said, smiling. You smiled in return.

''Thank you for never giving up on me," you said.

"What ever made you think we'd give up on you?" Taehyung asked, raising his brows before cracking a smile at you. He ruffled your hair before pulling you into a short hug and then letting go again.

"That aside," Namjoon started, "we heard someone's getting married?"

A smudge of pink arose onto your cheeks in a blush as you stared shyly but happily up at them. You looked down before smiling widely to the ground and they then knew it was true.

"Congratulations, my dear sister," Jin started and pulled you into a hug. "You've really grown up. I couldn't be happier that the person you're marrying is Hoseok."

"Me too," you said as you pulled away from the hug, grinning up at him. They all let out a chuckle at seeing your happy face.

"Congrats!" They all began yelling and smothering you with hugs.

"As people who's watched you grow," Jimin started, "we're really proud of you."

You were able to smile in response but you weren't able to say anything when Jin interrupted the moment.

"Okay, now get ready," Jin said.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "For what?"

"To find you a wedding dress, of course!" He answered.

You looked to him, frowning. "Aren't you being a little too excited? It's not like I'm getting married tomorrow."

Jin laughed. "We know that," he said. "But it is never too early to look for a wedding dress. Besides, I need to make sure my sister looks the best on her wedding day."

"I'm sure we don't need to do this today," you laughed nervously. "I-"

Suddenly, Taehyung was turning your body around and pushing you back to your bedroom. "No objections," he grinned once reaching the bedroom and closing the door behind you, leaving you alone in the room to get ready.

You stood there in confusion for a while, just staring at the closed door, although soon you couldn't help but smile to yourself.

"I guess I'm not the only one who's excited."


Jisoo stood by the doorway watching the scene before her. She smiled. She was happy, because somehow she really did manage to bring Y/n back to them. However, she frowned upon thinking that she might never see them as often anymore. She still did quit her job. She then realised that maybe that wouldn't matter for them. Jimin especially would be glad and so would Taehyung.

Her thoughts were put to a halt when suddenly she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Her eyes grew wide when she realised it was Jimin.


"Thank you," he said softly into the side of her head before releasing from the hug. "You were with her all this time and I bet that really helped. She probably needed someone and there you were," he smiled. "You must be some sort of guardian angel."

"That, she definitely is," Taehyung chirped in. "To Y/n and to us."

"Y/n looks well and she seems healthy. Thank you for being by her side," Jin said.

A smile rose to Jisoo's face. She tilted her head and grinned. "I told you I wouldn't leave her side until she comes back to you," she said. "You're welcome but it wasn't just me who looked out for her. There was this girl, Soojung. Before I got there, she was the one trying to make sure Y/n was alright."

The boys smiled. "Either way, we're glad to see you again," Yoongi said.

"Believe it or not, we really missed you," Jimin said, a genuine smile on his face and Jisoo couldn't help but think that was his way of forgiving her. Although he didn't say it, he understood that she must have had her reasons for leaving and he was okay with that.

Jisoo then, with a smile on her face, replied, "I missed you guys too."


About an hour or two later, you found yourself in a wedding dress store near the resort with Jin, Taehyung and Jisoo. The others had decided to stay at the resort for their Bon Voyage series they were apparently recording.

Looking at the white dresses hanging from the clothing racks, you still couldn't wrap your mind around the fact that you were getting married. It all felt so surreal.

You spent a long while trying to find the right dress - this being your third bridal store so far - and Jin was nagging that you kept walking pass all the good dresses. However, you couldn't possibly just choose a dress. They were all beautiful... Although, they weren't perfect. You wanted something simple that you could see yourself in but all the dresses were big and fancy.

You sighed once reaching the back of the store and still not seeing anything that stood out. You looked up guiltily at the others.

"I'm sorry, guys..." You started. "I couldn't find anything again. Maybe we should just go back to the first store. I think I saw a good dress there," you said, even though it wasn't what you wanted. All that mattered to you anyway, was the fact that you were getting married to the person you loved. It didn't matter what you wore.

"You did?" Jin asked, excitedly. "Is it that silver and white one I showed you?"

"Ooh, I know some makeup that would go perfect with that dress!" Jisoo exclaimed happily.

