Cobra Kai Never Dies

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"So that's it?" Demetri asked, looking from Miguel to Theo as they studied in the library. After Miguel stood up to Kyler and his friends in the locker room and got his ass handed to him, Carmen forbid Miguel from learning Karate, especially from Johnny, so the blonde man shut down Cobra Kai. "No more karate?"

"I guess so," Theo shrugged, typing away on his phone. Ever since he had managed to get Tory's number on Halloween night they had been texting. Theo broke things off with Moon as gently as he could, and was relieved when she agreed with him, they were better off as friends anyway.

"It's probably for the best," Demetri shrugged, waving as Cami sat down next to Theo. "It was starting to boost your confidence."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Cami asked, placing a comforting hand on Miguel's shoulder. He sent her a small smile in return.

"No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" Demetri said sarcastically.

"Smoking hot babes," Cami shrugged, which made the group laugh.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler," said Eli, getting another smile from the Diaz boy.

"Are you insane?" Demetri asked. "Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength," Miguel finally spoke up.

"Mind reading," Cami shrugged.

"Invisibility," said Theo, causing Demetri to click his fingers and point at Theo.

"Bingo, my Rockstar friend," Demetri grinned. "A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Kyler asked, leaning over Eli's shoulder. The three jumped, but Cami and Theo sat there, unimpressed.

"Whom," Brucks corrected, leaning into Kyler's side. "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class--"

"And we were just leaving," said Miguel hurriedly, himself, Eli and Demetri standing up.

"Hey, where you going?" Kyler asked, grabbing Eli by the shoulder. He spun him around and held him by the jaw. "Oh, look at this freak. What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

"The way you were looking at him, I'd say you'd want to," Theo said sarcastically, not looking up from his phone.

"What'd you say, LaPusso?" Brucks asked, shoving Theo's legs off the table.

"Really original, guys," Theo scoffed, getting in Brucks' face.

"Leave them alone, Kyler," said Miguel.

"You haven't had enough, 'Rhea?" Kyler asked him, shoving him lightly. "Huh? Get the hell out of here, man," he said, shoving Miguel away from him by his face.

"Hey, just remember, if you ever hurt or embarrass my sister, I'll break your fucking teeth," Theo said threateningly.

"Oh really?" Kyler asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to take my guitar and smash it over your head," Theo replied, shoving Kyler away.


Theo was just chilling in the apartment. Cami had gone out with her friend and Freddie was passed out in his bed when three loud knocks came from his door. Theo sighed, pausing Top Gun and placing his beer down on the table.

"Miguel?" He asked when he opened the door, seeing the Mexican boy bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Mom says I can train again!" The boy says excitedly, grabbing Theo by the arms.

"Hey, that's great!" Theo smiled, patting his arm. "I think we best tell Johnny quick though, he's there now packing up his shit!" Miguel nodded, and both boys jogged to Theo's van, heading straight for the Dojo. Johnny was in fact packing his stuff away and grew confused when the bell above the door rang.

"My mom says I can train again!" Said Miguel with the same enthusiasm he told Theo with.

"She did?"


"I mean, if we still have the dojo," Theo said sarcastically, looking at some of the packed up stuff.

"We do for now," Johnny smirked, nodding his head. "All right, but I need to know, are you ready to take things to the next level?"

"Yes, Sensei!" They both replied in unison.

"Diaz, you got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defence, so I'm gonna teach you the best defence that you can know," Johnny said once the boys lined up on the mat. "And the best defense... Ha!" He threw a punch, stopping short of Miguel's nose. "Is more offense."


Hot Waitress 🌭🍻❤️: Hey, my little brother is staying at a friends tonight, wanna come over? I got pizza

Rockstar 🎸🤘🏻: Sure, send me your address

"What's got you all smiley?" Johnny asked when they finished training. "You got a girlfriend you're not telling us about?"

"No, she's just a friend," Theo shook his head, putting his socks on.

"She hot?" Miguel asked, getting a impressed nod from Johnny.

"Incredibly hot," Theo agreed.

"Then you gotta make the first move, dude!" Johnny slapped his shoulder.

"I will, I will," Theo laughed, shoving him away.

"Hey," said Theo when Tory opened the door to her apartment.

"Hi," Tory smiled, opening the door wider for him.

"Tory, who's at the door?" A weak voice called from the main bedroom.

"Just a friend, mom!" Tory called back. "Sorry, she likes to get a little nosy," Tory joked, a sad smile on her face. Theo placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She had trusted Theo enough to tell him about her mother's illness, cancer sucked.

"My mother passed away when I was six," Theo told her when they sat on the sofa, so close together that their knees and arms were brushing together. He wanted to tell her this for awhile, but it seemed better to tell her in person. "She had different type of illness," Theo swallowed the lump in his throat.

Tory caught onto what he was saying, linking their fingers together and resting her head on his shoulder to show her support.

"I spent the day in school like I normally would, I made her this Mother's Day card at recess, and it was only February," they both laughed. "She was the best mother anyone could ask for, I wanted to show her that every day," Theo sniffed, feeling Tory squeeze his hand tighter. "My uncle would help me buy flowers and nice chocolates for her anytime I wanted, but when I got home from school that day I found her in the bathroom-"

"You don't have to say anymore," said Tory, feeling her own tears well up in her eyes. Theo nodded, closing his eyes as Tory wrapped her right arm around his waist.

"So," he said after a moments silence. "What movie we watching?" Tory shot up with an excited grin, heading towards the collection of DVD's in the corner.

"We can't afford Netflix or anything..." she trailed off embarrassedly.

"I prefer DVD's anyway," Theo shrugged, making her smile. Tory pulled out "10 things I hate about you" causing Theo to break into fits of quiet laughter. "I always knew you were a cheesy rom-com girl."

"Shut up," Tory laughed, snuggling back into Theo with a pizza box on her lap.

"Is this pizza as cheesy as you?" Theo asked her sarcastically, warranting a smack from Tory.

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