108. chipped

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"Clear some space!" Clarke ordered as we entered the cave, Raven still draped in Bellamy's arms.

Sinclair shot to his feet, beginning to push things aside so we could set Raven down. I released my grip on her hand, watching as Bellamy placed her on the ground.

As I turned to Jasper and Clarke, another figure caught my eye.

Octavia was standing behind them, a concerned look on her face. My heart swelled. She was staying... at least for now.

"What the hell happened?" Sinclair asked as he studied Raven's face.

Jasper threw his hands up, it was clear he was overwhelmed. "I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are." After taking in all of our shocked expressions, he spoke again. "Jaha's been chipping everyone."

"Jasper's right." Clarke supported. "I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I don't need your help, alright!" Jasper snapped, beginning to lunged toward Clarke. I stepped in between them, placing a calming hand on Jasper's chest. "Relax." I breathed, shooting him a pleading look. "Explain to us everything else you know."

With one last glare at Clarke, Jasper gave me a small nod before taking a step back. "Jaha is using the chips to control everyone." his voice was low, and mostly directed at me, however as he continued, he addressed the whole group. "You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are and then you see this thing, ALIE, only she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists."

My eyes darted to Raven and I felt sadness bubble in my chest at the sight of bandages on her wrists.

"She was trying to get it out of her head." Jasper explained. "I was trying to help her but-"

"-Okay, then let's help her now." Sinclair proposed. "Did she say how?"

"She was working on building something." Jasper answered, "She needed one of our wristbands but Jaha destroyed them all."

"Wait a second." Clarke breathed, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small box. She opened the box, revealing a little chip. "Does it look like this?"

"Not exactly." Jasper replied, his attention focused on what was in Clarke's hand.

Like Jasper, all of us had our eyes on Clarke, and in doing so none of us noticed that Raven had opened her eyes.

She was on her feet before any of us had a chance to react. I felt her before I even saw her, her fist coming into contact with my face.

A surprised grunt flew from my lips as I hit the ground, Jasper landing beside me after having been hit himself.

"Don't let her get away!" Clarke screamed, all of them making for the exit where Raven was headed.

Bellamy stopped beside me, reaching down to pull me to my feet. "Are you okay?" he questioned, his worried eyes studying the sure-to-bruise area on my face.

I nodded, turning from Bellamy to help Jasper up. "I'm fine. We've gotta go."

Jasper and Bellamy followed close behind me as I rushed into the forest where the others were trying to keep Raven at bay. She was screaming for them to let her go as she attempted to gain her bearings. This definitely was not our Raven.

"If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE." Jasper explained as the three of us joined the rest of the group. He didn't wait for anyone to say anything else before he stuck some sort of syringe into the side of Raven's neck, causing her to slump to the ground.

I looked over to him with wide eyes, worried over what he had just injected her with.

Jasper took a small step back. "Reaper stick." he explained. "Last dose."

"We need to go." Clarke announced.

Bellamy's breathing was laboured as he looked over to us. "Why?"

Clarke wore a hopeful smile. "Because I know where we can get a wristband."


The ride to Clarke's mystery destination was rather silent.

The group of us sat jammed in the Rover, an unconscious Raven slumped across my lap, her feet resting on Jasper's lap.

I let out a small sigh as I reached up to touch the swollen area on my jaw where Raven had hit me.

Bellamy cleared his throat from where he sat across from me, and it looked like he wanted to say something, but Jasper beat him to it. "She's got a pretty good swing." he muttered, shooting me a quick grin. He sported a matching bruise on his own face.

I let out a small laugh, nodding as the Rover began to slow. "I think we know who we want backing us up in this fight." Of course we wanted Raven backing us up. Killer hitting abilities or not, Raven was integral to our group. She was the smartest one by far when it came to everything mechanical and even beyond that. We needed her.

The Rover soon came to a stop, all of our eyes travelling toward our destination. In front of us was some kind of building, like a homestead. In front of that stood a Grounder woman and she didn't look happy. At the sight of us, she pulled a blade from the sheath, her eyes angry.

I felt nerves bubble in my chest as Clarke spoke. "I'll go talk to her." she assured, her own eyes hiding a hint of nervousness.

"I'll go with you." Bellamy offered.

Despite not knowing exactly where Clarke had taken us, everyone jumped into action immediately. Octavia hopped out first, Sinclair and Jasper soon following. The three of them pulled Raven from off my lap. I quickly followed after them, wanting to stay by Raven's side.

