Different But Same

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"What the fuck happened here?" Theo asked when he, Freddie and Cami walked out of their apartment the next morning to see the remains of Johnny's burnt car in the parking lot.

"I wasn't home last night," Cami shrugged, looking at Freddie.

"I was blacked out in bed," Freddie shook his head.

"So was I," Theo shrugged. The three moved towards their van, wiping some ash from the windscreen before they set off to school.


Theo and Tory found themselves seated side by side in their music class, surrounded by the sounds of various instruments. Tory's frustration was evident as she struggled to follow the music notes on the sheet, her fingers stumbling on the keys of the piano.

Theo, noticing Tory's struggle, glanced at her with concern. He softly whispered, "Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. It took me years to play the piano."

"But you're in a band," Tory rolled her eyes. "You can play piano and guitar."

"That's not the point," Theo laughed. With a smile, Theo reached into his bag and pulled out a sheet of music. "I wrote this song called 'Dance With My Mother.' It's a simple song, and I think it could be a great starting point for you."

Tory's eyes widened with surprise. "Are you sure? It's a personal song."

Theo nodded, his voice filled with sincerity. "Yes, darling. This song is special, just like you."

Tory's face reddened as Theo placed the sheet of music in front of Tory, he positioned himself on the bench next to her. He gently took her hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring.

"Let's try something different," Theo suggested, his voice gentle and encouraging. "Instead of focusing on the notes, let's focus on the feeling of the music."

Tory looked at Theo, her heart filled with gratitude for his support. She nodded, taking a deep breath.

As Theo began to play the simple melody on the piano, he guided Tory's hands along the keys, showing her the rhythm and flow of the music. Together, their hands danced across the piano, creating a symphony of love and understanding.

Tory's frustration slowly melted away as Theo let go of her hands and she played without guidance.

"Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My mother would lift me high
And dance with my grandpa and me and then
Spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs, she would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved."

"If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with her
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my mother again."

Theo sang along softly as a guiding point for Tory to stay in line with the music. Her fingers slipped every now and then which made the song sound off, but Theo just smiled at her reassuringly.

"When I and my grandpa would disagree
To get my way I would run from him to her
She'd make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah-yeah
Then finally make me do
Just what my grandpa said
Later that night when I was asleep
She left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that she
Would be gone from me."

"If I could steal one final glance
One final step
One final dance with her
I'd play a song that would never ever end
Cause I'd love love love to
Dance with my mother again."

"Sometimes I'd listen outside his door
And I'd hear how grandpa would cry for her
I'd pray for him even more than me
I'd pray for him even more than me."

"I know I'm praying for much, too much
But could you send back
The only woman I loved
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord, I'm dying to dance with my mother again."

Tory's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she played the final note, seeing Theo looking down at his hands. She gently grabbed both of them in her own, rubbing her thumbs over his knuckles.

"She'd be so proud of you, babe,"Tory whispered, kissing his cheek. "It's a beautiful song."

"Yeah," Theo chuckled, sniffing slightly. "You're the only one who knows this song exists," Tory and Theo smiled at each other, resting their foreheads together before the bell signalled the end of class, causing them both to sigh.

"I'll meet you by your van after gym?" Tory asked. Theo nodded, lightly pecking her lips.


"What's wrong with misery face over there?" Theo asked when he arrived at the canyon later that evening with Cami, Freddie and Kai after dropping Tory off at home. He grabbed a beer and cracked it open, knocking it against Hawk's in a cheers.

"Your sister isn't texting him back and he saw her eating dinner with some chode out back at her house," Hawk explained, both boys glancing at Miguel who was checking his phone every two minutes. "Anyways, who's that blonde you were holding hands with in music?"

"Oh, that's Tory," Theo's eyes lit up at the mention of her. "Yeah, she's great, man, we got something good going on."

"Happy for you, man," Hawk slapped Theo's chest. "After happened with Dak-"

"Nope, don't need to hear that name," Theo held his hand up. "Gone long enough without hearing it, not starting now."

It was awhile later, Theo was sat with his back against a log, Cami under his arm with her head on his shoulder and Freddie fast asleep with his head in Cami's lap. The sun had gone down now and Cami and Theo were laughing with one another as they watched Kai and Moon making out on a log opposite them and Hawk and Moon's sister, Luna, making out with Hawk.

They were whispering with each other when they heard a piercing scream, and their heads snapped to where Aisha was giving Yasmin a front wedgie causing them to burst into laughter along the with the rest of the party-goers.

"Um, T?" Cami said unsurely, tapping Theo's arm. She pointed towards where Sam and another boy were walking down a steep slope towards the party and where Miguel was drunkenly and angrily walking over to them.

"Fuck me," Theo groaned, standing up and shaking the dirt off his clothes before grabbing his beer and marching over to them.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He heard Sam ask Miguel as he came into earshot. "Wait, have you been drinking?"

"Miguel, go sit down, man," said Theo, stepping between his sister and Miguel. "You're drunk."

"'No, no, no. You don't get to turn this on me," Miguel said angrily, pushing against Theo's outstretched hand. "I texted and called you all day and you couldn't answer me back once?"

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone," Sam defended herself.

"Oh! Oh, that's so convenient!" Miguel slurred.

"Hey, I said go and sit down!" Theo said frustratedly, shoving Miguel away.

"Hey, man--" the boy who came with Sam tried to say but got cut off by Miguel shoving Theo harshly into him.

"You get out of here!" Miguel yelled, but Theo in a semi-drunken rage got up and punched Miguel hard. Before anyone could react, Miguel lunged towards Theo, his intention clear. But in a twist of fate, his aim went awry, and his punch landed on Sam, who was standing too close to Theo.

A moment of stunned silence followed as Sam stumbled backward, her hand instinctively covering her cheek. The realisation of what had just occurred washed over everyone, filling the air with a heavy sense of regret.

Miguel, his anger momentarily dissipating, looked at Sam with a mixture of shock and remorse. "Sam, I... I didn't mean to..."

Theo, his anger transformed into concern, rushed to Sam's side, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Sam, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen."

Sam, tears welling up in her eyes, nodded slowly. "I'll be fine, Theo."

"Sam. Sam, I'm sorry," Miguel said desperately.

"God, you asshole!" Sam yelled, clutching her cheek with her right hand, her left hand holding Theo's arm. "What the hell was that? My dad was right about Cobra Kai," she said bitterly as the boy came up to her side. "Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there," with that she walked off with the boy following her.

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