𝘃. 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗵

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chapter five



-Steven's Quarry

"GET THESE FUCKING things off me!" Jordanna exclaimed, pulling at the handcuffs on her wrists which, unfortunately for her, stopped her magic. 

Over and over again she tried to use her magic but it was too painful, if she managed to get a connection and push through she didn't know what would happen. It never used to be like this—the pain—she wouldn't usually get it but with having only just gotten her magic back it was fresh, meaning . . . it hurt like a bitch.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Jordanna," Klaus told her as they trudged through the woods, leading to the Quarry.

She let her head fall back as she groaned in annoyance. "Why the hell did you bring me here?" She questioned him.

"Can't have you interfering, can I sweetheart?" He said as he turned around to look at her, an amused look resting on his face.

She rolled her eyes and spotted a fire causing her steps to falter, Klaus noticed this and grabbed her forearm, pulling her close to him as he dragged her towards to the Quarry.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner," he announced, looking at Greta with a smirk, the Martin witch gave him a flirty smile back. Jordanna rolled her eyes at that, could she be more obvious if she tried? 

Jenna and Elena's attention turned to Klaus and Jordanna as he dragged her along with him. "Jords?" Elena questioned, confused as to what she was doing with Klaus. Not like she had much of a choice.

She was rendered useless . . . no magic, she was even more human than before! Oh God! Was she, dare she say it . . . Elena?

Jordanna ignored the doppelganger and looked at Greta, "are you the witch who spelled these?" she asked shaking her wrists in the air showing the handcuffs. Greta nodded smirking, "I'm gonna kill you," Jordanna sneered. "Just like I did your daddy and brother," she smiled at her sarcastically.

Greta's smirk dropped from her face and Jordanna grinned in amusement seeing this, Klaus merely rolled his eyes at her childishness and decided to taunt the women in front of him, talk about childish. "Hello my lovelies, are we ready?" He asked with a large, toothy grin sitting on his face.

Jules' screams were all Jordanna could hear and it was pissing her the fuck off.

She was cold, she was hungry, she had a headache and she wanted a cigarette. Being stuck here of all places, wasn't exactly the best of fun.

She'd rather be stuck with John Gilbert or her father.

"I spent five hundred years looking for this," Klaus stated, snapping Jordanna out of her daze as he handed Greta the Moonstone. "I hate to part with it," Klaus said solemnly as he and Greta stood over a small tree stub.

"The moon has passed it's apex," Greta told Klaus, looking up to him. "Remember everything you need to do?"

"I remember," Klaus replied with a curt nod.

Greta dropped the Moonstone onto the stub and it created a small explosion. As Jordanna watched the witch, she caught Klaus' eye, they held eye contact for a moment before the Mikaelson walked down towards the three women. Klaus rolled his eyes at the look of frustration—or perhaps, hate, Jordanna sent him, he clasped his hands behind his back, a smile sitting on his face.

Jordanna could see Jules muttering something to Elena but couldn't hear her as she was stood next to Greta—listening to her extremely irritating voice chant.

The werewolf tried to speed away but Klaus was too fast—in one quick motion he had flipped her over, hand in her heart before violently ripping it out.

God the flashback's Jordanna was getting. Sheesh.

Jenna and Elena's mouths were agape as they watched the hybrid who held a smirk on his face. Fear shook Jenna's body as she watched the events happening before her, it had barely been twenty four hours since she had found out about everything. How was it that she was stuck in this predicament already? 

Klaus held the werewolf's heart above the tree stub, little droplets of blood trickled down onto it, dripping against the staggered wood with a splash. "Does that mean it's working?" He asked Greta as the droplets of crimson red hit the rock—letting out a small fizz whilst doing so.

"It's working," she said softly, nodding slightly. Jordanna sighed and looked down at Jenna with tears in her eyes. She didn't deserve this, at all.

Jenna looked up and noticed the teary eyed girl looking down at her and she smiled, giving her a small nod. It was their unspoken goodbye, and they both knew it.

Klaus watched exchange and almost felt bad for causing it, but ignored the feeling and carried on with his ritual. Reminding himself he didn't care—he didn't know the witch so he felt no obligation to care.

