102. surveillance

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By daybreak, we had received word on Octavia, somewhat relieving my worries. She was alive, but had been taken to Polis. I could rest somewhat easy in the fact that Clarke would hopefully look out for her. But nonetheless, anxiety still hung over my head.

I stood in the courtyard, helping with the harvest once again. Despite the fact that I was beyond angry with him, I couldn't help but let my eyes travel toward Bellamy who stood in the watch tower with Pike and Monty's mother.

They seemed to be in a serious discussion about something, I could only garner a guess of what it was over.

I had focused back on my task when Bellamy's voice carried through the air. "Open the gates!" he ordered, jumping from the watch tower ladder and making his way toward the gates.

"Do as he says." Pike instructed, following Bellamy down the ladder.

I stood up, dusting off my hands as I made my way toward the front gate in curiosity. Bellamy's tone made me nervous, and I feared that whatever was on the other side of those gates was going to cause problems.Β  As the doors opened, my eyes fell on two Grounders sat atop horses. I watched from a safe distance as Bellamy approached the two men.

"We seek the one you call Pike." One of the men announced. I felt my heart drop, it was Everett, the Grounder who had helped me after the explosion at Mount Weather. I could see his blonde hair peeking out from behind the mask, and his voice was unmistakeable. Worry bubbled in my chest...what was about to happen?

Bellamy didn't waver as he spoke, "Why?"

The other Grounder spoke up, "An army has fallen, blood soaking the Earth where he took their lives one by one."

I felt myself taking steps forward as I watched the interaction. If I was in charge, I would have given up Pike right then and there. But I wasn't, so instead I had to watch the interaction helplessly.

Bellamy's voice was cold in response. "Welcome to the war against Skaikru."

"Life was taken." Everett continued, "We demand life in return."

A crowd had gathered around the gates as Pike stepped forward, "My life?" when the Grounders didn't say anything, Pike continued. "What are your terms?"

"Sir-" Bellamy warned, shooting a sideway glance toward Pike.

"Come with us." Everett explained, "And we walk away." Sounded like a pretty good deal to me.

"Walk away?" Pike questioned, "From what?"

"By order of the Commander, you have been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. " The other Grounder shot back, "In every direction warriors wait to kill. Anyone who attempts to cross the blockade will be killed. To greet them, as we greeted those we caught outside your walls today." he paused, throwing something toward Bellamy and Pike.

A gasp flew from my lips, as did one from many others when we realized they were bloodied guards uniforms. Pike's guards who had gone out earlier to survey the area had never returned...now we know why.

"We left the bodies for the animals." The unknown Grounder announced.

"That's enough." Bellamy warned. I couldn't see his face, but I could imagine the expression he wore.

As the Grounders began to back up, Pike mumbled something to Bellamy, who in turn said something back. I could now see part of his face, and he was angry, and worried.

"The men who wore those uniforms," the man began, "Took a long time to die."

Pike began falling back, ordering Bellamy to do the same as the Grounders spoke again. "If you do not give up your leader, you will all take a long time to die. Choose the side that's best for your people."

"Bellamy!" Pike snapped as Bellamy still stood firm, his hand now hovering over his gun.

"Come on Bell." I whispered, "Just back up." I pleaded, very well knowing he couldn't hear me.

But he didn't back up, instead he nodded, saying something before he pulled out his gun. I barely had a chance to blink before he quickly fired a shot at each of the Grounders, killing them on the spot.

A mangled gasp escaped my lips as I watched Everett and the other man slump on their horses. I stood frozen in place, my eyes wide as Pike ordered for the gates to be closed.

I watched in disgust as Pike and Bellamy began walking back toward the Ark, both of their faces blank. Before they could get very far, I stepped in front of them, shoving Bellamy back slightly.Β  "What the hell is the matter with you?" I spat, drawing the attention of everyone in the courtyard.

Bellamy let out an exasperated sigh as he gripped onto my arm, trying to pull me out of the crowd.

"Don't," I snapped, pulling from his grasp. "I don't even know who you are anymore." I whispered, shaking my head before turning and leaving him. I tried to calm my breathing as I marched toward the Ark in search of Kane, he needed to hear about this.


