𝘃𝗶𝗶. 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀

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chapter twelve 

daddy issues


THE NEXT MORNING Jordanna woke up to an empty bed, Rebekah had left a note saying she had to go dress shopping for homecoming and had left her a glass of water and some Advil on her bedside table. 

Later in the afternoon Caroline had called the witch telling her to get dressed and meet her and Bonnie in the town square. Jordanna woke slightly paranoid, she could feel someone watching her all day and it was unnerving her. To be safe the witch shoved a knife in a thigh holster she hid under her skirt.

I know, I know. Very spy-movie like, but she was paranoid as hell, sue her.

Plus, if she was being honest, it looked hot.

Around an hour later Jordanna was hanging lanterns with Caroline and Bonnie in the Town Square, her mind drifted off to the original hybrid. They still hadn't spoken since the night he left, ashamed to admit but Jordanna actually missed the hybrid's company. Annoying as he was.

"So, when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did it get rid of Anna too?" Caroline unexpectedly asked, earning both witches attention. 

Bonnie sighed in annoyance. "I wish, all I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here," the Bennett explained in frustration. 

Jordanna looked at Bonnie in sympathy. "I can look into it if you want, Bon? If you want me poof her away into oblivion, I can," she told her.

The Bennett witch sent her a small smile, "I got myself into this mess Jords, I can get myself out of it." Jordanna nodded unsurely but nevertheless, let it go.

"Okay, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that," the blonde vampire said earning a harsh nudge in the ribs from Jordanna. 

"There you commented," Bonnie mumbled, continuing to hang up the lanterns, ignoring the pointed look the vampire was giving her.

"Bonnie," Caroline trailed off in a motherly-tone, Jordanna's lips pursed as Bonnie's head snapped in the blonde's direction. 

"What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, now I'm paying the consequences," Bonnie snapped, earning a sigh from Caroline.

"I want you to say you're not okay with it," Caroline pushed softly.

"I'm a thousand times not okay with it, I just don't know what to do about it," Bonnie admitted sadly. Jordanna placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. 

"I know she's dead already, but I can kill her for you, Bon-Bon. I know a way," Jordanna smiled slyly, raising her brows in question.

Bonnie was about to speak up when the revving of an engine caused all three to face Damon Salvatore as he pulled up besides them. "Greetings blondie, witchy," Damon said before smirking as he let his eyes run up and down Jordanna's figure. "Witchy senior." Jordanna rolled her eyes at the vampire and flipped him off. "I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan," he smiled innocently, although his tone was sarcastic.

"What do you mean?" Jordanna asked, crossing her arms over her chest as the three girls watched him in confusion.

"I'm pretty sure I just got spit roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost," Damon replied as Jordanna's brows furrowed.

"Wait, why would you even think that?" Caroline questioned.

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest," Damon spoke.

Jordanna snorted at that. "Karma," she coughed out, an innocent look played at her face as Damon glowered up at her.

"Let's just say I'm having deja vu," he said shooting Jordanna a glare.

Caroline looked at Bonnie with wide eyes, "I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people?"

"They can't," Bonnie replied, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Great," Jordanna grumbled as she thought back to all the people she'd killed in the past. "Just great."

"Yeah, well I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone they're supposed to stay dead," the raven haired vampire stated with a tight smile. "Get in the car, Jords," Damon told the witch, Jordanna complied with a huff as he turned back to Bonnie. "Whatever you screwed up, fix it," he demanded.

Jordanna glanced towards the vampire as they sped off, "Grill?"

"Grill," Damon stated with a nod.

The two supernaturals walked into the Grill a little while later, Jordanna followed after Damon as he sauntered towards Alaric.

Alaric smiled at Jordanna who sent him a grin in return before his expression turned sour as he noticed Damon standing besides her with a sheepish smile on his face. "You know, I've had enough of vampires today, thanks," the history teacher sighed as he began to get up from his seat.

