26. the return

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Octavia and I had spent most of the day talking- something we haven't done since we got down here. We had both been so preoccupied with, well with everything, that it was nice to spend some time together. We had sat by the camp fire and talked well into the afternoon and evening and soon enough it was beginning to get dark. I decided to excuse myself and go lay down, I was exhausted still.

I wasn't in bed for long when some kind of commotion caused me to sit up. Octavia went rushing by my tent and I called out her name which caused her to turn around and poke her head in my tent.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked, beginning to pull the covers off of myself.

Octavia put out her hand to motion me to stop, "Yeah, I'm just checking on something. I'll come get you if anything is wrong okay?"

I locked eyes with her before nodding and leaning back in bed, "Okay, fine." Usually I would be up and out of the tent by now but at this point I decided I could sit this one out.

Although I had made the conscious decision to stay in bed, my mind wouldn't stop racing as I wondered what could be going on outside. Octavia hadn't come and gotten me which must of meant nothing was really wrong, but nonetheless my mind wouldn't stop. It was when Bellamy and the others who had been out of camp all day went flying by my tent that I finally got up.

"Bellamy!" I called rushing out of my tent to follow after him.

Bellamy slowed his pace but he didn't turn to look at me "Avery, go back to your tent." he ordered.

I ignored him, joining him, Clarke and Finn as they made their way towards the drop ship, "What's going on?" I demanded, hoping someone would tell me.

Finn lightly grabbed my arm, causing the two of us to stop and fall behind the rest of the group, "Avs, Bellamy is right, just go back to your tent and let us handle this one okay? You need to rest."

"I'm fine Finn." I argued, pulling my arm from his grasp and following the others into the drop ship where they had disappeared into just moments ago. I could hear Bellamy's loud voice as I entered, but I couldn't see what had him so upset until I made my way further into the ship.

As I made my way through the small group that had gathered, my eyes landed on a figure curled up against the far wall. Their face was covered in blood and dirt, as was the rest of their body. It took me a minute, but soon enough a strangled gasp left my lips.

I felt like I was going to throw up as his eyes looked up to meet mine amid the rest of the group. It was Murphy. The same boy who I promised I would come back for, the same boy who had slipped my mind since I got back to camp.

Bellamy stood beside me, his angry eyes trained on Murphy, "Everyone but Connor and Derek out, now!" At his demand everyone began filing out of the drop ship, leaving the two boys along with Clarke, Finn, Bellamy and I.

"He claims he was with the Grounders." Derek explained.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor added, answering the question of what Octavia had to deal with earlier. I wondered why she didn't come get me, but quickly brushed it off, that was not the main concern right now.

Murphy was shaking as he spoke, "I wasn't sneaking...I was running from the Grounders".

Bellamy didn't seem convinced, "Anyone see Grounders?"

I tried to speak but I felt like I couldn't form words as Connor shook his head, answering Bellamy's question.

"Well in that case," Bellamy grumbled, raising his gun and pointing it at Murphy's head.

Finn swatted the barrel of the gun down, "What the hell's wrong with you?" he demanded, stepping in front of Murphy.

"We were clear what would happen if he came back." Bellamy argued, raising his gun once again.

"No!" Finn shot back, "If he was with the Grounders then he knows things that can help us."

"Avery was with the Grounders," Bellamy said nodding to me. I was still frozen in place, my eyes wide and my mouth hanging open, "She can help us...besides, we hanged him, we banished him and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way."

It was at this moment that all my senses finally flooded back, "No." I said sternly, joining my brother in front of Bellamy, "Murphy's not lying-" I cut myself off, letting out a quick breath, "I saw him, wherever the Grounders had me, he was there."

Bellamy's face fell, as did my brother's as he turned to me in shock. "You didn't care to mention this?" Bellamy asked, his eyes darting from Murphy and then to me.

"I've been a bit preoccupied." I argued which resulted in Bellamy shaking his head in disbelief.

"Finn and Avery are right." Clarke finally stepped in, making her way towards Murphy.

"Like hell they are!" Bellamy argued, "Clarke, think about Charlotte!"

Clarke, who was crouched in front of Murphy turned her head to look back at Bellamy, "I am thinking about Charlotte! What happened to her was as much our fault as it was his."

The blonde girl then began examining Murphy's hands, "His fingernails are ripped off. They tortured him, the same thing they did to Avery."

I felt myself wince slightly at the mention of what the Grounders did to Murphy, and to myself, I was trying desperately to forget.

"You and the Grounders should compare notes." Finn mumbled to Bellamy.

Bellamy let out a scoff, "The Grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" his voice boomed at Murphy.

The bloodied boy looked up at Bellamy, "Everything."

Clarke reproached Bellamy, "Once he's better we find out what he knows. Then he's out of here, okay?"

Bellamy clenched his jaw, nodding his head towards me, "We have Avery, why do we need him?"

I felt slightly offended that Bellamy wanted nothing more than to use me as an information depot on the Grounders, but I still shook my head, "I don't know anything. Murphy was there longer than me, he knows more."

"What if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?" Bellamy brought up his next concern.

Clarke, who had been making her way out of the drop ship, turned around, "Then we kill him."

Once she left, Bellamy, Finn and I all stood just staring at Murphy until I spoke up, "Bellamy, I need to talk to you."

Bellamy didn't take his eyes off Murphy as he spoke, "I'm kinda busy right now Avery, can it wait?"

I shook my head, "No, I need to speak with you right now."

Bellamy let out a sigh as he nodded at Connor and Derek, "Watch him, don't let him out of your sight." he ordered, pointing to Murphy.

Once he had that all sorted out, he followed me outside of the drop ship. I led the two of us away from the commotion of camp and crossed my arms over my chest as Bellamy stared at me, waiting for me to speak.

"It's not your fault." I finally said, which made his face cloud over in confusion.

"What are you taking about?" He seemed unimpressed with me.

I took a small step closer to him, "Octavia told me that you blame yourself for what happened to me but-"

Bellamy let out a small curse, "When is anything Octavia says true?"

Usually a comment like that would have anger washing over me, but in this case, I could tell it was a defense mechanism. "It's not your fault Bellamy, okay? I all but forced you to let me go out there. I was the irresponsible one who made stupid choices, not you. So I don't want you blaming yourself, it's not helping anyone."

The look of anger on Bellamy's face faded as he looked down at the ground, refusing to look me in the eyes, "I shouldn't have let you go out there, if I had have just-"

"If you hadn't have let me go I would have snuck out, Bellamy!" I cut him off, refusing to let him keep blaming himself. "I'm okay. I'm alive. So you don't have to keep treating me like anything is different. I'm still the same Avery who pisses you off all the time."

Bellamy finally looked up as the smallest trace of a smile spread across his face, "You don't piss me off, you never could."

okay wow so a lot happened in this chapter! murphy is back in camp and avery realizes she forgot to tell the others about him...yikes! and I think im sensing something between avs and bellamy ;)

any who, I hope you guys have been enjoying these updates, I've done like one each day for the past three days! It's probably a bad idea considering im in the middle of exams but who cares

also, first episode of season 5 came out today and I haven't seen it yet but I am pumped!

comment and let me know what you guys thought of this chapter

-maddy xo

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