60. reality

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My whole body was buzzing as I slowly made my way back through camp. I was in utter shock that I had actually just kissed Bellamy Blake. I think I was mored shocked that he had kissed me back.


I jumped at the sound of my best friend's voice. Quickly turning around I came face to face with Octavia jogging towards me. 'Have you seen Bell?" she asked, letting out of puff of air.

My heart rate sped up as I felt my mouth become dry. Did she know?

"I-uh-no-I-No. No I haven't. Why would I know where he is anyway?" I asked, clearly fumbling over my words.

Octavia gave me an odd stare, slowly reaching out place her hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

I pushed her hand away, scrunching my face up, "What are you doing?"

Octavia retracted her hand, "You're being weird."

I shook my head, "I'm just saying I don't know where your brother is, I mean why would I, it's not like-"

"Avery!" Octavia cut me off, "Relax, I just thought you might know where he is because he was with you the last time I saw him."

I almost choked on my salvia, "When did you see him last?"

Octavia continued to give me an odd glare as she shrugged, "I don't know, you guys were walking through camp."

"Just walking?" I questioned

"Yes, just walking." she confirmed, "Now if you're done being weird, I have to get going."

I nodded as I felt myself begin to relax, "Right," I muttered, anxiety rising in the pit of my stomach once again when I remembered that they were all about to head out into danger, "Please be safe." I whispered, pulling her into a tight hug.

Octavia pulled away and gave me a concerned look, "Are you okay, Avs?"

I nodded as I bit my lip, trying to stop from crying, "I'm really worried about you guys going out there."

Octavia gave me a soft smile, "I know, but we have to do this, for our friends. We'll be safe, I promise."

I nodded as I let out a sigh, "You all better come back to me, I'm serious."

"We will."

With one final squeeze of my hand, I watched as she turned and made her way back to the centre of camp. I felt drained as I made my way back towards the Ark. I decided since I had nothing else to do, I would take this time as a chance to explore.

I walked around the Ark, taking in all the scenes that I had never seen before. I was never allowed in this station of the Ark (for obvious reasons), so everything was new to me. However, I quickly discovered that this part of the Ark looked pretty much the same as the others-the Sky Box, Medical Ward, everything.

"I thought Abby told you to take it easy?"

I spun around to see Jackson walking down the hall towards me. I gave him a sheepish smile as I leaned into my crutch, "I'm bored."

He laughed as he got closer to me, "You should be in bed still, or at least in your room."

I shrugged, "I'd rather be up, gives me a way to take my mind off of things."

"Missing your boyfriend?" he asked as he readjusted the items in his hand, "They left already right?"

Staring back at him, I dropped my jaw slightly, "My boyfriend?" I echoed.

Jackson looked at me with a confused look,"Yeah, Bellamy, you two are..." he trailed off as he studied my face, "You're not-"

"No." I said with a sigh, "Bellamy and I are not-he is...he's my friend." I concluded. This was the second time in the last 2 weeks that I had referred to Bellamy as simply my friend and it killed me because I wanted him to be more, so much more.


It felt like a week since they left, but it had really only been a day. The next morning, I sat by one of the camp fires in camp, watching the hot embers as I anxiously awaited their return. Bellamy had told me that they weren't planning on being more than a day or so, so I expected their return within the next few hours-hopefully.

I watched the people mill around camp, studying each of their faces. These were the people who made my life a living hell up on the ark, the guards, the officials, and now I was living among them like nothing had ever happened.

I shook myself free of those thoughts as glanced down at my leg. It was already feeling much better than the previous day, hopefully meaning I would be able to actually do something besides sit around all day.

Just as I was about to get up and begin pacing around camp, someone from the front gates yelled. "They're back!"

I felt my heart rate speed up as I began making my way towards the front gates as quickly as I could. I was afraid that once I got there, not everyone would have returned. I pushed my way through the crowd, just in time to see Finn and Clarke followed by Abby, Raven and Chancellor Jaha. I decided to ignore the fact that the very man who locked us up and sent us down here was suddenly back in camp, and instead focus on the fact that my brother was back in one piece.

I launched myself towards him, wrapping him in a tight hug as let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God." I breathed, pulling away to meet the smiling face of my twin.

"Told you I would come home." he muttered, cracking a small grin.

I lightly shoved his shoulder before turning to Clarke, giving her a quick hug before moving towards Raven. As I was pulling away from Raven, I realized two of the most important people weren't there.

"Where are Bellamy and Octavia?" I demanded in a panic, looking around hoping I had just missed them somehow.

Finn and the two girls shared a quick glance, Clarke being the one to speak,"They didn't come back with us, they-"

Shock covered my face, "What do you mean they didn't come back with you? You just left them?" I tried to keep myself from freaking out, but I was on the brink of a breakdown at this point.

"Avs, just let her finish." Finn mumbled.

I let out a puff of air as I turned back to Clarke, firmly crossing my arms over my chest as I awaited her explanation. She proceeded to explain that they had come across acid fog, which by the way was controlled by the Mount Weather people, and that they were separated from the Blake siblings due to the fact that the two of them were in search of a way into the Mountain . When they found Jaha, he had a message, one about the Grounder war, meaning they had to get back to camp right away, and hence, here they are.

I could feel my stress levels rising as I tried to calm my breathing, "So we don't even know if they're alive." I muttered, running my hand over my face.

"They're alive." Clarke promised.

"They better be."

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