20. antidotes

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Panic tore through my body as I took a step back from Finn, my eyes wide in shock as he continued convulsing.

Another loud clap of thunder sounded off as Clarke came flying down the ladder, instantly rushing to Finn.

Tears were streaking down Raven's face as she spoke, "He was fine and thenβ€”"

Clarke moved her gaze away from Finn to look at Raven, "Get my mother on the radio!" she ordered. Raven stayed frozen in place, her hands were shaking as more and more tears fell.

"Raven, now!" Clarke yelled as she held Finn in place.

Raven snapped out of her trance, moving to the other side of Finn, "It's dead! Interference from the storm." she answered, which caused my heart to plummet.

I moved so I was beside Clarke, my eyes locked on Finn who was still seizing, "What are we going to do?" I asked in a panic.

Clarke's worried eyes looked up to meet mine, signalling she didn't know how to fix this. I let out a shaky breath as large tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Please don't let him die." Raven cried.

Clarke shook her head, a terrified look covered her face, "We just have to wait it out."

I turned away from the table, running a hand through my hair as I walked to the other side of the drop ship trying to empty my head of all the dark thoughts that were running through it.

Clarke's voice caused me to spin around, quickly making my way back to the table, "It's stopping she announced." referring to the convulsions.

Finn's body had stopped jerking around, white foam still seeped from his lips and his eyes remained closed, a sheer layer of sweat covered his entire body.

"Help me turn him on his side." Clarke instructed, grabbing a hold of my brother's arms, ready to pull him towards her. Once again, Raven remained still, her breathing heavy as she stared down at Finn.

Clarke let out a sigh of impatience,"Raven, there's fluid in his lungs he could choke, help me flip him!"

I moved to where Raven was standing, lightly pushing her aside, "I got him."

Clarke and I flipped Finn onto his side as Raven continued to stay frozen in place, her large, teary eyes locked on my brother.Β 

Clarke reached out, touching Finn's forehead, "God, he's burning up." she announced with a shake of her head.

Raven finally spoke, "Fluid in his lungs, does that mean the knife hit something?"

Clarke's answer came out rushed, "No, this isn't blood it's something else." she paused, wiping away the fluid that fell from Finn's mouth, "I did everything she told meβ€”" she paused once again, a look of realization covering her face, "Wait, I've seen this before. Shortness of breath, fever, seizing...it's poison."

My head shot up when the words left her mouth. How could it be poison? We had sterilized everything and he didn't eat anything the whole time we were looking for Octavia.

Raven mirrored my confusion, "Clarke, you sterilized everything. We watched you do it!"

"And we didn't touch anything unfamiliar while we were out looking for Octavia." I argued. "The minute Finn got stabbed we came right back here. There's nothing we could have been contaminated with!"

Clarke didn't answer, but instead moved towards the table where the instruments we had used to extract the knife were sitting. She looked down at the bloodied knife that had been pulled from my brother's torso. "We didn't sterilize everything." she announced, picking up the knife and moving towards the ladder.

I shared a look with Raven before I rushed after Clarke. If this Grounder knew what was going on with Finn I needed to know.

As Clarke and I approached the ladder, Octavia ran towards us, "They locked the hatch." she announced, causing me to let out an annoyed sigh. I shared a look with the two girls before climbing up the ladder and banging my fists against the metal hatch, "Bellamy, open the door!" I ordered, sending my fists into the hatch once again.

A few moments passed before the hatch slowly opened. I wasted no time in climbing to the top of the ladder, only to be stopped by Nathan Miller.Β 

"Get out of my way Miller." I seethed, all the anger I had been holding in finally reaching the boiling point.

Miller gave me a shocked look before removing his arm, allowing me to enter the room. I pulled myself up, allowing Clarke and Octavia to do the same.

The minute Clarke's feet were on the ground she was marching towards the Grounder, holding the knife up in front of him, "What's on this?" she demanded.

Bellamy looked at Clarke and then over to me, "What are you talking about?"

I kept my eyes locked on the Grounder, my arms crossed firmly over my chest, "He poisoned the blade." I explained.

Clarke was basically shaking with anger, "All this time he knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did. What is it!?" she snapped, thrusting the blade closer to his face, "Is there an antidote?"

Octavia piped up from the back of the room, "Clarke, he doesn't understand you."

Bellamy's eyes lit up, "Vials." he said, moving towards a small tin that was sitting with the rest of the Grounders things, "It's gotta be here."

Clarke and I moved towards Bellamy, Clarke discarding the knife as she took the dozens of vials out of Bellamy's hands, quickly examining them. "You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around for this long without an antidote."

"Which one is it?" I asked, looking at the Grounder and then pointing to the vials. The Grounder just stared at me, showing no sign that he was going to tell me.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy's voice boomed from behind me.

Octavia spoke up, her voice pleading, "Show us, please."

