HH S1 Ep 4 - Masquerade

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The episode opens with Angel Dust waking up in a dimly lit room, tied up to a chair. He tries to budge free but fails.

His captor paces around him. "Finally awake, Angel Dust." Angel's captor said.

Angel glowers but eventually regains his confident smile. "Yeah, and what's it to ya?" Angel asked.

The captor holds a knife against Angel's face. "I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault." Angel's captor said.

Angel Dust simply laughs, unbothered. "It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything." Angel said.

The captor grabs Angel off the ground by the neck. "Fine! I guess I'll just have to fuck the information out of ya." Angel's captor said.

Angel Dust stares defiantly. "Do your worst." Angel said. He then breaks into a seductive smile. "Daddy!~" Angel purred.

The captor rips his shirt open and engages in sexual intercourse with Angel, revealing this is a porn film played on the hotel's TV. "Oh, yeah, baby!~" Angel moaned.

Sir Pentious and Charlie watching creeped out, Elodie covers Moon and Katsuki's eyes while having her mouth open in shock, Atlas is grossed out, Vaggie annoyed, and Niffty rather interested.

"You know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-xi' award!" Angel said

"It's, uh... very... honest?... Oh." Charlie turns away, nauseous. She tries to shield her eyes with her right hand.

"Ew!" Vaggie said disgusted

Charlie peeks from her fingers back at the TV screen, before turning her head away to avoid watching, with her hand covering her mouth this time.

"Oh, harder, Daddy!" Angel moaned on the tv.

"Okay! Enough of that." Vaggie said

Vaggie tries to help Charlie by covering the side of her face with her own hand so she doesn't have to see the TV screen. She turns her head to Angel Dust with a disapproving and unamused stare.

"Angel, what the fuck?" Elodie said

"What?! She said it was "Show n' Tell" day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin' you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker." Angel said

Husk is seen cleaning and wiping a wine glass, "Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene."

Angel bitterly laughs, "Alright, dickhead. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?"

"He's got a point, Angel. You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?" Moon said

"Fuck you. This is classy art!" Angel said as he gestures with two hands at the TV screen.

"OH! FUUUCK!!" Angel moaned

The co-star slaps Angel's butt and bites it.

Sir Pentious covers his eyes when he sees this, while Niffty lies on her stomach on the table with a smile, kicking her legs back and forth as she continues watching.

"That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point." Husk complained.

He gestures to Sir Pentious. "That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep." Husk said, making Sir Pentious get weirded out looks from everyone else in the room and a pissed off Vaggie, punching her fist into her hand threateningly.

"Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own." Husk said, referring to Charlie. "What?! No, I-- What? Pfffft, no, no." Charlie denied, while Vaggie just stared at her silently.

Husk turns to Vaggie, "This one," Vaggie turns her attention away from Charlie and scowls at Husk, growling under her breath, "judges everyone and everything because she hates herself."

Vaggie frowns before groaning.

Husk turns to Elodie, "This one," Elodie raises her eyebrow at Husk, "likes to make everyone think she's tough but deep down she's nothing but soft."

Husk then gestures to Niffty who smiles mischievously, "And Niffty? Heh... You don't even want to know what her deal is."

Husk drinks from his bottle of whiskey/wine he is holding as Angel laughs and kicks his legs.

"You weren't kidding! Oh ho, wow!" Angel laughs in front of Vaggie's face briefly while she is still frowning before sitting himself down on the couch's arm.

"Kitten's got claws~!" He gestures claws with his hand while looking to the side at Husk flirtatiously, causing his eyes to widen and his eyebrows to raise at that. Angel places his hand underneath Husk's chin, turning his head to face him closely as his hand adjusts against his cheek with his other holding the bottom of Husk's hand, "Meow!" He said sexily

Husk immediately breaks away from his grasp and points at Angel with his index finger rather annoyed, causing Angel's eyes to widen and eyebrows to raise in surprise from the sudden move.

"And you!" Husk scoffs, "Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are." He said

"Oh ho ho, me? Fake? Wow, I had no idea. Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass. And--" Angel said. He's cut off by his phone vibrating and rings.

"Hold that thought." Angel continued. Angel answered the phone.

"Hello? Uh, yeah I'm-I'm... No, No, I just, I... No, I-I'm not... But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there." Angel said, nervously. "Well, uh... Looks like Val needs me for an... Uh-- emergency shoot." Angel excused.