"Oh come on!" Damon whined. "Have a drink with me, we've got trouble."

Alaric shook his head, sending the vampire a glare, "no, you've got trouble. See, we're not a team anymore. You tried to kill me." Jordanna smiled in amusement at the vampire hunter as he continued his rant, "alright? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore."

"Ah! But remember when you liked me and we conspired to kill uncle-werewolf-Mason-Lockwood?" Damon questioned with a smirk as he led them over to the bar causing Jordanna to roll her eyes at his behaviour.

Alaric sighed and leant against the wooden bar between Jordanna and Damon, "yeah, and?"

"I think he's still a little pissed," Damon stated before ordering a round of whiskey.

"Not surprised," Jordanna muttered as she brought her glass to her lips. Just as Damon reached for his drink, a hand suddenly snatched it from his grasp.

"God, I miss whiskey."

"Mason," Jordanna said in shock before her lips curved into a small smile.

"Hey, Jords," he nodded at the teenager he used to babysit before taking a long drink from the glass, not even a second after the glass was pulled from his lips, he smashed it against Damon's forehead in a quick motion.

"Told you," Damon grimaced in slight pain.

The waitress returned with a tray of tequila shots, placing them in front of the group. Jordanna grabbed one and quickly downed it.

"I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace," Damon groaned as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

Mason took a shot and glanced towards the trio, "one of you will pay for this right? Cheers." 


"Let's get to it. I killed you. You want revenge, get in line," Damon told the ghost bluntly.

Mason raised his brow, an amused expression danced across his face, "actually, I want an apology."

Jordanna and Alaric glanced each other, holding back a laugh.

"Yeah, okay," Jordanna chuckled.

The history teacher nodded his head sarcastically, "good luck with that."

Damon stared at the ( dead ) werewolf for a moment before retorting, "don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid minion."

"That's why I'm here," Mason told him, eyes locking with Damon's as he suddenly became serious. "To help Tyler."

Damon took a shot before looking back at Mason, "well, sorry to break it to you buddy, but Tyler can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is like always."

"Not necessarily. Not if you found a weapon that could kill him." Jordanna's head snapped up at that.

Damon dramatically sighed. "There is no weapon that . . . " he watched Mason for a moment before speaking. "What do you know?"

"I know you need to apologize."

Damon rolled his eyes in irritation, "you've got to be kidding me."

"Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize," Alaric snapped.

Jordanna nudged Damon roughly with the heel of her Versace's, "apologize you dick." 

The vampire sighed deeply. "You're right. I didn't have to kill you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do," Damon offered, pressing his lips together in a tight smile.

"Jesus," Jordanna mumbled.

Mason laughed, merely amused by the apology. "That's good enough," he stood up before continuing. "Meet me at the old Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel," he glanced at Jordanna and Alaric who were both sat, unbothered, as they sipped on their drinks. "Come alone."

"What, you going to bury me alive?" Damon questioned sarcastically.

"Don't tempt me," Mason grinned.

"Sounds like fun," Jordanna teased before grabbing another shot, only for it to be snatched out of her hand.

"Jordanna Jones! You are underage!" An all too familiar voice scolded.

Jordanna's eyes widened as she turned around slowly, her mouth gaped open as she took in the sight before her. She hadn't aged a day, her dark brown hair ran down her back, her eyes seemed more blue than before. Her lips still held that same playful smirk. Her skin seemed to be glowing and she looked happier, her eyes didn't hold that tired spark, like they did eight years ago. 

Jordanna gulped as her heart slammed against her chest. "Mom?"

"In the flesh, amore," Mary smirked, looking down at her daughter. Her smirk turned into a warm grin as she wrapped her arms around Jordanna. Her hands ran through her hair soothingly, feeling her shaking body relax under her touch. "I missed you," she whispered into the young girl's head.

