chapter xxxxv

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ANASTASIA WOKE UP to the brightness of the winter sunlight streaming in through her second story bedroom. The snow on the ground made the star seem like it was shining brighter than usual, but that's what she loved about winter. Christmas had come and gone, too quickly for her liking, but she was never one to dwell on the past. Not for long, that is. Her eyes fluttered open, her pupils still sensitive and filled with sleep, before they finally adjusted to the light that glowed. The softness of her bed, and the way her sheets laid on her bare legs just right made her want nothing more than to fall back into the unconscious state of a deep sleep, but she knew that if she did, she wouldn't be too happy with herself throughout the day. The sound of bird chirping outside her window made her feel at home, and made her suddenly aware at how much she missed waking up in her childhood bed. Her vinyl player emitted scratchiness, the needle now running over nothing, given that she fell asleep listening to the smooth sounds of Norah Jones', the exact album her mother would put on to lull her to sleep when she was of the young age of five.

After she used the bathroom and brushed her teeth, she made her way down the stairs, the pads of her feet shooting pins and needles through her nerves due to the lack of use throughout the night. She wasn't surprised when she saw Mark and Lola cuddled on her living room couch, Phineas and Ferb playing on the television, they're parents must be out shopping for their party. Anastasia scoffed, "Why are you in my house, drinking my coffee, taking up my space?"

She could practically picture what was going on behind her: Lola now turned around, looking over the back of the couch with a small furrow in between her eyebrows, "Be honest, are you really that shocked to see us?" Mark chuckled at her words, "Good morning to you too, sunshine!" he exclaimed over his shoulder, before turning his attention back to the television. Anastasia grasped the mug in her hands, taking a long sip of the caffinated beverage, glaring at the back of Mark's head playfully, all while ignoring the loving smile that Lola was giving her. "If you talk any louder you won't only wake up my parents, but you'll wake up the great state of Michigan," she retorted, making her way to sit beside Mark on the couch.

He blew air past his lips, "Our parents went to the store to grab decorations for tonight," he stated, throwing his arm around Anastasia's shoulders, pulling her into his side like Lola was. "They dropped us off and then dipped." he finished, before grabbing the blanket that was folded over the arm of the couch, and placing it over Stassie's bare legs. She hummed in acknowledgement, leaning her body into the warmth that Mark provided, "I'm surprised they left this early in the morning," she mumbled, before taking another long sip of her coffee. "I was too, that's why I'm literally in my pajamas right now." Lola quipped up, her hand mindlessly stretched out across Mark's torso, her palm up towards the ceiling. Anastasia couldn't help but smile at the gesture, shifting her mug that was now half full of the hot liquid so that she could grasp Lola's palm. Their interlinked hands rose and fell with each breath Mark took– slow and controlled.

It was just like how the three were during their years in high school. After a long day at school, with him having to most likely miss is first period so he could go to her house to make sure Stassie was awake, which most of the time she was not, they would just go to one of their houses, and bask in each other's embrace, as a show from their childhood played on the television, lulling them back into the time when they could be careless with their actions. Just Mark and his girls. One of them being his lover, that he had waited so long to call her the name, and the other being like his sister, who he often times found himself finding comfort in her soothing voice, and the same goes for her.

They had stayed like that until the sound of their parents walking into the house woke them up from their annual New Years Eve nap.

The Green's had a tradition– one that had seemed like it had been passed down from generation to generation, to host a party to ring in the new year. It was probably the first tradition that Anastasia begged her parents to share with Lola, and soon, Mark. And Shan Green was never one to turn down company to one of her infamous New Years Eve parties, so who was she to say no? But that meant that all three sets of parents pitched in to go shopping for decorations, food and drinks, an adorable version of their own tradition that they created throughout the years. Anastasia's heart buzzed at the thought of their parents getting along like they did.

