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"DAMNIT!... I could have gotten him!" Throwing my wrench on the floor out of anger after tighten the bolts on my boots. This making Gramps, Tails, and Chris back up from me. "(Y/N), relax! There was nothing you could have done! Eggman is stronger than you thi-" "And I'm smarter than you think!!" I snap back at the yellow Fox. Who flinches and ears go down.

I realized what I did and look away. "I'm sorry ... I'm not mad at you. I- forget it." Taking off my goggles and sighing. Gramps puts his hand in his coat pocket walking to me. "It appears our foe is more powerful than we thought. Don't beat yourself up about it. You all tried your best and we're glad you're all okay."

I look at Tails who places his hand in the Tornado. "We could have had an advantage. But it's just to slow. Maybe I could alter with the engines frequent system, to help it get a better boost! Maybe with a chose emerald but that's to risky. It'll be overkill like shooting a fly with a gun. What if we added two engines, so it could give the chaos energy more room to absorb."

I snap out of my thoughts when all eyes were on me. "...Sorry- was I rambling?" Tails eyes widen as he smiles. Hugging me tightly. "Kid Genius! That's a great idea! That might just work!" His adorable big baby blue eyes looking at me. I wink at him as I pet his head.

"In order to do that we'll have to rebuild the whole plane. Are you sure you can do that?" Gramps questions as Sonic jumps into view butting into the conversation. "I know, Tails can do it. You never let anything get in your way of your planes. And you got KG here to help you out!" Sonic tells him. Jumping onto my shoulder and sitting on it.

"And I got a great place where we can rebuild it. I know it'll interest you, Tails. Just a little place I build." I added proudly on just to get flicked in the back of my head by Gramps. "Ow! Okay, okay, WE build." Rolling my eyes as the little fox tilts his head curiously.

Sonic hopping off my shoulder as I take Tail's little hand. His yellow and white cheeks turn a bit pink when it took it. "Infact, I'm 100% scientifically proven that you will like it." I chuckled leading him off with Gramps by my side.


Me, Gramps and Tails were in a elevator which was taking us straight down underneath the house. The elevator coming to a stop and the doors opening. "What's this?" Question Tail's as I place my goggles on my face. Having a smirk on my face. "Welcome to our laboratory~ Secret Lab for short." Snapping my fingers as the lights cut on.

Tails little head couldn't take all the excitement. It was so adorable as his tails wag behind him. "It's amazing!" "Heck right it's amazing! I started making this when I was 7! And of course because I needed an adult supervision. Gramps helped out."

"Hey! You wouldn't have gotten half of theses parts of it wasn't for me." Argued the old man making me stick my tongue out. "Anywho, I think you'll find everything we need right in here." I twirl my handy wrench in hands. "Ready to get building, buddy?"

"Yeah! Let's do it!"

"Let's rebuild the Tornado!"

"Whoo hoo!...wait lemme get my headphones!"


Night time fell and we were working hard. Drawing out blue prints for the model. Adding new bits and materials as well as a few microchips I added in for better durability and strength.

Gramps worked on the old engine that was originally in the plane while I made the new one. Lucky for me, I had created small little helping robots to fix the tiny bits I couldn't see or reach. I call them S.A.M. (Small, Artificial, Maintenances.) One S.A.M bot added in the wires while another added the pieces together with a blowtorch to seel it together.

We've been working all day. It was getting pretty late and Gramps was getting tired. I was tired to but thankfully humans found coffee/tea. Taking a drink of the hot beverage making me sigh while yawning.

"You two have been working all day. Why don't you take a break?" Gramps asked us kindly but he were so close to finishing we couldn't just end it there. "It's okay. We're almost done anyway." Tails tells him. His blue eyes not leaving the wires in his hand as he carefully added them in.

Shrugging the old man. Walking out of the lab. "Man... I'm tired-" Right after I said that I get electrocute by one of the circuits making me twitch and jitter. "...I'm up now." Feeling a hand on my shoulder as me and Tails turn around. "Need some help?" Smiled Chris nicely at us. "...how did you get in here?"


It was morning now. I had already gotten a pretty angry phone call from my parents. Their plane to come and get we was cancelled so they couldn't get me for my meeting. Thank goodness for that...

Me and Tails had just finished it. Man...was it absolutely beautiful. Tails looked tired almost like he would pass out. I pick him up gently. "Hey, buddy, you did great. I'm proud of you." Giving him a thumbs up. He smiles and hugs me tight. "I couldn't have done it without you, sis." Sis?... I like that.

"C'mon, let's show the others our work!"


Everyone was standing outside of the garage. I was in front of the garage clearing my throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen...and Sonic." Sonic pulls his under eyelid down and sticks his tongue out. "I present to you... Tails hard work invention! The Tornado X!"

The garage door lifts up revealing the new and improved aircraft. "Newly high tech, stainless steel, & hyper drive frequent system! This baby is more than better. It's beyond your imagination. All thanks to you little man, and me and the old man."

They all smile in amazement. Sonic looking impressed. "Not bad, Show off " He winks at me. "Me? A show off? I'm offended Mr. Hedgehog. How dare you." I giggled starting up my boots getting ready. "Let's shove off, guys." Sonic tells us, just before Chris comes up.

"Hey, Sonic, I was hoping I could go too." He asked Sonic. "No-" "chris, you can't come with us. You know the plane is only a two-seater." As Chris tried to continue, Tails cuts in. "Guess I forgot to tell you. I made a couple more changes." Tails clicks a button which lifts up the roof of the cockpit. Showing it now has three seats....I don't remember this on the blue prints.