Mary-Anne's eyes fell onto Alaric, who she gave a small smile to. She had been watching Jordanna from the moment she died, she'd been there with her through everything. Alaric had been there for Jordanna the second he arrived in Mystic Falls, the history teacher was the father-figure Jordanna needed in her life. 

Her eyes fell upon Damon who was watching them with curiosity before her expression drastically changed as a scowl danced across her face. It was safe to say the older witch did not like Damon Salvatore.

Damon swallowed nervously under her stare before holding his hand out to her, a sweet smile plastered on his lips, "Damon Salvatore. You must be Mary-"

"-I know who you are," Mary deadpanned, ignoring the hand the vampire held out to shake. Jordanna smiled into her mom's shoulder as Mary stared down the vampire. 

"Right," Damon said, clearing his throat with a curt nod as he awkwardly shoved his hands into his jacket pockets .

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have things to do with my daughter."

Mary and Jordanna strolled down Town Square, arms looped together like they used to do when Jordanna was a child. "What's it like over there?" 

Mary looked down at her daughter before shrugging slightly, "it's not bad, after Sheila died she kept me company. She told me to tell you that you've got to lay off the cigarette's or she'll burn each and every single one you lay your hands on from beyond the grave. "

A smile pulled at Jordanna's lips at the mere mention of the Bennett. "She knows I got that habit from you, right?"  Mary-Anne merely grinned whilst Jordanna pulled her eyes off of her mother, staring up at the street ahead, eyes focusing on the lanterns decorating the streets. "Did you see him?" 

Mary discreetly rolled her eyes at the mention of him. "Unfortunately yes, he kept following me around like a lost puppy," she chuckled.

Jordanna smiled in amusement before they fell into a comfortable silence. They didn't even need to talk—just being in her mother's presence was enough.

Settling down on a bench opposite the Grill, Mary smiled at her daughter in admiration before speaking up, "I am proud of you, you know? I've been here for all of it, by your side, every step."

Jordanna frowned with a slight grimace. "Even after everything I've done?" Jordanna pursed her lips. "I run around ripping people's tongue's out with my magic and beat people with a baseball bat covered in nails . . . you don't wanna, like, retract that statement or anything?"

"Even after everything," Mary smiled reassuringly. "I was a lot like you when I was your age."

"Really?" Jordanna teased.

"Oh yeah!" Mary nodded enthusiastically. "It's quite scary how alike we are, Danny."

Jordanna's lips upturned into a smile at the nickname her mother used to call her as a child—when she was younger she hated it—but hearing it now, made her smile. No one had called her that since Mary died (well, no one that she cared for anyway)

It was nice hearing it again.

Jordanna smiled softly at her mother, "I missed you."

"And I missed you, amore," Mary grabbed her daughter's hand. 

Jordanna's phone began buzzing as her ringtone echoed through the two Jones' ears. Mary, being the nosy person that she was, leant forward slightly, checking the contact name, a teasing smirk pulled at her lips once she read it. "Klaus? Hm."

Jordanna's eyes widened as she ended the call, hastily putting her phone back in her bag. "Don't start," she groaned in dismay.

Mary shrugged, her smirk only getting bigger, "I didn't say anything, although..."

Jordanna sighed dramatically slamming her head down onto the table.

"Così drammatica" so dramatic, Mary laughed, smacking her daughter upside the head. "All I was going to say was, you both would be cute. "

"Cute?" Jordanna grumbled, lifting her head up and placing her chin in the palm of her hand. "I'm not in fifth grade, mother."

"Yeah, you'd be cute," Mary grinned teasingly, ignoring Jordanna's words. "I watched the two of you a bit from the other-side, there's definitely something there." 

Jordanna cringed. "Yeah, okay," she narrowed her eyes before sighing. "Anyway, if there was anything, and I'm not saying there is, it's not like it'd be approved."

Mary snorted, "since when do you care what people think?"

"I don't," Jordanna defended.

