𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ’πŸ: π…πˆππƒπˆππ† 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄

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"Hi, Harry." Padma and Parvati Patil greeted Harry in unison as they walked to their table.

You looked at Harry who was staring at Cho Chang. Cho was busy talking with her friends until one of her friends started whispering when they noticed Harry staring. "Cho, Harry's looking at you." Cho's friend whispered.

When Cho noticed him and smiled, he accidentally spat out his drink. Harry quickly looked away in embarrassment and set his goblet to the table.

You snickered as Harry turned to you. "(Y/n), are you alright now?" He asked as he cleared his throat.

You thought about it for a moment as you looked down at a plate full of fruits. Hermione and Ron glanced at you as you take one of the strawberries, taking a small bite. You looked back at Harry and shrugged. "Honestly, I'm... I'm really feeling quite better now, thanks."

Harry smiled and patted your back. "I'm glad."

"Look at this!" Hermione exclaimed. "I can't believe it, she's done it again!"

She looked back at the newspaper from the Daily Prophet. "Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian Bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow." She reads.

You glanced to her newspaper and saw the name Rita Skeeter causing you to groan and roll your eyes. "Ugh, her."

Hermione lowered her newspaper down and looked at you. "Did this unpleasant woman did something to you too?"

"Oh, she was unbearable." You scoffed. "Kept on pushing me to talk about my father's death when I was clearly grieving. Mum had enough and angrily sent her out of the house."

"She went to your home just to ask questions?" Ron asked in bewilderment. "She needs to know the word 'space' or at least put it in her notes and dictionary."

Hermione slightly laughed. "I don't think she even has a dictionary considering how ignorant and foolish she is."

Ron nodded. He turned to you and tilted his head in curiosity. "Say, (Y/n). How is your mother by the way?"

You took one last bite of the strawberry and nodded. "Good. She and I talked through letters. Turns out, I'm becoming a sister again."

Harry spat out his drink once again while Hermione gasped. Ron grinned in delight. "Another sibling?"

You smiled. "Yeah. It was supposed to be a surprise for my father as soon as we get back from the World Cup but..." You heavily sighed. "He didn't get to live just for a few hours to hear the news."

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." You heard a boy said as he gave the package to Ron.

"Ah! Thank you, Nigel." Ron took the package and smiled at the boy. The boy didn't leave and started staring at Harry. Hermione noticed and cleared her throat as she looked at Ron then glanced at the boy. Ron nudged Nigel. "Not now, Nigel. Later."

You picked up a green apple and took a bite while Harry glanced at the boy then looked back at his food. The boy left.

Hermione raised a brow at Ron, giving him a questioning look. Ron sighed. "I told him I'd give him Harry's autograph." He looked at the package and ripped the cover of it. "Oh, look, Mum's sent me something."

Ron pulled some frilly robes from the package. "Mum sent me a dress!"

Harry looked more at the package. "Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" He saw something and pulled out more lace. "Ah-ha!"

Ron rolled his eyes with a smile. "Nose down, Harry." He walked over to Ginny who was beside Megan. Megan nudged Ginny. "Ginny, this must be for you."

Ginny furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not wearing that. It's ghastly!"

You heard Megan laughed. "They're not for Ginny, Ron! They're for you."

The rest of the students laughed. "Dress robes." Hermione added with a laugh.

Ron looked at Hermione confusingly. "Dress robes? For what?"


"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament..." McGonagall glanced at Filch who was fixing the phonograph. McGonagall cleared her throat. "...since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity."

You and Hermione glanced at each other as McGonagall continued her speech. "As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance."

Your eyes widened as Ginny turned you and Hermione, smiling in excitement. The students began whispering and talking causing McGonagall to raise her hands, gesturing for the students to hush. "Silence!" She calmly exclaimed. "The House of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!" McGonagall exclaimed.

Fred leaned to George's ear and whispered. "Try saying that five times fast."

