「 17; Street 」

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"what are we?"

"an idiot sandwhich..."

Yep they are in Sunoo's room stacking on each other with the eldest at the bottom struggling.

"You two are lucky i love you else I'll throw you guys outside"

Jungwom giggled at sunoo's statement that made the others' heart soften. It seems like ni-ki lives here since he keeps on visiting sunoo who is officially his boyfie along with jungwon.

"say who's the bottom among us?"

"Riki no what the fvck??"

"i meant like just in a relationship, no sex and stuff like that-"

"aren't we all?"

"come to think of it, it might be you wonie"

Jungwon stood up feeling annoyed making Riki fall to the other side of the bed.

"you should've told me instead of letting me fall i─"

"awww sorry, may i kiss your boo boos?"

"jungwon what the fvck-"

Riki distanced himself from wonie to prevent him from doing anything weird whilst sunoo just layed down with a disgusted expression.

"Anyways I'll go now, it's my curfew.. bye love you two!"

"bye wonie!!"

"text us if you got home safely!"

"will do!"


Walking down the street, he made his way going to some open convenience store. He's running out of food maybe because him and sunghoon always eat them.

"hey watch where youre─ wait jake?"

"oh hi jay hyung.."

"what are you doing here at this time?"

"uh i went somewhere to clear my mind off and now I'm going to my place"

"need a ride?"

"no no, I'm good, i already have one.."

"okay if you say so..."

Jungwon was just leaning beside a light post waiting for the street lights to change indicating that it is safe to cross the street. Suprisingly it was only him in that lane.

Now the sign has changed and he crossed the lane with his hands in his pockets

until he was greeted by bright lights.


── ...

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