🕸️THE NIGHTMARE- It's Just a Dream🕸️

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Ethan woke up to the sound of distant screams. His heart pounded as he sat up in bed, the darkness of his room pressing in on him. He reached for his phone, but the screen was dead. The power must be out, he thought, trying to shake off the grogginess.

He stumbled to the window and pulled back the curtain. The street outside was in chaos. Cars were overturned, fires burned in the distance, and figures moved erratically through the shadows. Ethan's stomach churned as he realized what he was seeing: zombies.

He quickly dressed and grabbed the baseball bat he kept by his bed for protection. As he crept down the stairs, he could hear the moans and shuffling footsteps growing louder. He peeked through the front door's peephole and saw a group of zombies stumbling past his house. Their eyes were vacant, their skin rotting, and their mouths hung open, dripping with blood.

Ethan knew he had to get out of there. He slipped out the back door and made his way through the alleyways, avoiding the main streets. The city was unrecognizable, a nightmarish landscape of destruction and death. He saw people being dragged from their homes, their screams echoing in the night.

He reached the edge of town and found a small, abandoned house. He barricaded himself inside, hoping to wait out the apocalypse. Days turned into weeks, and Ethan survived on canned food and bottled water he found in the house. But the isolation and constant fear took their toll on him. He started to hear whispers in the dark, see shadows moving just out of sight.

One night, the whispers grew louder, and Ethan woke up in a cold sweat. He realized he couldn't stay hidden forever. He had to find other survivors, find a way to fight back. He gathered his supplies and prepared to leave the house.

As he opened the front door, he was blinded by a sudden flash of light. He blinked and found himself back in his bedroom, the morning sun streaming through the window. It was just a nightmare, he thought, relief washing over him. He laughed at himself for being so scared.

Ethan got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash water on his face. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he noticed something strange. There was a scratch on his cheek that hadn't been there before. His heart skipped a beat. He turned and walked to the window, pulling back the curtain.

The street outside was eerily quiet, but something felt off. He opened the front door and stepped outside, the cool morning air hitting his face. He took a deep breath and started to walk down the street.

Suddenly, he heard a low growl behind him. He turned slowly, his blood running cold. Standing in the middle of the street was a zombie, its eyes locked onto him. Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as the zombie took a step towards him, its mouth opening in a silent scream.

The nightmare was real.


Phew... Hey guys!
Back here after a long hiatus.
Please show love to the book and continue to support me. I'll definitely try to update whenever I have the time😁.

Love, Anu❤️.

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