"Right," Mary drawled, rolling her eyes. "All I'm gonna' say is, do what you feel is right. Not what the others think is right."

Jordanna nodded lightly, a pathetic smile resting on her lips.

A chill was sent down her spine as her eyes scanned the area surrounding them, she looked to her mother who seemed to look slightly disturbed. "Do you feel that?" Jordanna asked her mom who nodded in response.

The Jones women raised from their seats and walked back down the Town Square with hard expressions on their faces. Turning left down to an alley way, in one quick motion the youngest Jones spun around and pushed the culprit against a brick wall, a knife held to their neck.

Jordanna's lips pursed as she looked at the amused man in her grasp. "Dad," she greeted dryly. 

"Ah! Jordanna," his gruff voice greeted, delight lacing his tone. "How lovely it is to see you!"

"Wish I could say the same," she smiled tightly.

"Mary," he grinned at his wife ( or ex-wife ) who was watching with narrowed eyes, arms crossed over her chest as she stood next to her daughter.

Roughly letting her father go, Jordanna began to question him. "What do you want?"

"Can't I just see my two favourite girls?" He smirked.

"No." Both Jones women deadpanned.

Howard pouted in fake hurt as Jordanna rolled her eyes at him. 

"I don't have time for this, leave us alone."

"That's no way to talk to your father," he tutted playfully.

"You're no father," Jordanna snapped.

Mary watched as Howard rolled his eyes at their daughter. "You're more annoying than I remember." He turned to his wife. "Isn't she? She wasn't this much of a shit when she was baby."

"No, that's you, Howard," Mary told him. "You're the annoying one you bastard."

"Oh! Right, yes," Howard grinned.

"Fucking—Christ," Jordanna grumbled, pinching between her brow.

"No I'm Howard" he corrected with a cheeky smile "I think you need to start concentrating more in school sweetheart."

"Shut up Howard," Mary snapped at him as she grabbed her daughter's forearm. "Come on, we're leaving."

"What?" Howard exclaimed. "I just got here, it's not a proper family reunion without me."

"Goodbye Howard," Mary sang as she walked away from her husband—or former husband.

"Goodbye Mary," he smiled lovingly at his wife—or sadistically. With Howard one could never tell the difference. He just had a thing for hurting those he 'loved'. "That was fun. I'll see you two soon. Bye."

He heard a quiet scoff in the distance as he watched the two walk away and next thing he felt was a sharp pain in his neck and the world went black. Jordanna glanced back momentarily, lip up tugging as she watched her father's body fall to the ground in a heap.


Mary and Jordanna strolled down a street on their way to their old house. Mary-Anne thought it was a good idea to visit the house seeing as it's been abandoned for seven years, Jordanna protested but had no choice in the matter.

Her mother always seemed to get what she wanted. Clearly not her life, but besides that? She pretty much got her way.

Caroline had rang Jordanna when they got inside of the old Adams residence. The blonde had informed the witch that they were at the Boarding House looking for Elena's necklace so that they could send the ghosts away.

"Caroline please," Jordanna pleaded as she walked into her old bathroom, shutting the door behind her. "Don't send them away yet, my mom's here."

"Mary's here?" Her voice cracked a little before she cleared her throat. "We have to, I'm sorry. The tomb vampires are here."

"I don't care, Caroline," Jordanna snapped before her tone turned desperate. "Just give me a day, okay? Just one more day with her, until I find a way to keep her here. Please"

Caroline sighed into the phone as Jordanna spoke up again, "I can't lose her, not again."

The witch heard muffled sounds for a few seconds before the vampire spoke. "Jeremy's got the necklace, they're going through with it, JJ. I'm sorry"

"Give the phone to Bonnie."

"Jords, you know it's the right thing to do," Bonnie said sympathetically as she took the phone.

"I don't give a fuck if it's right or wrong, Bonnie," she snapped once again, tone hard. "It's my mom. Please, just let me try," she pleaded into the phone.

