chapter xxxxviii

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THIS WAS THE happiest she had ever been, as odd as it sounded. She was finally contempt with the place she was in currently. His touch like electricity, it's prickles making her nerves buzz in anticipation, like the soft water droplets that fell from the sky as a warning sign for an on coming storm. Being oh, so close to being feathery light, yet as sharp as a cactus spine, his fingers danced their way further and further down. Her lip was caught behind her teeth, gnawing on the chapped flesh that she never seemed to get rid of. The sight of him in front of her was one that was hard to see, due to the darkness of the closet the two of them found themselves in yet again, but it was making everything that she was feeling in this moment burn like sparks.

It was ridiculous, really. For them to be sneaking around in a janitor's closet of all places, but neither of them could deny the thrill that floated at the tops of the ceiling tiles, making the emotions buzz like a humming river along the mountains. The position was one that was sinful, yet angelic at the same time– her back pressed against the wooden door, with him on his knees, looking up at her like she was the one who departed from the heavens above; his hands held her hips with a bruising grip, and his eyes held the opposite: something soothing, loving, and longing. Tears brimmed his eyelids, almost like he was scared that if he were to release his grip on her writhing hips, she would disappear.

But that's also the thing the kept him going. Wanting to show her just how good he can make her feel– not giving her any reasons to leave.

And she didn't have any. He loved her like no other. Like the moon to her star, big and bright, encapsulated with nothing but the planets that gravitated towards her. And the moons, too. Calm and oh, so beautiful to look at, decorating the night sky to make those who feared the darkness of the night no more. He touched her like no other. Like she was made of the most valuable of diamonds, only found in a certain part of the world that was destined to be impossible to reach. He kissed her like no other. Like her lips was the sweetest of cherries, red and awaiting for his to kiss. And the way he trailed them across her tanned skin, it made her heart beat loudly in her skull, mind focused on nothing more than the feeling that his mouth produced.

Her back arched off the door, and her knees were weak. The swell of euphoria that grew in the pit of her stomach has erupted into something so blissful, so beautiful– as Ethan would put it– that only he had seen. Out of everyone in the entire universe, she chose him to cherish her body. Her vision had turned white behind her eyelids, as she had closed them when she felt his lips circle around her clit, knowing what was bound to happen quickly after the action.

The only sounds that could be heard in that godly small closet was heavy breathing, and the sounds of her muffled whines of pleasure. Along with the occasional mumble of a mindless conversation as attendees walked past them unknowingly. It was like their own version of what pooled around in their minds. They're oasis' still unattainable, as of right now. Yet, both of them still held hope. He patiently waited for the night that he could feel her body writhe under his as the golden light of a fire highlighted her body. Casting shadows across her face as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, whispering sweet, and sinful nothings against her lips as he moved his hips against hers. And she waited for the moment that she could feel his arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest as the soft scent of lavender floated delicately in the air around them. Willow tress whispering the love confessions that they were scared to say. Afraid that if they were to speak, the moment would break.

Anastasia peeled her eyes open, like she was afraid to even see the deliciously evil sight that stared up at her like she was painted by Aphrodite herself. His chin glistened in the light that was from the small window in the door. His lips were swollen, and tugged up at the corners as a smile made its way on his face. She could tell his cheeks were flushed and his hair was a mess, but to her, she couldn't think that he could look more handsome than in this moment. The compression shirt that once adorned his chest was pushed pushed up to expose his abs, and his shorts were dangerously low on his hips, as he was too lazy to properly pull them up after she had sucked him off earlier.

Her eyes followed him as he stood from his knees. His lips pressing kisses to the tops of her thighs as he pulled her leggings up. Now it was his turn to look down at her, her chin tilting up as he held it in his fore finger and thumb, which traced her bottom lip. Her chest still heaved, her heart rate trying to go back to what is considered normal, as she was still coming down from her orgasm. "I don't deserve you," he muttered, his thumb stilling on her bottom lip. His words never failed to make her stomach flutter, her cheeks becoming red. She prayed that he couldn't see the blush in the darkness of the closet.

She was still recovering, and wasn't able to find the words to reciprocate his. Ethan briefly let his mind wander back to the thoughts that spread like a plague: he didn't deserve her. Even though he did just say the words, he never thought she would actually agree to them. But when he felt her lips purse around his thumb– kissing the pad of it so gently that if he wasn't so concentrated on her, he wouldn't have felt it, the thoughts coward back into the dark corner of his brain.

His smile widened, his teeth glinting in the dim light that shone through the small window on the door. Anastasia watched as the corners of his eyes crinkled with his smile. She knew that he knew that she loved him like no other, without even having to say it.

"You might wanna get back before coach yells at you," she teased, bringing her hands to lace in his hair that sat at the nape of his neck. Ethan scoffed. "Or Mark, if he found out that I gave you head," she looked down at her watch, "An hour before the game, he'd give you the longest lecture imaginable."

He furrows his eyebrows, "You mean you don't like me making you come in secret? Let alone, in public?"

"I never said that."

"It was implied."

Her fingers tugged at his hair harshly, earned a gasp to fall from his lips, interrupting his quiet laughter. "Don't pull a me on me, Edwards," she giggled, moving her hands from behind his neck to lightly shove at his chest. She opened the door slowly, peering her head out to make sure that no one was around to catch the two of them sneaking around like teenagers. He thought it was adorable, how she was so scared of getting caught, even though their friends– and quite frankly the entire team's staff– knew about their relationship. She was still being careful.