"Uh-huh, sure." Husk said

"Call us when you get a one star review." Atlas said

"Good one." Katsuki said and they fist bumped

"You know what? Fuck both of you. I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks a' me." Angel said, upset. He pulls out shades from chest fluff. "So why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from, porn critic." Angel continued.

Husk grows annoyed at his comment, as Angel flips him off and puts on his shades. Husk growls and glares at him.

Charlie sprints after Angel, "Angel, you can't leave yet." She tries to stop him from leaving by taking his hands and gently leading him back to the lobby. "We haven't finished our exercises for the day."

"I'm sure you'll manage without me." Angel walks back over to the door to leave, grabs the handle, and opens it.

Charlie sprints back after him and closes the door with her back, trying to block him from leaving, "There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself."

Angel places his hands on his hips and waist, growing annoyed and facepalming, trying to remain calm before taking off his shades with one hand, and placing another on Charlie's shoulder, "Dollface, it's my job. I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing you can do."

Charlie frowns at what he said Angel moves her out of the way to the door, opens it, puts his shades back on, and slams the door and leaves, "Uuugh, why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong?"

"Well, I mean... You and Elodie are the princess of Hell." Vaggie said

"So?" Charlie said

"So, you both don't really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can... I don't know, command a little more... Authority?"

"Vaggie is right, we are princesses and we have power, in this day and age you have to be firm. Why else do you think people are scared of me?" Elodie said

"But that's so mean." Charlie groaned

"It's not mean, exactly. It's... uh, aggressive kindness." Vaggie said

"Okay... I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss... . Elodie can show me the ropes to do that with Angel's boss... That we can convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!" Charlie said

"Sure, whatever gets you there, babe." Vaggie said


Angel is working at the porn studio. Valentino supervises and Travis appears as a director.

"Ohhh! Daddy, I... uhhhh?..." Angel reaches behind and underneath one of the pillows and grabs a paper to re-read the script before scoffing.

"Do you really expect me to memorize this whole script?" Angel asked

"Just improv it. You think anyone watches for the dialogue?" Valentino points to Travis, who nervously smiles and shakes his head, "Action!"

A gang of four demons slam the door open and enter the room, preparing to initiate the sex scene as raunchy music plays. "Oh, no. So many burglars... And only one me! Whatever shall I do?" Angel continued. He quickly glances back at the script before hiding it and setting it aside. "I guess I'll have to do all of you!" Angel said.

One demon grabs and pins Angel to the bed.

"Ohh. So what are you gonna do to me?" Angel asked, lustfully. Angel hears the door squeak open, as Charlie and Elodie suddenly enter the studio his eyes widen in a panic.

"Charlie? Ellie?" Angel said in shock

"Uh, my name's Rocky. Just Rocky." The demon on top of Angel corrected. Angel Dust pushes Rocky off of him and off of the bed as he sits up. "No one gives a shit." Angel said.

"Oh, so this is where the magic happens." Charlie said as she looks around she nearly bumps into a female Hellhound actor who just got done taking her bra off. Charlie blushes and shuffles back quickly and awkwardly from how close she accidentally was to her.

"Oh, wow, that is–" Charlie gasps and her blush disappears as she sees another male actor get slathered in mud, "That is a lot."

Angel then appears, putting on a robe and gently takes Charlie and Elodie by their hand diverting them attention while he still sounds panicked, "What in the ever-loving fuck are you two doing here?!"

"For your information I am here to talk to your boss to let you stay at the hotel and also to show Charlie how to be more aggressive." Elodie said

Just as Charlie looks around and is about to walk away with Elodie following, Angel tries to gently, but firmly grab them by the hand and pulls her away, frightened, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are going nowhere near Val--" Angel tried to say.

"Angel! What is the fucking hold up?" Valentino yelled

"I'm coming." Angel said

"Not off-camera, you're not." Valentino said

Angel gently pushes Charlie and Elodie back towards the door and opens it as she stands there.

Angel panics and starts talking fast, "Please, please, just wait, wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise. But first, you've gotta go-"

Valentino suddenly appears behind Angel as he flinches, "Aaaah, Your Majesties!"

