𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ‘πŸ”: 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 ππ”πˆπƒπƒπˆπ“π‚π‡ π–πŽπ‘π‹πƒ 𝐂𝐔𝐏

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"Grant!" Edward greeted Steve with a side hug. You and your sister spotted a dog with Steve causing the two of you to rush down the stairs. "Puppy!" Megan screamed.

Steve looked down at the dog and chuckled as you and Megan went over to the dog to pet him. "Ah, yes. I see you meet my present to you, (Y/n)."

Your eyes widened while Megan loudly gasped. "This is (Y/n)'s dog?"

"Yeah since she just recently celebrated her birthday so..."

You smiled as you rubbed the dog's head. "Uncle Steve, my birthday is still coming."

"Well, an advance birthday gift it is then." Steve grinned. "Have you thought of a name for him?"

"Bucky." You answered as you cupped the puppy's face and kissed the top of his head. Megan noticed the dog's mechanical leg. "What happened to his left leg?" She asked.

"Ah, he got into an accident," Steve explained. "He's a tough one. Just a week after his accident, the Healers gave him a mechanical leg."

"Well, I think it looks cool on him." Megan smiled as she pulled out something from her pocket. She placed a red sticker on the mechanical leg. You chuckled. "What are you, five?"

"I like stickers so shut up." Megan stuck her tongue out while you playfully rolled your eyes. Vivian got out from the kitchen and spotted the dog. "Oh, great, a new animal to take care of." She chuckled."

"The kids are old enough to take care of him, Viv." Edward smiled.

Vivian nodded then looked at Steve. "How's Peggy? Have you propose to her?"

Steve chuckled and shook his head as he patted Bucky's head. "I'm afraid not, Vivian. We're kind of not in speaking terms for the moment."

"Why?" Megan asked as she stood up.

"Misunderstanding." Steve sighed. Then he looked at Edward. "Let's go?"

"Where?" You asked.

Edward smirked and placed his hand on your shoulder. "We are going to the Quidditch World Cup."

"Are you coming, mum?" Megan asked, grinning.

Vivian sighed and shook her head. "No, sweetie, I won't. Besides, no one would look after Bucky and Megan's pets."

"Cornelius Fudge invited us to sit on the minister's box himself," Steve said smiling. "Let's go."

Edward walked towards Vivian and smiled. "I'll see you soon."

Vivian smiled back and kissed her husband's cheek. "You better hurry then. Because I got a gift for you."


"Peggy, that's not what you thought it was," Steve said, frustrated as he followed Margaret Watson also known as your Aunt Peggy. They were walking towards you and you could hear their conversation.

"I don't think anything, Steve. Not one thing." Peggy said without looking at him still walking.

Steve sighed. "Well, what about you and Walter? How do I know you two haven't been... fonduing?"

You raised a brow at him in surprise while Peggy turned to him with her eyebrow raised too. Steve quickly closed his mouth shut.

Peggy rolled her eyes and turned her back at him. "You still don't know a bloody thing about women!"

Peggy stood in front of you and then kissed your cheek. She looked down at you and smiled sweetly. "Hello, darling. You look beautiful and grown-up."

You smiled back. "You look stunning, Aunt Peggy."

"Where's Megan?" Peggy asked.

"Probably looking for a boy." You shrugged. "She wouldn't tell me who it is."

Peggy chuckled. Then she looked above her shoulder to see Steve who was nervously tapping his foot on the ground beside your father. Peggy sighed. "Looks like I need to clear some things with your Uncle Steve."

Peggy was about to leave but she saw someone behind you. You turned around to see Draco walking with his father. His hair was longer and he had gotten a bit taller. You looked up at him as he approached you. "Why hello there, mister." You greeted as you crossed your arms.

Draco smiled. "Hello to you too, miss."

"Young love, I see," Peggy smirked causing Draco to look at her. "You, my boy, should take care of (Y/n). If she got hurt, I swear I will hex you."

You planted your face to your palm while Draco gulped and nodded. You turned to Peggy. "Auntie, no. We're not-never mind."

Peggy chuckled and patted your head. "I'll see you later." Just as she walked away, you turned to Draco and sighed. "I'm sorry about her."

Draco shrugged. "It's all good."

Then you heard a tap on Draco's shoulder causing both of you to look at the older Malfoy. "Draco, we are here to watch the game not to woo her."


"Your father's right, blondie." Edward stood next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. His eyes stared at Lucius as the older Malfoy stared back at him. "I see that Fudge has also invited you here, Malfoy."

"You know well that he would invite us here, Stark," Lucius replied. "After all, we're just as important as you."

