Sincerity That Could Not Be Delivered

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"Guys, I think we found something!" Jisoo yelled as she entered one of the members' hotel room.

She didn't know who's it was since they'd always change hotels as they toured. All she knew was that six of the members were all gathered in that same hotel room.

Jungkook followed inside the room behind Jisoo as she held his phone. The six boys looked up at the two of them in curiosity.

"Y-Y/n," Jungkook stuttered. "I think we found her!"


"Why won't you go back?" Soojung started as she stared at Y/n with big eyes.

Y/n only ignored her as she continued to clear up the café kitchen. Y/n was already used to the interrogation Soojung would give her every morning for a month now. At this point, she was not even bothered anymore.

"Y/n~ Come on!" Soojung pouted, following closely. "Did you even go on Twitter or anything?"

"I don't do social media," Y/n said shortly as she continued to stack dishes.

"Well, you should," Soojung said while taking out her phone. "Everyone wants you to go back," she said as she showed Y/n the screen, although she would not even look at it.

Soojung was not lying. After Hoseok's speech at the concert, everyone was touched and ARMYs felt horrible about their attitudes towards Y/n. By the end of the concert, social media was filled with hashtags such as "#Y/ncomeback" and "#weloveyouy/n". Everyone finally understood that Y/n must have been someone very special to Hoseok after his speech. Even though, of course, there were those fans who were still against it. But everyone noticed how much less 'hopeful' Jhope was as of lately.

"I don't want to see them," Y/n whispered as she didn't look up and continued doing the dishes.

"Why not?" She whined.

"Soojung-ah," Y/n said in a straight tone and gave her the look. She was done.

Soojung sighed in defeat and backed off like Y/n's eyes told her too. "Okay..." She went back to the counter where she would take orders.

Entering the café, she put on a smile as she greeted the customers before taking their orders. But behind her smile, she worried. It had been a whole week now since Hoseok confessed his past and a whole week since she'd tried to reach out to BTS without the entire world seeing.

She took out her phone and opened the message she had sent. Still no response.


"How do you know this is even real?" Yoongi asked, breaking the silence as they looked over the phone.

I know where Y/n is

The message came with the address of a coffee shop but that was it. Nothing more.

"Can't you see?" Jisoo started. "This person didn't post it all around social media for everyone to see because they obviously knew it would cause a whole commotion. So instead, she direct messaged Jungkook on his Instagram account. It was a long shot but she did it anyway," she explained.

"Or..." Yoongi sounded. "It could just be a fan taking advantage of the moment to meet BTS because we never toured that side," he suggested. "I'm not trying to be negative but we need to be careful. We can't just go."


"Jisoo, Yoongi's kind of right. We can't be sure," Jin said, his expression apologetic.

Jisoo looked to Hoseok. He'd been quiet the whole time but in the end, it was his decision to make.

His expression was melancholic. "If she wanted to come back, she'd come back," he said, still not looking up. Everyone was quiet. He then got up and walked towards the door to leave and find his own hotel room. The room was silent as the door shut behind him.

Two hours later, Jisoo was in her hotel room still pondering about the message. It didn't feel right to not do anything. Sure, Yoongi could have been right, but what if he was wrong?

What if the moment she saw Hoseok, she would want to come back?

What if Y/n needed them – or anyone – right now and they didn't even know? She was all alone. Not even living with her parents for comfort from the shock and cyberbullying.

When the thoughts got too much, Jisoo stood up immediately. She walked out of her hotel room and back to the one she was in earlier.

"Why won't you just admit that you like Jisoo more than you like me?" she heard a voice raise.

It was Taehyung's.

Jisoo stopped in her tracks just outside the half-open door, hiding herself.

"I'm seriously not doing this right now," Jungkook said, his voice softer than Taehyung's. It seemed they were the only two in the hotel room.

"No. My one best friend leaves without saying a thing and won't come back– probably because she doesn't need her best friend anymore. And my other best friend doesn't talk to me anymore because he's always playing games with someone else," she heard Taehyung say. "So I want to know!"

"And I want to know what's your problem!" Jungkook said aggressively.

"My problem is that ever since she came, you choose hanging out with her over me like I'm not good enough for you!"

"Oh, you're not good enough for me?" Jungkook uttered mockingly before scoffing. "You're one to talk. Now you want to care?"