As I got to the back of the Rover, Bellamy, who had jumped out before me, stood by the doors, his eyes on me. He was silent as he held out a hand, offering to help me down.

I stared at him for a moment, considering ignoring his gesture and just hopping down. But something tugged in my heart and my hand quickly found its way to his.

As his warm hand gripped around my own, I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was good to feel his skin against my own once again. I missed his touch, his warmth. Shivers raced up my arm, as I jumped toward the ground. Within a matter of seconds I forced my self to pull away from him. I couldn't let myself fall for him once again. We needed more time apart.

Bellamy watched me with careful eyes as I turned from him. I feared that if I faced him any longer I would be driven to press my lips to his own. I missed him so much.

"I thought you said she was a friend?" Octavia questioned, her eyes locked on the woman in front of us.

Clarke let out a small sigh. "We'll handle it." she promised. "Just stay here."

I glanced to Octavia slightly, a feeling growing that I couldn't quite explain. As I watched Bellamy and Clarke walked toward the woman, I soon realized what it was...I was jealous?

Clarke and Bellamy had always been in this together, I knew that. They were both clearly born to be leaders, but lately it seemed different. And the way Clarke was so dismissive of Octavia's concerns put me on edge.

She hadn't been here. She didn't understand what we had all gone through these past few months. Who said she could be our leader once again?

I pushed away those thoughts, attributing them to the fact that I was exhausted and upset. I shouldn't take those feelings out on Clarke.

"She's waking up!" Sinclair's worried voice pulled my attention away from Clarke and Bellamy who were currently in conversation with the woman. Instead, I turned to make my way toward where Raven was draped in Sinclair's arms.

"We have to get her inside." I proclaimed, my anxious eyes glancing back toward the entrance. The woman still looked like she was on edge with us being here.

"Bellamy!" I called as Raven began to squirm in Sinclair's grasp. A blindfold was secured over her eyes, but that didn't mean we were safe from her finding out where she was.

Bellamy looked back at me, giving a small nod before he turned back to the woman and raised his gun. "We don't have time for this." he announced. "Move!"

Like any sane person, with a gun pointed to her face, the woman quickly moved, allowing for us to enter the building.

"I told you my mom was here." Monty worried as we all rushed through the door. "If she was chipped, ALIE would know."

"That's why we're putting her in the back." Clarke explained, "Through there!"

Sinclair rushed past her, taking Raven toward the back room. The others followed, Clarke pausing to look for something.

"Here." she breathed as she found a pile of rags, "Take these. We can use them to tie her up."

I nodded, not saying anything else as I took the material into my hands, quickly rushing after the others.

"Tie her to the bed!" Clarke instructed as Sinclair set Raven down.

The minute she was on the mattress, Raven began to struggle, letting out angry grunts as she tried to free herself.

I threw a pile of the rags toward Jasper, allowing him to get started on the side he was standing on. The two of us worked quickly, tying several knots to ensure they would hold.

Despite our speed, Raven somehow managed to pull the blindfold off from over her eyes. The minute she was free of it, her head quickly turned back and forth, it was clear she was trying to figure out where she was.

"Where the hell am I!?" she screamed, trying to once again fight against our restraints.

"Hold her!" Sinclair yelled, causing all of us to try and push her back onto the bed.

"LET ME GO!" Raven's screams were vicious, and they almost scared me.

"We have to finish tying her down!" I yelled, my voice being drowned out by Raven's screams.

"Raven, stop fighting!" Octavia begged, her own voice being lost in the noise.

As we attempted to finish trying the restraints, one of Raven's hands slipped free, and she easily landed a punch on Jasper's face.

He stumbled back, clutching his cheek in pain. "Why is it always me!?" he exclaimed. If we were in a different situation, I might have laughed.

"Jasper!" Monty yelled, ignoring Jasper's complaints. "We need help!"

Jasper moved on from his battered face, and jumped back to Monty's side, helping to tie the restraints around Raven's wrists. Meanwhile, Sinclair and I focused on the ones around her ankles.

The entire time, Raven let out vicious screams, demanding for us to let her go. I tried to block her out, instead focusing on finishing the final knots.

After a few moments of chaos, we all managed to secure the restraints. Each one of us took a step back and watched as Raven still struggled. Her body almost lifted off the bed as she used all of her limbs to pull against the ties.

"LET ME GO!" Her voice almost sounded demonic as she spoke.

I felt myself shrinking back ever so slightly. Feelings of guilt, sadness and worry overtaking me.

I had let this happen, I wasn't there for her like I should have been. Now, Raven wasn't Raven, and I was worried.

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