Her eyes were yet again heavy with the remnants of sleep, as the now mid-morning light streamed brightly through the windows of her living room. She pulled her head off of Mark's shoulder, her hand quickly coming up to wipe off the drool that had dribbled down her chin, "Welcome home," she spoke groggily, her eyes fluttering closed briefly, only to feel Mark stirring awake beside her. Anastasia didn't bother turning her head to look at the three mothers, as they made their way to the kitchen to set down the handful of bags they were carrying. She knew that all three of their father's were out, most likely catching the end of the breakfast menu at some café. They always did leave the decorating to their wives.

"Mark, or Stas, I quite frankly don't care, will one of you guys please wake her up, she's going to ruin her sleep schedule." Claire, Lola's mom pleaded, as she made her way down the hall to the laundry room of the Green household. Anastasia chuckled airily, sitting up and extending her arms upwards, stretching after the much unnecessary nap. "Good luck, Markie," she patted his back, before getting up from the couch to make her way to the downstairs restroom. She heard his groan of annoyance echo throughout the house, which only caused her to giggle quietly.

She heard the opening and closing of the front door as she wiped her hands dry, but thought nothing of it, just thinking that it was some of her mother's friends who had dropped by early to help out with the decorations. "There's someone here for you, baby!" Shan's voice yelled. Anastasia groaned as she exited the bathroom, "Momma I already told you I'm not old enough to sign off on the champagne–"

It was like all time had stopped, just like how it did a little over a year ago when she first saw him. The brightness of the sun glimmering off the white, fluffy ice crystals of the snow made him look angelic. Slow, like the oozing of honey out of a beehive when cut in half, only to reveal the one thing in human Earth that doesn't seem to spoil. Like a child's laughter, soothing to the ears, plastering smiles on even those of the unknown. She wasn't aware of it, but it seemed like this was the first time she could finally feel her lungs expand with air. Her shoulders weren't tense, and her stomach fluttered, and she didn't think her legs could take bigger steps as she collided with him, who still stood in the door way of her house.

"Holy shit, are you actually here?" she mumbled into her neck, which here arms were wrapped around. His scent suffocated her, but brought her back to life, all at the same time. A deep chuckle vibrated through his chest, "I'm here, baby," his voice was a baritone chorus, that made her arms tighten around his neck. The world around them had dimmed into nothing but a cascade of a curtain, protecting them like they were the only angels that roamed the plains of the central state.

Three weeks was entirely too long for Anastasia to be parted from her fist love. And she thought she could do it, she really did. But she often at times found her eyes brimming with tears when they bid each other 'goodnight' as their nightly FaceTime calls was coming to an end. Call her pathetic, but nothing could make the girl feel embarrassed about her first love. The boy who made her feel like she was just a delicate butterfly, drifting in the wind longingly, unknowingly beautiful.  Like the sweetness of honeydew, that fizzled in the air for longer than usual, humidity thick, and filled with warning of an upcoming early day's storm. That's what it was like to love Ethan Edwards.

She moved her head to in front of his quickly, before connecting her lips to his in the most loving of ways– knowing the the eyes of her mother, her friends, and their mother's were undoubtedly watching them. His top lips danced between hers, but not long enough for her liking, as she pulled away, suddenly feeling like her skin was burning from how many eyes were staring into her back. She buried her face in the crook of her neck, his arms pulling her closer on instinct. "Please don't tell me they're looking," she groaned, the noise of her annoyance muffled by his chest. Ethan looked up for the top of her head and made eye contact with Mark, who gave him a nod of his head out of greeting, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Uh, yeah, they're looking," he spoke awkwardly, as he connected gazed with the three middle aged women who peeked out of the kitchen.

"Well are you going to introduce us? Or are you going to swallow him whole?" Carrie giggled, making Anastasia's cheek flush in embarrassment as she removed her body from his, and closed the front door that was still allowing the brisk air of winter to dance along her exposed legs. She had been so occupied with Ethan, she didn't even notice how her skin was littered with goosebumps. She offered him her hand, which he took without hesitation, as she led them further into the house. Lola and Mark sat like eager little kids on the couch, both of them having already known that he was coming to surprise her, when he texted Mark asking if it's okay for him to drop by. And while Carrie and Claire looked at the couple with smiles on their faces, Shan couldn't help but smirk quietly to herself. So this was the boy who was making her daughter happy.

