chapter vii

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THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE dinner so far, Ethan was testing her patience. Now, she had kept her promise that she made to him, and sat next to him when the group of seven made it to the Chili's that was right down the street from campus. Lola, as (almost) always, sat on the other side of her, tucked under Mark's arm, her fingers laced with his that hung off her shoulder.

It was all going good at the beginning; occasionally, Ethan's hand would accidentally brush over the exposed skin of her thigh that poked out through the hole in her jeans. Anastasia would always ignore the small yet infectious touch, and brush it off as if it were nothing.

The group was sat in the large corner booth of the restaurant, trying so hard to contain their laughter as Mackie told a story about freshman year Ethan: one that involved him being drunk out of his mind and asking for his 'mommy' as Mackie put it. Anastasia slightly felt bad for the boy next to her, but she knew he was laughing along too; with his face turning red out of embarrassment, and a grin on his lips, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. Her heart swooned.

They were waiting for their food, listening to Mark tell a story from his senior year in high school, and the girl's junior year; the second Lola and Stassie saw the look on his face, they knew which story it was. Mark was getting ready to tell basically the entire hockey team (at least that's what it felt like in the girl's eyes) about the first time they got drunk, since apparently they were just sharing alcohol-related stories. The girls groaned in anticipating embarrassment, leaning into each other's bodies, before they sat up straight against the booth again.

"So it was the girls' first party right, I told them I'd finally take them with me," Mark started, his hand that was around Lola's shoulder still laced with hers. Beside her, Ethan chuckled, lightly patting her thigh. His fingers went through the rips in her jeans, caressing her inner thigh. Anastasia was as good as putty due to his touch. The feeling of his fingers trailing small circles on her tanned skin, making goosebumps arise in its wake, despite his jacket that was still on her shoulders.

Ethan had to dip his head down, his gaze settling down on where his hand was inside her pants... not like that. He was trying to hide the smirk that was tugging at his lips, Mark's story that he was telling, desperately trying to embarrass the two college freshmen, turned to background noise, muffled words that Ethan wasn't paying any attention to.

Anastasia's body felt like it was on fire. The rough pads of his fingers soft against the skin of her inner thigh, his touch delicate like if he were to trace the wrong pattern on her leg, that she would crackle like purest of glass. She untucked her hair from behind her ear, trying to hide the flaming of her cheeks Lola and the guys, who were all to immersed in the story Mark was telling with enthusiasm. She suddenly found her chipped finger nail polish all too interesting, and played with her fingers that rested in her lap, trying to distract herself from his touch that felt almost sinful... too new in her mind.

"And so I'm in the bathroom holding her hair back right, and here comes Stassie," Mark extended his hand and nudged her shoulder, making her break her gaze from her lap, a slightly confused look on her face. "What?" She mumbled, not knowing the reasoning behind his acknowledgment. "Stumbling through the door swapping DNA with some guy, not even seeing Lo blowing chunks in the toilet when he lifts her up on the counter." Mark laughed, causing the guys to chuckle.

Trying to ignore the lingering hand that was on her thigh, she laughed along, "Okay in my defense, he was a senior and I wasn't sober," Stassie tried to defend herself, holding her hands up in defense, her smile gleaming as her chest became warm. Not only was it because of Ethan's fingers that were still tracing along her skin, but it was because she was happy. And quite frankly excited for what her first year at college held. So far, she was loving it: getting the chance to be around fucking hot hockey players for a majority of the school year? Already made not living at home worth it. She still did miss her mom though.

After Mark's quite interesting story, which would no doubt cause the guys to tease her about, their food came; and they weren't kidding when they said they were hungry, because it was like dead quiet as they scarfed down their food like it would run away.

Anastasia and Lola exchanged a look of disgust, their noses scrunched up as they watch Duke just eating without swallowing. At least that's what it looked like. "Jesus Christ you guys could at least chew!" Lola said, although it was mostly targeted towards Mark whose arm was still around her shoulders. He looked up at her from his hunched over position, ketchup spread on both corners of his mouth causing Lola to gag and scoot closer to Stassie, and out from underneath his arm. "I think this is gonna be our cause of death: hearing people chewing," Anastasia whispered into Lola's ear.

Ethan's hand was still planted firmly on her thigh, and of course, being the quite the most observant person in the entire fucking world, Lola's eyes widened. She pinched Stassie's arm, causing her to furrow her eyebrows and turn her head to confusion. Lola moved her gaze between Anastasia eyes and the hand that was on her thigh. She knew what she was referring to, causing her to mouth an 'I'll tell you later'.

Tiredness was beginning to set in with Anastasia by the time the boys had finished eating. She was now slumped against the back of the circular booth, and Ethan hooked her leg over his. His fingers dancing along her leg where her jeans had ridden up. Sure, she was still internally freaking out about just how intimate and sweet he was being towards her, but she wasn't going to lie, she was tired as fuck. With having to wake up at eight this morning, and then having to move shit around while they were at Yost, she was exhausted.

And apparently so was Lola, considering she was slumped against Mark, half asleep.

Mark looked down at her with a small smile on his lips, and then trailed his gaze over to Stassie, who was fighting to keep her eyes opened. He also saw how her leg was laid across his lap, but he chose not to comment on it.

"Alright guys I think I need to get my girls to the dorms before they pass out in a fucking Chili's."

los_lollipop has posted!




Liked by lightskin.stassie, markestapa and 16 others

los_lollipop mark plz take me back to chilis i want desert


lightskin.stassie HAH I BEAT MARK

lightskin.stassie also i see that pic ;)

lightskin.stassie our cakes r so cute

markestapa No, I'm not taking you back to Chili's.
los_lollipop 😔

eddie :) sent you a message!

eddie :)
Hi pretty girl

goodnight ethan

eddie :)
DAMN right off the bat huh

eddie :)
What'd I do

i was just saying goodnight

oh! and when do you want your jacket back?

eddie :)
I don't

eddie :)
You keep it


eddie :)
If you let me take you out


eddie :)

eddie :)
We don't even have to go out

eddie :)
We can just stay in and watch old Disney Channel movies

at the soph house orrrr

eddie :)
How do you know abt the soph house

it's not fuckin top secret, babe

eddie :)

and yes i would love to watch movies with you

my dorm tho. i'll make sure lo's gone

eddie :)
If you wanted in my pants you could've just said that

ok ew

i forget you're just a college boy

eddie :)
I forgor💀


eddie :)
I'll see you tomorrow Stas❤️

stassie liked eddie :) 's message!

sofia.commm wants to send you a message!


so me rn you guys don't even know

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