𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ•πŸ–: 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐖'𝐒 πƒπˆπ€πƒπ„πŒ

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August 21, 2019

Nothing is more important than family. And of course, our dog is a family. Well, she's not really our dog but to me, she's like a family.

She just died today and I'm really sad. Ever since I met her when I was young, I was scared of her because I was scared of dogs until I finally love them and slowly I loved her too. Until now, I still love her so it was really sad to hear that she died.

She was very sick and we thought she was finally cured.

Chloe, thank you for fighting for these past few months against the sickness you had. You've fought very well and now you have to rest. Thank you for staying with us for almost 10 years. I'm glad I met you and you made me comfortable whenever I'm around with you. You were the first dog I have ever loved and even if you're gone, I will still love you. Rest well and run free wherever and whenever you want. We all love you.


"Harry!" Ron called out. Harry stopped and looked at you, Ron, and Hermione.

"Hermione and I've been thinking, it doesn't matter if we find a Horcrux," Ron told Harry.

Harry gave him a confusing look. "What do you mean?"

"Unless we can destroy it." Hermione continued.

Ron glanced at Hermione. "So, we were thinking..."

"Well, Ron was thinking, it was Ron's idea." Hermione interrupted with a small smile. "It was completely brilliant."

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk's fang, right?" Ron asked, and Harry nodded. "Well, me and Hermione did remind where we might find one."

"Okay." Harry nodded and then pulled out something. He gave the Marauder's Map to Hermione. "Okay, but take this. That way, you can find me when you get back."

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"Ravenclaw Common Room. Gotta start somewhere." Harry rushed walked up on the stairs as Ron and Hermione ran down. Luna stood beside you as the two of you looked at each other before following Harry.

"Harry!" Luna called out as you and Luna chased after him. "Harry!"

"Harry, wait!" You yelled.

"I need to talk to you!" Luna said.

"I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna." Harry continued to ignore her.

You furrowed your eyebrows and continued following him. "You don't know anything where you're going. You're wasting your time!"

"Look, we'll talk later, okay?"

"Harry?" Luna asked as she stopped running.


"Harry Potter, you listen to me right now!" You stopped and jumped in surprise from Luna's angry outburst as Harry halted from running too. You and Harry looked at Luna, shocked. You have never seen Luna angry.

After a few seconds, she calmed down and sighed. "Do you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? There is not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead."

Harry came to realization and looked at the window as the professors continued to cast protective shields and charms around Hogwarts. "It's very impressive, isn't it?" Luna asked.

You and Harry nodded. Luna started walking and led you two to where Harry could talk to the ghost who knows where the diadem is. "If you want to find her, you'll find her down there."

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked Luna.

Luna shook her head. "No. I think it's best if you two talk alone. She's very shy." She looked at you. "Come along, (Y/n)."

Harry looked at you, and you gave him a reassuring nod. Harry nodded back and walked away to find the ghost while you and Luna stayed behind.

"Let us out of here, you filthy squib!" Pansy yelled in anger when Filch locked her and her Slytherin friends in a dungeon. Filch walked away with his lamp, leaving the Slytherins locked up.

Pansy groaned and smacked Stacey's head. "Great thinking, you cretin!" She argued. "You brought us all down here because you couldn't keep your mouth shut."

"What are we supposed to do now?" Blaise asked as he tried to pull the metal bars down.

Suddenly, the walls exploded, earning a chance for the Slytherins to escape. Pansy, Daphne, Goyle, and Blaise, looked around in surprise as Stacey and the other Slytherins took their opportunity to run. Filch looked behind him and saw the students he locked up escaping.

Daphne took Pansy's hand and looked at her. "Let's go." The two girls nodded at each other before running. Goyle and Blaise followed the two until someone Apparated behind them, yanking them in a different direction. Blaise looked behind him to see Draco Malfoy clutching his and Goyle's robes.

"Malfoy?" Goyle asked. "Did you just blow up that wall?"

Draco pushed them in a direction. "Go on!" He yelled and watched his friends stumbling around while he walked casually but hurriedly.

You, on the other hand, got separated from Luna when all hell broke loose. The shield around Hogwarts was destroyed, and Death Eaters started barging in. You ducked when a Death Eater passed by until you shot a spell on another Death Eater when you found him attacking two students. "Stupefy!"

