105. hidden

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Our quiet breathing filled the small space as we all waited in complete silence. I was pressed up against one of the walls, Sinclair and Kane on either side of me.

We were unsure of how long we were to wait hidden under the floorboards, Octavia being the only one who knew the whole plan.

Close to ten minutes had passed by the time we heard footsteps up above. I pushed myself further into the back wall out of instinct, afraid we were somehow going to be discovered.

I felt Kane tense beside me as the footsteps were now directly overhead. They rushed into the room, and I instantly knew it was Pike.

My assumption was proven correct as a loud crash echoed above us. "Damn!" Pike sounded upset, and that made me smile. "We did what they wanted us to do."

After the words had left his mouth, I could hear Pike stomping from the room, most likely to search for us. Several pairs of footsteps followed after him. They were all leaving.

We all remained silent, waiting until we were sure it was safe to reveal ourselves above ground. Minutes passed before Octavia looked back to the group of us, giving a small nod before she reached up and pushed the floorboard aside.

She poked her head up, doing a quick scan before nodding her head toward us. "All clear." she confirmed, "Let's go."

I was the last one to be pulled up, Lincoln and Octavia there to help me. The cuffs still dug into my wrists as I emerged from underground.

"Good times." I grumbled, shooting Octavia a quick grin as she knelt down beside me.

"Makes you kind of miss it, hey?" she joked, quickly getting to work at freeing me from the cuffs. I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as my hands were finally freed.

Looking past Octavia, I watched as Miller and Abby rushed around the corner, Miller quickly bending down to help up Bryan who was now awake. Abby checked on the other guard before hurrying toward Kane who was seated on one of the beds in the room.

Octavia turned from me, passing Miller two extra guns. I let out a shaky breath...we were prepared to fight our way out of here.

"OKS, come in." Harper's voice was quiet and unsteady as it came through the walkie.

Octavia's face fell as she reached to grab the walkie, quickly pulling it from her belt.

"What is it?" Lincoln questioned, slight worry in his voice.

"This wasn't the plan." Octavia explained, looking down at the walkie. "W use their frequency so they could hear us." the minute she had given Lincoln the answer, she brought the radio up to her mouth. "Go ahead."

Harper's response was immediate. "Stay where you are." there was a slight pause. "Repeat, stay where you are. The exit is not clear."

Nervous glances began flying around the room as Octavia spoke into the walkie once again. "How many guards?"

"Too many." Harper answered. "I said stay put."

I felt my heart drop at Harper's warning. We were trapped in here.

I was just about to open my mouth and ask what the hell we were to do now, when another voice came through the radio. This time it wasn't Harper.

"Calling all guards. The prisoners are headed for the main gate. The prisoners are headed for the main gate. Over."

I looked to Octavia with a relieved smile. "That was Monty." I exclaimed, grateful that he had finally chosen the right side.

"Guess he's with us after all." Miller commented from where he stood.

Kane wore a somber expression. "Pike will find out."

"We don't know that." Abby optimized. "What we do know is that we have to move."

No one needed to be told twice. Within seconds we were all rushing through the door and into the empty corridor.

With each corner we took, I feared that Pike and his men would be on the other side, awaiting our arrival. If we were caught this time, it would truly be the end. But at the same time, the closer we got to our escaped route, I longed to see Bellamy. I hoped that he would be waiting for us, ready to usher us all to safety, that maybe he had found the sense to chose me over Pike.

But, as we entered the corridor which contained the passaged that would get us out of camp, there was no sign of Bellamy.

I pushed away my disappointment, not being able to say that I was really surprised. He was in too deep with Pike, and maybe I would never get him back.

"Come on!" Harper prodded from where she stood next to the passage door. She wore an impatient look on her face, and it was easy to tell she was on edge.

I followed after Bryan and Miller, Sinclair right behind me. "Go." I whispered, lightly pushing the boys through the passage. The minute Bryan and Miller were through, I turned to Sinclair. "I'll follow." I promised, allowing him to enter.

I pulled myself into the crawl space, looking back out to where the others stood. "Hurry!" I begged, fearing that we would be caught at any moment.

Kane nodded, turning to Abby. "Abby, you're next."

I didn't wait around for Abby to enter, but instead began crawling through the dark tunnel. My heart was pulsing in my ears as I went, knowing that with every inch I was that much closer to getting out alive.

Soon enough, I saw the light from the outside and my heart lurched in my chest. We made it.

"Here." Miller mumbled, extending his hand as I neared the exit. I happily took it, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

"We made it." I whispered in disbelief. Hours ago when we had been sentenced to death, I truly didn't believe we were going to escape it.

A ghost of a smile flashed across Miller's face for a moment before it fell. His eyes were no longer trained on me, but something behind me.

I spun around, my eyes widening as a worried gasp flying from my lips at the sight of my best friend draped in Kane's arms. "What the hell happened?" I demanded, my wild eyes then noticing we were missing one person. "Where's Lincoln?"

Kane shifted Octavia in his arms, "Lincoln's not coming with us." He muttered, his sad eyes meeting mine.

I felt my heart drop in shock, "Wh-"

"We have to keep moving." Kane instructed, lightly pushing me to keep going. As we continued through the outskirts of camp, I turned around over and over again, to check on Octavia and to hopefully see Lincoln running after us. But I never did...and I never would.


Minutes had passed since we had escaped, and Lincoln had never joined us. I knew it was too late now, he was gone.

Kane had explained to me what had happened, that Pike had threatened to kill all the Grounder prisoners if Lincoln didn't turn himself in. I knew before Kane had even finished speaking that that's exactly what Lincoln did. He was too good for this world, for this camp, and this proved it.

We had found Octavia's horse, Helios, waiting near the exit of the passage, and that's where Octavia's limp body now rested as we hovered in the tree line, trying to distance ourselves from the camp. I knew that when Octavia awoke, she would be distraught and that broke my heart.

My assumptions was proven right, as seconds later, Octavia's quiet voice filled my ears. "Lincoln." she gasped, pushing herself off of Helios.

She fell to the ground, quickly pushing herself to her feet as she began to stumble closer to the tree line. As she pushed through a set of branches, the camp became clear. And what I saw within the gates made my heart break.

"No." Octavia whispered, coming to an abrupt stop.

Lincoln was stood in the middle of camp. Rain pouring down around him as he remained still, his wrists and ankles cuffed. Pike stood in front of him, his men behind them.

I wasted no time in rushing to my best friend, Kane close behind me. The minute I was close enough, I reached out to her, placing a soft hand on her shoulder.

Tears were already forming in Octavia's eyes as Lincoln fell to his knees in front of Pike. It was time.

Octavia's hand shot up, gripping onto my own. I pulled her closer to me, trying to provide her with any comfort that I could.

And then it happened. Pike rose the gun, pointing it directly at Lincoln's head. Within seconds the trigger had been pulled and Lincoln fell to the ground. If we had been closer, I was sure we'd have been able to see the life drain from his eyes.

Octavia let out a mangled cry as her legs began to buckle beneath her. Tears fell from my own eyes as I pulled her into a tight hug, trying to take her attention away from the scene. I held her so tight, my own body beginning to rack with sobs.

I felt broken for my best friend. She had loved Lincoln like she had never loved before, and now he was dead.

Lincoln had saved all of our lives, more than once. We all owed him so much, and it broke my heart knowing he had died at the hands of Skaikru.

He didn't deserve this, not at all.

Lincoln's death crushed me, but at the same time it fuelled a fire. Pike needed to be stopped...he needed to be killed.



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