chapter xxvii

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STASSIE WAS ALWAYS one to enjoy the feeling of flying. Maybe it was the fact that she was so high up. Maybe it was the fact that she had no control over herself or those around her. Or maybe it was because she was miles high up in the air, away from the ground where all her problems seem to source from.

The game against Minnesota had passed, as well as many games that were hosted a Yost. Many games where Anastasia had to wrap a wrist or stretch out an ankle. It was all becoming second nature to her, and she couldn't be more grateful. It was ending the first semester of her freshman year in college and here she was; already confident in her career. Stassie would consider herself more than lucky. Not a lot of kids who were even juniors knew what they were doing with their life. But here was Anastasia Green– good grades, her future set and stone, and her boyfriend who made her feel like she was on top of the world.

Was her and Ethan's relationship a secret besides a few people? Yes. But that was all getting ready to change.

It had been a few months since Mark had even mentioned his 'rule' and all of her friends just figured she was seeing a guy who didn't go to Michigan. And plus, she thinks she's talked Ethan up to Mark enough that even if he was upset that she was dating one of his teammates, he wouldn't be able to disagree because of everything shes said about him. It also will probably help that Mark and Ethan have already been friends for a couple years at this point, so he couldn't possibly hate his guts when they told him... right?

Those were the crazy and sporadic thoughts that occupied Anastasia's mind as she straddled her boy's lap in his room at the sophomore house. His hands rubbing up and down her legging-clad thighs, and her fingers tangled in his tendrils of hair that she loved so much.

It was a Thursday, the digital clock that sat on Ethan's nightstand read 12:26 am. A rare time within the week that neither of them had anything occupying their time. So who were they to deny time with their significant other? The soph house was empty, and Thanksgiving break coming up, the two of them couldn't not take the opportunity of an empty house all to themselves. Neither of them were looking forward to the week that they would go without seeing the other. It genuinely pained Anastasia to just think about it.

The sun peeked through the openness of his blinds, casting horizontal shadows along the foot of his bed. His room smelled of mahogany and vanilla, and Stassie didn't know if he got a new cologne, or if that was just because he plugged in the wallflower she had gifted him after their little road trip to Lansing. 

The smooth voice of Brent Faiyaz played through his television's speakers. His tone and his words just seemed to urge on their actions. Even though Stassie's mind was preoccupied with the fact that they planned on telling Mark this evening after practice, her body couldn't help but react to his touch automatically. The feeling of his skin upon hers was like the sun to her moon, the heavens to her hell, the drug for her addict. Which if she was being honest, that's what Anastasia felt like.

Whenever Ethan Edwards was in her proximity, she was shocked that she could even keep her common sense up. Her body and mind got drunk off of his presence, and she felt like she could almost stop breathing the longer he was around, with all the fluttering that happened in her chest when he smiled at her. She loved him and she couldn't help but hope he loved her back.

God, did he love the woman that was on top of him right now. Her black hair that framed her face, her freckles that lined her rosy cheeks, her hazel eyes that took his breath away each time she looked at him, the happiness and peacefulness that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. Every time Ethan laid eyes on his girl, on his love, on his Anastasia, he couldn't help but smile. She was a ball of sunshine on his rainy days. Each time her skin touched his he felt complete. Like he had been living all his life just to get to touch her. His heart clenched each time he heard a giggle fall from her lips, his breath stuttered each time she scrunched her nose up in the most adorable way, and the words 'I love you'  fell to the tip of his tongue each time she place her mouth on his.

If Ethan was being honest with himself, he was really fucking excited to finally be able to tell Mark about their relationship. He's excited to tell their friends about their relationship. He's excited to finally get to show off his girl.

His breathing picked up when he felt Stassie trail her lips from his down his neck. Her fingers tangled in the roots of his hair at his neck, as she pulled ever so softly. She knew that he liked it and it was driving him crazy. She nipped at the sensitive skin below his ear before she darted her tongue out to sooth the pinched skin, sucking harshly, making sure she left a mark. Her hips began to grind down against his ever so slightly, as her hot breath fanned across his neck.

