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- The Reckoning

𝗦𝗔π—₯𝗔𝗛 𝗗𝗒𝗑𝗒𝗩𝗔𝗑 π—œπ—¦π—‘'𝗧 just any ordinary girl she was much more than that, she was something specialΒ Β  and is the only one of her kind since her people were wiped out of existence centuries ago. From the age of 5, her siblings knew that she was different seeing as she could read anyones thoughts even if she doesn't mean to. Sarah has tried her best to block out peoples thoughts at first she thought that something was wrong with her especially since her mother had sent her to multiple of therapists to figure out what was wrong with her daughter.

Kelly Donovan was never really their for her children and was always leaving them for the next man she had hooked her claws in. Matt never really understood his younger sister as he didn't think it was possible with the abilities that Sarah was gifted but Vicki was always there for a little sister and would always protect her from everyone who would bully her because of what she could do and also protect her from those who wish harm upon her.

Sarah didn't have a clue what she was until last year and no matter how many times her brother would force her to see her therapist growing up they had no idea what was going on with the blonde girl and just diagnosed the youngest Donovan sister with bipolar disorder and ADHD. The blonde knew it wasn't true as the doctors didn't understand what was wrong with the blonde and diagnosed Sarah with an illness she clearly didn't have just because they couldn't explain why she could read peoples thoughts.

In fifth grade, Sarah found it hard getting close to anyone because she could hear everyone's thoughts but that hadn't stoped her from befriending Caroline Forbes. In fact the two immediately clicked and were like two peas in a pod always seen together and if they weren't the other wouldn't be that far behind. Everyone knew that the two girls came as a package deal and the blonde trusted Caroline with her life as she knew the Forbes girl would never hurt her or betray her trust.

When Caroline found out what Sarah could do she was surprised as it seemed impossible but it didn't change Caroline opinion off her best friend as Sarah was like her sister as the two were inseparable especially since Sarah relied on Caroline after Vicki had died as the two of them were the only ones that really understood Sarah Donovan. This last year, when Stefan and Damon Salvatore moved into town did she learn about the supernatural about how Vampires, werewolves and witches were real but what surprised everyone is when they found out what Sarah is.

Elijah Mikaelson explained to the blonde beauty what she is as he had only met her kind once and that was when he was human due to his brother being in love with a fairy who was just like Sarah the only difference is that Sarah is a lot more powerful than Mary was as she died shortly after the Mikaelson family had turned into vampires due to that they couldn't control the blood lust at first.

When the Salvatore brothers moved to Mystic Falls, Sarah immediately befriended them both but she was more closer Damon as he become one of her best friends but after she learned that he was the one that killed her sister turning her into a vampire she resented him from taking the only person who didn't judge her because of what she can do.

It's been a month since Klaus had sacrificed Elena in a ritual to break his curse in allowing him to be his true self which is a hybrid of two different creatures a vampire and a werewolf. To save his brother Stefan ended up leaving mystic Falls with klaus to make more hybrids like himself but it had failed. What Klaus didn't know was that Elena was actually alive and that she was reason why his hybrids weren't surviving.

Prank night is the night that everything had changed for Sarah as when she meets Klaus who was intrigued and curious about the blonde beauty who was a fairy but he also couldn't deny that she was the most beautiful women he had ever seen but what Sarah wasn't ready for was actually falling in love with the dangerous original hybrid despite him being the enemy to her friends and family and that they would stop at nothing to kill him especially to get him out of Sarah Donovan life.


Senior prank night, is the night she has been waiting for as it's the first step in being an senior in Mystic Falls high school. It was the last year where Sarah and her friends can have fun making memories together before going off in different directions towards their own path in life as this is the last year they have before deciding what they want to do in the future.

This past year everyone's life has been turned upside down due to the supernatural the teenagers have all been dragged into as Elena had been sacrificed and Tyler is now a newly turned werewolf and her best friend was turned into a vampire. Prank night is the first normal thing they were all doing together in a long time that doesn't involve the supernatural or ends up with their life in danger.

Sarah had been blowing up Matt's phone but her brother hasn't answered so she just gathered that he was working at the grill the both of them worked out but the blonde beauty had gotten the night off which is why she is currently bend down next to Elena setting up mouse traps with everyone in the dark when suddenly the classroom door opened setting off all the mouse traps as the person that walked in turned on the light only for it to be Matt.

Sarah rolled her eyes sending her brother an annoyed look as she huffed and exclaimed, " Oh, come on! Seriously! Do you know how long it took us to set all this up!" Elena chuckled at the blonde girl in amusement at her antics as she nudged Sarah lightly as Tyler leaned against the TV that was in the classroom shooting his best friend a look and curiously questioned, " forgot about senior prank night, huh?"

