Chapter 6

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GoEun pov

My dear beauty sleep was ruined by a ray of light, when I opened my eyes it was like a thousand bees started to sting me. I groan and got up to cover the window with the curtain. I started cursing in my head because I couldn't go back to sleep.

I checked the time on my phone and I rubbed my to see properly.


I start running all over the place, I can not be late for my first day of school. I had no time for breakfast and just ran out my door not forgetting to lock it. I ran like there was no tomorrow, I check the time and it was 7:56.

This is actually my best record so far, my previous one was 8:20 and I did get in a lot of trouble for that. Right now I need to go to the administrator's office and not paying attention to my surroundings because I was feeling satisfied with my new record when my head hit someone's chest and I fell. Not to mention the hallways were crowded by students so I was bound to bump into someone anyways.

My happy mood turned to a worried/pissed mood, I look at who I bumped into who was that had red hair. I glare at the guy but I feel like I know him from somewhere but can't remember. I say sorry then bow. Well, who cares if I know him or not I've got no time to think about him, I continued walking to my destination. I knocked on the door and a voiced said to come in, I greeted them.

"Are you Kim GoEun?"There were two ladies in the room there, one lady asked and I said "Yes".

"I am Mrs.Nam the head of all teachers and this is Mrs.Chang your math teacher." Mrs.Nam introduced "Here is your schedule, locker number and code. Mrs.Chang will take you to your first class which is Math." Mrs.Nam handed me my schedule and locker number.

"Lets go." I follow Mrs.Chang to the class. I followed her inside and stand next to the podium.

"Listen, everyone, this our new student, please be nice to her, Please introduce yourself and Choi Jiyeon was please show her around the school." Mirs.Chang said.

"Hello, my name is Kim GoEun please take care of me," I said then bowed and the class clapped. Mrs.Chang pointed to an empty seat on the fourth row next to a window. Many girls sent daggers towards me, but it is not like I care, maybe they lost their minds. Mirs.Chang started the lesson as soon as I sat down. I look at the person who is seating next to me and it was that guy who bumped into me earlier.


It was time to eat but I really don't know the school very well so exploring is not an option for me. I put my head on my desk when someone tapped my shoulder, I look up to see a girl with short pink hair.

"Mrs.Chang said I should show you around the school." I nodded and got up, so she was the one that was supposed to show me around.

"Ok... um... what's your name? I forgot." I scratch the back of my head.

"Oh, I am Choi Jiyeon, let's go."

Jiyeon said dragging me, since Jiyeon finished the tour of the school I really didn't have time to eat so I bought milk at the vending machine. I finished my milk and went to go get my things for the next class.

During class, I could feel sets of eyes glaring at me and it was very annoying. I was about to give the person 'I will kill you' look, Instead, I looked at the window. I am sure it is one of those girls that don't have a brain, now thinking of it maybe they born to glare at anyone.


School ended and while I was packing my bag and *Slam!!!* someone slammed their hand on my desk.

"Since you bumped into Mark Oppa your going face the consequences." I looked up and it was a girl who looked like she was raised in a circus.

"I am sorry but also not, I really didn't want my first day of to be like this. We can continue this another time or maybe never." If I do get in a fight with this girl, I will become Donkey Kong.

I got up and was about to leave but then 7 other girls came in blocking my way. They gave me dirty looks while the girl with a lot of make up smirked at me. At least they look better than their leader.

"Excuse me do you know who I am?" She asks and I shake my head. My favorite phrase 'Does it look like I care?'

"Yang Dawon the prettiest girl in this school and the leader of Beauty Queens." She says with confidence.

"It is finally nice to meet the prettiest frog in this school," I smirk as I see her face turn red.

"You are going to regret every word that came out of your mouth you unfaithful wrench."

"Then make me." I fired back.

What a way to ruin my first day of school!

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