Everyone turned to leave the store and you followed reluctantly behind when miraculously something in the corner of your eye had caught your attention. You didn't look but you felt yourself drawn to the embroidered lace material you saw in the top left corner of your eye. Still, you decided to ignore it and walk on.

Finally, before you exited the store, you stopped and called out to the others, "Wait. I need to see something."

They stopped and you turned and walked back.

Your eyes immediately found the vanilla white material with transparent mesh and floral lace fabric attached to it, in between other bigger and more extravagant dresses. Although, you weren't looking for extravagant.

It was high up so you couldn't reach it and instead turned to a staff member.

"Hi, sorry, could you take that one down, please?" You asked.

"Of course," she said and disappeared to get a dresser stick to get the dress down. She came back with the stick in hand and took the dress down.

It was simple but you thought the dress was beautiful, not to mention perfect for warm weather.

It was short but still magnificent and elegant enough to be acknowledged as a wedding dress. You knew that, wearing it, you wouldn't feel too hot because the dress would leave your shoulders, arms and the bottom half of your legs bare. Not to mention you loved the embroidered flowers and lace that would be draped around your upper arms and across your chest and back. The torso was covered with this floral design as well, and you were captivated by its beauty.

Best of all, the dress seemed to already be exactly in your size. It's as if it was made just for you. You could already imagine Hoseok seeing you in the dress while walking down the isle, unable to take his eyes off you.

Still in a trance, you managed to part your lips and say, "This is the one." You turned to your brother and two friends. Your eyes lingered over them for a while before a smile arose to your face, lighting it up. "This is the dress."

They couldn't help but smile with you.

"It's beautiful, Y/n," Jisoo was the first to say.

"And my sister will look even more beautiful once she's in that dress," Jin said.

"When does the owner of this dress need this dress by?" Taehyung spoke up to the staff member. "We would like to hire it. We'll have it brought back for the original owner in no time."

The woman smiled. "You're actually in luck because the designer of the dress just made it out of inspiration," she said. "The dress doesn't have an owner yet."

"Well now it does," Jin acknowledged. "How much will it be to buy the dress?"

"Buy?" You interrupted. "Jin, it'll be way too expensive for me-"

"Didn't I tell you?" Jin asked, causing you to raise an eyebrow in response. "I'm paying."

Your eyes went wide. "J-Jin, I can't let you do that," you objected.

Jin chuckled. "I know. That's why I'm not giving you a choice," he said. "I'm not letting you pay a cent," he smiled.

You let out a sigh, knowing you couldn't argue with your stubborn brother and instead, smiled up at him, gratefully. "Thanks, Jin," you said before pulling him into a hug.

The hug lasted a while before Jin pulled away slightly and ruffled your hair. "Anything for my beautiful sister," he smiled. He then looked to the woman and nodded.

"The payment desk is this way, sir," the staff member spoke and Jin followed.

Before you could follow, Jisoo walked up to you and cupped your face with both hands, looking at you intently.

"Jisoo... What are you doing?" You asked.

"I've never put makeup on you since the ninth grade. I need to study your features so I know exactly what to get for you," she said.

You chuckled. "Is natural makeup alright?" You asked while parting her hands from your face.

She gasped. "That's perfect! It'll go great with the dress and you'll look beautiful," she chimed. "I'll go look at a few cosmetic stores around here while Jin finishes up paying. I'll text you where I am when you're done here."

"Alright, good luck!" you said, waving her off and Taehyung did the same.

"I hope you don't have as much trouble finding makeup as Y/n does finding a dress," Taehyung, who was standing along side you, joked causing you all to laugh.

You hit Taehyung's shoulder playfully. "Yah," you sounded in awe.

Jisoo giggled. "Alright, I'll see you all soon!"

In a matter of seconds, she was off and you turned back to the dresses and admired their beauty for a second time. Each different, yet beautiful at the same time. You walked down the isle, your fingertips brushing lightly against the soft white material of the different dresses.

It was just you and Taehyung now and you felt an awkward silence fill the space between you. It was odd, because there was never silence when the two of you were together. Although, you couldn't help but feel his eyes watching you without pause - something he usually did when he had something to say but no idea how to say it.

