Chapter 5 - Tสœแด‡ Fแด€สŸสŸ Oา“ A Kษชษดษข

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ย  ย  Celia was sat on the curb with her friends mourning the loss of their friend. When Celia's phone rang and she excused herself after she saw the unknown number "What do you want asshole" Celia spat into the phone "Well that's not very nice Celia but don't you wonder where your father has gone?" Ghostface's voice rang "You stay the fuck away from him" Celia said with anger "too late your friend Sam led him right into my trap" He told her "Stay away from him" Celia said with tears in her eyes looking around for a car or someone to help "Say goodbye to daddy Celia" The voice told her as they hung up "Fuck this shit" Celia said running for cop car with it's keys still in its ignition with a gun on the passenger seat "take the car" Mickey told his daughter "You've got to save him Cels" He told her "Fuck it you're right" Celia said hoping in the car and starting it "Hey!" One of the cops yelled as Celia turned the engine on driving off with the sirens still on "Stop her!" One of them yelled as others got in their cars and followed Celia while her friends stood up confused on all the chaos. Celia was half way there when Mickey appeared next to her "STEP ON IT!!" He yelled at her as she pressed down on the pedal with rage filled inside of her from her friend being killed by the same guy who's trying to kill her father. Celia would do anything to save her father.

ย ย  Celia pulled up to the hospital to see Sam's car in the middle of the road "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Celia said grabbing the gun in the passenger seat as she got out leaving the door opening running to try find her father "hurry up Cels" Mickey told her "come on!!" He yelled at her as she ran towards the elevator to see Sam, Richie and Tara coming out "Nonono" Celia said pushing past them "What floor?" Celia practically yelled at them "You can't go up there" Richie said grabbing her to stop her "Let me go asshole" Celia yelled getting out of his grip "Tell me what floor" Celia yelled at them "5th floor" Sam told her before she pulled her sister towards the exit as Celia pressed the 5th floor button over and over trying to get it to move faster.

ย ย  "Please don't be too late" Celia said trying to stay strong for her father when the elevator binged and opened for Celia to be met with the Masked killer kicking her father's dead body to the floor after that moment all Celia saw was red "uh oh Celia looks like you were too late" Ghostface said as Celia looked at him as he started running at her just for her to pull out a gun shooting him in the leg causing the killer to fall over in pain. While Celia sprinted over to her father's body and started putting pressure on the wound with her jacket while she started preforming CPR "Come on you can't leave me" Celia said as she started crying "Please dad ... Please" Celia said continuing CPR "Wake up please" Celia said as she checked his pulse to feel nothing "no please come on wake up dad" Celia yelled as she fell back into the pool of blood crying "Please dad" Celia whispered before going back to CPR when she heard the elevator ding and people running towards her.

ย  Celia held onto her dad the whole time not letting go until someone had to grab her and pull her way "Let me go!" Celia yelled trying to get to her father "He's not dead" She yelled again "Come on dad wake up!" The Riley girl yelled again as they pulled her into the elevator taking her downstairs with her father behind her.

ย ย  When Celia exited the building she saw her mother running towards her falling into the arms of Samantha and Richie crying and yelling before she saw her daughter walking out in the arms of a police officer as they let go of her letting her run over towards her mother. "I'm so sorry" Celia said as she embraced her mother crying "It's not your fault Cia" Gale told her letting her own tears out as she held onto her daughter as they both sunk into the floor not letting go of each other mourning the death of both of the light of their lives.

ย ย  Celia and Gale were sat in the hospital not talking to anyone till Celia noticed Sam making her way over. Celia saw haterd at Sam for luring her father to his death Celia stood up storming over at Sam yelling at her "You got him killed" "You caused this" "He's all I had" Celia yelled hitting Sam in the chest over and over again till she was pulled away by security and her mother "Jesus, Cels you have gone mad" Mickey said as Celia was taken back towards her seat as she saw Gale and Sam talking as she got up and headed towards the bathroom splashing her face with cold water "this is all a nightmare" Celia said as she looked up "it's not a nightmare Cels" Mickey said "Just go away" Celia spat at him walking out and heading back towards her mother who was sat in the seat she previously in when a cornorer officer came out "Are you Dewey Riley's family?" He asked holding something in his hand "Yeah we are" Gale asked turning towards him as Celia just sat with her head down "This was found in his pocket addressed to Celina-Tatum Riley-Weathers also known as my CeCe" He read up as Celia looked up at him "That's me" She said quietly "I didn't read it. I thought you should" He said handing her the letter "Thank you" She said as he nodded walking away "I'm gonna go outside and read this" Celia told her mother who just smiled and nodded at her.

ย  ย  Celia found a bench outside the hospital and sat down on it as she opened the letter pulling the paper out.

ย  Dear CeCe,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  I'm guessing if you're reading this I didn't make it this time. I love you so much it hurt me to write this. I couldn't pick you up this morning because I was writing this and doing some other things for you because you know I couldn't leave without an exit after everything we've been through together. Don't stay here after this is finished go to NYU like you were planning, live your life, move to the farm house you always wanted to. You're all grown up now it's shocking how I was able to raise such an amazing girl like you. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to walk you down the aisle or be there when you give birth. But in your heart I'll be there always. Look after yourself CeCe and your mother please. Also keep that boy of yours safe he's a special one. Sell the house take the money travel the world, buy yourself a house! Do anything that makes you happy with it. I love you so much CeCe I will always look out for you forever. But just remember I'm reunited with Aunt Tatum and all my friends I've lost so I'm not alone and neither are you I'll be right with you forever, there's no getting away from me CeCe. Now stop crying and remember the good stuff that we did. Like the time we went camping in the woods and got chased by a bunch of bees or the time we went kannoing and you leaned over the edge and tipped the boat over and we both got soaked. Look after yourself CeCe.

