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"eye of the beholder."

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"get ready for the debutante contillion, make sure you get all the steps right"

This is the year 2013, and Crystal Lakes are planning a debutante contillion for the residents out there. The mayor are sending their invitations to his lovely town especially the area around from the north side of California. Mayor Arthur wanted all kids and teenagers to introduce to their society even with people who has low self esteem.

In the Shady Lakes, it's the most poorest area in there. Everyone else had lived in nice houses, nice neighborhoods, most of them living in the trailer parks, mobile houses, and run down homes. Someone had graffitied in people's fence and wrote "fรผฤk crystal lakes!"

The town from Shady Lakes and their community is dying and it's going to take leaders to save them, Like Percy Weller is trying to discover the history of this town. He may not have the best grades in school, but he's fighting for what he believed in.

Valerie McNeli and Percy Weller are both south side heroes, they're shady lakes all day and everyday. They are best friends, some of the classmates expected them to date but due to their sexualities , they couldn't because Valerie is a lesbian and Percy is gay.

Hanna Martinez was a former south sider from Shady Lakes, until her and her family moved to Crystal Lakes for a fresh start.

The reason why her family moved because they almost got killed by a unknown drug dealer and her little brother almost died by sniffing heroine.

Hanna hated it there, she thinks the town is full of "rich white people" who has no empathy for anyone's pain and suffering from the real life issues.

Well most of the minorities from Crystal Lakes are rich, like Sierra Adonis. Sierra is a middle class family, who aren't really that rich, they do have money and had faith with god.

Hanna had never got along with kids from the north side, nor she ever did. She only gives a shรฏt about the people from the south, and her personality is still a south sider.

Percy and Valerie had bias against rich person, the last time they showed up to the Crystal Lakes county fair in the summer, all of the kids from made fun of them.

Percy didn't care, he didn't grew up with all the luxury stuff like the kids from Crystal Lakes. He had a different childhood and was forced to mature like other people.

From Shady Lakes, most of the town wanted to go, but some of them doesn't bother going there. All because some of the minorities as of people of color and people with financial problems showed resentment to the Crystal Lakes.

Also they're jealous of the rich people because theyย  have better environment than Shady Lakes does.

So Crystal Lakes and Shady Lakes had hated each other as they are today. The town full of poor people couldn't stand privilege and power.


Forbes Residence
8:30 am
It's Saturday morning, Toby had stepped outside. He started yawned, scratching his hairy back. He walked outside with his robe, holding his mug saids 'world's best husband and father'.

A neighbor and his wife seem weirded out about a man on his underwear. Toby had opened out the mailbox, he stopped and sees a couple who's been staring at him.

"Morning Mr and Mrs Brown." Toby had waved at the married couple, Marcus and Hazel Brown. He smiled like nothing is wrong.

Toby had fun last night, things got pretty steamy between him and his wife. Well, just like their oldest son and his new girlfriend.

Toby and Monica had too much to drink, they fooled around and got it on. While Patrick was practicing playing guitar with Tabitha, Jenna had played her favorite computer game "Fantage" with Sienna "Sunny" Bailey.

Asher and his fake girlfriend, Quinn didn't had too much to drink. They just agreed on having sรซx, he used protection to prevent his girlfriend from getting pregnant.

Asher does not want to be a dad, at all. He felt pretty uncomfortable when he had his first time with Quinn. Also He is not interested to her private parts.

And he only did it, just so his friends would make him feel like a man.

In the teen's bedroom, Asher got up the bed, half naked and had his boxers on. Watching his girlfriend borrowing his over-sized shirt, Quinn felt pretty awkward wearing Asher's shirt.

A pretty teenager girl seeing her pink panties on the floor while Asher heard footsteps in the hallway and he gasped.

"Hide in the blankets!" Asher whispered at Quinn, the girl laid down on the bed and covered her whole body with her boyfriend's blanket.

While Quinn is covering herself, she's sees a weird stuff like socks in the blanket. "Eww....." She whimpered.