"Babbling, bumbling band of baboons." George whispered and Fred joined him.

"Now, to dance is to let the body breathe." McGonagall continued. "Inside every girl, is a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight."

You looked down and smirked. "The only bird I am is a pigeon." You whispered to yourself, earning a giggle from Ginny and a nudge from Hermione.

McGonagall heard Ron's snickers so she put her attention to him. "Inside every boy, a lordy lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley!" She walked towards him and Ron looked at her, embarrassed. "Yes?"

"Will you join me, please?"

Ron hesitantly stood up. He followed McGonagall to the center. "Now, Mr. Weasley, place your right hand on my waist."

Ron looked everywhere and looked worriedly. "Where?"

"On my waist," McGonagall repeated. "And extend your arm." Ron slowly placed his hand on her waist. You smiled as someone whistled causing Ron to glare at his friends. Fred and George started to snicker.

"Mr. Filch, if you please," McGonagall told Filch. Filch obliged and dropped the needle, starting the music. McGonagall demonstrated a waltz with Ron as her partner. "One-two-three, one-two-three..."

You watched as Ron trying not to roll his eyes making you smile. Then you saw Fred and George started dancing and swaying while listening to the music but was stopped by Harry. "Oi!" He whispered. Fred and George walked over to Harry. "You're never gonna let him forget this, are you?"

Fred and George shook their heads. "Never."

"Everybody, come together!" McGonagall said. The girls quickly stood up while you were left behind, crossing your arms.

As much as you love the song, you hate dancing. You would rather read books or watch movies.

The boys were scratching their heads, shy and some doesn't want to. "Boys, on your feet!" McGonagall exclaimed.

Hermione looked for you and quickly dragged you out of your seat. "Come on!" Before you could protest, you were now on the dance floor looking for a partner. Neville looked around and took the courage to stand up. The other boys finally followed him and looked for a partner. You turned around and saw Harry. "Mind if we dance?"

You smiled and gladly took his hand. His hand grabbed your waist while his other hand was holding yours. You placed your other hand on top of his shoulder as you two started dancing. Harry slightly gasped. "Didn't know you were a dancer."

"I hate dancing, actually." You informed with a laugh. "I just learned how to dance because my father used to teach me and my sister."

"I bet it was fun."

You shrugged. "It was until you get wounds and cramps from wearing heels." You chuckled. You glanced at Ron and McGonagall before looking back at Harry. "Thanks for being like a brother, Harry. You and Ron are like my brothers."

Harry grinned. "And thank you for being like a little sister to me."


Alone and at peace, you took a deep breath as the cold air hit your skin. Your arms rested on the railings as you stared at the beautiful night sky. You were at the Astronomy Tower, alone. Or at least you thought you were alone.

You exhaled sharply and turned to leave until you saw Draco approaching you. You flinched in surprise. "Jesus!" You gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Draco chuckled as he finally stood beside you. "You do know that you can't be here."

"Neither should you."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I asked you first."

"And I don't care."


Draco stifled a laugh. "Fine. I come here often to clear my head. What about you?"

You smiled. "This is my first time sneaking inside. I just thought I could use some fresh air."

Draco nodded and looked at the sky, sighing deeply. He closed his eyes as you stared at him. 'He looks... good.' You thought to yourself as you admired the moonlight shining his features. Draco opened his eyes and looked at you. "How are you feeling?"

You looked down and slightly nodded. "Better. Really better." You sat down on the concrete floor and gestured Draco to come down and sit down with you. When he obliged, you looked at the sky. "My dad... he, uh... used to boast that he and my mother would sneak in here to meet. If you see a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff together, they weren't ideally the best couple before so they would come here to hide."

Draco nodded. "I get that. I mean, even when you see a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, you would think they aren't the best match."

