chapter xxxii

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we luv hockey (players)

how's the break goin girls

why this bitch starting small talk when we've seen her pussy🤣🤣

you've been spending too much time around rut babe..

soon she's gonna start commenting like brand ambassadors on our posts🤯

what can i say i'm an impressionable girl

my break's going good! thanks for askin

texas is UNGODLY HOT in november

like who tf lives here voluntarily

my stand buddy in band apparently..

bro got me saying y'all unironically

BUT mines goin good

la sucks ass tho i cant lie

missin michigan november rn😔

it misses u too babe😔

break has been good! i was lowkey excited to sleep in my own bed

mark 's over rn and we're in the movie room watching marvel

i miss my little baby

how's he doing?

he's good, annoying as ever and keeps eating all my food

the estapa 's have been over like everyday since we got in (not that i'm complaining)

fuck my parents for makin me miss shan's thanksgiving FEAST

stas how are YOU doing

yeah i told her everything that,, went down...

hehe funny question sof

i think i'm doing ok? mark told me everything since i was blacked out for most of the night and i was

1. embarrassed bc i fucking HATE crying
2. wanted to rip ethan's head off


who's this alyssa bitch anyway

idk & idc. she commented on my insta post

stalking the socials..

sofia acted when we didn't even say anything 😭😭

so she goes to a community college somewhere in canada (idc where)

she's obviously not a real blonde

she's the only child

didn't have any chords at graduation

and she still has pics of ethan up

ya he told me they were 'old friends'

looks like they dated in high school

then when he came down for college she just stopped posting abt him

yeah her posts of ethan stop august '21


i would prefer not rlly talking about her

we respect your request madam, but idk abt sof but something just seems off abt her


yeah i agree w lo there's like... a vibe to her i cant put my finger on

more investigation to come!

have u heard from him at all?

nope.. he liked my post but that was it. and each time my phone goes off i always think it's gonna be him when it's just luca sending me fucking 8ball😭😭



yes, yes, with the upmost respect

alr schnookims i gtg marks yelling at me bc i'm missing the post credit scene


love you babe! mwah!

sofia.commm has posted!

📍houston, tx


Liked by lhughes_06, franknazar14 and other

sofia.commm when in houston... (i miss my friends)


lola.thompson here before luke😼

lola.thompson makin me wanna go to texas SHIT
sofia.commm come on down sugar plum ;)

stassiegreen when she finally posts after a century 🤯

stassiegreen but it's fine bc she's hot asf
sofia.commm love my wife

lhughes_06 My girl is so pretty
sofia.commm my love ❤️
rutgermcgroaty SHUT THE FUCK UPPP
lhughes_06 Oh so it's ok when Mark does it
rutgermcgroaty No.

luca.fantilli Come home the kids miss you😔
sofia.commm missing my children!

user1 our fav admin

umichhockey Mother!
sofia.commm go ahead and log out for me stas

rutgermcgroaty May I interest you in a business proposal?
luca.fantilli I don't think he took his meds this morning
sofia.commm i could tell

lola.thompson has posted!

📍los angeles, ca


Liked by mackie.samo, markestapa and others

lola.thompson trumpet grind dont stop! even in la..


markestapa You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen
user6 lola got mark down BAD
rutgermcgroaty This makes me physically ill

markestapa Holy shit
lola.thompson ❤️

stassiegreen he literally is drooling over his phone rn

stassiegreen plz come suck his dick or something
lola.thompson wish i could
lhughes_06 Lola, we've talked about this
mackie.samo I thought we actually got through to her😔
user7 the image of samo and luke trying to de-hornify lo has me on the FLOOR😭😭

sofia.commm wishing i was that trumpet rn
stassiegreen same..

user8 mark is so lukcy😭😭

stassiegreen has posted!




Liked by edwards.73, nolan_moyle and others

stassegreen at peace.


lola.thompson you wanna know what's not peaceful?

lola.thompson MY DICK

lola.thompson you are insanely gorgeous

user9 her bf is a lucky man

alyssabrown01 ur so gorgeous :)

rutgermcgroaty Mom I frew up

mackie.samo Need I say more... ULTIMATE NAP HOUSE

markestapa Bro hurry up on the popcorn

user10 literally obsessed w you

IT WAS THE day before Thanksgiving, autumn leaves fell from the trees to join their friends that rested peacefully in the dirt of her backyard. The air outside held a certain nip to it that calmed Anastasia. The aura from just being in her house was almost enough to expel the wild and untamable thoughts that surrounded him. Almost.