The teenager opened the door, realized it was just his stupid little brother. He huffed, half naked while leaning against the door.

"What the hell do you want?" Asher seem annoyed by his brother's presence.

"You know, just here to stop by and to check to see if your okay." Patrick pretends not to know about last night from Asher's door.

"I'm fine." Asher ran through his brown hair, he furrowed his eyes when Patrick tries to look around.

"What are you looking at?"

"Umm, I was just making sure that I left my flash light in there." Patrick was stopped by the teen.

"There is no flashlight, you have one in your bedroom!" Asher started to become hot headed, even when someone is asking stupid questions.

"Why are trying to come in my room? And why are you smiling like that?"

"You know, I just heard hehe.....I just heard you and a other girl wrestling." The poor redhead boy is sweating from his forehead, he covered his mouth after saying that.

Asher had took a deep breath, but instead he pinched Patrick right through his right arm.

Then the teen grabbed a hold of his brother's face and goes right to his eyes.

"IF YOU EVER HEAR THAT AGAIN, I WILL TAKE ALL OF THE THINGS YOU LOVED, ALSO I WILL DESTROY THEM!" Asher had threatened his brother if he ever attempt something like that.


The teenage boy had gave a redhead a death stare, Patrick would consider his brother a monster of the family.

The redhead whimpered as his older brother lets him go, the little boy walking to his room upset, he wished he never heard that.

Patrick was scared that Asher was able to destroy him, the teen is not a good role model to his younger siblings. One time, Asher got in trouble at home when he forgot to pick up Patrick from school.

Then Asher called his brother "snitch", after Patrick told both Monica and Toby. They forbid their oldest son to hang out with his friends, which his friends are part of a bad crowd.

Toby is even terrified of Asher, one time he had a dream about him and his wife are an elderly couple, they seem to be so peaceful together. Until an enraged middle age Asher bursted out in the living room, stomping his feet and slides out the tea cup from the coffee table, left it broken.

Asher complained to his parents about how much a loser he is, he remembers how he got flunked out of college and start dealing drugs.

Toby had tried to talk down him down, but the man refused. So Asher had ripped his father's toupee from his bald spot.

"You can't treat your father like this." Elderly Monica was horrified, she feel like she had failed as a parent.

Middle-age Asher had displayed no remorse of it, he took Monica's heart pills from the coffee table.

Elderly Monica demanded her son to get the heart pills back, But Asher promised she will get these if she makes him a sandwich.

Asher had instantly grabbed his mother's arm, forcing her to go to the kitchen.

Back in the present, Both Toby and Monica are worried about their oldest son.

10:30 am
The Forbes are eating breakfast on the table, Toby is excited about the letter that he received from the mail this morning, He may be interested of going to the ball or the cotillion this year.

Toby remembered the time when he took Monica to the senior prom in the 80s since her date stood her up. Monica was so happy to walk with him, a day before graduation she dumped her stupid ex boyfriend who is a part of a lacrosse team.

Although her ex boyfriend Milton, cheated on her twice.

Toby is happy to have a hot and loving wife, he's not happy that he's is a nerd dad and has his jock older son.

He wished there's some way to get closer with Asher, it's been a while since they spent time together, but now they drifted apart ever since Patrick and Jenna came in the picture.

Asher is approaching the dining table, holding hands with Jenna. He's sitting down, not even bother to look at his father.

"So, Asher would you like to-." Toby was about to say something, but he was stopped by Asher.

"No." Toby was shunned by Asher, after he rejected his father.

"Asher, be nice to your father!" Monica didn't like it how her oldest son treats her husband.

"No, no that's okay honey. He's just having a busy day." Toby had calmed his wife down, feeling like weak.

"So, kids we're having our family game night. I was hoping that all of you could join." Monica had announced to her family, it's been months since they done game nights.