It was strange. How quickly the gears seemed to turn in his mind. One second her thought that he didn't deserve her, then the next he felt like he was the only one on Earth who could love her properly, especially after what his first love out him through during their relationship. But that's the thing, as much as he wallowed in it, he hated self pity. Feeling sorry for himself; when all he did feel was that everything that seemed to go wrong was his fault. Like it brain was unknowingly tied on a leash to one that controlled his thought process to their benefit. Who exactly was that had a tightening grip on the other end of the leash? Ethan hated thinking about. He didn't want to come to terms with. He felt as if the longer he ignored his mind's owner, she would just disappear.

But she just had to transfer from community college, didn't she. And whether she found her way in with his friends, into his girl's good side, he still held hope that somewhere along the line, she would disappear.

Her finger nails scraped gently against his scalp, making goosebumps arise along his spine. He almost didn't want to leave the stuffy closet to go play. "You go make me proud, alright Edwards?" Her voice was soft, admits the bustling sounds that pasted by on the other side of the door she was leaned against. Confusion, confliction, all overcome by the feeling of her quiet words.

He hummed, leaning down to connect her lips in what was meant to be a quick peck, but soon had her giggling into his mouth as she tried to pull away. "Go, before you're seriously late, or I'm afraid Rut will try to file a 'missing persons report'," she snorted, pushing her back off of the door. A sense of deja vu washed over her. Like just those couple months prior, when they really were having to sneak around their friends just to spend some time together.

Ethan muttered a teasing 'yes ma'am' as he kissed the crown on her head, her perfume flooding his nostrils making him feel fuzzy, before he swiftly exited to closet.

She stepped out five minutes after he had left, being extra careful to make sure that there were no witnesses to her making her escape. And she thought she had gotten away with her rendezvous activity, but that was before she heard the sound of a throat clearing behind her. "Never took you to be one to sneak around," Alyssa teased, pushing herself off of the wall that bordered the stairs that led towards the tunnel. Anastasia felt her cheeks flush. Probably an unflattering shade of fuchsia, under the fluorescents. Her hand came up to her chest, a small and bashful smile tugging at her swollen lips. "You'd be surprised," she kissed her teeth, as she made her way towards the trainer's office, grabbing the obnoxiously bright red fanny pack that carried all of her necessary medical supplies.

Alyssa followed her into the office, silence wafting with her presence. It wasn't awkward, just tense, if you will. Like there was an underlying meaning behind Alyssa's gaze, as she watched Stassie grab all of the items she would need for the game. "I'd be surprised at what?" she egged on, a smirk on her pale lips. She knew she had Anastasia fooled. Now she just needed to work on the others, to get them on her side before she could fully execute what she had planned.

Anastasia snorted, "That's something that I would love to tell you," she lead the two of them out of the trainer's office, "When I have at least a couple shots in me." Alyssa joined in on her laughter, "Believe me, I'm making that happen soon." Stassie furrowered her eyebrows briefly, her smile faltering just slightly but her eyes remained gleaming. Her soul was too pure to sense the devil. At least, that's what she told herself.

Anastasia went to bud the girl a goodbye, since she had yet to set up the team's bench for the game, and she was running late, but Alyssa decided the conversation wasn't over just yet. "Oh, by the way, I'm planning a little get together for Mark's birthday next week, thought maybe you'd like to help me out," she trailed off, her blonde hair falling in front of her face as she clasped her hands together.

She was taken aback, if she was being honest. Her and Lola were going to plan something for their best friend's birthday. She found it odd, especially since she had never seen Mark and Alyssa talk. But, since the plans that her and Lola had put together had gone absolutely nowhere, she made her decision based on the goodness of her heart. "Yeah, sure of course. Just tell me what you need me to do and I'm sure I can drag Lo and Sof to help too!" She beamed, her fingers playing with the strap of the fanny pack that she lazily held.

Alyssa hummed lowly, "Actually, if you could leave them out of it, I would really appreciate it," She pressed her lips into a thin line as she quirked her head in confusion. Anastasia thought that the two of them liked Alyssa, especially considering the fact that they let her invite the blonde over to pre game with them. And plus, she knew Lola would be disappointed if she didn't let her in on the party for her boyfriend. So, she swiftly decided that she would just have to tell her the plans when the party's date got closer.

"Uh, sure, yeah. My lips are sealed."


i am alive. i am alive.

sorry if i scared you, my children. i have recently had a life change that has caused me to be EXTREMELY busy and therefore leaving me little to no writing time.

and so, with that being said my updating schedule will indeed change. 1-3 chapters a week. i am so sorry and i know that's not a lot of stassie and ethan content for your broken souls (it's not for mine either), but it's the most i can give you guys #dmu

BUT with that shit out of the way I HAVE MISS YALL

tell me, how have y'all been🤩

a good ole closet scene with our favorite horny college students, but they say that's good for the soul. (i'm they)

expect more alyssa in the upcoming chapters. and expect the angst to start building! oh my favorite.

also, thank you all so much for 2k votes on love drought! means the world <33

OH MY GOD! almost forgot! my quinn hughes book is NOW posted. so excited for you guys to read it

see you later this week ;)

as always, don't forget to drink water, take ur meds, and masturbate 😘😘

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