"T-Taehyung..." You started, not yet ready to turn around and look at him so instead, you stared at your fingertips fidgeting with the material of the dress before you. "Is something wrong?" Finally, with as much courage as you could gain, you turned to look up at him. "You haven't really spoken much since we saw each other this morning..."

You had only caught a glimpse of Taehyung's eyes for a split second before his averted from your own. He was hesitant and unable to look up again. You noticed him gulp before looking to his side at nothing in particular and then back at your shoes before him.

Finally, he opened his mouth to speak. "At what point did our relationship turn out this way?" He asked, his voice just barely audible.

You stared at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "W-what do you mean?" You asked.

"We've been friends for sixteen years, forever supporting one another; trusting one another. You were my go-to friend," he said, almost in a daze. "But these last six months... I didn't have a friend I could go to," he paused, "because that friend didn't feel like she could come to me."

Finally, he looked up and your eyes widened in shock when you saw the tears welling up in his.

"When the world found out about you and Hoseok, I was so worried about you, Y/n. All I wanted was to be there for you but every single time something seemed to get in my way until it was too late," he said. "You were gone. Not once did you even think you could talk to me, or that maybe I was worried too. I felt like all this time, I was in a one-sided friendship."

"No, that's not true," you said immediately, stepping closer to Taehyung.

He held out his palm, stopping you from coming any closer. "Oh, but it is. For six months I worried about you every single day, feeling pathetic that I couldn't even call you or text you. Probably because I wasn't good enough. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, my other best friend didn't even want to be around me either because apparently I caused him too much pain," his eyes began to water even more. "I couldn't even vent out my feelings to my go-to friend because she didn't want to be around me either. Did I do something wrong, Y/n? Was I not a good friend?"

"You were never a bad friend, Taehyung. You're my best friend!"

"Then why didn't you come to me, Y/n?" He asked, almost pleading. His sincere eyes never left yours until he pulled you into a tight hug, as if afraid you'd leave once again. "I hated myself so much because I couldn't be a better friend to you; because I couldn't save you and comfort you during a hardship like this. All I wanted to do was just hug you and tell you it would all be okay... I couldn't even do that," he said, his last words coming out almost in a whisper. "I was so worried, Y/n. Please don't ever run away like that again. You're my everything. Without you, I wouldn't be anywhere near the person I am today. You helped me grow and I need you so that I can keep on growing. You're my number one hope," he said. He then backed up and gave you a teary smile. "Don't tell Hoseok-hyung I said that," he grinned.

You smiled up at him and pulled him into another hug. "I'm sorry, Taehyung," you said, finally. "I'm so so sorry. You were never a bad friend. You're my number one best friend and you always will be." You broke off the hug and looked up at him. "I'll never leave again," you said sincerely and he knew that you meant it.

"Are you guys okay?" You footsteps nearing and you knew it was Jin.

You both released yourselves from each other's hold and wiped your eyes. You and Taehyung looked to each other and smiled just before Tae brought an arm around your shoulder.

You looked to your brother. "We're great," you smiled. "Now let's go buy that makeup."


After you all had finished the shopping and went back to the resort, almost immediately they were urging you to try on the dress and once it was on, Jisoo pleaded to put on the makeup too. It was as if they thought you were getting married today.

After some time, you ended up alone in your bedroom because Jisoo had apparently needed to fetch her camera in the car, telling you to stay put. You were sitting before the mirror and staring at your reflection. You looked beautiful. Jisoo had done an amazing job on your makeup and the dress looked stunning on you as well. You got up and examined the way you looked a little more. You couldn't believe how beautiful you looked and it wasn't like you completely changed the way you looked. You were just... happy. You couldn't stop smiling. You were really going to marry Jung Hoseok. Your hope; your sunshine. You couldn't get any happier.

Ten minutes passed and Jisoo had still not come back. You were just walking in circles in the bedroom. You decided to walk to the balcony and see if you could see her from there, but reaching the balcony, you found something else: a bouquet of beautiful yellow, white and green flowers all wrapped together neatly at the stems on the balcony wall. You picked up the bouquet to smell the flowers, although in the midst of it, you found a note on the balcony wall in place of where the flowers lied. With your free hand, you picked up the mysterious note and read the words scribbled onto them.

Dear Y/n

You asked what my birthday wish was... It was to marry you one day. Here. I couldn't think of a better time than now. Could you?