And made her daughter hurt like no other.

Shan remembers just how broken her little girl was over the last break she had been home for, never smiling as much, not sharing how her first semester was going, something felt off with her. But when she held her shaking daughter in her arms, the sounds of her silent sobs being muffled by her arms, Shan knew that this was the only type of pain that was caused by love. Of course, she wanted nothing more than to soak up all of her daughter's sadness, but she also knew that this was a part of life, the part of life where a girl's first love mends together the broken pieces. But nonetheless, she could feel how much her only child loved him, she could see just how much she had missed him, based on the way Anastasia couldn't stop touching him, almost as if she was trying to see if he was real. And based on her instincts, she could sense no wrong in him, not in the way he looked, touched, or spoke to her littler girl. Everything was perfect, and she was excited for her daughter.

Anastasia's hand latched into Ethan's, dragging him along excitedly through the house, eager to show him off to the three women who basically raised her throughout high school. "Ethan, this is Carrie, Claire, and my mom. Moms, this is Ethan," she giggled, her eyes never leaving his face. Not as he shook each of their hands, their own eyes most likely analyzing him to see if they were good for their daughter. Not when Shan brought him into a hug, thanking him for loving her daughter the way she deserved. Anastasia wasn't aware of the fact that her gaze hadn't left the side of his face every since he arrived, until he bent down and whispered in her ear, "Staring is rude, pretty girl." She felt her cheeks heat up, at the nickname and at the fact that she had been caught, burying her head bashfully in his chest, which caused the small audience to coo obnoxiously.

After Mark greeted Ethan with a hug of his own, along with Lola, who made sure to pinch his side playfully, she was quick to lead up on the stairs and to her room. And it didn't take her by surprise, shockingly, when she heard Shan's voice travel up the stairs with them, "Use protection!" She wasn't dumb, she was in college once too. Anastasia let out yet another groan, before she closed the door to her bedroom, leaving the two of them alone. And that was finally when she threw herself at him, his hands quickly finding the backs of her thighs as her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms around his neck, letting her fingers tangle in his hair that she missed so much. She didn't speak, and neither did he. Her eyes roamed his face– taking note if anything had changed, which, nothing had. Each birth mark that dotted his face in the same place as before, his eyes twinkling in memorization, almost as if he was trying to count how many freckles lined the bridge of her nose. "I missed you," he muttered, walking them over to her bed that hugged the wall.

She sat propped on his lap, her knees beside his hips pressing into the mattress, "I missed you too," she giggled softly, before connecting their mouths in a kiss. One that could make her forget about all the doubts that clouded her mind. She pulled away, her hands coming up to cradle his jaw, her thumb tracing back and forth along his cheekbone. "So did Mark text you and tell you how miserable I was or something?" He chuckled at her words, his hands rubbing over the curve of her ass mindlessly. "No, I actually texted him and said how miserable I was, so I texted him and asked if it was okay for me to come today," he beamed up at her, his smile bright and his eyes filled with nothing but love. But the corners of her lips twitched when she didn't say anything, "It is okay right?" "Yes! More than, if anything," she chuckled, running her hands through his hair, before pulling him into yet another kiss.

Ethan smiled into the kiss, the feeling of it being so familiar, it made his chest flutter. Her lips, her eyes, the way her nose would scrunch so often, he loved her more than he would like to admit; and that was a lot. He had never been this enthralled with a girl before, not even Alyssa in his high school days, and that's why he missed her so much. The sound of her voice, the feeling of her skin against his, like it could cease every past war that you read about in history. But especially the way her body reacted to his touch, how she was so easy to read, so easy to tell when she needed something that only he could give her.

And luckily for them, she not only needed him, she yearned for him.