"Oh, shit." Angel whispered

Valentino walks over to them, "Welcome to my humble sex dungeon," He pushes Angel behind him as he bends down and leans towards Charlie and Elodie, "What can I do for such a..." He takes Charlie's left arm and pulls up her suit sleeve as he lecherously licks and slurps Charlie's arm, leaving a trail of his saliva.

"That is just gross." Elodie said

"Ah, uh, no, thank you." Charlie said disgusted

Angel looks away, disgusted.

"Mm! Lovely specimen! You two don't want a role, do you? Because I can make you guys a star, make the three of us richer than, well, your papito–"

Charlie backs away, shocked and disgusted, "Fuck noooo! Uh, I-I'm sorry. I have come to aggressively, kindly speak with you about Angel."

Valentino stiffens slightly when she mentions that, eyes narrowed and an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Angel waves his hands and gestures for her to stop from behind him.

"Later, of course. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your work." Charlie said

Valentino snaps his head to the side, peering over his shoulder and scowls at Angel as he grows more worried.

"Well then, make yourself comfortable, Your Majesty, and enjoy the show." Valentino motions the film crew back to the shoot as he walks back to his chair and sits beside Travis, "Well, let's take this shit from the top!"

"Action!" Travis laughed

"Oh, wow, mister robbers. I sure hope you don't hurt me with those... Big guns of yours." Angel said

"Don't move, you spicy little, uuh, cock sleeve or else I'll..." the robber acted before trailing off.

Pan to Charlie whispering to the cameraman about the hotel. "...We do trust exercises everyday in the morning..." Charlie whispered.

"Cut! What the fuck is going on with this?" Valentino said

"Ooh! I'm sorry. Were we too loud? I was just telling him about the Hazbin Hotel." Charlie said

Elodie's eyes went from her phone to glare at Valentino.

Valentino flinches slightly and fakes a smile, "Not at all, Princess!" He glares and gnashes at Angel as he shrinks forward, uneasy, "It doesn't bother me one bit."

"You know, this scene feels awfully violent. If you want help with the script, maybe I can pitch some scenarios that are more whole-- woah!" Charlie screams and trips over a cable and the electricity crackles.

Elodie smacks her forehead and groans in annoyance.

"Okay. Okay. Ah, ah okay." Charlie tries reaching to fix it but the cables and wires catch fire and begins to spread as she backs away from it. Angel and the four male actors are seen watching, eyes wide, "That's on fire. That-that, that's on fire."

The crew and actors scream and flee while Angel remains on the bed, eyes wide, backing up against the pillows, "Oh shit..." Angel said nervously

Everyone runs away screaming as the room burns down. Charlie tries to put out the fire, to no avail.

"Charlie just stop, you're making it worse!" Elodie yelled

Valentino glares at Angel Dust menacingly, believing he's the cause of this mess.

"Oh, god. Okay uh do you have any–" Charlie grabs the corner of furry carpet in an attempt to put out the flames.

Valentino watches everything play out, eyes wide before he grits his teeth, standing up from his chair in annoyance.

"Can I get a fire extinguisher, so I can help?", Charlie asked, taking off her suit jacket and begins swaying it up and down trying to help put out the fire, but still to no avail as the screams and running continue. "I am so sorry. I ruined your movie. I ruined your movie." Charlie continued.

Angel watches everything, as he sits on the bed still backed against the pillows blinking with a mortified expression, as his pupils shrink when he sees Valentino's dark figure standing still in the midst of the fire, glaring at him. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry! Noooooo!" Charlie apologized, before yelling out.

Valentino growls and flaps his wings once, extinguishing the fire in an instant. Angel gets off of the bed quickly, reaching underneath, grabbing and putting on his robe.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck..." Angel said

"Oh, my gosh, I am so, so, so, so sorry, I-- I can clean this up. I-- I can--" Charlie tried to apologize.

"Charlie just stop, please." Elodie said, glaring at her sister, "Valentino, I'm so sorry, I can pay to have some—"

Valentino walks up to Charlie and Elodie, and bends in front of her to her eye level, "Don't you worry your pretty blonde heads about it. We have people for that." He turns to Angel, "Angel... can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?"

Angel runs off to Val, leaving a concerned Charlie, who reaches to stop him.

"Shit! Charlie you just made this so much worse." Elodie said

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked


Angel enters the dressing room, worried and scared, as a fuming Valentino appears from behind the door, slamming it shut. He approaches Angel menacingly as he turns around with his hands raised up in defense.