"Which one!" Clarke cried, "Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!"

The Grounder didn't budge, his dull eyes moving down the line of us, showing no emotion at all. Bellamy shook his head as he stepped forward, "I'll get him to talk." he announced, raising his fist.

Octavia rushed towards her brother, grabbing a hold of his arm, "Bellamy, no!"

The older Blake sibling spun around, "He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that! Do you really want your best friend to lose her brother?" he questioned, his eyes moving past Octavia to look at me.

I felt tears prick my eyes as Octavia turned to look at me, her eyes full of pain.

Bellamy shook his head, turning to Clarke, "Do you want him to live or not?"

"Clarke, you even said it yourself, this is not who we are! He was protecting me, he saved my life!" Octavia tried to plea with Clarke.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy yelled at his sister, causing her to let out an agitated sigh. I watched the two of them, my heart being pulled in a million directions.Β 

Clarke's jaw was locked, her face full of anger as she looked form the Grounder back to Bellamy, "Do it."

Octavia let out a small cry in protest as Bellamy moved towards once of the seats, pulling out his knife and cutting free one of the seat belts. Octavia lunged forward, before being pulled back by some of the other boys.

I felt sick to my stomach as Bellamy stood in front of the Grounder, cutting away his shirt, "You're going to show us the antidote or you're going to wish you had."

I looked back at my best friend who had tears in her eyes as she watched her brother wrap the seat belt around his hand, the dull metal of the buckle dangled from the end, readying to be lashed across the bare chest of the Grounder. I felt like I had to chose between my brother and my best friend.

In a last ditch effort to save everyone the trauma that this beating was about to cause, I pleaded with the Grounder once more. "Please!" I choked, grabbing the antidotes once again and approaching the Grounder, "Please show us. It's my brother, please!" I cried, pushing past a startled Bellamy who had just been ready to deliver his first hit.

The Grounder stared down at me for a moment before looking back up, clearly refusing to show me which one it was.

"Hey." Bellamy said softly as he placed his hands on either side of my shoulders, "You should go, you don't have to watch this."

I shook my head, as I wiped the tears from my cheeks, "No." I answered firmly, I needed to be up here for not only Finn but Octavia as well. I knew watching this was not going to be easy on her.

Bellamy let out a small sigh as I turned and walked back towards Octavia. He looked over at Clarke who gave him a nod, signalling him to begin his beating.

Octavia cried out from beside me, "Bellamy, please!"

Bellamy ignored his little sister as he pulled his arm back, quickly sending it forward again which resulted in the seat belt whipping harshly against the Grounder's tattooed chest. The Grounder winced, as did most of us in the room. Bellamy struck again and I adverted my eyes to the ground, not wanting to watch any further.

"Please!" Clarke breathed, once again laying the antidotes out in front of him, "Which one?"

"Just tell them!" Octavia pleaded, not wanting to witness the man who had saved her experience any more pain.

The Grounder once again refused to answer, causing me to shake my head in disbelief. I didn't know what else we could do to get him to tell us.

A defeated Clarke stood up and moved out the way, allowing Bellamy to resume once again. The sound of the seat belt meeting skin filled the room along with the muffled groans of pain that the Grounder was attempting to hold in.

With each hit the feeling in the pit of my stomach grew larger and larger, soon enough the feeling of guilt overwhelmed me causing me to yell out to Bellamy, "Stop!"

Bellamy instantly paused, turning to look at me with a mix of worry and confusion on his face, "What's wrong?"

I let out a shaky breath, "I don'tβ€” I-β€”Weβ€”" I stumbled over my words, not really sure what I was trying to say.

Bellamy noticed my anxious state and unwrapped the belt from his hand, moving towards me and lightly pulling me with him to the other side of the room where no one could hear us. "What's going on?" he asked, his hand still holding onto my forearm.

I kept my eyes locked on Clarke who was once again trying to get the Grounder to tell her which vial contained the antidote. "I can't let you keep doing that." I answered, finally moving my eyes to look up at Bellamy.

A look of confusion covered his face, "Avery, if he won't tell us which one it is, Finn will die."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I nodded, "I know but beating him senseless doesn't seem to be working. Thereβ€”" I took a pause, allowing myself to regain my composure, "There has to be another way."

Bellamy's eyes were full of sadness as he looked down at me, "There is no other way." he explained, "You don't have to be up here" he pointed out once again. He was right, I didn't need to be up here, but I had already seen enough to know what they were doing. There was no way I could go back downstairs and pretend nothing was going on.

"I'm fine." I lied, "I'm fine. Sorry."

Bellamy didn't look entirely convinced at my words. "Avery, you should go downstairs." He repeated.Β 

I shook my head. "No." I argued. "I'm okay. I'll be okay."

But that was far from the truth. I wasn't fine not at all. My brother was dying and the only way we could save him was by beating another man half to death.

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