It was like she couldn't get him close enough, which made her mind glimmer back to the first time he had made love to her– how her skin seemed to itch to be against his own, the whimpers she let out into his mouth. He found himself groaning into her mouth this time, as she moved her hips subtly against his, like she was trying not the get caught. But the emotions flooded his chest, each feeling of her pressing herself into his semi-hard cock more intense than with anyone else. He whined softly, as he lips traveled down his jaw and sucked on his sensitive skin, "I need you," she whispered into his neck, the feeling of her breath fanning over his skin made him swallow harshly. "With everyone downstairs?" "I don't care," she forced out, before meeting his lips, that were parted in a silent moan.

He couldn't help the slight bucking of his hips, as he got lost in the kiss, that was filled with lust and longing like the two had never felt before. It was a fire that was mingling between the two souls that were intertwined with love, the most precious emotion in the universe. One so delicate, so sought after, that he felt so lucky to have met the girl that soothed the pain that was caused by his first.

The way he made him feel was like no other. Her hands felt like electricity as they trailed down to the hem of his sweatshirt, signaling him to take it off. Their lips parted for the quickest of seconds, allowing for his torso to soak up the winter sunlight streaming through her the blinds of her window, making him look like a fucking god. He helped her out of her own sweatshirt that she wore to bed last night, being quite grateful for the fact that he knew his girl hated sleeping in a bra. He wrapped his lips around one of her hardened nipples, which caused her to arch her back instinctively. She bit her tongue, being cautious of letting any noises come out of her, as his fingers pressed over her core, applying the slightest amount of pressure to her bundle of nerves.

He smirked against the skin that splayed across the valley between her breasts, "You're needy today aren't you?" His voice was nothing but a husky baritone, which made her clench around nothing, a whine tumbling out of her lips in response. She ground her hips into his hand, desperately searching for anything that would suppress the heat that was blooming in her stomach. He quickly pressed her back flat against the mattress, now hovering over her, watching as her eyes glinted with something that he could only name as love. "How do you wanna come?" Her breath hitched in her throat, her body wanting nothing but him, craving nothing but his touch. "I just want you," she breathed, her fingers hooking around the chain that dangled in front of her face, connecting their lips.

Ethan smiled, his chest feeling warm. His mind and his conscience finally at peace, now that he was with the girl who may have healed him.

Their movements felt rushed to one another, as they removed the remnants of the clothing that shielded their naked bodies from each other's gaze, but in reality, not an inch of Anastasia's skin was missed by his lips. He was gentle, like he always was with his rarity of a diamond. Cherishing her in ways that he wasn't during the battle that was his first love. He felt like a broken record, constantly comparing his current relationship with his past, but he couldn't help himself. It was like no matter how hard he tried to forget about her, she unknowingly still occupied a part of his mind. Like a parasite, that's cure had yet to be found.

His eyes fluttered up to her face, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen, and her obsidian hair dancing along the shiny silk of her pillowcase. Her eyes met his, a small smile tugging up at the corner of her mouth as she nodded her head in reassurance. "I'm gonna need words, baby," he tsked, running the tip of his cock through her folds, which caused her hips to stutter each time he caught her clit just right. "I'm okay, promise," she hummed, eagerness evident in her tone as she just wanted to feel full of him. He smiled down at her, leaning over so his lips were hovering above hers, so that he could swallow each sound that left her mouth.

He entered her slowly, the feeling of small puffs of air leaving her lips turning him on way more than he would like to admit to. Her soft whines and moans, the way her eyebrows furrowed due to the feeling of being stretched, one that she found herself becoming addicted to quickly. Ethan felt her fingers squeeze his bicep, letting him know that she was okay for him to move.

It was so, cliché, Anastasia thought. Fucking her boyfriend in her childhood bedroom while her mother and their friends were just downstairs. But none of that mattered, not the them, and not to the love that floated effortlessly in the air around them, covering the two in a cloud of quietness, of calmness. Two things that both seemed to lack when they went too long with out each other. Her skin was burning with his lingering touch, and yet, she kept on finding herself being too cold. Her lips with tired and swollen, and yet, they felt as if they would fall off if she didn't kiss him. Her body was writhing, and yet, she couldn't help but long for more.