The Death Eater was sent flying, and the student looked at you. You recognized the students as Sissy Cooper and Eliza Partridge. "Thank you, (Y/n)!"

You nodded at them. "Go!" The two girls quickly ran away while you searched for your friends. Soon, you spotted Ron and Hermione soaking wet. "What the hell happened to you two?" You asked.

Hermione glanced at her clothes and Ron. "Long story."

"Bloody hell!" You heard Ron exclaimed as his eyes remained on the Marauder's Map. "We'll never find him on this."

Hermione looked on the map. "Here he is!" Hermione pointed somewhere where his name was. Ron looked down at it until it disappeared. "He's just... he just vanished. I'm sure I saw it."

Ron thought for a moment. "Maybe he's gone to the Room of Requirement." You and Hermione looked at Ron in surprise. "It doesn't show up on the map, does it? You and (Y/n) both said that last year."

You blinked in surprise. 'Holy shit, he actually learned something from us.' Hermione slowly nodded, still stunned. "That's right, we... we did."

Ron smiled. "Let's go."

Ron walked first while you and Hermione lingered on your spots for a bit, still in a bit of shock. "Brilliant!" You praised Ron.

The three of you entered the Room of Requirement and saw Harry, finding the diadem. Blaise and Goyle dodged some falling debris while following Draco, who led them to the Room of Requirement when he spotted Harry entering inside. He closed his eyes when the doors were about to fade away, and it reappeared once more.

The four of you decided to go in pairs: Ron and Hermione while you were with Harry. As Ron and Hermione walked away to find the lost diadem, you noticed Harry spotted something while looking at your pocket watch. A box.

'I almost forgot that he still borrows it. I guess that pocket watch is really helpful.' You approached Harry, who opened the box, revealing the diadem he was looking for.

"Well, well..." You jumped in surprise and quickly looked at the three people pointing their wands at you and Harry. Your eyes widened when you realized Draco Malfoy was with his friends, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini. "What brings you here, Potter?"

Draco's eyes landed on you, and you saw him gulp. You knew he didn't want this, you could tell. He was just forced. You know by heart he doesn't want to hurt you or Harry.

"I could ask you the same," Harry replied.

"You have something of mine." Draco frowned. "I'd like it back."

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asked, looking at the different wand on Draco's hand.

"It's my mother's," Draco answered. "It's powerful, but it's... not the same. Doesn't quite understand me. You know what I mean?"

You stepped forward to be in front of Harry. Draco almost stepped back. "(Y/n), please go."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Draco's eyes widened for a bit to Harry's question. "Bellatrix?"

Draco had gone speechless while Blaise and Goyle glanced at each other. "You knew it was me." Harry continued. "You didn't say anything."

Draco gripped his wand tighter, slowly lowering his wand. "Draco, stand down." You calmly told him. "Come on. You don't belong with them."

Goyle leaned on his ear. "Come on, Draco! Don't be a prat. Do it!"

"Easy!" Draco hissed. It took him a few seconds before lowering his wand. He turned around and stepped back with one quick move, facing Goyle and Blaise, pointing his wand at them.

Blaise furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Malfoy? What the hell are you doing?"

You watched as Draco got closer to you, and you flinched when Draco suddenly held your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. He glanced at you before glaring at his two Slytherin friends. "If you hurt them, I'll kill you both. Get out before--"

Goyle scoffed. "Who cares what you think? I don't take your orders no more, Draco. You and your dad are finished."

Goyle pointed his wand at Draco, causing you to pull Draco back towards you and stand protectively in front of him. "You're a coward." Goyle scoffed. "Just like your father, Malfoy!"

Draco gave him a nasty glare. Hermione and Ron eventually came with Hermione pointing her wand at Zabini's wand. "Expelliarmus!"

Goyle growled and pointed his wand at Hermione. "Avada Kedavra!"

Hermione managed to duck while you and your other friends hid. You stood up from your position and pointed your wand at Goyle. "Stupefy!" You quickly shot the spell, causing Goyle to fly back, hitting the stacked objects behind him.

Draco stared at you in amazement. "Spectacular." He breathed out.

Ron started chasing the two Slytherin boys in anger as they both ran for their lives. "Argh! That's my girlfriend, you numpty!"

Hermione stifled a laugh while Draco gave you a puzzled look. "Granger and Weasley are together?"

