50. escape plan

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Clarke returned within the hour.

Apparently President Wallace had taken her to see Shaw-the dead guard with the bullet wound- well that's where it gets tricky. According to the Mountain People, it was an arrow wound, not a gun shot.

"That's impossible." I argued as she, Jasper and I stopped by our bunks, "It was a bullet wound, I'm sure."

Jasper sighed, clearly getting fed up with our antics, "Or," he drawled, "It was actually an arrow wound."

Clarke leaned against the bunks, "Maybe that's what they want us to think."

Jasper gave her a look and she raised her eyebrows, "What? They could have doctored it."

Miller, who was sitting in his bunk, was not watching us skeptically.

"Clarke," Jasper started, lowering his voice, "You sound like a crazy person. Both of you." he added, turning to me, "Avery, I saw you fighting with that guy today-"

Clarke sent me a look at the mention of mine and Landen's argument, "It wasn't a fight." I promised, "Just a miscommunication."

Jasper continued, "-Why do you guys want to screw this up for us?"

I felt a pang in my heart at Jasper's words. That was never what I was trying to do, I wanted what was best for everyone and I didn't think that this was the place where everyone was safe.

"I don't know what this is!" Clarke argued.

Jasper smiled softly, "This is...safe. A real bed, food, clothes." he pointed to all of the commodities as he spoke, "And my personal favourite, not getting speared by Grounders." Pausing, he looked between the two of us, "How long do you think they'll let us stay here if you two keep this up?"

Clarke stared back at Jasper for a moment, her face covered in concern, "Did someone threaten you?" she asked, standing so she was closer to Jasper.

The shaggy haired boy shook his head with a small laugh, "No, no. It's common sense. Look, we're guests here, not prisoners. What would you do with a guest who kept calling you a liar and generally acted like an ungrateful ass."

"Kick the ungrateful ass out." Miller chipped in from his bunk.

I turned to shoot him a glare before turning to Jasper, "Well, if I really was a liar then maybe I would tell the ungrateful ass the truth-that usually fixes things."

Jasper shook his head at me, "Stop being difficult, Avery."

I shrugged, "I'm speaking the truth, Jasper. I've told you that I'm not happy in here, I don't know what else you want from me. I won't be happy until-"

Jasper threw his head back in frustration, "Until your brother is back, I know. But maybe it's time to face the truth, Avery. You're safe in here, and it's likely that your brother is gone-I fired those rockets, I know what they did. Don't you think he would want you to be happy, not live every moment trying to break out of a place where you're safe?"

My heart dropped at his words, tears instantly springing to my eyes. I knew Jasper didn't mean what he said, that wasn't the Jasper I knew, the one who told me less than an hour ago that everything was going to be fine. But it didn't make the whip of his words hurt any less.

Clarke's mouth was hanging open, as was Miller's. I gave Jasper a small nod before turning and rushing to the washroom before he could follow.

"Nice job, man." I could hear Miller chastise Jasper as I walked away.

Another reason I hated this place-it was turning my friends into assholes.


Everyone had left for dinner, leaving the large room empty once again. I had been hiding in my bunk most of the day. Jasper had apologized, told me he didn't mean anything he said, that he was just angry. I accepted his apology, told him I was sorry too-we hugged it out, everything was good.

However, that still didn't mean that I wanted to go down for dinner. It was mostly because I wasn't hungry, a part of it was because I didn't want to see Landen after this morning.Quite frankly I didn't want to see him at all.

I was exhausted- I felt like I hadn't slept in days. I hadn't eaten a meal since the day before and I really had no motivation to do so. I was just done.

I was in the middle of wallowing when Clarke came rushing into the room-her eyes ablaze. I pushed myself up, wiping under my eyes to clear the half dried tears, "What's going on?" I asked.

She was shaking her head in disbelief, "They're lying to us and I have proof."

I stood up and strode across the room so I was in front of her, "What are you talking about?"

Clarke stopped pacing and looked at me, "The guy with the burns, they're healed."

I stared back at her in confusion, "How is that possible, he was just brought in the morning! He was covered in them, I don't understand."

The blonde girl nodded, "I didn't believe it either. When I first saw him in the dining hall I didn't even recognize him. But when he looked at me, it clicked. He said he had one more treatment, whatever that means. He was heading to the medical ward."

I ran a hand through my hair, "What are we going to do? How can we prove that they're lying?"

"We need to get into the medical ward." She concluded.

I shook my head, "How are we going to do that? Only patients can get in and out..." I trailed off when Clarke gave me a look-the look. "Are you serious?" I asked in shock.

Clarke shrugged as she yanked up her sleeve to reveal a long gash on her arm-the one she had gotten when we first got here, "Do you have any better ideas?"

I paused, milling over our options, "No, but-"

Clarke was looking around the room for something sharp to use in order to reopen her wound, "This is the only way we can get in-" she stopped when she spotted something. She moved towards the bunk beds, lightly running a finger over a part that was sticking out, "-I'll get in. You come to the medical ward within the hour and I'll let you in. Make sure nobody sees you." she instructed.

I was watching as she pulled her arm up, reading to cut it, "Clarke, wait-"

She froze and looked over at me.

"Maybe there's another way. This-this is risky Clarke, what if something goes wrong."

She gave me a reassuring smile, "Nothing will go wrong. We have to do this, if we want to see Finn again, this is what we have to do."


45 minutes later I was making my way down to the medical ward. Clarke had sliced her arm open like planned. I had called for help, claiming that I had walked into the room to find her like that. They whisked her off to the medical ward, exactly like we wanted.

I had done well not getting noticed by anyone as I left the living quarters-no one payed much attention these days. Getting through the halls was a different story. I was forced to rush around the corner a number of times to avoid guards and other Mount Weather people that were roaming the halls.

I had been doing well, up until- "Avery!"

I froze in my tracks as the sound of foot steps could be heard from behind me. I contemplated making a break for it, but his hand was already on my shoulder before I could run.

I spun around, a forced smile on my face, "Hey, Landen."

He gave me a small smile, "I was looking for you everywhere. I came to apologize."

I was starting to get panicked, if I didn't get to the medical ward soon, Clarke would think I bailed. So, I tried to dismiss him, "No apology needed. I kind of deserved what you said."

Landen shook his head, not giving up, "No, you didn't. You're a really great girl Avery and I'm sorry I treated you like that. Can we start over?"

I nodded, "Of course, Landen." If I ever see you again.

He smiled as he moved to hug me, "Have you eaten?" he asked when he pulled away, "We can go grab something."

I gave him a fake frown, "I just ate, but you go, we can catch up after?"

He was beginning to notice my nerves, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, pushing him towards the elevator, "I'm sure. Come get me after dinner and we'll play soccer."

He grinned as he pressed the button, "Ready to get your ass kicked again?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to make a comeback just you wait."

I could hear his laughter as I all but ran from the elevator and around the corner. I hated lying to him, but it needed to be done. By the time I got to the medical ward I was afraid Clarke had started the mission without me.

I hid behind a wall, waiting a few minutes to make sure the coast was clear. When I was sure, I approached the door, giving a quick knock.

Clarke's blonde head came into view in the small window and she held a finger up to her mouth, signalling to be quiet. I nodded as she opened the door.

I stepped into the dark patient room and let out a small sigh. Let's do this.


hey guys! I'm in exams but decided to write this because why not! it was kind of boring but hope you guys still enjoyed :)

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