"I'm sorry, J, I really am, " Bonnie said before hanging up.

Jordanna brought her phone down from her ear, staring at it for a second before a knock on the door snapped her out of her daze.

"Danny?" Her mother's soothing voice called out, opening the bathroom door she was welcomed with the distressed look on her daughter's face. "What's wrong, amore?"

"They're sending the ghosts away," Jordanna said, merely at a whisper.

Mary's face fell and she let out a small, "oh." She made her way to Jordanna and wrapped her arms around her tightly. Her fingers ran through her messy hair. "This won't be the last you see of me, okay?" Mary pulled away, cupping the younger girl's face in her hands, wiping away the stray tear that escaped her eye.

"Okay," Jordanna nodded at a mumble. 

"We both knew it would happen eventually," Mary told her.

"Doesn't mean I want it to," she pouted like a child. 

Mary laughed softly as she let her eyes scan over Jordanna's face, "I love you, kid."

Jordanna huffed at the name but smiled nonetheless, "I love you too."

Mary wrapped her arms around her once again. Jordanna's heart stopped as she felt the weight lift.

She dropped to the floor of the empty bathroom, staring into space. Her hand subconsciously reached for her pack of cigarettes that were hidden in the bottom of her bag, pulling one out of the packet she placed it between her lips and stared down at it.

She watched as the end of the cigarette lit. "Huh," she let out a humourless chuckle. 

She sat, face covered in dry tears and mascara, she closed her eyes and ignored the buzzing of her phone. She ignored the world around her and just sat content for a moment.

After at least an hour of sitting in the corner of the bathroom, the witch grabbed her phone and scrolled, looking for a certain name, ignoring all the missed calls she had received from the others.

She let out a sigh as she put the phone to her ear, listening to it ring, eventually the ringing stopped.

"Hey Bex." 

Rebekah had stayed on the phone with the witch for hours and hours, talking and listening to her. She had listened to her as she spoke about her mother even her father, Rebekah wanted to wring Bonnie Bennett's neck for sending the ghosts away.

Jordanna told her she wasn't allowed to, Rebekah huffed and puffed about it but eventually caved.

The walk home from the old house to the new house wasn't long, it was peaceful for Jordanna. Her mind ran back to the conversation she had with her mom when they were sat outside of the Grill. She pulled her phone out of her bag and opened the message she had received from the hybrid.

'I miss you'

Jordanna pursed her lips to hide her smile, damn you Klaus Mikaelson. The witch debated on whether or not she should respond, her fingers subconsciously found the Original's number and pressed call.

She held the phone up to her ear, listening to the ring.

One ring.

Two ring.

Three rin-

"Hello my love," the original hybrid spoke down the phone with a smile on his face, his accent blessing her ears. "Klaus.." Jordanna breathed out, slightly shocked that he answered. 

"The one and only," Klaus spoke, Jordanna could practically see the smirk on his face. "You called, sweetheart?"

"Uh—yeah. To be honest I didn't think you'd answer," Jordanna admitted as she crossed the busy street. 

"If it's you calling I'll always answer," Klaus teased.

"I'm flattered," Jordanna rolled her eyes.

"So, why is it that you called me? Miss me already?" The original questioned.

"Yes that's it Klaus, I miss you. I so crave for your attention," Jordanna sarcastically quipped, although she wouldn't deny that she did in fact miss the hybrid.

"I don't blame you love. If I was you I'd crave my attention too."

The witch scoffed as she made her way down her street, "big ego much?" 

"Very much."

Jordanna rolled her eyes at his response, "as much as a pleasure it has been talking to you Nikky, I've got to go."

"Already, sweetheart?" 

"Yeah," she breathed out, shoving the key in the door. "Goodnight Klaus."

"Goodnight sweetheart."



anyways mary and howard made an appearance. i kind of love howard

ik the call was short but i was too lazy to think of what to write

vote and comment oxox

(edited 15/02/22)

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