ย  ย  Love, Dad ุช๏ธŽโค๏ธŽ

ย ย  Celia looked up with sad and happy tears in her eyes before she put the letter in her pocket "Really dad" Celia said with a little laugh "You really know how to turn a terrible situation into a nice one" Celia said as she stood up "that was the most beautiful letter I've ever read" Mickey said wiping tears.

ย  ย ย  Celia walked into the building to see her Aunt Sidney there "Sidney?" Celia asked as Sidney turned her head "Cels!" Sidney said as she walked towards her embracing her in a hug "I missed you so much" Celia said "I missed you too Celia" Sidney said. As they both sat down with Gale as they talked and Celia just sat there till she saw Sam, Tara and Richie leaving "Tara!" Celia called out as Tara turned her way "Cels!" Tara said back as she smiled when Celia walked over not making eye contact with the other two "I'm so sorry Cels" Tara said as Celia kneeled to be on Tara's level "It's nice to know he went out saving people" Celia said smiling a little "Where are you going?" Celia asked as Sam asked Richie "Can you take her to the car?" "Yeah sure" Richie said taking Tara towards the car "Where are you taking her?" Celia asked standing up "I'm getting her out of here" Sam said "He's just going to follow you" Celia said "Not if I get far enough" Sam said walking away as Celia looked over at Sidney who got up and followed Sam with Gale not far behind as Celia followed behind to hear the full conversation "What do you want lady?" Sam yelled at Sidney as Gale walked over "Hey watch your tone new girl" Gale said "You know how they always say it goes back to the original well here's the original" Gale told Sam standing next to Sidney
"Yeah" Sidney told her.

ย ย  ย  Richie pulled around the corner "Come on lets get the fuck out of this crazy town" He said to Sam "This is my boyfriend Richie" Sam said pointing to Richie "Nice to meet you, now please get in the car so we can never see these people again" Richie said irrigated "Sam-" Celia said stepping forward when Sam opens the car door "Good luck" Sam said before Richie pulled off "So that went well" Sidney said annoyed "Yeah it actually did" The Weathers women said walking away "Let's get something to eat" Sidney said as she continued walking with Celia and Gale behind the Prescott women. Celia, Gale and Sidney were sat in the hospital canteen when Celia saw that Liv texted her saying there was a party at Ambers house and that everyone is invited "Wait I have an idea" Celia said looking up from her phone "Amber is throwing a party at her house aka Stu Macher's house" She said as her mother and aunt looked at her "The first Woodsboro killings were in that house" Sidney said getting deja vuย  "He's making a requel. So to be original he'll want to attack there" Celia said as Sidney looked up at her "What's a requel?" Sidney said as Celia gave her a side eye "I'll just Google it" She said "When he attacked me he told me he'd be back for me" Celia said "So you want to use yourself as bait?" Sidney asked as Celia nodded "No you're not doing it" Gale said "I'm not losing another person tonight" The Weathers women continued "That's where you two come in" Celia said as the women looked at her "You'll both be behind me and I'll be armed" Celia said "Dewey raised you right" Sidney said with a small smile "Yeah he really did" Celia said "Now stop with the lovey dovey stuff and let's kill these assholes" Mickey yelled as he pulled up a chair "Now, let's give them a requel" Celia said standing up followed by Gale and Sidney. "Yes!! You go Celia!!" Mickey shouted jumping up and down clapping his hands "I'm gonna kill these assholes for you dad" Celia whispered closing her eyes following her mother and Sidney towards the car.

ย ย  Celia arrived at her's and Dewey's house "Do you want us to come?" Gale asked "I'll be fine" Celia said getting out of the car and heading towards the house. "You've got this Cels" She said to herself opening the door and walking in to see the house cleaned top to bottom with a box on the table and a note. Celia walked over towards it and sat in the couch where her and her dad would watch movies or play board games together she carefully pulled the note of the box and opened it "I thought you might need something to take down these looney toons" She read as she laughed a little opening the box to see a a pocket knife and a taser with some bullets next to them "Jesus dad you're a life saver" She said as she picked up the box and brought it towards her room where she changed into a pair of jeans, a white shirt and her leather jacket with a pair of black boots "Let's kill these asshole" Celia said putting the gun and taser in her waistband and the pocket knife in her boot. "LETS GO CELS!! YOU LOOK SO BADASS!" Mickey yelled at his daughter "WITH THE WHITE SHIRT TOO!! YOU KNOW YOU'RE GONNA GET DIRTY WHEN THE WHITE SHIRTS INVOLVED" Mickey told his daughter laughing a little "Shut up and don't speak unless I need help" She said looking at Mickey "okay! I won't annoy you for now" Mickey said as he disappeared "Thank god" Celia said shutting her bedroom door and walking outside towards her car "Be careful" Gale said to her daughter "You too" Celia said as she smiled at her mother driving off in front of the two.



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