Jordanna wondered where the others were. What Elijah was doing and if he was really going to kill Klaus. She liked Elijah, and wouldn't judge him no matter what he did—she had no right to.

"Hello Jenna," Klaus said, walking down to her, receiving a glare from the Sommer's woman as she and Elena got up hesitantly. 

The Jones witch watched as Elena begged Klaus to leave Jenna alone, unintentionally her heart began racing at the thought. Jenna had always been there for Jordanna, when she was younger she was always a shoulder to cry on, when social services tried to take her away Jenna helped Jordanna run from them. It was a fun experience to say the least.

"Well well," Klaus spoke looking right at Jenna, although he wasn't talking to her. "I don't recall you being on the guest list."

Everyone looked up at the youngest Salvatore who was stood on the top of a cliff, looking down at the five—burying his nerves he glared at the Original. "Stefano?" Jordanna mumbled quietly, looking up at her best friend with wide eyes. 

He ignored the looks and calls he was getting from his girlfriend and best friend and looked straight down at The Original, gaze never faltering, "I'm here to talk."

The rest of the conversation was blurred out as Jordanna was too far away from them and had no intensified hearing, she couldn't even hear Jenna and Elena talking for Christ's Sake, never mind Stefan and Klaus—who, now, stood atop the cliff. 

A wave of dizziness flowed through her body and she stumbled in her place. "Jordanna?" Jenna and Elena called out in worry. 

"I'm fine," the witch answered at a whisper, her breaths suddenly coming out staggered.

What the hell is happening? 

She ignored the pain radiating through her body and tried to concentrate on the ritual, she needed to get her fucking strength back and get out of these stupid handcuffs.

But the world suddenly went black.

Jordanna woke up to screams and grunts, getting up was hard as her vision was blurry and her leg's were shaking and not in the way she'd prefer.

She used something to push herself up and when she could see clearly she gasped, pushing herself away from it. "Jenna," she muttered as tears fell down her face. Pretty girls don't cry. She stumbled, coming to a stand behind Greta and Klaus, glaring at them both.

She watched silently as Klaus sauntered towards Elena, offering his hand to which she ignored. Stefan grunted out in pain as he tried to move to get to his girlfriend, his eyes flickered towards Jordanna's and he gave her a look, a silent question—are you okay? She nodded in answer.

Elena came and stood besides Jordanna, gripping onto the witch's hand, offering her childhood friend a sad smile. "Take care of Jer for me, please," the doppelganger told her, tears pooling in her eyes. 

"I will," Jordanna responded, keeping her own tears at bay. Elena might be a selfish little bitch sometimes but she had been in Jordanna's life for thirteen years and it still hurt to lose her.

"Thank you, Elena," Klaus told the brunette, gripping onto her face as he came between the girls. 

"Go to hell," Elena sneered at him with a glare as he bent down and began feeding from the Gilbert—draining every drop of blood from her body.

Jordanna thought her heart stopped beating, it all happened too fast, she watched as Elena's complexion began to pale, her eyes became droopy before Klaus released her from his hold—her limp body fell to the floor with a soft thud.

A choked sob escaped her, she felt Klaus looking at her but she couldn't take her eyes off of Elena.

Elena Marie Gilbert is dead.

Looking back at this now? Jordanna wouldn't have cried, no. She would've thrown a fucking parade. 

"I can feel it," Klaus muttered, chest heaving up and down, earning Jordanna's attention. "It's happening," he happily stated with a smile.

Of course, that was until he started grunting in pain and his bones began to break.


All of a sudden Klaus was thrown across the Quarry, sharply landing on the grovel. Jordanna turned to her left, spotting a certain Bennett witch, she smiled at her as they held eye contact—what a saint Bonnie Bennett was.

As the Martin witch was distracted, Jordanna got behind Greta and started choking her roughly with the handcuffs that bound her wrists together. Greta gripped onto the metal around her neck but it was no good, Jordanna was too strong for her. Training with Alaric on occasion did come in handy when needed. "Told you I'd kill you, didn't I witch-bitch?" She whispered in her ear.

Greta's eye's fluttered as she fell to the ground, head separated from her body.

With that, the spell on the handcuffs broke. Letting out a huff Jordanna looked towards the elder Salvatore with a smile—as he made his way over to her. "Well that was annoying," she told him, dropping the handcuffs to the ground, stepping over the dead witch's body.

