28. quarantine

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It had been decided that our best option at containing the virus was to round up everyone that had made contact with Murphy and quarantine them. We all knew that that was only part of the problem as we also had to deal with those that had then come into contact with them, but as Clarke put it, we had to start somewhere.

Finn and I made our way through camp, searching for anyone who had made contact with Murphy. We made sure not to touch anyone and convey a clear message that this virus spread through contact. Within an hour we had most of the camp rounded up into the drop ship. Clarke examined everyone, organizing them to the levels of the ship based on the severity of their symptoms.

As we made our way back to the drop ship with the last group of infected, I paused. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Octavia making her way towards the outer gates. It turned out Octavia had been the first person to touch Murphy, but by the sound of it she wasn't showing any symptoms, but that still did not mean she should be leaving camp.

"I'll catch up with you in a bit." I muttered to Finn who merely nodded in response. I looked around ensuring nobody, especially Bellamy, was watching as I followed after Octavia.

"Octavia!" I whispered, causing the dark haired girl to spin around and look at me in surprise. "What are you doing?" I questioned.

Octavia pursed her lips as she looked around, "Clarke told me to sneak out." she answered, nodding her head towards the drop ship where Clarke was.

I scrunched up my face, "Why would she tell you to do that? You could be infected."

My best friend sighed, "She needs Lincoln's help with trying to cure this thing, he might know how."

"I'm coming with you then." I announced, taking a step towards her.

Octavia shook her head, "Avery no. You're still weak and besides, I need someone to keep Bellamy distracted while I'm gone."

I scoffed, "What makes you think I can keep him distracted?"

She smirked as she turned to the wall, "Something tells me you can."

I felt my shoulders slump in defeat as I watched her duck out of camp through a secret exit she had found. I was seconds away from following after her when someone called my name.

I spun around to see Bellamy looking at me skeptically, "What are you doing?" he asked as he began walking towards me.

I looked over my shoulder once more to ensure there was no sign that Octavia had left before I made my way to him, meeting him before he could get any closer to the wall. "Just checking to make sure everything is secure." I lied, forcing a tight smile onto my lips.

Bellamy gave me an expectant look, "And?"

I stared at him for a moment, already forgetting what lie I had just told him, "And what?"

Bellamy squinted his eyes slightly, clearly becoming less and less convinced I was telling the truth, "Is everything secure?"

I let out a fake laugh, "Oh yeah, right. Everything is as secure as the Skybox." I immediately cringed at my horrible comparison between our camp and the area most of us had been locked up in on the Ark.

Bellamy gave me a skeptical look before nodding, "Well then, let's go see if there's anything else we can do for Clarke."

I gave him a quick smile as we made our way back into the main part of camp, the entire time I was inwardly cursing my horrible lying skills.

Just as we were nearing the drop ship another body was carried out. I felt my heart drop slightly as I laid eyes on the girl. Everyone else was milling around, starring at the newest victim of the virus.

"Okay," Bellamy called, breaking the silence, "Show's over, get back to your posts!"

The rest of the group listened, everyone instantly making their way to their designated posts. Bellamy made his way over to Clarke and I took this as an opportunity to go see my brother who was among those gathered outside the drop ship.

"Hey Avs." He gave me a small smile as I approached. It was evident that Clarke being sick was taking a toll on him.

"How are you holding up?" I asked, placing my hand on his head to feel for a fever. I was worried that he was going to be among the next who fell ill due to the fact that he made contact with Clarke.

He moved away from my hand, "You shouldn't be touching me. If I'm sick then it means you'll get it too."

I dropped my hand, realizing that he was right. I was worried about him touching Clarke and here I was touching him. I gave him a small smile, "You're not going to get sick. Neither am I, we'll be fine."

He shrugged, "You don't know that."

I let out a sigh, "It's called optimism, Finn."

Before Finn could shoot back some smart remark I ended our conversation as the words of Clarke and Bellamy filled my ears. Clarke had just informed Bellamy that Octavia had went to see Lincoln and he was not happy.

"If anything happens to her, you and me are going to have problems." He warned as he turned away from Clarke, making his way to the gate.

"Bellamy!" Clarke's weak voice called.

"Bellamy." I echoed, jogging over to where he was headed, cutting him off before he got too far.

The older boy glared at me, "You knew too, didn't you?" he accused.

I bit my cheek, "I saw her leaving but-"

"Whatever Avery." Bellamy sighed, pushing past me and approaching the boy at the gate. "Out of my way." he ordered to the boy who had his back to us.

When the boy turned around collective gasps were heard. His eyes were bloodshot, blood dripping from them. He was sick.

One of the boys nearest to him pointed in awe, "Dude, your eyes!"

Another boy raised his gun, "Nobody touch him!"

Bellamy began backing up, his body soon coming into contact with mine. He put his arm out in front of me as he continued to push the two of us further away from the boy. "Get to the drop ship, now!" he yelled at the sick boy.

As the boy began making his way towards the drop ship another scene erupted as a girl collapsed, but not before sending a shower of blood onto another boys face. He began panicking, blindly stumbling through camp.

This sent everyone into chaos. Guns were being pointed at people right, left and centre, not to mention that people were screaming while trying to get away from anyone that might be infected.

Bellamy pulled me along with him as he tired to calm people down. Finn also jumped in to diffuse the situation, yelling at people to lower their guns.

"Hey," I snapped at a girl who had her gun pointed in my direction, "Put the gun down!" Thankfully, she did as I said but there were still dozens of guns being pointed around camp.

"Everybody, guns down-" my weak efforts of yelling were cut off when a number of shots sounded off. I ducked down, covering my head with my hands, afraid that someone had decided to just start shooting at random.

Luckily, it was Clarke who had shot off the rounds. She was standing at the entrance of the drop ship, a gun pointed to the sky. She took a few steps forward without lowering the gun, "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other," Clarke was making her way further and further into the group, her voice becoming weaker with each word she said.

The same kid who had raised his gun initially did so again, this time pointing it at Clarke. "They won't have to kill us if the virus kills us first. Get back!" he screamed.

Bellamy rushed forward, taking a hold of the gun and sending the butt of it into the kid's face. While the kid stumbled back in shock, Bellamy looked to Clarke. "I hate to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working."

Clarke didn't say anything, instead she began to sway and before I knew it she was headed to the ground. Before her body made contact with the dirt, Finn rushed towards her.

"Finn, don't!" I yelled, but like usual, he ignored me. He grabbed Clarke's limp body, cradling her in his arms.

Clarke's eyes were barely open as she spoke, "Let me go. I'm okay."

Finn shook his head, "No you're not."

Clarke let out a laboured breath, "Octavia will come back with a cure."

It seemed like the moment was planned because the second the words left Clarke's mouth Octavia was making her way back into camp. "There is no cure."

My heart fell to my stomach as the words left her mouth. If there was no cure then that meant that more people were going to die and one of those people could be my brother.

Octavia continued, "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

I looked at her and then back to the dead bodies outside the drop ship. Bellamy did the same as he scoffed, "Really? tell that to them."

Octavia shut her eyes for a moment as she sighed. Bellamy took this as a chance to chastise his younger sister, "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."

My best friend shook her head, "Yeah well, I have a warning for you too," Octavia paused, looking around camp. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a look that I couldn't decipher. "The Grounders are coming and they're attacking at first light!"

Mutters instantly began flowing through camp. I turned wide eyed to look at Bellamy who shook his head in disbelief. Our luck was about to go from bad to worse.

hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

like always, if you did like it please leave a vote or a comment, it really makes me happy when you do!

love you all

-maddy xoxo

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