"Val, I didn't know that–" Angel begins

Before Angel can continue, Valentino grunts in annoyance as he smacks the back of his hand hard across the side of Angel's face, giving his right eye a black eye. He stumbles back in pain, holding the side of his face with his hand as he tries to speak again.

"Val, I–" Angel tried to say. He grunts, as Valentino grabs the collar part of his robe and holds him up close to his face extremely pissed off.

"You really think you can have Lucifer's bitches..." Valentino said at the same time, as he threw Angel back, sending him colliding back against a chair, as he shuffles around it anxiously and scared, gasping and panting out of breath. "...Fight your battles for you?" Valentino finished and growled, as he walked close to Angel, who was still trying to explain and calm him down.

"Val, please, I'm sorry... They're--" Angel tried to apologize.

"You bring them here to protect you?" Valentino asked, as he reached his left arm out to Angel with his hand open to touch or possibly grab his chest fluff, as Angel backed himself away in the corner of the room in fear, grabbing his robe to try and cover his chest. "To fuck with me?" Valentino continued.

Red cigar smoke circles around the back of Angel's wrists like cuffs, binding them together.

Valentino grabs Angel by the neck and forcefully drags him back before slamming and pinning him down to the couch, causing Angel to yell in pain, "Ow! Val, stop!"

"You think she can get you out of work?" Valentino asked, his teeth gnashed

"No! No, that-- that-- that's not–" Angel tries to explain again, Valentino uses his free hand and runs and touches Angel's chest fluff. Angel's voice wavers, "--what I'm trying to do. I-- No–" Valentino growls and violently throws Angel to the ground, causing him to slide to a stop, gasping and grunting heavily.

"You know she can't do anything." Valentino said he manipulates his smoke into a ball before forming it into a chain wrapped around Angel's neck, lifting his head and body up to read his golden contract that's binding him to Valentino signed with his real name, "Anthony".

"I own you. Or have you forgotten that?" Valentino said

"No..." Angel whimpered

Valentino vanishes the contract but still holds onto his smoke chain tightly, "When I say "come", you say?"

"Yes, Valentino." Angel said

Valentino leans closer to Angel, putting a hand on his shoulder, "When I say "You are fucking twenty guys before lunch," you say?"

"Yes, Valentino." Angel said with his voice deepening and breaking

"When I say, "You better get those fucking..." Valentino started shouting, grabbing the collar of Angel's robe and holding him up to eye level. Angel has a look of pure terror on his face, CUNTS out of my studio." He caresses the back of his hand against Angel's face, "You say?"

"Uh, I..." Angel begins

Valentino digs his nails/claws into Angel's face, leaning in closer. His voice becomes much more aggressive, "YOU say?"

Angel holds his hands up, "Look, V-Val, she just gets involved in everything. And Elodie, she just wants to help her sister. I'll tell them to leave. Just don't hurt them. Especially Elodie, she's my best friend. Please leave her out of this." Angel said, grabbing Valentino's wrists.

Valentino grabs the collar of Angel's robe again and lifts him up off of the ground. Angel gasps and grunts, "I have killed bitches for less than this attitude you're giving me. You're lucky you make me money. Now, you're going to go get rid of them," He throws Angel to the ground, who catches himself from the fall. Points at him angrily, "and then you are filming all night. Get me?"

"Yes, Val." Angel said

"Good." Valentino said, smiling

Angel reaches his arm from behind him and manages to grab the door handle, opening it a little. Valentino suddenly grabs Angel by the robe, violently dragging him out of the dressing room as he gasps. The door slams and the mirror inside falls over, smashing and shattering.


Back to the studio.

"All right!" Valentino yells he throws Angel forward against the bed, and he manages to catch himself, rather weakly, in front of Charlie who has her suit jacket back on.

Violet's jaw drops and her eyes widen at what she just witnessed. She turned her head to stare at Valentino, an expression of disbelief and anger on her face.

"Get your asses back on set, and we are taking this from the top!" Valentino yelled

Elodie, who is now furious, grows her horns as her eyes glow purple and hair floats, "Take notes on this Charlie," Elodie said turning to her, "What makes you think you can treat him like that?!" She yelled in her demonic voice

Valentino simply stands there, smug, with his arms crossed as Elodie approaches, but Angel stands in between them.