You stifled a laugh as you dragged your feet towards you to hug your knees. "You know, I should've listened sooner. To Hermione, Megan, and you." You replied. "You were all right. Although I'm still slowly accepting it, my father's death isn't my fault. It's the Death Eater who killed him. I'm still trying to tell myself that it wasn't my fault."

Draco looked at you with determination in his eyes. "We'll find your father's killer. Whoever they are, they have to pay."

"My father knows the Death Eater." You stated. "And the Death Eater knows him as if they were friends."

"Stark. Get out of the way."

"Do not do this. Please."

"You know I have to."

"Then you leave me with no choice."

"Did you hear their voice?" Draco asked.


"The Death Eater's voice."

You shook your head. "I mean I did but I couldn't familiarize myself with their voice because it was a bit muffled from the mask."

Noticing the mood was really down, you cleared your throat. "So, um, enough of that."

Draco nodded. "Oh, uh, sure." He scratched the side of his neck as he think of a new topic. "So, uh, do you have a date?"

You stared at him before gasping. "Oh! For the Yule Ball?"

"Yeah, heh." Draco cleared his throat. "Do you have a date already?"

You shook your head no and smiled. "Not yet. I mean few people have asked me but I haven't given them my answer. How about you?"

"Me?" Draco asked with a smile. He slightly shrugged. "Well, Pansy did asked me earlier but I had to decline. She just needs to give up, y'know?"

"What about Stacey?"

Draco rolled his eyes in disgust. "Don't even get me started. She was the first one who asked me because she thinks we would look like the best couple. Of course, I decliβ€”no, I refused."

You started to think by looking at the sky, placing a finger on your chin. "Hmm. What about asking out the Beauxbatons girls? Or you can go with Sophia SuΓ±er."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "Why would I?"

You shrugged and avoided his eyes. "I don't know. I mean, a lot of girls are swooning whenever you enter the Great Hall. I can see them undressing you with their eyes." You confessed, huffing at the end of your sentence.

"They're undressing me with their eyes?" Draco chuckled. "Well, that's impressive and interesting. But, uh, I actually have someone else in mind."

You placed your arm on top of your knee, leaning your head to your palm. "Why don't you ask her?"

Draco smiled. "I will."


"This is mad," Ron exclaimed softly. "At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Snape noticed him and quickly pushed his head harshly so he could go back to answering the papers. Snape walked away and Ron continued talking. "Well, us and Neville."

"Yeah, but then again he could take himself." Harry laughed.

You frowned at them with their attitude. "It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone so mind your words."

"What? Now I'm really depressed." You rolled your eyes and saw a paper was given to Ron. You didn't mind it and just continued answering. You glanced at Draco, who was a few feet away from Neville, focused on answering. You slightly smiled.

"Oi, Hermione... you're a girl." Ron whispered.

"Very well spotted." Hermione said haughtily.

"Come with one of us!" Harry tried to warn Ron that Snape was coming but he was too late. Snape smacked Ron and Harry with a book in the back of their heads before walking away. Draco looked up from his paper and slightly snickered earning a glare from Harry. Draco glared back and stuck his tongue out to Harry.

"Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad." Ron teased with a smirk.

Hermione looked at Ron angrily. "I won't be going alone, because believe it or not, someone's asked me!" Hermione gave her paper to Snape. You followed along as you passed your own paper to Snape. Hermione turned to Ron and Harry aa she grabbed her book and quill. "And I said yes!"

She grabbed your hand and walked away. You looked back at Draco who was watching you. You waved goodbye at him then turned your attention back to Hermione.

"Bloody hell. She's lying, right?" Ron whispered.

"If you say so." Harry shrugged.

"Look, we've just gotta grit our teeth and do it. Tonight, when we get back to the Common Room we'll both have partners. Agreed?"

Harry nodded. "Agreed."

Snape huffed and adjusted his sleeves until he shoved Ron and Harry's heads down in irritation causing the two friends to groan in pain. Once Snape walked away, Harry glanced at Draco who was snickering in delight.

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