"Bellamy just killed two Grounders outside of our gates." I exclaimed, bursting into our meeting room.

Kane looked up at me, his eyes clouding in concern. "He what?"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as I paced the room, "Two Grounders came to send us a warning- give them Pike or we all die. They were about to leave and Bellamy shot them point blank!" I explained, my voice rushed.

Kane let out a shaky sigh as he shook his head. "This isn't good."

"You think?" I retorted, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

One look from Kane caused me to sit down, a look of apology covering my face. "Sorry." I whispered, "I'm just stressed."

He nodded, "I know." he comforted, "This isn't easy."

I shook my head, letting out an agitated groan as I dropped my face into my hands. "Why is he doing this?" I whispered. And then I shook my head, letting our a humourless laugh. I knew why he was doing this. I didn't need to ask.

Bellamy felt guilty for everything that had happened, for the people we had lost. He was vulnerable, and looking to make up for everything that happened. Poke took advantage of that.

My head shut up as the door freaked open, just enough for Miller and Harper to slip in.

"What's going on?" Harper questioned, noting the distressed look on my face.

I just shook my head, looking down to avoiding having to repeat what had just happened. Luckily, Kane took over. "Bellamy's just killed two Grounders sent to send us a message. They want Pike."

As I looked up, Harper's wide eyes met my sad ones. "So we give him to them...right?"

"We can't." I announced, "He has too many people on his side."

It looked like Harper was about to speak again when a voice came through one of our devices. It was coming from the Chancellor's quarters, the room that Miller and Kane had bugged.

"Speak of the devil." I muttered, leaning in as Miller and Harper pulled up seats beside us.

We all remained silent, listening as Pike spoke to some of his people. Even without hearing his voice, I knew Bellamy was in there. However, a few minutes into the conversation, a voice spoke that I wasn't fully expecting.

Harper and I met each other's eyes, confusion and disappointment written on our faces. It was Monty.

While I was surprised,Β  I can't say fully that I wasn't expecting Monty to follow what his mother did. It is what any of us probably would have done.

My attention was pulled back to the radio as Pike declared that they would be implementing camp-wide surveillance. My eyes grew wide...he was going to spy on his people?

When Monty relayed his own shock to this announcement, Pike replied that he was unable to defend this camp if every order he gave got leaked.

My nervous eyes met Kane's as Pike continued speaking, "We can't afford any more assumptions about who's a friend and who isn't. Not your oldest acquaintance, not your husband, wife, or lover." Miller's eyes hovered to me for a moment-both of us in the same boat. His boyfriend, Bryan, also part of Pike's army. "We're fighting two wars now." Pike declared, "And the more dangerous one is here, inside this camp. We can't prove it yet, but Kane and his accomplices passed information to Octavia."

I dropped my head into my hands, nausea washing over me as Pike claimed that every traitor would be hunted down and exposed for what they did. Fear ripped through me...we were the so-called traitors.

The minute Pike was done speaking, Miller reached forward and angrily flicked off the device, disgust written on his face.

Kane remained silent for a moment before giving into the expectant glares from the other three of us. "If they're going to play that game, then we're going to play it too."

Harper looked at him with an expectant look. "Meaning?"

"We don't meet here again, for starters." Kane explained, pushing himself to his feet. "We change our patterns, forget our habits. Take a different route through camp each time we go out. Assume that there are eyes on us at all times."

Miller was shaking his head as Harper spoke. "Or we could just shock-lash Pike's fascist ass and hand him to the Grounders."

Kane's head quickly turned to look at her. "That would be murder...not to mention treason. That's not who we were."

"Maybe..." Miller spoke for the first time since Pike's voice had come through the radio, "It's who we need to be."

"I agree with Miller." I added, looking between the three of them.Β  "Maybe it's time we fought fire with fire."

Kane pushed his lips together, his eyes falling downward for a moment as he seemed conflicted. "Not yet." he finally announced, shaking his head.

Miller hastily ran his hands over his face. "Then what's the plan?"

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