"Elodie just stop!" Angel said and she halts

"Angel, what are you talking ab–" Elodie said

"El take Charlie and leave!" Angel yelled

"But–" Elodie begins

"I didn't want you to come here. I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen. You made things worse." Angel said

"Seriously, I was just trying to be a good friend and help you out. That's what best friends do for each other. I'm not scared of Valentino, he along with the Vee's are the weakest overlords in Hell." Elodie said

"Well, you ain't! You actually want to help me? Get the fuck out of here! Right now, and let me finish my work." Angel said

"Are fucking kidding me, look at you. I know what you've been through and this isn't right. He shouldn't be allowed to do this to you. " Elodie said

"Stop it would ya? You come in here and trash and now I gotta stay longer than originally because you and Charlie don't know when to quit," Elodie started getting red in the face not of anger but of sadness but she tries to hide it but not doing well because Angel is yelling at her, "You need to stop caring for me I can take care of myself I'm not a baby." Angel said

For the first time Elodie cried in public and everyone was shocked, especially Angel, "I... I didn't... mean to!" Elodie sobbed and looked at the smug Valentino, "I... I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Are you deaf or something? Get out of here! At this point I'm done being your best friend." Angel yelled

Elodie sobs and leaves the studio in tears, slamming the door behind her.

Charlie looks at Angel in a disappointed look and goes after her sister then door slams from behind her. Angel looks down guilty for saying such false information and making Elodie cry.

Valentino laughs and chuckles lowly in satisfaction, approaching Angel from behind, putting his hands on his shoulders and leaning over his back, "Good boy." He said


Cuts to Angel resuming his film with makeup applied to his face to cover his black eye. "And action," Valentino said.

Angel Dust starts to film porno after porno, intertwined with him performing a pop-music dance sequence.

Angel Dust: I'm not above a love to cash in

Another lover underneath those flashin' lights

Another one of those ruthless nights

A bunch of actors appear to perform a gang bang. Angel winces as he gets choked by his co-stars.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Angel pole-dances at the club.

I shoulda' guessed that this would happen

I shoulda' known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes

Angel on his knees prepared to give a blowjob to a fellow demon, while glancing at Valentino smiling.

Spewin' all your red-hot lies

Yeah, yeah, yeah

What's the worst part of this hell?

I can only blame myself

Angel is dancing with Valentino bound by smoke-chains.

'Cause I know you're poison

You're feedin' me poison

Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow

Up your poison

I made my choice, and

Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow

Shots alternate between Angel having sex with Valentino and him snorting drugs, lying in a bed of cash with two other demons.

Oh-oh, oh-oh!

Any way you want me, baby

That's the way you got me, I'll be yours

Valentino's nightmarish silhouette appears in front of Angel in bed.

My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison

Angel gets fitted in BDSM gear.

I got so good at bein' untrue

I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear

Valentino takes Angel's cigarette and blows the smoke into his face. Angel shakes his head to get rid of the smoke, but all he sees is Valentino walking away before a black blindfold is put over his eyes.

I disassociate, disappear

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Having been fully fitted in BDSM gear, Angel gets manhandled by his co-stars and has his head forced into an actor's crotch for another blowjob.

So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp

Angel is dancing a pop-MV choreography, with the BDSM scenes displayed on the LED screens.

Yeah, I know it's poison

You're feedin' me poison

I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow

Up your poison

I made my choice, and

Angel is choked, and his blindfold comes undone, revealing his fear and pain, while Val sticks out his tongue in arousal. The pop choreography continues with shots of the BDSM scene. Angel is shown struggling and pounding the ground as if trying to resist.

Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow

Angel is shown screaming and crying out in pain.

Oh-oh, oh-oh!

Any way you want me, baby

That's the way you got me, I'll be yours

My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison

Valentino smiles lecherously as he grabs and drags Angel away from the stage. Angel appears scared.

Angel snaps back to reality, exhausted and traumatized. He locks the door and stumbles backward and walks out to the balcony to catch a breath only to see Vox and Valentino below, smiling and shaking hands possibly striking a deal or an agreement to something as Vox side-glances up at the balcony seeing Angel Dust his smile falters a bit. Valentino turns his head to also see Angel. They both smile as Vox's figure disappears into electricity and leaves while Valentino turns his back and walks away.