Your hope,
Jung Hoseok.

You were so taken aback by the message that you didn't know how to react. All you knew was that you were completely in love with him and you wanted to marry him today too. You smiled down at the letter in your blissful state before looking up and, for the first time, seeing the wedding setup beyond the balcony - familiar faces flooding the scene even though they were a bit far to see clearly.

You smiled and looked away, almost sighing in disbelief. It seemed everyone knew this wedding was happening today besides you. You wondered how they even got to set everything up so fast. But you didn't care. Today you were marrying the man of your dreams.

"Are you ready, sis?" You heard a voice sound behind you. Instantly, you knew it was Jin.

You turned around around to face him and he smiled.

"You look beautiful," he said.

You smiled in return. "You knew this whole time," you said as you walked towards him, refering to the wedding. You made a face at him and he laughed.

"We thought you'd enjoy the surprise," he reasoned. "Also, in case you're worrying about the ring, mom and dad are here too and they said to give Hoseok granddad's wedding ring," he said, holding it out for you to see.

You were stunned as you looked at the ring and then back up at Jin. You immediately pulled him into a hug and smiled as you held him tight. "I love you, Jin."

You had no idea your parents would even be there but they had made it and you were extremely glad, especially with them offering your grandfather's ring which was very dear to your mother.

After you'd released from the hug, Jin held out his arm slightly, waiting for you to loop your arm around his. "Shall we?" He asked.

A few minutes passed and you found yourself walking towards the aisle, your left arm still interlocked with Jin's. All eyes turned to you – even cameras, which you assumed belonged to Bighit. You noticed that the guests were mostly staff members who you'd gotten to know, Jisoo, Hoseok's fellow members, yours and Hoseok's parents and, to your surprise, even Soojung and the other people you had worked with at the café who seemed to have made it to the wedding in time. You noticed that while your mom sat in front, your father waited at the beginning of the aisle leading to your husband-to-be who looked handsome in his suit and green bow tie.

You smiled widely at the sight of your father once you'd reached him. Jin let go of your arm and you hugged your father tightly. "I missed you so much, dad," you said into his shoulder.

"I missed you too, sweetheart," he smiled. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered.

You both released from the hug and stared into each other's eyes for a while as you smiled to one another.

"Let's go," he said and you wrapped your arm around your father's as you began to walk down the aisle together. Now all you could see was Hoseok, and all Hoseok could see was you as you walked down the aisle.

Suddenly, nothing else seemed to matter. Not the people looking your way, the cameras filming you, the fans who were against you, the past and the horrible nightmares you've been getting. Nothing could stop you. Nothing could get in the way of your love for Jung Hoseok.

The man who's stood by you throughout every hardship; the man who never gave up on you; who loved you and cared for you endlessly, without a second thought. Jung Hoseok, who would always be your hope, until the very end.

Finally, you reached the end of the aisle and already you wanted to be in his arms and kiss him already. You stood before him and he flashed you a childish grin.

He leaned in and whispered, "You look so beautiful, Y/n."

You smiled widely in response, unable to hold it back.

"Dear beloved, we are gathered here today, not simply to witness the marriage of this lovely couple, but to celebrate their love," the officiant started off. "Love, in this day and age, is something I've noticed is hard to find. Although for Kim Y/n and Jung Hoseok that was never the case. Love had always seemed to want to find you, much like the love you'd read about in books," he looked to the two of you sincerely. "No matter the situation, you always found each other and that love was there. Whether it was romantic love, friendly love or compassionate family love... In the best and worst of times, throughout it all, you always found your way to one another, giving each other hope and endless support. That love is what unites us all here today. We are here to hope with you, to support you, to be proud of you and to remind you that this is not an ending to your book, but rather the sequel to your story," he explained and then looked to the audience once again. "May this marriage be the start of another beautiful story only filled with more love, hope and compassion."

You and Hoseok both only kept smiling to each other and looking into each other's eyes as his speech drew to a close and the guests applauded.

As the applause died down, the officiant spoke up again. "Now, a few words from our bride and groom." He looked to Hoseok and you knew he would start first.

"For ten years," Hoseok started, not once letting his eyes leave yours, "I've been in love with you, and only you."

You instantly smiled.