"I asked Tails if he could put it in an extra seat. I hope you don't mind, Sonic." Chris looks at him...am I invisible or something? "Um no. Chris you can get hurt and this isn't some field trip." I scold him crossing my arms. I don't want him to get dragged into this and get hurt. His parents love him to death and I can't risk it. "Huh?! But your going and-" "I am a genius, Chris. My mind has been in a college level sense I looked to crawl. I know what I'm doing and I've kicked Eggheads but before." Me and Chris kept going back and forth. He was always so stubborn.

"Quiet! Both of you! Just as you don't get in the way, okay?" Sonic shouts out before agreeing with Chris. I slap my forehead as I groan. "Tch, whatever. C'mon." I fust and gaining my balance on my boots. Floating up high in the air. Adjusting my helmet and pulling down the screen protector.

"I'll meet you guys up there..." Powering them at turbo blast and booting off fast in the air as a red blur trails behind me. I could hear them calling my name but I was to far to even care. Finally after a minute, the Tornado X comes right next to me. "(Y/N)! Don't leave off like th-" "No time to talk! Missiles coming in at different points!"

Flying near one and kicking it straight in causing it to blow. I could feel the excitement in my bones causing me to twitch with adrenaline...This is going to me fun. Sonic jumped out as well and joins me. Us both hoping from one missile to another. Jumping on top of the E-90 once more. "Heya ugly. Missed us?" I questioned the big robot which in returned it aims a blast at me. Sonic grabbing my hand and jumping up just barely missing it.

"I'll take that as a no." "Don't worry Sonic and Kid Genius! I got your back!" Yelled out Tails from the X Tornado. Shooting at the E-90 and blowing off it's blasters. "Ha ha! Alright thanks Tails!" Me and Sonic holding our thumbs up at him. Bringing our attention back to the action.

"Mmh... Tails can't get closer to you. That machine right there is trying to aim at him." I tell Sonic, in response he runs straight into it. Causing a giant explosion as Sonic was about to fall off of the spacecraft. The explosion nearly aimed at me. On instincts, I quickly grab onto Sonic before he fell. He smiles once he sees my face, but quickly changes when a we both felt ourselves being sucked in by powerful suction. Using my boots to keep us away as possible. Not before one of the starts to smoke up, as I could feel the engine inside it sputter and flare up. Causing extreme heat to my left foot.

A tear of pain seep into the corner of my eye. But I held it together. Thankfully, the right boot was still intact. Hitting on full boost on my boot. Feeling the energy coursing through the rocket boots. Making me and Sonic get away in the speed of sound. Making a giant Sonic Boom which destroys the giant vacuum.

"Whoa! That was amazing!- Huh? Ah!! Your rocket boot! It's on fire!" Panic Sonic who was still in my arms. I hiss in pain trying to shake my foot to stop the fire. "Take it off! Your leg will be badly hurt!" Yelled Sonic but I couldn't do it. "I can't! I worked to hard on them! I'll deal with it!" "How can you deal with your foot being on fire?!"

Finally, Tail's comes over with the X Tornado and catches me and Sonic. Me n him on top. "Crap, we're getting closer to the stratosphere! I should have brought a jacket." I complained. As we reached up high, Sonic shivers and so do I. I felt his hands hug around my waist. His body connects with mine. I could hear his heart beat...it was insanely fast.

Due to the coldness, my boots started to freeze up just like Sonic's shoes. The fire was put out but now instead of 1/2 degree burns I was now dealing with frost bite... Ouch.

A odd feeling of energy began to run through the Tornado X. Sonic's body having steam and some type of aura coming off of him. The ice shattering off of us as he stands up glaring up at Eggman's robot. "You didn't really doubt me, did ya, cutie?" .... I think all the blood cells in my body rushed up in my face. "G-go kick Eggman's butt! You blue demon!" I yell at him, trying to fix my boot. I felt soft lips on my cheek before I could even turn my head around. He had left.

Watching as Sonic began to destroy all of the missiles that came out way as the E-90. "Yes! Way to go Sonic!!" I smile happily. Finally that was over with. Sadly, I could find Eggman during all of this. I really want my Ray gun back. I'm just glad that everyone is now safe.

I then noticed... something floating in the air. It was a piece of paper of some sort. I take hold of it and begin to examine it....

Is that me?


Sonic was sitting on the couch with his feet in some hot water from being nearly frozen solder. Meanwhile I was sitting next to him with a blanket around me and my left foot wrapped up while my right was also in hot water. Sonic resting his head on my arm, me petting his head while looking at the picture again.

"I was adopted when I was a baby. At least that is what I was told. But who is this person holding me? The picture is half burned so I can't see the other person. Just their hand and dark orange hair? It can't be Dad's or Mom's. I.. look so happy hugging onto them."

"(Y/N), Sonic, made my caliente chili for you. This will make your tummy nice and warm." Ella came in with two bowls and place them in front of us. Making me cut out of my thoughts. "You sure taught Eggman a lesson, Sonic and (Y/N)!"

"Thanks Chuck, but this time we only helped. Chris and Tails are the ones that did it They're the real heroes." Sonic praises the two boys who had the biggest smiles on their faces I've ever seen. "By the way, how's that foot of yours?" Question Sonic as I look away. "It's fine. Doesn't hurt. Just stings a bit but I'm find." I put the picture in my pocket. Sighing in confusion...I hated the feeling. Not knowing anything was the worst.

Sonic thinks for a moment. Before I felt his hand take my face cupping it gently. My eyes widen at this. "Sonic, what are you-" "Say "AH" for me." He held the spoon to my mouth. Placing his thumb underneath my lip to open it. I open my mouth and take in the delicious and spicy chilli. Sonic and my eyes lock like from before. Not knowing Amy had came in the room.

"Let's celebrate! I made this ice cream myself...for the coolest gu-"



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