Poison, I'm drownin' in poison

I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow

Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison

Wish I had something to live for tomorrow.

Angel collapsed and cried on the balcony of the porn studio.


Angel Dust returns to the Hotel while groaning. Charlie glares at Angel as she is comforting Elodie. He looks upset but continues to walk. Angel drops himself on a stool next to Atlas at Husks' bar as he cleans a glass cup.

"Eugh, I need a drink. The hardest you can make." Angel said

"Hmm, You look like shit." Atlas said

Angel takes a deep breath and regains his cocky smile, "Pfft, Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothin' new." Husk rolls his eyes as soon as he pours the liquor. Angel snatches the glass and gulps down the alcohol but leaving a small portion spilled, "Eugh, I said a strong one."

"Excuse me. Didn't realize this was a "drinking to forget" kind of night." Husk said

"Oh, I forgot. You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all. Get the fuck over yourself and pour me real drink." Angel said and he uses the tip of his index finger and pours the full cup of alcohol.

"Look, if you've got a problem, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I've been looking there a long time." Husk said as he cleans and wipes down the spilled alcohol.

Angel takes a deep breath, smooths his hair back and slips into his porn star persona, "Oh sure, and where should I Iook? Hmm? In your bedroom, maybe?" Angel said sexily

Husk flinches and stiffens. "Under the covers?" Angel shakes his shoulders suggestively as Husk cringes back, "Maybe we can go look together." Angel said.

Husk unknowingly purrs as his eye twitches he holds up his hand, gesturing Angel to stop, already feeling annoyed,"Don't. Even start."

"Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!" Angel said and he grabs one of Husk's wings, spreading it out before he wraps it around himself.

Husk pushes Angel off of him back onto the stool as the bottle of alcohol slips from his grasp and smashes onto the floorboards, spilling. "STOP! Fucking Christ!" Husk cursed, making Angel scowl at him. "You can cut the act already." Husk continued. He places both hands on the counter top.

"It's never going to work on me. So all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit." Husk said.

Angel became agitated and filled with rage.

Angel shouts angrily as his pupils and freckles glow a dark neon magenta, taking the appearance of additional eyes. Angel gets up in Husk's face, "Call me fake one more time, motherfucker! I dare you."

Atlas leans close to Angel and uses index finger to poke his chest fluff, "Fake." Atlas said and smiled smugly.

"Fuckin' assholes-" Angel started. He bumps into the bar ceiling, holding his head with his hands as he falls back off of the stool and lands on the floor.

"Arrgh! God!" Angel cursed.

Husk leans over the bar counter to stare down at him, "Ya done?"

Angel growls angrily, "Ya know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!" Angel throws the half broken bottle of alcohol at Husk but misses as Husk stares unamused and unimpressed, "Ya know how much I'm worth? You know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them? Fuck you. Have fun being a lonely piece of shit!"

Angel storms out of the hotel, pushing past Vaggie and the twins.

"Woah-- The hell? Angel, where are you going?" Vaggie asked

"Out!" Angel yelled off screen and slammed the door.

"Husk, Atlas, what did you do?" Moon asked

"Made him a drink." Husk shrugged

"Oh, no. He looks really upset." Charlie said

"It's just Angel. He'll be fine." Husk waves off, dismissively

"Oh come on aunt Charlie, you can't obviously still care about him after what he said to our mother. He deserves whatever happens to him." Katsuki said

"Kats, it wasn't his fault, don't blame him, okay. I really messed up at the studio today and he got... Ugh, it was... It wasn't good, okay?" Elodie said

Charlie and Vaggie hug Elodie and give her a reassuring smile, then turns to Husk.

"Gee, sounds like someone should go after him..." Vaggie sarcastically said

Husk just stares and blinks blankly.

"Someone named "Husk" and "Atlas" ." Moon said

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Why don't you two go if you're so worried?" Husk asked

"Because we're not the one who sent him storming out. You two caused it. You drag him back." Vaggie said

"No! No... Don't force him back. Just make sure he's safe. I pushed too hard earlier and... I only made things worse. Look, he'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen to him until then." Charlie said

Vaggie shoots a pointed look at Husk, who grumbles.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write one hundred apology letters and a lesson planned for tomorrow about... Boundaries." Charlie said

Husk rolls his eyes and slumps forward while whining like a cat.


Angel enters a bar. Husk and Atlas follow behind with sirens blaring in the background.