You laughed a little. "Yeah, you missed a lot of things." Draco smiled and was ready to kiss you but was interrupted because of Harry.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Harry showed you the lost diadem. "Got it!"

Draco glared at Harry while you were about to say something until the four of you heard Ron screaming. You saw him running towards you, Draco, Hermione, and Harry. "Goyle has set the bloody place on fire!" He screamed as he took Hermione's hand and ran off.

You, Harry, and Draco looked at the serpent-like fire approaching the three of you. Your eyes widened, and before you could react, Draco grabbed your hand and started running with Harry. "Come on!"

"Why did you have to bring Goyle along?" You asked while shooting some spells behind you to make the stack of objects fall, trying to slow the fire at least down.

"I didn't know he would set the bloody room on fire!" Draco argued before helping you shoot some spells on the stacked objects and furniture. He pulled you towards him when a falling shelf was about to hit you.

"Where's Crabbe?"

"Don't know, don't care!"

"This way!" Harry yelled. The fire suddenly surrounded you and your friends as the fire started crawling towards the five of you. You stepped back and felt that you knocked some things over. You looked down and saw broomsticks.

You smirked. 'Perfect.' You took the broomsticks and tossed them to your friends. Draco hopped onto his broom, and you sat behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Come on!" You and your friends flew away from the fire. Draco felt your arms hugging him tighter, and you pressed your face on his back, afraid to look back on the fire.

You saw Goyle and Blaise climbing up on a tower of furniture to get to safety. Goyle grabbed onto something, but it suddenly slipped away, causing him to fall to the fire below him, consuming him. You looked at Draco. "Sorry about him. He was still your friend."

"It was his own fault too." Draco sighed. "It's karma." He saw his other friend, Blaise, looking for a way out. "We can't leave him!" Draco yelled. Harry nodded and turned, causing Draco, Ron, and Hermione to follow him.

"He's joking, right?" Ron asked in disbelief. Harry tried to grab Blaise's hand but failed. "If we die for him, Harry, I'm gonna kill you!" Ron exclaimed angrily.

Finally, Harry caught Blaise's hand. All of you both exited the room before the fire could get you. All of you got out of the brooms, and you watched Blaise running away.

"Harry!" Hermione tossed Harry the Basilisk's fang from, and Harry caught it, stabbing the diadem and earning a scream of pain from him. Ron kicked the diadem in the flaming Room of Requirement, and flames consumed the headdress. The doors closed before the fire could escape.

You all sighed in relief. You collapsed on the ground, sighing. "That was... extreme." You chuckled softly. Harry turned to Draco and gave him his wand. "Here." Draco looked at him confusingly. "It's your wand."

"But you have no wand." Draco frowned.

Harry shrugged. "It's fine."

"But I have my mother's--"

"I insist." Harry smiled before yelling in pain. "Harry!" You exclaimed in worry. Harry fell and leaned his back against the wall.

He was looking around as if he saw a vision. He looked at you and the others. "It's the snake... and she's the last one. It's the last Horcrux."

"Nagini." Draco deducted.

"Look inside him, Harry," Ron suggested. "Find out where he is. If you find him, we can find the snake. And we can end this!"

Harry nodded and did what he was told. He closed his eyes and focused on where Voldemort and the snake were. After a minute, Harry opened his eyes. "I know where he is." He stood up and faced all of you. "We have to go."

Before you could follow Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Draco stopped you by grabbing your hand. You turned to him, and he pressed his forehead against yours. "Be careful."

You smiled and pecked his lips. "I will. Go and find Peter. Make sure he and Megan will be safe."

Draco nodded and placed his hand on your cheek. He stared at you for a second before placing his lips into yours. "I love you." He sighed between your kiss.

"I love you too."

"Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock." You heard Ron sigh.

Draco pulled away and sighed sadly. "I'll miss you." He pouted.

You rolled your eyes and playfully hit his chest. "Yeah, I'll miss you too."
You walked towards Harry and were ready to go, but Harry didn't move. "Harry?" You asked.

"Draco," Harry called out.

"Yeah, Harry?"

You looked at Draco and Harry before grinning. It was the first time that Draco and Harry addressed each other in their first names and not their last names.

Harry was looking at Draco. Draco looked at him confusingly. "We'll take care of her, Malfoy, I promise. Don't worry about it."

Draco smirked. "Don't you dare break that promise, Potter."

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