Matt nodded his head in confirmation as he glanced around the classroom with an confused and shocked expression on his face as he muttered, " clearly" Sarah scoffed narrowing her eyes at her brother as she moved to stand next to Caroline and sternly resorted, " How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year and I'm pretty sure I've reminded you everyday... it's the only thing Care and I have been talking about"

"Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this," Elena stated as she raised her brows at the oldest Donovan pointing the flashlight towards him causing Matt to chuckle lightly in disbelief as he shook his head shifting his gaze to everyone in the room and responded, "I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this" Bonnie sighed as she turned her attention to the two blondes with an accusing look on her face and informed, " Sarah and Caroline are making us"

Caroline and Sarah turned to look at one another with small smiles on their faces when the blonde vampire turned her attention towards Matt and started to say, "We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that stay with us forever, and if we don't..." she trailed off causing Sarah to chuckle lightly as she had listened to her best friend talk about making this their best year all together before going off to college, " And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all"

Sarah rolled her eyes at the amused looks she was receiving from both Bonnie and Elena causing her to wrap her arm around Caroline's shoulder as her blue eyes glanced around the room before she told her friends, " go ahead and make fun of us. We don't care" Elena laughed with a shake of her head bringing the blonde human girl into a tight hug just as Tyler picked up his black duffel bag walking out of the room as he commented, " you're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank"

Elena grabbed Sarah hand as she was about to drag the blonde out of the classroom only for the two girls to come to a stop when Bonnie called out to her two best friends, " Hey, where are you guys going?" The doppelgΓ€nger turned around with a mischievous look on her face and informed, " to superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories"

Sarah smiled brightly as she linked her arm with the DoppelgΓ€nger's dragging her out of the classroom just as Caroline shouted after her two friends, " I love you" the two girls walked out of the classroom and down the hallway only to see Tyler giving instructions to some of their classmates, "get the faculty toilet seats, and Dana needs bodies in the gym. lets go"

Elena and Sarah looked at one another laughing lightly as the blonde pushed open the double doors as she excitedly spoke, "Senior year, can you believe we're finally here? The last chapter to the beginning our lives. It feels so weird like everything is going so fast and sooner or later we will be moving forward with our lives" the brunette nodded her head in agreement as she let out a sigh and stated, " Yeah, with everything we've been through. This seems to be the most frightening..."

Elena suddenly trailed off as she gasped in shock as her eyes widened in horror when Sarah had bumped into someone's chest, a pair of hands wrapped around her waist to keep her from falling to the floor as his ocean blue eyes focused on the doppelgΓ€nger in front of him with an tauntingly smirk on his lips, " there's my girl" Elena grabbed Sarah pulling her away from the original hybrid standing in front of the blonde protectively as she breathed out, " Klaus"

The brunette pulled Sarah with her as she attempted to run away from the hybrid but it was pointless as Klaus appeared in front of the two girls narrowing his eyes at Elena and inquired, " you're supposed to be dead. What are we gonna do about that?" Sarah eyes widened in surprise at the man standing in front of her as he was the one that had killed Elena to break his curse and he had also attempted to kill Tyler and Caroline only he ended up using Jenna and Jules for the ritual instead.

Klaus turned his attention towards the Donovan girl with a smirk still planted on his face as the beautiful blonde girl had his undivided attention even if she didn't mean to - she was gorgeous and he had only seen her briefly when he went to talk to Damon Salvatore who was at the grill drinking with the history teacher, Alaric as she was working at the grill that night.

" and who might you be, love?" Klaus curiously questioned keeping his gaze locked onto her light blue eyes causing Sarah to take a deep breathe trying to hide how intimidating he made her feel especially since she knew what he is and how she had heard from her friends that he had no humanity in him as he kills without remorse, " My name is Sarah. Sarah Donovan"

The original hybrid held the humans girl gaze for a moment before he looked her up and down admiring her beauty as he had never seen a girl as beautiful as the blonde standing in front of him and that's saying a lot due to him being alive over a thousand years and had met plenty of women, " Sarah" he repeated with a look of admiration on his face not that she or Elena noticed as he kept his gaze on her as there was something off about the human girl.

"What are you?" Klaus demanded tilting his head to the side staring directly into her eyes as he couldn't quite place what it was but it was like he was drawn to her like most vampires were because of what she is causing Sarah to stay silent for a moment as she took a step back and replied, " Well, I don't see how that has anything to do with you. Your Elijah's brother, The hybrid, Klaus"

The original hybrid raised his brows in amusement at the girls spirited personality as he gripped both Sarah's and Elena's arms dragging them down the hallways being more rougher with Elena as he harshly glared down at the brunette and continued speaking, "You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it! Let Sarah go, she isn't involved in any of this" Elena pleaded glancing towards the blonde next to her as she had tried her best to not involve Sarah and Matt into the supernatural world as they are only human and don't deserve to be brought into her drama especially since the Donovan siblings only have to reply on each other after Vicki death.

Klaus scoffed as he glanced at the doppelgΓ€nger pulling them along towards the end of hallway, " Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer" Sarah gasped as he pulled the two girls into the school gym where multiple of teenagers where filling up the gym with plastic cups trying to finish off their prank causing Klaus to place a fake smile on his lips putting on a horrendous American accent as he called out,"Attention, seniors! You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home."

