𝟏 𝟖 : 𝟓 𝟗

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—- Jeongguk's pov

❝oh, ggukie didn't he tell you that we kissed?❞

He smirked at me and went back inside his room without a word. I needed to let that sink in for a moment. I knew Taehyung would've told me when something happened between them. But what if he was right and Taehyung just didn't mention it?

Why does it hurt so bad to imagine
that he kissed him first..

I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. My thoughts running wild, I just hoped it wasn't true. I felt like I could trust Taehyung and he already kept something so important to himself? But maybe Jeonhyn lied to me, just to hurt me. I needed to ask Taehyung, only he knows the truth.

I quickly stood up and went to Jeonhyn's room, I was angry at him for lying and at me cause I believe him when he said it. I barged in his room, the door slamming against the wall, he looked surprised, his eyes widen and he flinched slightly.

❝ Why are you lying hm? What are you trying to do. He told me that it never happened so don't try to lie to me!!❞

He gulped and rubbed his nape nervously.

❝ okay I lied, because I didn't think you went after the guys i gave your number too❞

I furrowed my eybrows at him , Jeonhyn looked up at me.

❝ You give guys my number, you don't want them that's why you do it!! And it's the first time I like one and now you acting that way cause your jealous!! ❞

I glared at him and crossed my arms.His eyebrows furrow at my words.

❝ Jealous? Why would I be jealous they come to me first and if I don't won't them I just slide them to you, problem solved. I don't care what you do with them❞

I uncrossed my arms and looked him in the eyes. Jeonhyn raised a eyebrow at me.

❝ you can't lie to me, i'm not stupid. You regret it, that you gave him my number instead of yours that's why you lied to me. ❞

He didn't say a word, cause he knew I was right, he folded his hands in his lap and looked down.

❝ Jeonhyn, I really like him and he likes me. I hope you can understand that and not come between us again❞

Without another word I turned around and left his room.Walked back to my room and crawled under the sheets and closed my eyes for a second.

I just hope he's not pulling some shit like that again.

that night i slept with a smile on my face.

thank you so much for all your comments and votes. It means the world to me 🥺🥺 i love every single on of you 💜

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