Angel sits at the bar with a gang of shark demons, snorting drugs, "Oh, yeah." He said

As Husk and Atlas enter the bar someone bumps into him which makes him growl and glare in their direction briefly until he hears Angel and the gang of sharks laughing.

"I'm so fucked up!" Angel laughed

Husk sits at the bar counter, placing money down, and orders a drink, "Give us a whiskey..." Husk said

The bartender places a glass down and pours some before Husk grabs the bottle, "We meant the whole bottle, jackass." Atlas said

The bartender stares at him silently before letting him have the bottle and takes away the glass instead as Husk drinks down the bottle.

"Haha, ya, ya, so I said "You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives." I got better options, right boys?" Angel asked

"You got that right!" A demon yelled

The gangsters laugh as Husk watches and snarls.

"Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one? Daddy's outta juice!" Angel said to a demon

The demon is seen taking his and Angel's empty glasses by the bar counter as he sits down on a stool next to Husk and Atlas who glares at him in suspicion as the bartender pours the liquor in the two glasses. The shark demon reaches into his suit and takes out some love potion/drug and pours it into Angel's drink making the color pink.

Husk and Atlas's eyes widen as they watch the demon get up from the stool to return to Angel.

Husk huffs and sets his bottle of whiskey aside, "Son of a–" He muttered

"Here you go, darling. Just for you–" Just as Angel is about to reach for the drink, Atlas appears from behind the demon and grabs him by the back of his suit, lifting him off of the ground as the drinks spill.


"Nice try, fuckhead." Atlas said

Angel watches in surprise as Atlas throws the demon across the room, causing him to scream and land headfirst into a jukebox as up temp music plays and another demon dodges. The rest of the gangsters take out their guns.

"Let's go." Husk said and he grabs Angel's arm and pulls him behind him while he throws a stack of cards at the demons which cuts the barrels off their guns and cuts a net loose from the ceiling, immobilizing them.

"What the? Hey! H-h-hey, hey!" Angel yelled

Husk drags Angel out of the bar as Atlas starts shooting at the remaining gang members.

"Husk! Atlas! What the actual fuck are you two doing here? Let go of me." Angel demanded

"No. We're takin' you back to the hotel." Husk said

"Get off!" Angel yelled

"That fucker put somethin' in your drink." Atlas said

"You don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink? I do this all the fuckin' time!" Angel yelled

"You just let people drug you all the time?" Husk asked

"You think I ask for it? I don't ask for any of this shit! I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie to save me, I especially didn't ask Violet to save me. I didn't ask for you to save me. I can handle myself." Angel said

"Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing. It seems like... I don't know... you might need a bartender to talk to." Husk said

"Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a shit about me? You think after how you two treated me, I'm gonna open up to you? Please." Angel said and he walks off.

"Maybe we'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself, always pushin' our boundaries! Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just... cut the act." Atlas said

Angel stops walking, eyes widening before tears form in the corner of his eyes, "It's not an act!" Angel said

Husk and Atlas flinch back a bit and stare at Angel in shock, "It's who I need to be." Angel said, as he crossed his arms to his chest. "And this..." Angel continued. He gestures to the redlight street. "This is my escape. Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore..." Angel confessed

Husk and Atlas stand there listening and blinking as he frowns at what Angel says. Holding his hands as his eyebrows furrowed and his ears and tail falter.

"...and maybe he'll let me go..." Angel said, he sits down on the sidewalk, curling up into a small ball with his legs close to his chest with his arms wrapped around them and his head buried into his knees.

Husk stares at Angel with sympathy and pity, then walks over and sits down on the pavement near him.

"I was an Overlord once, you know." Husk said

Angel Dust looks to Husk, who sighs, giving an assuring smile.

"Hold on a sec, you were an overlord?" Atlas asked

"Yeah, and uh... It was nice to have that power. But when you're dealing in souls ...."


A younger Husk is in his prime, sitting at a gambling table, smiling in Pride as he looks to his prize consisting of piles of money stacks, then spreading out his cards

"...While also being a gambler..." Husk continued. Past Husk spreads out a deck of cards.

"...the stakes are pretty high. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous.", Husk said, as he begins losing the gamble. "So when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to..." Husk said.

The cards backs progressively show Husk losing his bets, his expression getting sadder as the number of card patterns shrinks

The card shows Alastor's figure. "Keep you afloat, even making deals with yourself.", Husk continued.

