86. coping

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My footsteps echoed against the metal of the dropship floor as I stepped out onto the ramp, letting the warm sun that was leaking through the treetops warm my skin.

For three months since Mount Weather I had been coming to what we once called our home, taking it as a chance to escape all that was Arkadia. I spent my mornings helping in the medical ward, the rest of the days I usually spent here. I took my time away from camp as a chance to improve my skills. Lincoln had given me a bow and arrow, so each day I worked on mastering my shot.

I had grown tired of guns, knowing we would eventually run out of ammo. And besides, bows were more fun. Whereas the others trained together back at home, I opted to do so on my own out here.

Bellamy hated me coming out here alone, he always begged me to just stay at camp or at least let him come with me, but I liked the quietness of it all so I usually turned down his offers.

Most days I was able to go without interruption, but on some days, like today, we had another task we needed to take on. So, when the rover pulled up, I wasn't very surprised.

I let out a low sigh as I shoved my bow into the spot I kept it on the ship. On days like today when we were headed out in search of Clarke, I decided to use a gun, knowing it was more practical in this sense.

Just as I stood up and turned around, I ran into the chest of my ever so over-protective boyfriend. "Bell," I breathed, taking a step back, "I was coming, you didn't have to get out."

Bellamy shook his head, totally ignoring my statement, "Why do you come out here?" he asked, glancing around as if he was going to find some secret incentive for being out here that I was hiding, "I hate you being-"

I cut him off with an exasperated groan, this was a question he asked me almost everyday, "You hate me being alone- I know, Bellamy. But I'm fine out here, I can clear my head, work on my shot, it's good for me."

Bellamy took a small step closer to me, brushing a piece of hair from my face, "I know, but I just worry about you. You've been distant lately, you barely talk to anyone and you're up at least once a night with nightmares."

I felt my face redden at the mention of my nightmares. Since Finn died, I had been plagued with them almost every night. Bellamy was usually able to soothe me back to sleep, but that didn't erase the fact that I woke up in tears most nights.

I took a hold of his hand as I reached up on my tip toes to press my lips against his, "I love you, and I'm glad you care enough to worry, but I'm okay, Bellamy. I promise." I mumbled once we pulled apart.

Bellamy let out one more small sigh before nodding, "Okay, as long as you're alright."

I smiled, satisfied that he was going to drop it- for now-. "So," I asked as we excited the ship and made our way toward the rover, "Where to today?"

"Sector seven" Bellamy answered as neared the vehicle containing the rest of our friends. All of us had made it our mission to find Clarke, and after three months of nothing, we were all getting discouraged.

Sector seven was dangerous and I knew it. It was right on the border of the Ice Nation and despite them being apart of Lexa's coalition, it did not mean they were willing to abide by the cease fire. Despite the danger, I lacked the usual sense of fear I felt going into situations like this. I was ready to do what was needed.

"There she is!" A voice called from in front of us. I looked up to see Octavia seated atop one of our horses, a grin on her face.

I let out a laugh as I waved, "Hey Tavia!"

The two of us didn't get to see each other as much as usual-Octavia spending her time training or with Lincoln, me spending most of mine out at the dropship or with Bellamy.

"How's the shot coming?" she questioned as we got closer.

I gave her a thumbs up in response, "Got a rabbit today...first try."

Bellamy looked over at me with an incredulous look as his sister cheered, "You killed a rabbit?" he questioned in shock.

I shrugged as we finally approached the rover, "Yeah, so?"

Bellamy grabbed my arm causing me to pause, "A few months ago you refused to kill anything. Remember our hunting trip with Charlotte?"

I gave my boyfriend a sad looked as I reached for the door handle, "That was months ago Bellamy, I'm not the same person anymore."

Luckily, he decided to drop it as we entered the vehicle, all eyes turning to us immediately.

Jasper, who was sitting in the front with Raven, and was still clearly drunk like usual, was the first to speak, "You guys were in there a while, what were you doing?" he questioned, suggestively quirking his brows.

I rolled my eyes as I settled into my seat beside Bellamy, "Shut up." I muttered.

Raven let out a small laugh as she started the rover up, "How did you land Aves anyway Bellamy? She's way too good for you."

No one was really surprised when Bellamy and I finally told everyone we were officially together, but they often liked to tease us about it.

I let out a laugh as I grinned at Bellamy, "Yeah, Bell, how did you do it?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes, "Shut it." he grumbled, trying to fight back a smile.

"Careful," Jasper muttered, not bothering to look back at us, "Monty might melt her."

The smile dropped from my face as Monty tried to lunge at Jasper, only being pulled back by Miller. Maya's death hit Jasper harder than any of us had expected and in the few months since it happened, he had done a complete 180. His head was shaved, he drank all the time and I don't think I have seen him smile in weeks.

"Enough!" Bellamy snapped, the joking tone falling from his voice as well, "Let's get on the road."

And so we did. Raven pulled us out of the small clearing and back onto the road, Octavia leading the way- right towards sector seven.

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