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The Walking Dead
(season 1-11)

'I never thought I would
ever love someone because
they were incapable to love me
and here i found you.'

by @everm0res

- J U D G E M E N T -

"Maia, Anthony!" Luna's voice echoed from the trees.

"Someone!" Rosalyns voice echoed frantically.

Everyone meaning: Glenn, Rick, Maia, Lori, Anthony and Shane, all ran towards the yells of the screaming children in the trees.

Maia looked at Glenn before she took off running behind Lori.

"Carl! Carl! Baby!" Lori yelled frantically as she ran, Rick was handed a metal bar and they ran.

"Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you?" Lori asked her son as he flew into her arms.

Glenn stopped in front of Lara who hugged him and he checked for bite marks or any scratches.

Maia saw Luna and Rosalyn come into view and Luna ran towards her older sister and embraced her tightly.

Rosalyn stopped however Maia motioned Rosalyn to join the hug, the two girls were panting heavily and Maia hugged them tightly.

"You guys okay? No scratches, no bites, no blood?" Maia pulled away from them and looked at them, examining the two.

"No, nothing." Rosalyn replied and Maia nodded before sighing heavily and hugging them again.

Glenn stood up from Lara and ran behind the rest of the men leaving Lara with Lori and Maia who were hugging the girls.

Anthony walked past his sisters with an axe and Maia sent him a nod as she embraced Luna and Rosalyn.

Maia looked up as saw Glenn go and looked at a scared Lara was sat on the ground hugging her knees.

Maia sighed and motioned Lara to come join.

Lara hesitantly got up from her position on the ground and slowly walk towards Maia who opened up a space for the girl who hugged her tightly, Maia never really enjoyed the company of children but she could tell they were terrified so she didn't mind.

Lori smiled at the small interaction of the girls in a group hug and Carl stood with his mother as she side hugged him and watched the small hug quietly.

Maia sighed before standing up.

"You guys go up to Giselle and Izarella. I'm gonna check what's going on okay?" She nodded at the girls who had nodded in return.

"Okay." Maia muttered as the girls ran back to the camp and Lori gave Maia a smile and Maia smiled awkwardly in return.

Turns out Giselle and Izarella were right behind Lori and Rosalyn embraced her mother with a tight hug.

Maia quickly made her way to where the men had run off to where the men were, gasps coming from around them.

Everyone wanted to see what was wrong.

A walker was feeding on a deer that had two arrows in its side.

Maia stood behind Glenn who glanced as she looked at the walker, something inside her was telling to be scared but she couldn't.

She saw the walker look at the group and it snarled.

She watched the men move forward and she stepped backwards as they walked towards it and it snarled at them again.

Rick threw the first hit and the rest joined in, hitting the walker and beating it to the ground and eventually Anthony made the genius move to chop its head off from the neck.

Anthony grunted as he swung the axe and cut through the neck, decapitating the walker.

Maia grimaced at the site of the chopped off head and Luna gasped softly.

"It's the first one we've had up here." Dale pants and points to the walker. "They never come this far up the mountain." He sighed.

"Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what." Jim deadpanned and everyone sort of stood silently looking at the dead walker.

A few moments later a branch snaps and Maia backs up even more going to Luna who hugged her side, and Maia rubbed her little sisters shoulder comfortingly.

The men stood and looked around for the source of the noise and readied their desired weapons.

Everyone waited silently as the trees rustled and a man with short hair and a crossbow walked out from the trees.

"Oh, Jesus." Dale muttered as he saw the familiar man.

"Son of a bitch." The man mutters as he steps out and Maia gives him a sort of judgmental look, scanning him from head to toe.

"That's my deer!" The man exclaimed and all the men stepped back away from the deer they surrounded.

"Look at it. All gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" The man kicked the walker multiple times and Luna flinched slightly causing Maia to hold Lunas hand.

Luna never got used to violence, she was younger than the other kids and she always seemed to catch the few times that Maia took hits for Anthony from their father.

Maia gave Luna a gentle squeeze and Izarella noticed the small gesture.

"Calm down, son. That's not helping." Dale sighed and the man, who Maia didn't know the name of, started to get defensive and walked up to Dale.

"What do you know about it, old man?" The man stood in front of Dale now and everyone watched the scene.

"Why don't you take that stupid hate and go back to On Golden Pond." The man sighed heavily before turning away.

"I've been tracking this deer for miles." He walked closer to the gnawed deer and took out the three arrows he used to knock it down.

Maia subconsciously rolled her eyes at the explanation that no one exactly asked for.

"Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up venison. What do you think?" The man asked and everyone each gave each other a glance.

"Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" He asked and pointed to the open flesh.

"I would not risk that." Shane replied and held his gun on his shoulders.

The man sighs.

"That's a damn shame. I got some squirrel, about a dozen or so. That'll have to do." The man looks around and the walkers mouth moves from the decapitated head.

"Oh, god." Amy grimaces and Maia sighs and turns Luna to walk to Giselle and she inevitably took the hint.

"Come on people. What the hell." The man takes his crossbow and aims the arrows at the head.

"It's gotta be the brain." The man explained vaguely and took out the arrow. "Don't y'all know nothing?" The man asked before walking past the men.

He walked past Maia who gave him a bit of a dirty look however she didn't mean it.

Maia looked at Anthony who gave her a look and she walked ahead, by this time the others already went back to the camp.

"Merle!" The man yelled and Maia slowed down so she could catch up to Anthony. "Is this Daryl?" Maia looked at Anthony subtly trying not to display a look.

"The way you're trying very hard not to judge the guy is honestly upsetting." Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!" Daryl yelled again and Maia rolled her eyes.

"At least i'm trying." Maia spoke in a soft defensive tone. She smacked her lips together and turned to Anthony.

