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Megan leaned her head against Edward's gravestone, crying silently. She softly whistled and took a shaky deep breath. It was a bond between Edward and Megan: whistling to each other. A long and calming whistle. Even though your sister was closer to your mother, Vivian, Megan and Edward still spent enough time with each other.

You were standing just behind her with your hands grasping Cameron's to prevent him from wandering around. Cameron has turned a year old back in May, and although he was confused as to why his father wasn't always around, he does know that he visits him with you and your sister in the cemetery. He doesn't quite understand what death is, for now, so he would ask questions:


"Dada is not here, sweetie?"

"Where Dada?"

"He's resting."

Cameron looked up to you and pointed his little pointer finger on the gravestone. "Dada?"

You nodded as you picked him up and brushed his hair off from his forehead. "Yes, Dada is there."

"How are we going to tell him?" You heard Megan ask as she stood up. "How do we tell him that your boyfriend's father is the reason why Dad's sleeping, (Y/n)?"

You stared at her as she turned around with a severe expression. "First, I have no boyfriend. Second, we'll tell Cameron slowly so he can understand."

"Oh, great!" Megan sarcastically cheered. "We'll tell Cam that his future grandpa-in-law is the fuc--" You instantly covered Cameron's ears as Megan continued. "--king killer of Dad!"

Megan received a glare from you. "Mind your language, Megan Jane Stark. There's a child in front of you."

"Does he know?"

"Does who know?"

"Draco Malfoy."

You stared at her as you removed your hands away from your brother's ears. You shook your head. "No, I don't think so. He hasn't got a clue who..."

"When was the last time you spoke to him about Dad's death?"

You glanced down at Cameron, who was busy sucking his thumb, not minding you and your sister's business. "Fourth year, I think. We were trying to move on about his death last year, Megan."

"How could you tell that he's telling the truth? That he's not lying and not keeping any secrets from you?" Megan questioned.

"If he did know, he would tell me."

Megan sighed heavily before taking Cameron's hand. She took a moment of silence, thinking deeply, before turning around to face you. "When are you leaving for America?"

"Later. With Aunt Peggy." You answered as you looked back at her. "Why?"

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"It'll be quick, I swear. I just need to know more about Wanda."

"(Y/n), come on, you're overthinking this. I think you're a bit obsessed with her now."

You sighed. "I won't stop till I get answers, MJ. You know that."


"This is an absolutely wild and dangerous mission, (Y/n)," Peggy whispered to you as you both entered the town of Westview. After a couple of pleas and reassurance, you managed Peggy to agree to take you to America without any suspicion from your mother. "Your mother is going to kill me if she finds out you're thousands of miles away from the U.K."

Both of you traveled using a Portkey. You thought it was impossible, but somehow you and Peggy made it. You approached a mailman who had just finished delivering letters. "Um, excuse me, sir."

The mailman grinned warmly. "Ah! Welcome to Westview! Do you need help?"

"Um, yes. Do you happen to know who Wanda Maximoff is? Or maybe a Wanda Stark?"

You watched as the mailman's smile disappeared along with the townspeople who somehow froze and stared at you. Peggy grabbed your arm protectively. "I don't like this. Come on, let's get out of here."

"I know her." You and Peggy turned around to see a woman wearing purple clothes with a gleeful smile. "She's quite a gal! I can never relate to anyone other than her." She winked and chuckled.

Her welcoming smile and friendliness caused you to pull away from Peggy and approach the woman. "Does she happen to have a kid?"

"Oh, yes!" The woman replied; her tone of voice was never changing from her cheery attitude. Your eyes widened in shock. "Wait. Really?"

"Uh-huh! Got a name, sugar?"

You smiled. "(Y/n). And this is my companion, Peggy."

"I'm Agnes." The woman introduced. "I'm Wanda's neighbor to the right. My right, not yours."

"Well, that's lovely."

"Agatha! Away with you!" You heard an angry older adult scolded. Agnes glanced at the approaching man, her smile faltering. "Ah, Billy! Didn't expect you to get out of your house for once."

The man, Billy, glared at her before turning to you and Peggy. "What's your business here?"

"We just want to know if Wanda has kids." You answered. "Agnes said she had one."

"Well, Agatha over here shouldn't be trusted." Billy gestured you and Peggy to follow him. "Come on."

You glanced up at Peggy, who nodded. You and Peggy walked away, leaving the woman in violet. Billy entered his humble home with you and Peggy following behind.

You found another old man with a kid in his arms, lifting the boy up and down. The boy giggled in joy. The other man has noticed your presence along with Billy. "Bill!" The man placed the child down and gave Billy a quick kiss.

"Hello, Teddy." Billy greeted with a warm smile. Teddy turned to you and Peggy, who gave him a small wave. "We have guests."

"Oh." Teddy slowly nodded.

Billy took his husband's hand, gently gripping it. "I need some alone time with these people. Can you and Nathaniel go for a bit?"

Teddy nodded once again in understanding. He pecked his husband's head before taking the boy, Nathaniel, out of the house. "Come on, Nathan."

Nathan turned his head to you and gave you a small wave before leaving the house with Teddy. Billy turned around and looked at you and Peggy. "You won't believe it, but Nathan's our great-grandson."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, wow."

"Random question but... your husband, is he a wizard?" Peggy asked.

Billy nodded. "Hm, yes. He's a half-blood. But sometimes we pretend to be No-Majs for those American people patrolling around for wizards and witches."

Billy gestured you and Peggy to sit down on his couch while he sat on a chair. "You said you wanted to know more about Wanda?"

You nodded. "I was wondering where her kid is as well."