He swallowed harshly, his hands leaving her thighs and coming up to grip her hips, "S-stop moving, Stas," he stuttered, trying oh, so hard to keep the blood from flowing to his dick that she was teasing. She giggled against his neck before she connected their gazes– her eyes big and wide, a sly smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she but her bottom lip, and moced her hips against his once more.

An strained groan came from his throat as he maintained eye contact with the girl who was taunting him; his jaw was set, and he was sure that his grip on her hips was going to leave bruises the next day. "I don't know what you're talking about, E," she feigned innocence, a small pout on her lips as she moved her hands from his hair and down his chest, her fingers tangling in the gold chain that laid across his collar bones.

He watched with lidded eyes as she focused her attention on his chain. And once again his chest fluttered when he heard the small giggle that fell from her swollen lips. "You know what I'm talking about," his voice was low, like a melodic sound that went straight to her core.

Stassie hooked one finger in his chain and pulled him close– their noses brushing and their breaths intermingled in the small space that was left between their mouths. His girl never failed to surprise him, even if she was the inexperienced one. "I know that I wanna suck you off right now," Her lips teased his as she spoke, the feeling pulling Ethan deeper and deeper into his trance.

That is until–

"What the fuck did you say?" His eyebrows furrowed, his teeth glinting in the moon sunlight that poured through his blinds. The corners of his eyes crinkled due to how hard he was smiling and Anastasia swear she couldn't died a happy girl if that was the last thing she saw. His laughter made her join in– as her hands dropped from his chain and to her lap. She placed her forehead on his chest, "I don't know I was trying something new I guess," she groaned, trailing off due to her laughter. She was embarrassed, but not nearly as embarrassed as she would've been if it was someone besides Ethan.

Anastasia nearly melted when she felt his arms come up to wrap around her torso, pulling her closer. She nuzzled her head to lay where his neck and shoulder met, small giggles still coming from her as she tried to shake off the embarrassment. His chest vibrates due to his laughter, "I thought it was cute, baby," He mumbled into her hair, the smell of her coconut and vanilla shampoo filling his nostrils as he placed a kiss to the crown of her head.

She mumbled a string of incoherent words before she placed a sloppy kiss to the side of his neck, before she nuzzled into his chest once more. And this time, Ethan felt his heart melt at the gesture.

He was more than ready to be able to show her off in a mere number of hours.

They sat like that– their breathing slowing down from their laughter. Her exhales fanned across his neck, her fingers tangling through his hair, her nails lightly scratching his scalp, which sent goosebumps down his spine. His hands had trailed down to rest against the curve of her ass, holding her impossibly close to him. He hoped she couldn't hear his heart pounding behind his rib cage, and question exactly why his heart rate was so high. Because the truth was he feared his answer would scare her.

The sound of his phone vibrating against the surface of his nightstand made Anastasia jump on his lap slightly, the crown of her head coming in contact with his jaw. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," she gasped, but couldn't help but let a giggle slip past her lips. Ethan groaned, bringing his hand up from her ass and cradled his jaw. "Are you okay?" She whispered, a bright smile on her face as she shooed his hands away from his jaw, bringing her own hands up to delicately hold his 'injured' jaw. He nodded and laughed softly at her.

Truth is, it didn't really hurt when his girl accidentally slammed her head into his jaw, but seeing her act so caring and loving towards him was enough to make him want to pretend to be in pain forever. Her thumbs rubbed softly against the his jaw, before she leaned in and placed a small kiss to the slightly red of his skin. "All better?" And he couldn't help but nod once more, being so lost in her affectionate gaze that words didn't seem to appear in his throat.

Anastasia groaned out of annoyance as she leaned over from his lap to grab his phone that was going off like crazy on his nightstand. "Will you please answer your phone before I throw this against the wall?" She teased, holding his phone out as he grabbed it from her grasp. Her eyes trained on his face– his olive skin, his brown eyes that made butterflies erupt in her stomach, his hair that she loved oh so much, his lips that were pink and swollen from their previous actions, and the intoxicating mahogany scent that seemed to ooze from him. He was perfect. This was perfect.