Mark had told her everything that happened while she was in her intoxicated state. She was embarrassed, she was shocked, but most of all she felt betrayed. She felt like a broken record, and her mind just couldn't seem to shut up. But with the combination of her parents smiling faces beaming at her every time they saw her come down the stairs in the morning, Mark and her's random movie marathons, and the feeling of peace soon washed over her.

But when the moon peaked high in the sky through her blinds, and the fire of confusion burned her. A sobbing girl laid in the sheets of her bed, her body racking as the sobs of pure pain numbed her head. The crashing of waterfalls being the only equivalence to the violence that only she could explain.

The plains of North America, boring and dangerous. That's how she would describe herself. As her phone laid free from any notifications from the one person she wanted to curl up into most. Sure, she was well aware of the fact that he was the sheer cause of her unusual behavior, but he was also the only one who could calm her down. It was an awful feeling– self loathing as her eyes felt dry every time she blinked when she got up the next morning.

The past couple of days had been like rainfall in the drought of an unusually dry summer. The breath of air that fills oxygen deprived lungs after the first swim of the summer. Relief and calmness, a rainbow that follows up after a rainfall. Her childhood home was just that.

Currently curled up in her family's game room upstairs, Anastasia sighed once her Instagram post had posted and turned off her phone. Her conscience knowing what's best for her mental state, she chose not to read the comments that flooded her notification center. Even the ones that Lola left.

She snuggled into her blanket even further, her head on Marks shoulder, his arm around hers as he pulled her closer into his side. Ever since he had told her what happened at that dreadful party– he had deemed the name 'Ethan' a word off-limits for the week. Which was hard when all of her relatives that came into town just couldn't help but question her about her love life. But, her answer was always the same, claiming that she was in a happy relationship and has been for the past couple of months. Because in her mind, she was. And in those scenarios, she just shrugged off Mark's glare that he sent her way every time she answered.

But when it came to her mom, Shan Green, she couldn't help but fall apart.

When Mark and his parents finally left the night that the two college students arrived, her dad had made a quick run to the grocery store for some ice cream that his two girls claimed they desperately needed at home. Which only left Shan and Anastasia, the freshman wrapped up in her mother's arms as they watched Modern Family on the television that hung above the lit fireplace.

The touch of her mother was like a breath of fresh air, waking up on a sunny spring morning to the sunlight poring through sheer curtain, illuminating her room. Her soft hands were holding her daughter close, like she did the very first time she got to hold her. A mother's touch was a longing feeling that Anastasia pushed back all too often.

"What's on your mind, baby?" Shan whispered into her daughter's hair, as she placed a lingering kiss along the crown of her head. She felt Anastasia inhale sharply, knowing her one and only all too well, she could sense the shift in her mind. Like a war that was being edged of its breakout– thousands of life at risk. Or in this case, a nineteen year old's all too delicate emotions that somehow trickled down the tunnel of love for Ethan Edwards.

A sniffle made Anastasia cringe at herself. "I think I messed up, momma," she whimpered, her voice unsteady and nearing the edge of a dam filled with tears. Anastasia went on to tell her everything that had to do with Ethan's involvement in her life. How they met, how they kept in contact over the second semester of her senior year, and how she fell in love with him. How his touch was like no other, the feeling of electricity on her skin, burning her, that somehow calmed her. And then the pain. The beast of emotions that clawed at her insides like it was fueled by anger. Ocean waves during a hurricane, violent an unforgiving.

"Baby, you didn't mess up. You haven't messed up," Shan cooed, her hands cradling her face delicately, like an antique vice. Her thumbs wiped away the salty tears that flowed freely from her daughter's eyes, her heart breaking at the sight of her breaking down in her arms, all from the actions of a boy she hadn't even gotten to meet yet.

As Anastasia calmed down, and the only sounds that tumbled out of her swollen lips as she tried to tell her mind to focus on the calming touch of her mother, Shan tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "How about I talk to Lo tonight, and then I'll come to a conclusion. I would love to give you some help but I can't, all I can do though is make sure my baby isn't hurting anymore."