"You don't have to be so gentle, baby," she cooed, her hands pushing his hair off of his forehead. She gasped quietly as his hips stilled their movements, keeping him buried deep inside. She couldn't quite read his emotions, so she decided to do it herself, bringing her hand to his wrist, placing his palm over the base of her neck. She laced the fingers of his unoccupied hand with her own, "It's okay pretty boy," she gasped again, moving her hips against his, searching for some type of friction.

He looked down at her like she was the only shining star in the starkness of the the black nighttime sky, his gaze making her skin crawl in the most mature manner, as it shifted from her face, to the movement of her hips, watching where he was buried inside. A breathy chuckle left his throat as he smiled almost devilishly. His hand squeezed lightly at the base of her neck before he slammed his hips into hers harshly.

The feeling of the tip of his duck brushing that one spot that he always seemed to find had her seeing stars instantly. The heat in her stomach bloomed, along with the knot that tightened. She squeezed his hand that held hers tightly, her head tilting back into the silk of her pillowcase as her eyes fluttered closed. Small moans left her parted lips, as his mouth traveled down her exposed neck, sucking on the skin that laid underneath her ear.

Her sounds were like a melodic line in a symphony, only for him to hear. Her body was like a treasure, that must be treated with the upmost of respect. Her soul was the embodiment of peace, that seemed to soother him in times of need. And although he tried his best to treat her as such, he couldn't go against his pretty girl's wishes, now could he?

"Tell me how good I make you feel, baby," he mumbled, his voice slightly shaky as he felt her clench around him. A jumbled string of broken words left her lips, inaudible to the anyone else, but like a dictionary to him. He smirked against the skin of her neck, the feeling of her swallowing harshly against his palm had him in shambles. "Please tell me you're close," he groaned, feeling her clenching around him once more, already knowing the answer.

Anastasia was seeing stars behind her closed eyelids. A galaxy that remained unnamed was shining bright. The knot was unbearably tight, a field of euphoria just waiting to drown her body. "I-I'm close baby, so fucking close," she breathed. Her mind was fuzzy, due particularly to the fact that his hand was cutting off blood flow, but mostly because she was around him. It seemed as though her mind and her soul aligned to create the perfect oasis for her mind in his presence. He groaned against her lips, his hand leaving her neck to hold her other hand. Their intertwined fingers laying on the pillow beside her head. "I love you so much," he uttered like a mantra, the feeling of her coming undone on his dick had him done for.

Her vision now turned white, the blank sheet of euphoric pleasure flushing throughout her body effortlessly. Her hips bucked against his, seeking for more fulfillment that she didn't know was possible. Her whines muffled by his mouth on hers, swallowing each noise that left her throat. Blood pounded loudly through her skull, her body hot and shaky with the effects of her orgasm.

The feeling of her pulsing around him made him groan against her lips, His hands squeezing hers as released inside of her, his seed painting her walls in the most sinful of ways. He collapsed on top of her, his breathing heavy and his eyes fluttering closed, as he listened to the rapid beating of his girl's heart. Her fingers were quick to tangle through his hand when he released her hands, her body twitching with after shocks of pleasure that made her nerves buzz.

Their souls were mended in a way like no other, one could only describe the love the two felt for each other as a form of artwork, that must be cherished as such.

After he caught his breath, Ethan made his way to her en suite bathroom, and grabbed a wash cloth to clean her up. She was hesitant from the her orgasm, as he rubbed the warm cloth over her thighs and her core, before he handed her his sweatshirt and a pair of underwear that she had to tell him where they were located. He shrugged on his boxers before he climbed into bed, his arms pulling her into him, and his body relaxing into hers, and his mind at ease for the first time in what felt like forever.

The two laid in each other's embrace, Anastasia mindlessly on her phone, as they occasionally laughed at something that was borderline stupid. It was amazing, how the right person could make him feel this way. Could make him feel so calm and at peace. He hoped that it would last forever, until his time here on Earth came to an end. He wanted her to be the missing piece to solutions, to find tranquility in her being. "I'm gonna need to go get you Plan B tomorrow," he mumbled into her hair, before placing a quick kiss on the crown of her head. She scrunched her nose, jutting her chin up to look at him, "You don't have to–" "Yes I do. It's my job to make sure my girl's healthy." Her chest constricted at his words, and she couldn't help the blush that landed on her cheeks. They went back to watching her actions on her phone, neither of them saying anything, because they didn't feel the need to. Quietness was something they both longed for. Especially if it was with each other.

