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I was sitting out of the game....

They really thought they could get me to play. FAT CHANCE!

I watched the whole time bored.... Literally I fell asleep. Mean while I kept an eye on the emerald and just wait....

Some nice sleep...

Under the night time sky and stars...and-

....Why do I hear cheering?

Opening my eye to see freaking HUNDREDS of people on the bleachers all around the stadium...




....They better have won that Choas Emerald or SO HELP ME!

Knuckles sit downs next to me. I could tell he was playing hard and panting just a small bit, but trying to hold it in. Sighing, placing my hand on his head running it. He looked surprised from my contact... Rubbing his head more into my palm. Closing his eyes shut.

This was actually kinda adorable. Feeling a gust of wind, Sonic appears next to me to. Laying his head on my lap. Having a cocky smirk. "You really are a sleepyhead. You missed our winning game. I was epic and so was everyone!"

"Did you win the Choas Emerald?"

"Heh- erm- about that."

I raised my hand up in the air. The blue hedgehog flinching as he thought I was gonna hit him. Placing my hand down and rubbing his quills. He looks at me with his Emerald eyes. That same look from when I first started to do it. Closing his eyes and humming softly. Having two boys on me as my hands were on their heads.

I look up to see Eggman flying off with the emerald before anyone could get it...That's what they thought.

During the teasing from everyone I had a micro bug robot latch onto his baseball uniform. Allowing me access to where he lives at....

Time for a family reunion.


"Wow...this place is ... AWESOME! HOLY CRAP! It's like a robotic wonderland!...it wasn't easy getting in but thankfully I made it through with ease-" All the lights went red and siren's go all of. A bunch of robots come out n swarm around me. Aiming their weapons at me.

"....Aw damn."

I slowly raise my hands up in the air. Bringing my body down onto the ground. Turning off my boots. I heard them tell each other to "bring the intruder to Dr. Eggman." Which is a good thing for me. So I don't have to wander around this whole place for him.

They bring me to an entrance as the door slide open. Two robots, both on each side of a giant chair. The chair spins around showing the doctor himself. He had a wide grin on his face as he intertwined his fingers together.

"Maria! So glad you could visit! I apologize for the mess, I didn't realize you would be visiting so suddenly." His voice sounded so untrustworthy. The robots dropped me on to the floor as I quickly picked myself up. "We need to talk, Robotnik. And STOP calling me that! My name is Y-"

"THATS...Where your wrong. And your never wrong! Why I have looked over your whole government file. You gain quite the popularity ever since you were just a child. Being known as the smartest child on this whole planet. Being able to outsmart some of the most brilliant minds here. Why... It even states that you have created such amazing robotics to help in the world. I must say I'm impressed... But what else do I expect from my own... Offspring."

I gave him a harsh glare. "I want answers! NOT riddles... Tell me how in the world I'm related to you. Tell me how it's possible for you to be my father...TELL ME WHAT DELUSIONAL OF A WOMAN HAD YOU WITH ME! SPEAK OLD MAN!" I wanted to get closer. But one of the robots behind me wrapped its arm around my body causing me to not be able to move.

"- Hehe, straight to the point! I love how direct you are. Mmh, if you really want to know the answer, looks like I'm going to have to start this story from years and years ago. EHM! Oh, where are my manners." With a snap of his fingers. Two robots come behind me and set me down on a comfortable chair. Handing me a cup of milk and cookies.

"Now then! EHM!..It was about 15 years ago I believe. It was a rainy midnight. I was going through my... Depressed era and usually come up with my greatest robotics. But this time it was different... I had this strange idea. The thought of me retiring but not having someone related to me take my place bothered me a bit. Sure, I could have my robots. But it just didn't feel the same. So, I had the brilliant idea of cloning myself! But not just any clone. I created a way to take a tiny piece of a human's DNA and reconstruct it into a brand new human being. Of course, I gave you some different features... How you ended up with your looks now is all thanks to my creative working. Even though you may not look like me... We Are One! Our minds are equal... But of course I gave us one similarity trait."

Chuckling darkly and raising his white gloved hand to his blue glasses. Taking them off and revealing dark red eyes... They looked just like mine. There's no denying that what he's saying it's the truth. But what had me more in a chokehold was the fact that... I wasn't really entirely human. I was just created... Created just to take his place?!...

I shove a cookie in my mouth. Chewing it for a while before swallowing. I can't believe that a crazed lunatic scientist from a different world is technically my father.

"Wait...but why did you name me... Maria? Was there a reason? And also if this is all true why am I here? Why am I on Earth and not in your planet? Did you get bored of me and threw me away? I'm so confused!" I tell him. Really invested in his story and wanting to know more.

Waving his hand to calm me down. "Sweet-oh daughter of mind. I'm getting there. Now, where was I? Oh yes! I never had any intentions of abandoning you or leaving you. I may be an evil genius but I care deeply about my creations. I really did care for you as if you were my own daughter. Which in technical sense you are considering we share bits of the same DNA. But, anyway, you were at least one years old or at least about to turn one."

"You see, the way the machine worked it created life but starts from the very beginning. Meaning when you were created you were just a little infant. But even after a year that I had you... I grew a giant bonding connection with you faster than that meddling hedgehog. I remember I was working on a project, meanwhile you were playing with your super 100% child friendly toolbox. But I suppose it wasn't as entertaining, seeing as something else caught your eye."

Crunching down on another cookie and drinking the milk. As all the robots were now sitting next to me also listening in on the story. Wondering what was going to happen next.

"The project I was creating was a Portal Device. Something to help me teleport from one place to another. A very fun invention I was pretty proud of at the time. It wasn't fully prepared yet as I was fixing some few complications... Sadly, I had forgotten to turn it off. I had noticed you weren't in your usual spot, but when I turned around to look for you I had knew I was already too late..." He trails off the sadness hitting his tone of voice.

"With one step you took near the portal... You are sucked in. You see, nothing has ever gone through the portal before which caused a giant reaction out of it. The second you went through it it caused some tampering inside the machine. Making it explode on impact... Leaving me at my knees staring at the wrecked machine... I never saw myself as a sensitive man. Until the one time I really lost something that made me feel love, like I never felt before... There, I had thought I lost my only daughter...My Maria."

I nearly choked hearing him say that. I almost kind of felt bad for him. Losing a child no matter what it is... is still heartbreaking. "...so...why is my name Maria?" I asked again. Expect this time my tone was a lot more softer.

"I was trying to come up with different names for you. A name I could remember while also a name that would fit... I had found an old picture of my grandfather and cousin. My cousin's name was Maria... The sweetest human I knew. Her heart held no hatred nor anger. She truly was a sweet young girl, who sadly lost her life at a young age. I figured I might as well give you a nice name... And what nicer of a name than one that was given to the nicest human ever. Of course, Y/N also fits you well. That's one thing those faker of a parents were good at doing."

Insulted Eggman which I couldn't really be mad. They weren't abusive parents but they weren't the best either. I already knew they were my adopted parents even when they tried to hide it. I always did believe that my real parents were really smart and incredible people that use their intelligence to help others.... I was like 30% right.


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