Billy pointed to himself and then to a picture behind you and Peggy. "We're her sons."

You and Peggy turned around to see a picture of a young Billy with an identical brother. "Twins?" Peggy asked.

"Mhm. His name was Tommy."

"Was? Where is he, sir?" You asked.

Billy sighed heavily before looking away. "Gone. Didn't even wait for me to join him. We were inseparable. When Mum died, we were orphaned and was adopted by two different families. I was brought to the Kaplan family while he was in the Shepherd family."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Miss...?"

"(Y/n)." You introduced before pointing at Peggy. "And this is Margaret Watson."

"Excuse me, sir." Peggy lifted her finger. "But we were told that Wanda was dead as soon as she stepped in America. Besides, she was married to a Stark for a month until she ran away. So it would be impossible for her to have sons."

"Where did you learn that?" Billy questioned.

"Relatives, books, everyone who knows the story."

"They don't know shit." Billy stood up and walked around the room, shaking his head. "Wanda ran away because she was already pregnant when she wed to a Stark. She didn't know until it was too late."

Peggy blinked in surprise while you looked down to think. "I'm sorry, she was already pregnant? To whom?"

"Vincent?" You asked Billy. "Was it Vincent Malfoy? Your father?"

The silent nod was the answer you needed and received. Billy stopped by a table and took out something from a small chest. He turned around and showed you a folded old paper. "My mother found this. I couldn't understand it, but somehow she did."

Billy gave you the paper as you unfolded it and looked down at the unfamiliar language with Peggy.

"Nepoznata kletva nastala je kada su dve porodice ispoljile mrΕΎnju i negativne emocije jedna prema drugoj bez očaravanja. Prokletstvo Δ‡e se polako zavrΕ‘iti ljubavlju i njenim ishodom." Peggy read. "I'm not quite sure but I think this is Serbian."

"Could you translate it?" You asked politely.

"I can't. I don't know much about the Serbian language. It was just familiar."

"Wanda was delighted when she first saw that." Billy continued. "But soon, she was enraged. She almost used magic to the No-Majs."

"No-Majs?" You asked. "Is that the term in America for Muggles?"

"Muggles? Boy, I heard that term for a very long time." Billy chuckled. "I was used to American, miss. I apologize."

You glanced down at the paper. "I'll visit you next time, sir. For now, we have to go." You and Peggy stood up and turned to leave, but Billy stopped you both. "Wait. What's your last name, girl?"

You turned around and softly gulped. "Stark. (Y/n) Stark."

Billy's eyes widened in realization as he glanced at Peggy and looked back at you. "You wanted to know so much about my mother. You even figured out who my father is." He stepped closer. "You like someone from the Malfoy family. That's why you sought answers. You traveled all the way here for more information."

"I just wanted to end this... curse." You told him. "The curse that has been holding my family and his family from even loving each other."

"The curse started when they resent and hate each other, girl," Billy replied. "If it didn't work out for my mother and father, I'm sure you and the next generations of Starks and Malfoys wouldn't work either."

"Unless we find something to end this." You said. "I'll come back when we figure out what this paper says." You said as you lifted the paper in your hand. "But for now, there's a war. Or so I'm told."

"A war?" Billy asked in disbelief. "There's a war?"

"Do you know You-Know-Who? The Dark Lord?" Peggy questioned.

"I was told he was dead."

"Well, I'm sorry, but he has returned."


A few days later in the Stark Manor, you exited your room with a backpack by your shoulder. You found Megan walking out of her room with her pet frog. "Where are you going?"

"To the Weasleys. Are you not coming?"

"I'm staying with Mum. Say hello to Ginny for me."

You and Megan walked together. "If I ever see a Death Eater again, I'm not gonna hesitate to kill it," Megan whispered while crossing her arms. "I can't even believe that there are people worshipping the Dark Lord when he himself is a half-blood."

You were about to reply to something back until you and your sister heard noises on the first floor.


"Oh, Vivy. My favorite Hufflepuff!" You recognized Bellatrix Lestrange's voice.

The two of you looked at each other before walking down the stairs quietly. You and Megan listened to a faint and indistinctive conversation, but as you both went nearer, you could hear it. You inhaled sharply and grabbed Megan's hand, pulling her somewhere where the two of you won't be seen.

"I think we both know that's not true, Bella." You heard Vivian hissed. "Look, whatever you're here for, you're not getting it."

"Vivian, a good witch like you, is too valuable to let go." Bellatrix frowned. "I could've asked your husband, but... well, we both know what happened to him."

"You can leave. I won't join you. And even if my husband is alive, he won't join you either."

Megan glanced at you. "Join?" She asked in a whisper. "Is Bellatrix trying to recruit Mum as a Death Eater?"

"We could use someone like you." You and Megan heard Bellatrix reply. "You're useful and powerful. Join us for the sake of your daughters."

"Leave my daughters out of this!" Vivian yelled. "Lay a finger on them, and I will kill you, Bellatrix." She warned.

You heard Bellatrix's cackle. "Oh, Viv. Be thankful that I haven't killed you yet. Cissy doesn't want one of her best friends getting hurt or killed."

Then there was a bit of silence. You peeked your head out from your hiding place and saw Bellatrix smirking. "Although I couldn't say the same thing for your daughters. It's my choice if I'll kill your daughters or not."

Vivian clenched her fists as her glare sent daggers towards Bellatrix. "You'll have to go through me first before you even lay a finger on their hair."

"If your daughters don't intervene with our plans, then they're safe. But if they did, they are both dead." Bellatrix turned around and spotted you. You cringed as you locked eyes with her. "Careful now, Little Stark." She smirked before leaving.

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