Dramatically wiping the tears from her face with an eye roll she grinned at Damon, even in this situation he couldn't help but give his friend a small smile. He found it strange that the bitchiest person he knew could make him smile the most.

Jordanna nodded in Elena's direction, Damon nodded back in understanding of what she meant. He picked the doppelganger up—bridal style—and made his way over to his brother. 

The young witch's ears were filled with sounds of the newly turned hybrid screaming out in pain, and Bonnie's loud, powerful chants. The Jones witch was about to join in when she stumbled again.

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself as her hands began to burn. She ignored the uncomfortable sensation and began to chant but nothing happened. For fucks sake. Not this again. 

"No, no, no-" she repeated over and over in a panic. The bluster of wind suddenly stopped and she looked down at Klaus who had stopped screaming, his mouth agape as he stared up at his older brother. 

"Elijah," he muttered softly in shock.

"Hello brother," the noble one quipped back sassily. Elijah instantly punched his hand in Klaus' chest, grasping onto his heart, "in the name of our family, Niklaus."

"I didn't bury them at sea," Klaus rushed out to his brother with staggered breaths. 

"What?" Elijah gritted his teeth, hand still tightly gripping onto Klaus' heart. 

"Their bodies are safe, if you kill me you'll never find them."

"Elijah, don't listen to him!" The youngest Salvatore shouted at a plead as Klaus looked up to his older brother and whispered out in pain. 

"Elijah, I can take you to them, I give you my word brother."

Elijah looked up at Jordanna silently asking her what to do she just smiled at him in a reassuring manner. He subtly nodded his head at her in thanks before glancing down at Klaus.

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie threatened. 

"You'll die," the Original responded.

"I don't care."

Elijah looked at them one last time. "I'm sorry," he told them before speeding away with both Klaus and Jordanna in his grip. "No!" Stefan and Bonnie shouted, watching in shock as their friend disappeared from sight.

It had been two days since Elijah had taken Klaus and Jordanna. The first day Jordanna spent it falling in and out of consciousness, Elijah told her that it was a spell Greta had placed on her and should wear away soon enough and she would regain her magic. The second day her and Elijah hung out as they waited for Klaus to transition back into his body. 

Elijah could tell she was saddened by the occurrences of Elena and Jenna's death so he took her mind off it, they talked and talked for hours and enjoyed each others company. He told her more about his family ( minus Klaus, obviously )—as she spoke about her mother. He told her about all the different places he had seen throughout his one thousand years of life. He had also stayed true to his word when he promised her her magic would return, as it did.

If you were wondering: why the hell did Elijah take Jordanna? It was simple. He owed her. She saved his ass once upon a time, and in turn he helped her—seeing as, well, she didn't exactly look 'peachy-keen' when he had arrived at the Quarry.

Anyway, back on track, the witch had, unwillingly, left her phone at Alaric's apartment when Klaus vamp-napped her so she hadn't been in touch with anyone since the ritual.

She just wanted to know if they were all okay.

"You've been busy," Elijah stated as he threw clothes towards Klaus, the elder Mikaelson was slumped against a tree, Elijah carefully watched his younger brother while Jordanna was a few feet back, sat on a rock smoking her cigarette. 

"How long has it been?"

"Almost two days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf," Elijah answered his brother with a sigh.

Klaus rose, half dressed with just his trousers on, "I can change at will then, it's good to know. I remember every single kill."

"Yes. I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way," Elijah quipped.

"Just like old times, brother." Klaus smirked teasingly as he zipped his jeans.

"You've had your fun," Elijah nodded, uninterested in his brother's antics. "I believe we have a bargain."

"That's right, now what was it again?" Klaus mocked. "Oh, yes, wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family."

"You gave me your word, Nik-" Elijah started but was interrupted by an irritated Jordanna.

"Elijah," she whined, sauntering over to him, hands stuffed in the pockets of her hoodie. "You got any gum?" She questioned, ignoring Klaus' existence.

"No, my dear," he said to her smiling. Klaus watched the two with narrowed eyes and cleared his throat. 