"I've always cared. What do you even mean?"

"No, you never cared. At least not the way I did for you."

There was a silence before Jungkook continued.

"I liked you, Taehyung. And not like a friend," he said, his voice cracking a bit. Then, silence.

"I-I..." Taehyung struggled to find words. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked almost in a whisper.

"Because you loved Y/n. Why else?" Jungkook said. "So I thought if you didn't feel the same way, why should I even bother still hurting myself that way? I'd be crazy. So if you thought I was going to do everything the way you wanted and only stay by your side and hurt myself more while you care more about other people, you're dead wrong." It sounded like Jungkook was crying. "I deserve a good life too. I'm not in love with Jisoo but she takes my mind off you and doesn't bring me pain and that's enough for me." He started to sob. "That's enough for me, Taehyung."

Jisoo realized what she had just walked in on. She was not supposed to hear any of that. All she heard was silent sobs on the other side of the door. She couldn't move. She could only imagine the pain Jungkook must have endured all those years and that Taehyung was probably comforting him as he sobbed behind that door.

After a while, Taehyung's voice was heard again. "I'm sorry," he breathed.

I'm sorry too, Jisoo thought.

Finally, she moved and walked down the hallway, back to her own hotel room.

Thinking things over, realistically, the guys wouldn't even be able to visit Y/n in that town with their busy schedule. They couldn't cancel everything for Y/n either. It was only logical that Jisoo went herself and tried her best to persuade Y/n to come back. She had caused enough trouble as it is working for Bighit Entertainment. Getting between Jhope and Y/n's relationship and then between Taehyung and Jungkook's friendship. Who knows how much more harm she would do to other people's lives?


"You're doing what?" Namjoon asked in disbelief.

All members looked at Jisoo unable to comprehend what they had just heard.

Jisoo only grinned. "You heard me," she said. "I'm going to find Y/n. I won't come back until she agrees to see you guys again."

"Jisoo..." Hoseok was speechless. "You really don't have to..."

"I want to," she said. "I owe it to you. I owe it to you all."

"But your job," Jimin mentioned.

"I quit yesterday," she said, trying her hardest to keep her smile. She had to be strong. "Don't worry. I recommended someone great to the manager. She'll be in tomorrow, hopefully," she explained. When they all had worried looks on their faces, she spoke again, "She's not crazy like me so don't you worry. Anyway, I've got a flight to catch so I'll get going."

Not waiting for another word, she left. Not long after she was outside the door, Jimin came running after her.

"Jisoo!" He called out. She turned around and he ran to her. "Are you seriously not coming back?"

She laughed playfully, trying to hide her sadness. "Aw, look at you caring~"

"I'm serious, Jisoo," he said, and she could tell it was true from the seriousness she saw in his eyes. "You shouldn't quit! Just tell the manager you're going away temporarily but don't disappear completely," he scolded.

She laughed nervously. It was getting harder and harder for her to keep her strong front. "I'm not disappearing completely–"

"But you are! How am I supposed to see you ever now if you're not our makeup artist?" He was raising his voice now.

Jisoo was shocked. "Jimin, do you... like me?"

"Of course I like you!" Jimin said almost immediately, raising his voice. "Do you think I made my face your wallpaper for jokes? Or when I flirt or tease you, did you think I was joking?"

Her smile completely disappeared. "Well, yeah..."

He scoffed. "All this time... Was I only ever a joke to you?"

Then was when she had realised it; that Jimin really felt something for her. He must have really believed that Jisoo liked him when she accidentally came across that video of Jimin. All this time he was being serious. And she had no idea what to say.

When he'd realised it, his eyes averted from hers in pain as he let out a shaky breath. "I guess I really did mean nothing to you."

He then turned and left. She didn't call him back and he never turned around once. There was only silence as they parted.


-Two days later-

Soojung served the tables as usual. They were always the same orders and the same faces. Except for one.

It was woman in her early twenties who'd been sitting at the same table almost all day. She's order coffee every once in a while but that was it. She always seemed to look out for somebody. Everytime the door opened, she'd look only to be disappointed again.

Was she being stood up and too afraid to believe it that she kept waiting? It was almost three o'clock and she'd been here since 9am.

Soojung didn't know it, but that lady was actually Jisoo who sat in the café for six hours.