"So for me to stand here today with you is almost surreal. Throughout everything we've been through, you're standing before me today and I still feel like all this is a dream." Hoseok turns his head to the audience for a bit. "You see, people tell me that I'm their hope; I'm the sunshine in their life. What they don't know," he turned back to me, "is that she's the reason I'm this way. From the moment we met, all she's done was encourage me and add light into my life. You're my hope, Y/n," he said. "So today I promise to be your hope for the rest of our lives. I promise to stand by you, to love you and never abandon you because no matter what, you are always going to be my choice. You, who never gives up on me. You, who has helped me grow. You, who always makes me the best Oreo cupcakes." You couldn't help but chuckle at the comment. "You are my person and my road to a better tomorrow. As long as I'm with you, I'll always be alright."

The guests are in awe and you give him the most sincere smile, your eyes telling him just how much you loved him. It took you a while to realise the officiant was looking your way and immediately you shook your head, coming back to reality.

You gave the guests a sheepish smile before opening your mouth to speak. "So, I don't know if you know this, but I didn't know I was getting married today," you shot Hoseok a playful glare, "so I didn't prepare a speech." You paused for a while. "But either way, I don't need to prepare one when it comes to Jung Hoseok." You turned to face your lover. "It seems my body already knows what it wants. My mind and my lips already have a thousand words ready for me to speak if it was about Hoseok. My heart is always longing for you and hurting for you when you are not near. See, my body can shiver at the mere sight of a camera, but if you are there, my body instantly calms. When I hear your voice, my legs are instantly running to you. I always find myself running to you. My every being yearns for you and I can't deny the utter truth, that I'm in love with you. Because no matter what, I'll always need you and every part of me knows it. Not once have you ever given up on me, discouraged me or pushed me aside. As much as you believe you need me to help you grow, I need you to help me stay hopeful and sane. Literally," you said, eyes slightly teary at the thought of the dark period you were in. "I couldn't be happier that the man I'm marrying today is you."

Hoseok seemed almost frozen, as if he'd forgotten about all the people around you. There was only you in his eyes, and your words in his mind.

The officiant spoke again and brought you both back down to earth. "Now, for the exchanging of vows."

You both said all your vows, eyes still not leaving one another and it seemed like the longest ceremony until you found Hoseok holding your hand gently, your ring in his right hand. Finally, it had dawned upon you, that you were really marrying Jung Hoseok at your favourite place together. Your finger slipped through the ring with ease as you looked up at him, smiling. You then slipped your grandfather's ring onto Hoseok finger and surprisingly, it was a good fit.

As you both looked back into each other's eyes, the officiant spoke, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

As if you'd waited a lifetime, you both kissed each other passionately, as if it was the last breath you'd ever draw. You could hear the people around you cheering and you still felt like it was all too surreal.

You were in Hoseok's arms and it felt like a dream. You felt so free. As if you could finally breath again, being in his strong arms and protective hold, his soft lips and the passionate way he kissed you; it all made you feel like you were floating on air. All your worries seemed to fade away when you were with him. Not only that, but you felt stronger. You felt brave and confident that you could take control of your own life now. No nightmares could touch you, no haters could hurt you with their cruel words. You had wings now and you had Hoseok to stand by you through it all.

In that moment you knew you would succeed.


A/N: Hiii! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. I've just started college this year and I didn't want to distract myself too much so I stopped writing for a bit but I'm back!!

I said this would be the last chapter... Change of plans! (Kinda.) I will be making two more Outro chapters for Taekook + Jisoo and Jimin and then I will be done.

To answer your questions, I will not be making a sequel but that does not mean that is the end of the journey for Y/n and Hobi. From time to time, I will be making bonus chapters to show what their lives are like after marriage. If you guys want, I'll even take bonus chapter suggestions and dedicate the chapter to you!

Lastly, in my personal book 'Random Book of Stuffs' I have started a new series called "Behind The Story" discussing where I got the inspiration to write my stories. If you're interested in finding out how I made this book, check out the last chapter in my personal book.

Thank you guys, if you took the time to read this long author's note. It means a lot to me❤️ Thank you to everyone who has been reading my book. Ilyyy~ ❤️❤️

Oh, here's a picture of Hobi in his wedding suit!

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