But as his eyes fluttered across her screen, he couldn't help but feel a drop in his stomach at who she was texting. He couldn't find it in himself to speak up, to warn her. There was like this tie to her that just couldn't be broken, no matter how he tried. Alyssa's words replaying in his now muffled hearing, about how good they were together, how much he truly loved her, it pulled at his heart strings. Their conversation was nothing but joyful conversations and sharing of stories, the two seeming to have found a bond with in each other despite their past experiences. He didn't have it in himself to talk down about his first love. He didn't want to ruin Anastasia's morals. So, he just tightened his arm around her shoulders, pulling her impossibly closer to him, silently fearing, that she might leave him soon.

stassiegreen has posted!

Liked by edwards.73, alyssabrown01, and others

stassiegreen happy nye from me & mine.


edwards.73 Mine mine mine🩷
stassiegreen gotta keep it on the dl

lola.thompson sad that i'm not him
stassiegreen i can make it happen sweetheart ;)
sofia.commm you need to get away from rut stas

luca.fantilli Do you put the D in dance floor?
stassiegreen i put the d in yo mama😈

rutgermcgroaty Didn't need to start off my new year with the most disgraceful of images
stassiegreen not my fault booby🙂

markestapa Bark
markestapa *BARK
markestapa *BARK
markestapa *BARK
markestapa SHIT I MEANT BARF.
edwars.73 It's ok man I bark for you too ;)

mackie.samo Where the kickbacks at⁉️
stassiegreen where the kickbacks at⁉️

user1 is this ethan? confirmed?

user2 she's such a whore

sofia.commm kinda loving this slutty content
stassiegreen what can i say🤷‍♀️

dylanduke25 Anastasia, the term "Happy NYE from me & mine" means you are wishing everyone and Happy New Year's eve from you and yours.
stassiegreen did you even pass english?

nick.granowicz Whisked away with Eddy
nolan_moyle Faded out the cubbies
stassiegreen WHAT⁉️🗣️

alyssabrow01 you too are literally so cute

Liked by stassiegreen

user3 the hottest couple
stassiegreen fr

umichhockey that's our admin!
lhughes_06 LOG OUT SOFIA.
umichhockey no🤭

seamuscasey26 All bread no butter
edwards.73 All pop no corn
rutgermcgroaty All sizzle no heat
markestapa All smoke no flame
luca.fantilli All bark not bite
lhughes_06 All meow no hiss
nolan_moyle What the fuck does that even mean

trevorzegras u single?
jackhughes leave bro😭

lola.thompson has posted!

Liked by markestapa, nick.granowicz, and others

lola.thompson nye naps taken with the best


stassiegreen by best you mean me right?
stassiegreen right?
stassiegreen right?
lola.thompson my little girl needy

lola.thompson think abt your career before you comment, rut

markestapa My girl
lola.thompson my boy

dylanduke25 Lola, the term "NYE nap" means that you have taken a nap on new year's eve.
lola.thompson no it doesn't🤣

luca.fantilli Fav trumpet player
lola.thompson no one needs to know i'm in band
mackie.samo Okay music major😭

user1 I cant take these couple they're too cute
lhughes_06 Ikr
markestapa We're just the cutest
edwards.73 A bundle of joy, if you will

nolan_moyle Most time spent in the pen box is a softy🥺
lola.thompson uwu mf


and thus, the end of semester one. a grand total of 45 chapter which i wasn't expecting but oh well!

kinda a cliffhanger but i lead you guys off with the instagram posts so y'all prob don't care abt alyssa anymore... right?

the smut was so rushed and i'm sorry but ik yall horny mfs enjoyed it so dont lie

don't forget to drink water, take ur meds, and masturbate 😘😘

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