You gave a look towards Draco causing him to nod. Edward pulled you away and took you to your seat while Lucius and Draco sat just a few feet away from you.

Cornelius Fudge stood up and spoke. "As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the Finals of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup." He pointed his wand in front and a spark of light flew out from it.

"Let the match begin!"


You entered a specific tent to see your friends and the Weasley family, excluding Molly, Percy, Bill, and Charlie. Hermione instantly stood up and ran towards you. "(Y/n)!"

You were attacked with a hug causing you to hug her back. "Easy there, Mione." You chuckled.

"How come we never saw you a while ago?" Hermione asked as Ron and Harry approached the both of you. You shrugged. "We were invited to sit next to Fudge."

"Ah, with the Malfoys." Arthur Weasley replied as he blew the fire off a stick. He turned to you and smiled. "It's nice to see you again, (Y/n). You've grown up."

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley." You smiled.

Arthur walked out of the tent when he heard a noise outside while Fred and George approached you as they grinned widely, their faces were covered with paint. "I'm not gonna lie, (Y/n) but you've gotten really pretty," George commented.

"Soon, a guy or a girl might steal you away from Draco Malfoy," Fred added with a snicker.

"Oh, hush." You slapped the twins' arms playfully.

The twins started dancing around as Harry and Hermione watched while Ron approached his two brothers. Ginny approached you. "Where's Megan?"

"She's with my dad." You answered. "Now, Ginny, you're going to tell me what you know about Megan's crush."

"She's going to kill me if I tell you." Ginny chuckled as she sat down on a chair with you. "But I'm telling you anyway." She winked.

"There's no one like Krum," Ron exclaimed to his brothers.


"Dumb Krum?"

Ron gasped. "He's like a bird, the way he rode with the wind." The Weasley twins started mimicking birds causing you to chuckle while Ron continued his speech. "He's more than an athlete. He's an artist."

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny told her older brother earning a glare from Ron. "Shut up."

"Viktor, I love you." The twins started singing. "Viktor, I do." Harry decided to sing along as well. "When we're apart, my heart beats only for you."

Fred looked outside when he heard a noise. "Sounds like the Irish has got their pride on."

You saw Arthur immediately coming back to the tent and stopping Ron and George from hitting each other with pillows. "Stop! Stop it!" Arthur looked at Fred. "It's not the Irish."

You and Ginny stood up as Arthur grabbed Ginny's arm. "We've gotta get out of here. Now!" As the Weasley family started packing, Harry grabbed your hand. "Come on, (Y/n)."

You pulled your hand back and shook your head. "No, wait! I have to look for my Dad!" Before Harry could say something, you ran away from the tent and looked for your father and sister.

People were running all over the place making it harder for you to find them.

"Get out! It's the Death Eaters!" You heard someone screamed.

You bumped into people as you looked for your father and sister. "Dad! Megan!" You called out for them. Suddenly, you pushed to the ground. You covered your head your hands and saw a group of people with masks and cloaks. You were about to get up but a random stranger pushed you again, hitting your head.

Wincing in pain, your eyes opened to see a blurred environment, and the people have finally evacuated. You looked around and noticed someone stepped forward and pointed their wand at you.


You turned around to see Edward running towards you. "Expulso!" He yelled the spell causing the masked figure to be blasted away. Edward knelt down beside you and cupped your cheeks. "Pumpkin, are you okay?"

Nodding, you tried to stand up until you saw the same masked figure in the distance. "Dad..." You pointed towards the Death Eater causing Edward to sigh and kiss your forehead. "I love you so much. You, your sister, and your mother are my world."

Your eyes widened in realization. "Dad... what are you doing?"

"If I don't make it back, know that I love you." He stood up and approached the Death Eater, pointing his wand at him.

"Stark." The person spoke. You sat up as you tried to recognize the masked man's voice. "Get out of the way."

"Do not do this." Edward gritted his teeth. "Please."

"You know I have to."

"Then you leave me with no choice."

The two started dueling with spells flying everywhere. You quickly ducked when a spell from the Death Eater was about to hit you. Edward glanced at you before glaring at the masked man. "Now you're just making me mad." He hissed before casting a powerful spell on the man.

The man groaned in pain as he hit the ground harshly. Edward scoffed and looked at you as you looked up at him. He helped you stand up and you dusted yourself off. You smiled in relief until you saw the man getting up and pointing his wand at your father. "Dad!"

You stood beside him and pointed your wand at the Death Eater. "Stupefy!" The Death Eater flew back again. Edward grinned and patted your head. "Attagirl." He praised.