"I can't, I'm going to the movies with Quinn, Riven and his girlfriend. It's going to be the same night as the game night." The aloof teenager had made up as an excuse, just to run away from his family.

Although, the movie that him and his friend group are going to see is a R rated movie. Yup, they may be teenagers but they act more mature than a fifteen year old would.

"Have fun, and be back by ten." Monica reminded, she worried that her son is may be doing bad things.

"And please don't have too much fun, I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet."

"I'm remember my first date." Toby had remembered his time of his life with Monica.

"Me and your mother went to the parking lot, eating popcorn and watching a John Hudges movie. Back in the day we didn't have smart phones to text, we wrote notes to each other."

"Wow, I want to go back in the nineties." Patrick seems to be interested to the story.

"Actually honey, we were teenagers in the mid eighties." Monica chuckled, along with Toby and seeing how funny Patrick was.

Asher scoffed as he stand up and marched upstairs to his room. He couldn't stand being near to his annoying and embarrassing parents.

Crystal Lakes Cinema
6:45 pm
Ahh the Cinema, everything is so classical and beautiful. Teens, children and couples are about to spend the night watching romance movies. The snacks are super expensive, and nobody else wants to buy them.

South sider Percy Weller is walking down the street with his two best friends, Lane and Valerie. Most of the rich people looked down on three kids.

As the three came in the movie theater, the kids gave the usher twenty dollars to see a movie, at least they're going to see a PG-13 Movie.

Unfortunately they couldn't afford to pay snacks due to them having high prices, instead they bring outside food. Percy Weller is holding his lunch money that his parents bought him, Valerie and Lane only had big bag of chips.

"I can't believe I'm going to watch a horror movie, so scary." Lane whimpered, thinking that the movie would fear him.

"Relax Lane, we're only going to watch Paranormal Activity. Trust me it's not that scary." Valerie rolled her eyes, she was tired of the blonde getting scared at every littlest thing.

"Exactly, it's really just a movie so yeah." Percy added, he isn't nervous enough to watch movies like that.

"I don't get why the prices are up from the concession stand."

"Maybe because our president wanted to buy that type of ballroom with his greedy aลกลก." Valerie had made her friends giggled, only after when she said that.

"This has to stop, it's making our community feel like crap and Mayor Arthur is getting away with murder."

"We need someone who is somewhat dumb and rich, to discover why Crystal Lakes are awful people." Valerie is figuring out the plan to stop this hate and shame of the Shady Lakes.

"Maybe her!" Lane had view the director towards Marissa, chatting with her popular clique.

"Her?!?!" Valerie's laughed after seeing the airhead cheerleader. "There's no way in hรซll she would figure it about history of Shady Lakes."

"I mean, this girl has a IQ of a nail."

"One time in science class, she thinks the word 'photosynthesis' is her portrait for picture day." The girl bursts out laughing, and couldn't stop making jokes about her.

"Come on guys, she's not dumb as we seen her to be." Lane had defended his crush, didn't like when his friends are making fun of her.

"Plus, you said we need someone who is rich and dumb though."

"He has a point, Val." Percy pointed it out.

"But the problem is that she's going to attend the contillion and her moms are going to be there."

"And we don't have the invites."

"Well I also heard that Marissa is handing out the invites to people." Lane said, staring at her invitations and handing everyone else a invitation.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go talk to her!" Percy grabbed his friend's arm, but the british boy stopped as he resisted.


"Because she's your girlfriend, and now go buddy!" Lane had walked it off to see his dream girl, and the blonde seems pretty darn nervous.

Marissa had handed out the flyer to the adults, has cascaded her long dark hair on her shoulder and turn her head to the sixth grader.


"Hey." The cheerleader replied back.

"So, I was wondering if you could invite me and my friends to the contillion." Lane said, as the tall girl viewed at both Percy and Valerie.

"Sure." Marissa was nice enough to invite the people from the poorer backgrounds.

"Hey Lake, Isn't okay if you could to my house on saturday to get you a suit."