"Who's gonna tell him, his brother is attached to a roof in the city with a pair of handcuffs?" Maia spoke in a low whisper as her and Anthony walked forward.

"Not me that's for sure." Anthony deadpanned and Maia nodded in agreement. Anthony gave her a subtle fist bump and made sure no one saw.

"I got us some squirrel!" Daryl yelled and everyone watched silently. "Let's stew 'em up!"

"Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane yelled to the man and Daryl slowed down turning towards Shane.

"About what?" Daryl asked and Maia stopped in her tracks, as well as Anthony.

"About Merle." Shane stated simply and Maia made a subtle 'yikes' face. Anthony hit her arm in return to her expression.

She gave him an annoyed look and sighed as everyone watched the scene unfold.

"There was a...There was a problem in Atlanta." Shane put his hands on his hips and sighed.

"He dead?" Daryl asked, a disappointment evident on his face. "We're not sure." Shane replied.

"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl exclaimed, once again getting defensive.

"No easy way to say this, so i'll just say it." Rick walked towards Daryl and Maia pinched the bridge of her nose in a 'oh my god' way.

"Who are you?" Daryl asked before Rick stopped in front of him. "Rick Grimes." Rick stated.

"Rick Grimes, you got something you want to tell me?" Daryl mocked Rick.

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so i handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal." Rick explained and everyone watched.

"He's still there."

Daryl turned away and Maia sighed knowing this was going to turn into a huge scene.

"Hold on. Let me process this." Daryl walked before turning back to Rick. "You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?" Daryl yelled, rage evident in his voice.

Maia bit her lip to refrain from butting in, she had a habit of butting into a conversation and getting to the point for the other person.

Not many people enjoy her snarky comments.

"Yeah." Rick replied simply.

Daryl took a second before he swung a punch at Rick before Shane tackled him to the ground.

"Called it." Maia spoke under her breath and Glenn sent her a look in which she rolled her eyes in return.

Daryl took out his knife from his belt and started swinging it before Shane got him in a chokehold and Rick took away the knife.

"You'd best let me go!" Daryl struggled under the grip over his neck.

"Nah I think it's better if I don't." Shane replied and Maia crossed her arms over her chest, watching as the two men fought.

Daryl grunts as Shane put him on the ground, still in the chokehold.

"Chokehold's illegal." Daryl grunted. "You can file a complaint." Shane spoke strained as he held Daryl down.

"Come on, man. We'll keep this up all day." Daryl spoke strained just like Shane did and Rick leaned in front of him.

"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic." Rick leaned closer and spoke in a calm manner.

"Do you think you can manage that?" Rick titled his head.

Daryl pants heavily as Shane keeps him in the chokehold.

Shane gives Rick a nod before releasing Daryl from the chokehold.

Maia sighs and leans on Anthony's shoulder.

"What I did was not on a whim." Rick stated getting close to Daryl once again. "Your brother does not work and play well with others." Rick replied.

"It's not Rick's fault. I had the key." T-dog piped up and everyone turned their attention to him. Maia put a hand on her forehead as if she was the one caught in a lie.

"I dropped it." T-Dog continued. "You couldn't pick it up?" Daryl raised his voice and T-Dogs breath heaved.

"Well, I dropped it in a drain." T-Dog stated simply and Daryl scoffed.

"If you think it make me feel better it don't." Daryl stood up and swung his arm in an aggressive manner.

"Maybe this will." T-Dog started. "Look, I chained the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get at him...with a padlock."

"It's gotta count for something." Rick spoke up and Daryl turned to him.

"Hell with all y'all! Just tell me where he is so that i can go get him." Despair flooded his tone and it was extremely evident.

"He'll show you." Lori spoke up calmly and everyone turned their heads to the woman's voice.

"Isn't that right?" Lori leaned on the RV door.

"I'm going back." Rick spoke and Maia sighed loud enough for someone to hear and Daryl looked at her.

"The hell are you?" Daryl looked her up and down with a dirty look and she gave him the exact same look back.

"Maia." She deadpanned and Daryl scoffed at her.

"Who you related to huh?" Daryl looked at her, his tone slightly getting defensive and she rolled her eyes taking her arm off of Anthony's shoulder.

"Anthony and Luna, small girl." Maia replied shortly and Daryl scoffed. "You related to him? that useless bastard?" Daryl pointed to Anthony.

Maia got angry real quickly and stepped forward.

"Your goddamn attitude sure isn't helping the situation. The only useless person is that man locked up on the roof, he needed to get in line, and so do you." Maia deadpanned and got closer to Daryl who was getting more angry by the second.

"Listen to me, you bitch." Daryl started getting closer to her and Maia laughed bitterly not showing any signs of intimidation.

"No you listen to me, I'll knock your goddamn dirty ass down just like I knocked your brothers ass down." Maia got closer to him and Rick pushed the two apart and Anthony pulled Maia by the arm.

Everyone watched Maia with an intrigued look, she spoke her truth and sure as hell stood up for her twin brother.

"Enough of that." Rick stated with anger to his tone and held a hand in front of Daryl.

"I'm gonna get ready to leave." Rick left the scene and Maia gave Daryl a dirty look before Anthony took her by her arm and pulled her elsewhere.


jada speaks!!
hey y'all
so this one is kinda ass but we work with it, also sort of an introduction to Maia and Daryl's friendship they clearly don't like each other right now however they will have a huge development as friends.
Also we love a protective Maia, standing up for Anthony is one of my favourite things.
We sort of got an introduction of Rosalyn, Lara and Maias relationship.
Also realize how Maia is getting close to Lara now?
She knows the way to get a man.
I'm jk honestly but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
tags: dunbrs l0vedbyjaa

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