♕ chapter five

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𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘱.

We are now more than halfway through the Selection, and after a shocking turn of events, Noa Karida was found guilty of Princess Thyra's death, their disintegration to be set next week during her memorial service with the Source.

However, this will not be a routine event.

Not only will Noa Karida be executed, but the Bloodletter is set to be executed as well, ending the rebel leader's reign of terror once and for all.

With closure at last, celebrations are set to take place district-wide to honor the life of the beloved princess, and to celebrate the peace that will soon follow. Each member of the Ellenan council has been invited to attend this historical event, but while the castle prepares for the celebration, a blizzard has swept over District Twelve, covering the land in beautiful snowfall and momentarily stopping Fortress operations. This is a rare day of rest for royals and councilmembers alike.

Dearest selected and staff,

Since we are all snowed in, unfortunately, our trip to the outer districts has been postponed. However, I feel that this is best given recent circumstances. Today I invite —children, selected, and councilmembers—to take the day off! You all deserve it. Enjoy the snowfall and explore the Fortress, which may soon be your future home. Make the best out of the time given to you. If you're not sure where to venture, below are some of my favorite places! Of course, you could always have some hot chocolate in the library overlooking the gardens and the forest.

Whatever you choose, always be careful, my dearest Selected.

'Til next time, 

Queen Elvara T'Krusskyo of Ellena

Places to visit include the following:

- The Royal Holo-Library & Database

- The Automaton Kitchens 

- The Observation Deck, Planetarium, & Ballroom 

- Shrine of the Spirits

- Selected Quarters

- The Laboratories of Science & Ancient Magic*

- The Ellenan Museum ( Laurentius' Relic Room )*

- The Courtyard & Gardens

- District Twelve Overlook Point

- M'emnon Frozen Waterfalls & Lake

- The Celestial Forest Trails

- Celestial Forest Grotto & Ancient Ruins

- The Royal Quarters 

- Seymour's Kitchen

- The Throne Room

- The Dungeons

- Asterisked (*) Rooms w/o a Guard

- Off-limits Trails in the Forest


> The Fortress is now open (for the most part!) Your character can ignore the rules and visit the off-limits areas if they like, but be warned: consequences await, and you just might uncover secrets better left under wraps. 
> Noa can be visited with a guard or royal's presence, but other visitors will be turned away. 
> We have several new Selected! Feel free to make "open" chains and make more connections. You'll need them...

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