"I will play for it." She smiled.

"Okay, also my name is Lane." Lane was surprised that Marissa had knew his name, but she misnamed him.

"Here's my number, call me if you need anything." Marissa walked away, and thinking that the boy is cute.

Lane was in shock when the cheerleader had gave him her phone number.

Percy and Valerie had ran towards him, they were pretty stoked that he has a phone number from Marissa.

"No way, she gave you her phone number." Percy said, seem be a little hyper.

"Yeah, and she gave us the invitations." Lane handed his friends two invitations to the contillion ball, which Valerie is not happy about it.

While the kids are pretty excited about going to the ball, the teenagers are waiting in the hallway.

In the screening room, everyone is watching a romance movie, the four teens are satisfying staring at the movie screen. Act like it's nothing.

Riven turned his head to Asher, he seems to be crushing on him.

He started smiling, while he hands off with his girlfriend, but it's not girlfriend, it's his female friend actually.

Riven is viewing at the teen's eyes, Asher looked back at the boy sitting next to him.

He began to smiled at Riven, and the short boy smiled at him back.

Riven started to hold his hand to Asher, but Asher seems to frown and put his hand on knee.

He clearly upset the guy, but he didn't want to cheat on Quinn.

Asher really needs to get attention from his parents, because he thinks they're too nice enough to bring him a girl over.

Riven has a sad look on his face, he knows that Asher is pretending to like a girl in order to feel secure of his sexuality.

Mayor's Office
7:50 pm
Mayor Arthur, the devil in the town's spawn and what would he described, 'unlikable'. Some of his co-workers secretly disliked him especially his partner, his partner had a desire to stand up to him.

But he couldn't because the mayor is a monster, and he using too much control of the power.

The mayor had set up the decorations in the ballroom for this year's contillion and wanted to make it marvelous and fabulous as usual.

"Derek, go over there and put the sushi on top of it!"

"And You! Hey you! I wanted a Carolina Rolls, not Tuna Tolls!

Mayor Arthur scolded the chefs, he wanted the other chef get him another sushi rolls than tuna rolls, and he hated tuna rolls.

"Plus, who eats tuna rolls. It's disgusting." He grunts in anger and tries to calm down.

"Mayor, are you okay?" His dark skin partner, Jackson Cleveland walked towards to him and seem pretty worried about him.

"Yes, I'm okay." Mayor Arthur turned his head to good natured Jackson.

"The Annual Contillion is going to be in three days and I want this place to remember."

"I don't want no slobs and food stamp collectors in this magical event."

"Mayor, I think your being unfair, everyone wants to go." Jackson didn't like how Mayor Arthur is treating the south side.

"It's been four decades and it has to change."

"Are you out of your mind, they're going to ruin everything and it would destroy my image."

"You know I don't like them, Jackson and you should know that by now."

"I know sir, but your being unfair to the community." Jackson was tired of the old man's behavior.

"I may be rich but at least I'm not a classist like you." He walked away from the mayor, and Mayor still doesn't get it.

The Forbes Residence
8:45 pm
"Patrick, are you sure your going to the cotillion?" Tabitha questioned her redheaded friend.

"Of course I'm going! I love school dances and stuff." Patrick said, finding something to wear for the ball.

"Well this is more than just a dance, it's a town event for the Crystal Lakes." Tabitha said, looking at her magazine.

"I don't care about the high society stuff, I care about my night with Paris." Patrick grinned.

"Or Marlee, I could see she's crushing on you." Tabitha mentioned, when she sees Patrick shook.

"Yup, while in English class. She couldn't stop staring at you."

"No way, Marlee is too good for me." Patrick chuckled. "But If I break her heart, her brother is going to kill me."

"Yeah, totally." Tabitha chortled.

-To those who applied for Life of Adolescence, I apologized for making this applyfic on a hiatus due to personal issues, I was busy in real life and I'm truly sorry about it.

-To those who are interested in my applyfic, go read chapter one right now!

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