𝟏 𝟓 : 𝟒 𝟓

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hope you enjoy it I really tried my best 🖤

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝟏 𝟖 𝟎 𝟎

no one's pov

Outside on the sidewalk stood taehyungs car, he leaned casually on it and put his phone back in his pocket, he smiled to himself and looked at the beautiful modern house where Jeongguk lived.

He can't believe he's meeting him in just a few seconds, it felt so surreal to him. He enjoyed texting with him so much and he really liked him. Taehyung just hoped he would be just as sweet in real life as he was in his texts.

He couldn't really think much about it when he saw someone opening the front door and stepping out. His breath hitched when he saw Jeongguk looking for him when he saw him he showed him his adorable smile and waved at him.

Taehyung straightened himself and rubbed his hands together, he got nervous all of sudden but he couldn't help but show him his boxy smile when he came towards him.

He is really prettier than Jeonhyn.

❝ Hi, Hyung ❞ Jeongguk's voice was so soft and pretty, different than Jeonhyn's slightly deeper voice but he instantly loved it.

❝ Hi, baby boy ❞ to say Jeongguk was surprised by his deep voice was an understatement, but he absolutely loved it and he couldn't help but blush at the nickname.

He normally wouldn't be this shy and blushing just because of a nickname but taehyung did something to him.

❝ you look really pretty ❞ Taehyung smiled at him and looked down at him, jeongguk was a few inches shorter than him but that only made him even more adorable.

❝ Thank you Hyung you look so handsome ❞ Taehyung noticed how his front teeth are a bit larger making him resemble a bunny, it just made his list of things he liked about him longer.

❝ Are you ready to go baby? ❞ He asks as he opened the car door for him and smiled at him. Jeongguk just nodded happily and got in the car. He didn't miss Jeongguk blushing again at that. He was so shy in front of him, completely different than when they texted.

He closed the door and got on the other side, got in the car and started it. He could see someone looking out the window but the person couldn't see him. He just ignored it and drove off.

Music was softly playing in the background, he glanced at jeongguk who nervously bites his bottom lip. He's so adorable

❝ why are you so shy baby? u didn't seem like that ❞ He looked at jeongguk for a second and stopped at a red light. Jeongguk took a breath and looked at him.

❝ I don't know I'm not this shy normally, you just make me nervous and flustered. ❞ He rubbed his hand on his nape and smiled shyly. Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness and drove when the lights turned green.

❝ I'm just really attracted to you, now that I see you ..even more... ❞ now it was Taehyungs time to bite his lips. He was so glad that jeongguk already felt that way.

He smiled and just took his hand in his and intertwined there hands. Maybe it was too fast for that and it was their first date after all, but it just felt right.

Jeongguk blushed at the gesture, Taehyungs hands were bigger than his and they perfectly fitted together. It warmed his heart. It just felt like it meant to be like this.

❝ w-where are we going Hyung ❞ Jeongguk looked at there hands and then smiled at him. He already could feel the butterflies in his tummy going crazy.

❝ I thought the theme park would be nice, would u like that? ❞ He wasn't sure if Jeongguk was the type of guy to like those things or is more of a bad boy type so it took him a while to figure out where to go.

A little gasp left jeongguks lips and he jumped slightly in his seat. ❝ omg, Hyung I love theme parks, I don't know when it was the last time I visited one ❞ he squeezed Taehyungs hand and smiled brightly. The sight was absolutely adorable and he was glad he loved the idea.

❝thank god I was afraid you wouldn't like it baby ❞ he chuckled nervously and rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand.

❝no, I love this idea it's perfect ❞ Jeongguk looked at him for a second and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Taehyung was slightly surprised but none the less smiled at him and squeezed his hand.


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