Her mind was loud. Too loud. Even as she felt Mark's arm tighten around her, his scent of the laundry detergent his family has been using ever since they were in high school flooding her nostrils. She just couldn't relax. Like a knot that won't get out, and just keeps getting tighter and tighter each twinge and bend of the rope. It was like Mark knew what was going through her head, "Don't lose hope," he muttered, tiredly, even though the clock that hung on the wall of the game room read 1:29 pm.

They always did love afternoon naps.

"What?" She questioned lazily, her eyes lidded with sleep as she tried to keep them open to focus on the Marvel movie that played on the television. "I can practically see your thoughts with how hard you're thinking, Stas," One thing Anastasia loved about Mark was how gentle he was with her, treating her constantly like she was a cherished painting from the Renaissance period, something you could learn about in a history class. He was too good for her.

Anastasia scoffed at his statement, "I wasn't thinking about him, for your information," she fiddled with her fingers under her blanket, a nervous habit she's held since she had to present her History Day project in the seventh grade. "I was thinking about how early I need to wake up tomorrow to help momma with the cooking." "Bullshit," it was Mark's time to scoff, as he pinched her side that was covered partially by her sweatshirt, (which he noticed was Ethan's), and the blanket. "I already know what Lo's told you, and I know how you get whenever something doesn't go your way. And in this situation that's just putting it mildly,"

The same sun soaking into tanned skin was the only thing she could pinpoint as a comparison to the swelling that appeared in her chest. But, in truss Anastasia Green manor, she couldn't help but crack a joke at his words. She found humor even when her body was craving to be held by Ethan. "You sound like Doctor Strange,"

And that's what she hated most about herself.

How even when he had successfully broken her into tiny pieces, her once strong and indestructible heart now nothing but a pile of broken shells that lined the shore line of an ocean's beach. A few cracks in the dam she had allowed were now nonexistent, flooding the unsuspecting city that laid peacefully below. Everything was going so well, she just couldn't help but shake the feeling as if she had down something wrong. No matter how many times those who were aware of the situation between the two told her that it was, in fact, not her fault, she couldn't help but think just what if she acted differently? What if she just refused to let him go see his friend?

Love is a dangerous thing. So dangerous and unexpected that she still felt the emotion every time Ethan danced across the images of her mind. The way he held her, kissed her, smiled at her, she couldn't bring herself to hate him. Even if he did hurt her, and make her feel a pain she never thought was possible, she just couldn't. Call her immature, a girl that held no respect for herself. A flower that's stem isn't strong enough– letting it thrash in the wind that swept the planes on an early morning sometime in July.

Mark cracked a smile, "I don't know how my words equivalent to Doctor Strange's but he's knowledgeable so I'll take it," his fingers dug into her side, which caused an angelic sound that he's been waiting to hear all during break. She giggled and threw herself into his body, desperate to get away from his abusive fingers that were tickling her ribs. "Mark, please stop stop I was only joking–" she pleaded breathlessly, her top half now on Mark's lap. He laughed at her state, loving the sound of her, the air that floated around her, was the same as it was during their summer breaks in high school.

"You guys are watching Doctor Strange without me?" Shan asked, sarcastic offense laced in her tone. Anastasia pushed herself off of Mark's lap, his back leaning against his shoulder as she fully faced her mother– Mark was still directed towards the television. "We didn't think you'd wanna join," Stassie shrugged, her cheeks slightly pink and her hair frizzy. Shan made her way over towards the two college students, sitting on the arm of the couch.

Her gaze was nothing short of adoration, a small smile tugged at her lips, age lines coming into view which Anastasia always thought looked beautiful on her mom. Shan brought a hand up to her daughter's cheek, and tucked a rogue strand of hair behind her ear. Much like she had done the first night she had arrived, nothing but a sobbing mess in her mother's arms. Anastasia leaned into her mother's touch, her chest swelling in comfort.

Shan's eyes drifted to Mark, who watched the mother-daughter duo with a small smile on his lips.

"I missed my children."

"We missed you too, mom."


no cliff hanger for this filler chapter bc...

i'm feeling generous again🙄🙄

but we see vulnerable stassie... how we feelin

me to hall who are hating on my bbg (which is well deserved) but his redemption arc is coming ig🙄

like i said this was a filler but we got a cute little mark n stas moment and SHAN i love shan... literally she's mother (no i am)

next chapter is juicy so i hope you guys are excited

as always, drink water, take your meds, and masturbate


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