Just as Edward turned around to look at the Death Eater, the man has already sat up and cast the Unforgivable Curse. "Avada Kedavra!"

"No!" You screamed. A green light struck towards you but Edward jumped in front of you, taking the curse. His body landed just a few feet away from you, lifeless. Your eyes widened as you stared at your father's cold dark brown eyes that were staring into yours. Tears flooded your eyes as you crouched down and held his face. "Dad?" You cried out as you sobbed. "Dad!"


The Death Eater hit you with the same spell you used against him causing you to fly back, hitting a vacant tent until everything went black.



"Wake up!"

Your eyes suddenly opened and saw Hermione, Harry, and Ron beside you. You quickly sat up and panicked. "H-Harry! Hermione! Ron!" Tears flowing down.

"Are you alright?" Ron asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.

You ignored his question and frantically looked around for your father until you saw him with Megan. Megan turned around with her eyes flooded with tears and noticed you. "(Y/n)..."

You gently pushed Harry away and weakly walked towards your father's corpse. Megan immediately stood up and hugged you, sobbing to your shoulders. You collapsed on the ground and caressed Edward's cold cheeks. Your lips quivered as endless tears streamed down your face.

Your one hand grabbed your father's hand and you began to cry. "No!" You yelled while Megan clung to you tighter. "No, no!" You screamed as your fists clenched. "Please come back... please..."

Hermione held Ron's hand while Harry looked down as you continued to cry. Ron sighed deeply before looking up to the sky to see something odd. "What's that?"

Harry looked up until he groaned in pain so you looked at him. His scar was causing him pain again.


All of you heard a group of people yelled. You immediately hugged Megan in protection while Harry, Ron, and Hermione ducked in cover.

"Stop! That's my son!" Arthur Weasley yelled so the people stopped.

You all looked up to see Arthur. Your three friends stood up. "Ron! Harry! Hermione! Are you alright?" Arthur asked and the three nodded. He looked down at you and Megan. "(Y/n)! What are you--"

"Megan! (Y/n)!" Peggy exclaimed as she ran towards you and your sister. Megan pulled away from you and hugged Peggy causing Peggy to hug her back.

Steve placed his wand back and approached you. "(Y/n)." He helped you stand up and glanced down at his deceased friend. "Oh, Edward..."

Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you hugged his torso, staring at your father. Steve turned to look at Arthur and shook his head. Arthur exhaled heavily. "Oh, my..."

Bartemius Crouch Sr. whipped out his wand and pointing it threateningly between you and your friends. "Which of you conjured it? Which one of you has done this?"

Arthur looked at Crouch in disbelief. "Barty, you can't be serious..."

Crouch ignored Arthur. "Do not lie! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Crime?" Harry asked.

"Barty, they're just kids!" Peggy exclaimed in anger.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What crime?"

Hermione sighed and leaned towards Harry. "It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his Mark." She whispered.

Harry glanced up causing you to look at the sky as well. You found a huge skull with a snake in the air. "What? Voldemort?" Harry asked. "Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they? His followers?"

Arthur nodded. "Death Eaters." He replied as he glanced at Barty Crouch Sr.

Crouch turned to his companion. "Follow me." He turned to leave but he found your father. "Oh dear God. Edward Stark."

"A Death Eater killed him." You informed him, clutching on Steve's jacket. "The Death Eater knows him."

"And uh, there was a man, earlier," Harry added as he pointed in the direction where he saw the man. "There."

Crouch turned to the direction where Harry pointed at. "We'll take care of it. Some of you will look in that direction while we take care of Stark's body." He turned to you and looked at you with your sister sorrowfully. "I'm so sorry."

He and some of his companions walked towards your father's body while Steve and Peggy walked you and your sister away. Steve pulled away from you and smiled sadly. "We're going to take care of him. Why don't you and Megan go over to your friends first and then we'll pick you two up back to your house."

You nodded in understanding. Steve patted your head before turning around to examine his old friend with Peggy. You and Megan went to your friends and stood just beside them. Hermione hugged Megan while Harry glanced at you.

"A man, Harry? Who was he?" Arthur asked Harry.

Harry shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't see his face." He looked at you and pushed your hair back away from your tear-stained face. "I'm sorry. About your father."

You closed your eyes in pain. "I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye." You shakily took a deep breath.


Coincidentally, when it was June 23, 2019, I saw a Dark Mark in the sky. A skull and a snake. I really did and I kept on looking at it because it really does resembles the Dark Mark.

Anyway, I don't know how to make a sad story soooo... ;-;

Also, trigger warning for the next chapter! There's attempted self-harm by the end of the next chapter.

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