Both heads snapped to him and Jordanna gawked at his shirtless figure. What a gorgeous, gorgeous man—shame he's an asshole who doesn't deserve to look like that. "Oh, wonderful, you're you again," she smiled falsely at him, tone bored, merely earning a chuckle from the man. "I preferred you when you were a dog."

"Good to see you too, sweetheart," he smirked at her, taking in her appearance. 

She looked back at Elijah again. "Is he, like, leaving soon?" She asked, hoping he'd piss off so she could miserably live her life.

"I'm afraid not, love," the hybrid answered. Jordanna merely tilted her head, looking up at him with her eyebrows raised, gesturing for him to elaborate. "I have plans for my old friend Stefan, and I also heard that your friend Damon has got himself into a spot of trouble with a nasty werewolf bite hasn't he? And must I remind you, you and I have a deal," Klaus teased, stepping closer to her.

"Okay, first, old friend?" Klaus hummed in answer as she carried on with her string of questions. "Secondly, what the hell are you talking about? Damon got bit? Also our deal . . ." She gestured between the two of them, "is nada—no more. Damon broke Caroline free, she's fine, it's a done deal."

"Yes, your friend Damon got himself into quite the predicament, Tyler Lockwood bit him. Shame really," he told her sarcastically, ignoring her comment on the deal.

"Do you know something? If you do tell me," she insisted staring into his blue eyes. God they were beautiful—stop!

Not as pretty as hers but whatever.

He grabbed her by the waist and smirked, "we'll see about that, love."

Jordanna rose her hand and sent him flying back with her magic. "Touch me again and I'll cut your tongue."

"—Listen to dear old Elijah, he's the noble one, right? You should listen to him. Respect your elders and what not," Jordanna told Klaus as they walked into the Saltzman apartment. Elijah had been trying to convince Klaus to let Jordanna out of the 'deal', which he just kept responding with hardened glares. 

Katherine held Stefan up against the wall, hand tightly wrapped around his neck before her head snapped towards the door, watching as the three walked through the entrance. 

"Klaus you're back, look who decided to come for a visit," Katherine greeted with a strained smile.

"You just keep popping up, don't you?" Klaus sighed referring to the Salvatore vampire.

"I need your help for-" Stefan started.

"Yes, yes, for your brother. I've been informed actually. Jordanna's been nagging at me to help him all morning, haven't you sweetheart?" He grinned at her.

"Fuck off."

"Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." He smirked slyly.

"You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word he would reunite me with my own." Elijah informed Stefan.

"And so I shall," Klaus said darkly, he swiftly pulled the dagger from his jacket, embedding it in Elijah's heart in one quick movement.

"Oh my god," Jordanna breathed out in frustration, pulling on the roots of her hair. "The fuck you do that for?" She exclaimed as she kneeled down next to Elijah.

"I merely did as he asked, sweetheart," Klaus told her with a taunting smile.

"You're a dick," Jordanna told him bluntly, to which he only responded with a smirk.

Abruptly the hybrid sped over to Stefan and pushed a stake through his torso. "Now, what am I going to do with you?" Stefan groaned and tried to pull away but it was no use as Klaus held him firmly against the wall. "Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead."

"Klaus, damn it!" Jordanna exclaimed, eyes widened as they flickered between The Original and Stefan in worry. "Can you chill for, like, five fucking seconds? He's just trying to help Damon."

"The witches said you had a cure," Stefan said, gasping out in pain. "Make me a deal. Just give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want."

Klaus removed the stake, letting the Salvatore hit the floor with a thud. He sauntered to the kitchen counter and carelessly placed the stake down, emptying out a blood bag into a glass before taking a sip. "Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless."

Klaus looked away in reminiscent, "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off he was magnificent. 1917, he went to Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village.. A true ripper. Sound familiar?" He asked smirking.

"I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan looked down guiltily, floods of memories of his ripper stage washing over him.

Jordanna felt bad for Stefan, she knew he didn't like that side of himself and Klaus was taunting him. Dick. 

"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town," he paused. "Katerina, come here," Klaus beckoned her, his eyes turning a golden amber before he suddenly bit into her wrist.

"What the fuck, Klaus?" Jordanna exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Ah! No, no, no, " Katherine cried out in pain, cradling her wrist as the Original dropped her hand.