The teenagers groaned in annoyance and irritation by being caught causing they all started making their way out of the gym when two familiar faces caught Klaus attention as he let go of Elena and Sarah before walking over towards the two teenagers who were about to make their way out of the gym and commented, "You two. I remember you."

Dana frowned in confusion sharing a look with Chad as she didn't recognise the man standing in front of her before he shifting her gaze back towards Klaus and inquired, "I'm sorry. Who are you" Sarah glanced between her two classmates in concern as Klaus shook his head dismissively with a taunting smirk on his lips and replied, "Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met"

"Now, Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Klaus placed his hand on her shoulder as he compelled the dark haired girl before turning his attention towards Chad compelling him as well, "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" Sarah eyes widened in horror as she stared at her two classmates terrified on what Klaus would do to them as she heard from her friends and also Elijah what the hybrid is like and knew he would kill anyone in his path to find out why he can't turn wolves into hybrids, ' Oh, my god. Oh, my god. He's fucking crazy. He's going to kill me. I knew it was a bad idea to come to senior prank night'

Sarah stopped listening in on Dana's thoughts when Elena spoke up taking a step forward towards the hybrid and pleaded with him, "Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody" Klaus turned to glance at the doppelgΓ€nger as he chuckled mockingly shrugging his shoulders casually and resorted, "Oh, come on, love. Of course I do."

Dana was whimpering as she struggled to keep her foot from touching the ground as she rocked from side to side. "Keep it up" Klaus encouraged her making Sarah look at him in disgust as for him being a thousand years old she hoped he wouldn't threaten innocent people just to get to Elena due to her being alive thanks to Bonnie after he had killed her in the sacrifice.

"Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?" Sarah questioned standing beside Elena narrowing her eyes at Klaus who turned his head glancing at the blonde and told her, " don't worry about it, love. Stefan's on a time out" Sarah rolled her eyes in annoyance folding her arms across her chest as she stayed silent when suddenly the Gym doors opened causing the three of them to turn around only to see Matt and Bonnie walking in laughing together causing Sarah eyes to widened at the sight of her brother and her friend, " Matt! Bonnie! Get out of here!"

Matt and Bonnie both frowned turning their attention to the two girls when suddenly Klaus vamp speeded behind the Bennett witch making her flinch slightly as Klaus tilted his head to the side narrowing his eyes at the witch and commented, " I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started" Klaus turned his attention to Chad and Dana and told the two of them, "Ah, Dana, why don't you relax. You and Chad sit tight"

Klaus then focused his attention back onto the Bennett witch with a knowingly look on his face as he clenched his jaw tightly and continued, " I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" Bonnie nodded her head in confirmation glaring at Klaus in distaste as she bravely replied, "that's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me"

The original vampire raised his brows amused by the Bennett witch who was trying to hide how terrified she was off him as he told her, "Oh, there's no need for blame, love, just your witchy interference seems to have caused me some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find me the fix"

Suddenly, the Gym door slammed opened again with a blonde girl dragging Tyler who was struggling in her grip making Sarah scowl at the blonde girl as she had known Tyler most of her life and he was like another brother to her which is why she didn't hesitate to rush to his aid but before she could get too close Klaus's wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her off the ground pulling her way placing her back on the ground with a firm grip on the blonde girl.

"Get off me" Tyler demanded trying to get the blonde to realise him only for her to hold him more tightly and hissed, " Hush now" Klaus pushed Sarah into Matt's arms before stretching his arm out wide gesturing towards the unknown blonde as he introduced her, " I'd like you all to meet my sister, Rebekah. Word of warning... she can be quite mean"

Rebekah eyes scanned around the room with a smirk on her face as she glanced at the teenagers in the gym before narrowing her eyes at her brother warningly and hissed, "don't be an ass" the blonde original then threw Tyler roughly into Klaus arms as he made his way to stand in front of everyone but kept his eyes on the witch and informed, " I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during transition. It's quite horrible actually"

Klaus bit into his wrist and forced Tyler to drink his blood as the Lockwood boy struggled in his hold, " I need you to find a way to save my Hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake. You better hurry" Klaus then snapped Tyler neck dropping him onto the floor causing Sarah to gasp placing her hand against her mouth pushing herself out off her brothers grasp as she rushed towards Tyler dead body shaking her head frantically, " No, no, no, no. This can't be happening right now"

Sarah looked up at Klaus with a furious expression on her face when she saw the wicked smirk on his lips causing Klaus interest to expand due to the fire in her eyes and the determination to protect her friends and brother. The original hybrid could tell that Sarah was innocent and sweet but she also had a fiery side of her that peaked Klaus's curiosity in the blonde beauty.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you seriously out of your god damn mind! " Sarah yelled standing up ready to charge towards the hybrid to give him a piece of her mind only to be stopped by Matt who wrapped his arms around his little sister, " Hey, hey, Sarah. Don't even think about it" Klaus chuckled in amusement causing Sarah to narrow her eyes at him pushing Matt away from her sitting back next to Tyler dead body not noticing the curious look she was receiving from Rebekah who noticed how infatuated her brother is with the blonde Donovan girl.

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