"What is it?" She quipped, leaning over to try and catch a glimpse at his phone screen. Her eyebrows furrowed when he pulled away. If it wasn't for the fact that he was usually comfortable with her being nosey over her shoulder she wouldn't have thought much about it. But that wasn't the case. "An old friend from Canada– they're in town and wanna see if we can meet up," His eyes met hers, silently asking for permission. Although she never blatantly told him he had to ask for her permission to go somewhere, Ethan always made sure it was okay with her that he went somewhere. Another reason why she found herself falling in love with him.

Anastasia hoped that he couldn't sense her mood dropping slowly. Her lips tugging down in a small frown, a lump forming in her throat. But she shook off the negative feelings and thoughts, as she pulled her lips into a smile, nodding her head, silently giving him permission. She didn't want to be a controlling girlfriend, and she thinks she's been doing pretty good so far. She didn't care if he hung out with girls, or whatever, because she trusts him. And he trusts her. But for some reason there was a small voice in the back of her mind, that she chose to ignore right now.

She got off his lap to lean against the headboard as she watched him pull on a pair of shoes, his back muscles flexing under his t-shirt as he did so. "What time is your next class?" She questioned, pulling her knees up to her chest. Stassie was mature, and she knew when someone, or herself was being unreasonable. But in this instance her gut was telling her not to let him go. Her gut was just being stubborn, right?

"2, but it's English and Comprehension so, I don't really feel the need to go," Stassie giggled as she agreed, english was always her best subject in high school.

His playlist still played over the speakers of his television, and the early afternoon light still streamed in through his blinds. The cool, crisp November air of Michigan outside caused the guys to finally kick on the heater in the soph house. If she could, Stassie would move into the house with the boys, and so would Lola without a doubt.

Ethan turned around once he was finished putting on his shoes and saw his girl– she was practically curled up into a little ball, her torso being engulfed by his hoodie she had stolen, and her cheeks being covered in a light pink. She was adorable, she was his.

He offered her a smile as he grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of his mattress, situating himself between her parted thighs. "So what are you guys gonna do?" She questioned, a small hint of sadness evident in her words. Stassie tried telling herself it was just because he was leaving her, and not because of the feeling that her gut was screaming at her.

He leaned over her, his knuckles pressed into the bed on either side of her body, "Is my pretty girl sad I'm leaving her?" He teased, letting his lips brush over hers as he spoke. But, Stassie being herself, she resorted to the one thing she knew best– sarcasm. "Yeah you wish, E."

Ethan let out an airy chuckle as his sweet girl's ways, before he connected their mouths in a slow, kiss. his bottom lip caught between hers. He groaned lowly when he felt her teeth nip at his lip, which caused him to pull away while he could. "I'll see you later tonight, right?" She quipped, as she leaned back onto her hands. "After practice?" Anastasia nodded. "Of course, can't miss saying goodnight to my girl." He smirked, as he pulled on a jacket and leaned over her once more. She rolled her eyes at his actions.

It was crazy how just an exchange of a couple words between them could take her mind off her own thoughts. Wait what was she even scared of? Oh that's right, even she didn't even know.



"Leave. Now."

"I love it when my girl's bossy," his nose scrunched up as he backed away from Anastasia, opening the door to his bedroom. "Goodbye, E,"

"Goodbye pretty girl."

we love hockey (players)

any1 busy?

doing a music theory lesson, what's up?

just finished a template for my media class

a simple yes or no would've been completely fine BUT

i'm gonna take those as no's

someone's sassy

someone's *stassy

oh my god that was horrible

it really was..

i don't appreciate this slander


are you guys up for some stalking?


on who is the question

you guys stalk ppl?

only if necessary!

valid tbh

ok so on who


fuck music theory im omw

wait where are you

look at her location babe..


i'm omw to the soph house!🏃‍♀️




we got ethan and stassie fluff so i hope y'all are happy🙄🙄

ik this is late for eddie's birthday but idc...

thank you all for 23k reads!! that's absolutely insane🤭

i love you all and i can't wait for the rest of this book <333

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