Klaus ignored her cries and bit into his own wrist, forcing it down her throat; her wound healed, "you want your cure? There it is."

"Sneaky bitches, " Jordanna muttered in astonishment.

"Your blood is the cure," Stefan realized. No shit.

"Gotta love mother nature," Klaus put his hand on Stefan's shoulder. "Now let's talk."

He moved over to the counter, squeezing a knife tightly in his palm, watching as blood poured from his hand into the vial.

"There it is. You want to save your brother? How about a decade long bender? I have big plans for you when we leave this town," he told Stefan before turning to Jordanna. "You too sweetheart, the deal's changed," he tightly smiled at her.


"I'm not like that anymore and Jordanna's not going anywhere with you."

"Well that's too bad," Klaus shrugged innocently. "You would've made a hell of a wingman," he told Stefan before he began pouring the blood from the vial down the sink.

"You're a bastard you know that- stop it." Klaus stopped pouring the blood and looked at the witch smugly, "I'll come okay, god, just give Damon the blood."

"And you, Stefan?" He asked, turning to the Salvatore, a pointed look on his face as he angled the blood toward the sink again.

"Yeah, okay. I'll do whatever you want."

"Fantastic," Klaus grinned. "I want you to join me for a drink," he told Stefan, throwing him a blood bag.

Stefan hesitated before drinking but Klaus insisted on it, "finish it. All of it. You do everything I say, and I save your brother, that's the deal."

When Stefan finished Klaus immediately threw him another. "Again."

After a while the room was covered in emptied blood bags. "You're very co-operative," Klaus smiled evilly. "It's almost as if you're enjoying it," he said throwing Stefan another blood bag, the Salvatore hesitantly grabbed it, hands trembling slightly.

Jordanna's jaw tightened as her hand thrust out, the blood bag shot out of Stefan's hands and onto the floor—without spillage, of course. Stefan lifted his head, catching her eye he sent her a grateful nod.

"Enough," Jordanna cut in. Klaus rolled his eyes at her before calling the Petrova over to him. 

"Katerina," he began compelling her. "Take this over to Damon and come right back."

"You want me to leave?" Katherine asked hopeful, voice full of excitement.

"No!" Stefan cried out.

Katherine and Jordanna made eye contact before she sped off. "She'll never take it to him," Stefan mumbled to himself, a sadden expression pulling at his face—Klaus merely shrugged, turning away he made his way back into the kitchen.

"She will," Jordanna assured her best friend with a soft sigh, moving she took a seat besides him on the floor, her back against the wall, head rested on his shoulder as she shoved a blood bag away from her with a grimace. 

"We'll be okay," he murmured down to her lowly. It was a small, unspoken promise between them, I'll make sure you're okay.

"We will," she nodded against his head with a sigh, and I'll make sure you're okay.

The trio stood in the warehouse Klaus had dragged them to. Jordanna was on the phone to Damon as a last goodbye, Klaus had allowed her one last phone call and the Salvatore just so happened to be calling so she answered—she didn't have it in her to call Caroline or Bonnie, it'd just be an endless sea of tears and she didn't have the heart to do it. 

"Why'd you do that Jords?" He asked.

"'Cause you're my friend, Damon. Duh."

"Exactly, you're my only friend in this damn town and you're leaving me here with all these people," he said in fake disgust. "Oh, and Alaric."

"You seriously need to make more friends," she sighed dramatically. "I know you love me and crave for my attention but it's weird now. You have a sad, sad life Damon Salvatore," she chuckled down the phone.

"Funny," he quipped sarcastically, a deadpanned tone to his voice eliciting in another chuckle to spill from the girl's lips.

After ten minutes or so she had ended the phone call with Damon—telling him to tell Caroline and Bonnie she'd miss them, and that she'd be back soon. The second she had placed her phone in her jacket pocket she was met with a shrill scream. What the fuck? Jordanna sauntered over to the two vampires, watching as Stefan sped after a crying, screaming woman.

What in the holy hell was going on? 

Klaus walked towards her and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him and whispering in her ear, "now the real fun can begin sweetheart.

Jordanna scoffed and shoved his arm off of her.


more klaus and jorddsss

adios xo

(edited 3/12/21)

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