She didn't know what to expect. The person who sent the message; did they see Y/n sitting inside here often? Or was she someone who worked here? Maybe she was supposed to be looking around the neighbourhood in case she'd find her? Maybe Yoongi was right and the person was actually lying?

Jisoo sighed. Really she couldn't stop feeling horrible whenever she thought about the boys. Constantly, she kept ruining their lives without even knowing it. Everytime she thought she was doing something good, it would blow up in her face.

Like a sincerity that could not be delivered.

She thought being a good friend to Jungkook and showing him endless love was a good thing. But all it did was hurt Taehyung and, at times, make Jungkook uncomfortable.

Her trying to look out for Y/n ruined everything too. Y/n was gone and Hoseok was depressed.

And Jimin... They'd never liked each other much, ever, but somehow she'd hurt him too and it definitely wasn't something she'd wanted to do. She couldn't help but feel horrible.

Everything would be better as soon as she was out of their lives. For now, Taehyung and Jungkook should be fine while she's not there to ruin anything. Jimin would be better without Jisoo to bring him any more humiliation. And soon, she would fix what she'd broken between Y/n and Hoseok.

"Excuse me?" Jisoo heard a voice call out.

She immediately came back to reality and looked up to the teenage waitress before her. She smiled down sweetly to Jisoo.

"I'm sorry, but are you waiting for someone?" She asked.

Jisoo took a while to conjure up a few words. "Sort of," she smiled nervously. "I'm looking for a friend." Since the girl was a teenager, she wasn't sure about saying Y/n's name. What if she was an ARMY?

"You've been waiting here awfully long though. Maybe I could help you?" She offered.

"I'm not so sure you can though. I actually haven't seen this friend in a while. All I received – or well, my friend – was a message with this address on it and I'm not sure if maybe she'll show up here..."

"Ah..." Soojung sounded, still thinking. For some reason, she couldn't help but have a feeling that maybe Y/n was that person. The description sounded too similar to be a mistake. "I'll keep an eye out for you if you'd like," Soojung offered.

"Wow, thank you," Jisoo said. "I should be fine though."

"Would you like some cake with your coffee? We baked this new recipe lately. It's really good," Soojung said.

Jisoo smiled. "Sure, I'd like to try it."

Soojung smiled brightly in return. "Great."

In a quick moment, Soojung was already in the kitchen and she put on her best poker face.

"Oh my god, Y/n, you've got to save me. Please," Soojung begged by Y/n's side.

Y/n's eyelids turned to slits as she eyed her in suspicion. "What?"

"My ex is in the café," she lied, looking to Y/n desperately. "Please! Y/n, I can't face him. Just give this cake to table nine and you're done," she pleaded.

Y/n didn't seem to budge at all. "Soojung-ah... You know I can't wait either. If someone sees me, everyone will know I'm here," she said.

"Just one table, Y/n," Soojung said, her eyes pleading as she held her hands. "Please..."

Y/n sighed.

Next thing she knew, she was walking out of the kitchen doors with a tray that consisted of a plate of cake.

"Table nine..." She whispered to herself as she looked around.

Y/n couldn't help but realise though, that there was no teenage boy in the café at all. Did Soojung seriously lie to her?


She continued to look for table nine. As soon as her eyes found it, she froze. There sat Jisoo. She was about to make a U-turn, but it was too late when Jisoo spotted her too. Immediately, she stood up.

"Y/n..." Jisoo called out, her voice gradually going softer.

Y/n realised there was no point in running now and walked over to her table emotionlessly. "Your cake," she said as she placed the place down on her table. She then turned around to leave but Jisoo immediately grabbed her arm.

"Wait," she said. "You work here?"

Y/n only nodded before jerking herself out of Jisoo's grip.

"Come back to the others," Jisoo said before she could walk away. "Home." She felt stupid. She'd sat there for six hours and she didn't even know what she was going to say to Y/n when she'd see her.

Y/n stood still for a moment and it was hard for Jisoo to tell what she was thinking.

"That's not home," Y/n said. "Family doesn't leave you to die."

With that, Y/n disappeared through the kitchen doors, not once caring about the long way Jisoo must have traveled just to find Y/n. Or the effort and time spent just for her.

A sincerity that could not be delivered.


(A/N: I love you and thank you for reading so far❤❤)

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