Alastor now appears holding the cards, looming over Husk to pick the card. Scene switches back to the forlorn present Husk.

(End of Flashback)

"So I know what it's like to... Regret the choices made... And knowin' ya can't take it back." Husk said

Angel, Atlas and Husk sits in silence for a moment.

Then, Husk and Atlas begin to sing.

Husk: ♫ So things look bad, and your back's against the wall ♫, Husk sang.

♫ Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless ♫

♫ You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall ♫

A demon came out, looking sick. Just as he vomited, Husk opened the umbrella, shielding Angel.

♫ Can't face the world sober and dopeless ♫

♫ You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked ♫

♫ Well, let me just say you're correct ♫

"Wait, what?" Angel said

Atlas: ♫ You're a loser, baby ♫

♫ A loser, goddamn baby ♫

♫ You're a fucked up little whiny bitch ♫

"Hey!" Angel yelled

Atlas/Husk: ♫ You're a loser, just like me ♫

"Thanks, asshole." Angel said

♫ You're a screw's-loose-boozer ♫

♫ An only one-star reviews-er ♫

♫ You're a power-bottom at rock bottom ♫

♫ But you got company ♫

"This supposed to make me feel better?" Angel asked

♫ There was a time I thought no one could relate ♫

♫ To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged ♫

♫ But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! ♫

♫ We're all livin' in the same shit-sandwich ♫

Angel Dust: ♫ I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak ♫

Husk: ♫ Haha! And you think that makes you unique? ♫

♫ Get outta here, man! ♫

♫ We're both losers, baby ♫

♫ We're losers, it's okay to be a– ♫

Angel Dust: ♫ Coked up, dick-suckin' hoe? ♫

Husk/Atlas:♫ Baby, that's fine by me ♫

Angel Dust:♫ I'm a loser, honey, ♫

♫ A schmoozer and a dummy! ♫

♫ But at least I know I'm not alone ♫

Husk: ♫ You're a loser ♫

Atlas/Husk/Angel: ♫ Just like me! ♫

Husk: ♫ I got an appetite for gamblin' ♫

Angel Dust: ♫ I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find! ♫

Atlas: ♫ Go ahead baby, sing that song, come on! ♫

Angel Dust: ♫ I got no holes left to deflower ♫

Husk: ♫ I sold my soul to save my power ♫

♫ Now I'm on that demon's leash ♫

Angel/Husk: ♫ I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour ♫

Angel Dust: ♫ You're a loser, baby ♫

Husk: ♫ A loser, but just maybe if we ♫

Atlas/Husk/Angel: ♫ Eat shit together, things will end up differently! ♫

Angel begins humming while Husk sings.

Husk: ♫ It's time to lose your self-loathin' ♫

♫ Excuse yourself, let hope in, baby ♫

♫ Play your card, be who you are ♫

Atlas/Husk/Angel: ♫ A loser, just like— ♫

The shark demons interrupt and furiously fire at Angel and Husk.

"There he is! They're fucking singing?! Get 'em!" the shark demon exclaimed, launching a furious attack on Angel, Atlas, and Husk.

"Oh shit! Stay down. I'll deal with this." Husk said

"Hehe, you're fucking dead -" A demon said

Husk kills each goon with relative ease using his cards, but had trouble with one goon jumping on his back, Atlas, takes out his daggers and begins attacking the members until Angel also pulls out one of his firearms and obliterates the demon.

"Eat lead, sucka!!" Angel lends a hand to Husk, "I told ya. I can handle myself, baby."

Angel pulls out 5 extra guns and begins fighting the rest of the demons with Husk until all the shark demons are reduced to blood and guts.

"This did not go as planned -" The demon said and dies

Angel and Husk are banged up and covered in the goons' blood.

"Well, that was something I didn't expect to see." Husk said

"Yeah, I gotta say I'm a little impressed." Atlas said

"Like I said, you don't know me. Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at." Angel said

"Good to know, cause this guy ain't that bad. Ready to apologize to Elodie?" Husk said

"Yeah, I'm ready." Angel said he smiles, and the two walk out of the street.


Angel and Husk return to the hotel laughing together, "He had like 3 bills, and it took him 30 minutes to count them. His eyes are so shit!" Angel said

"Hehe, and this is the guy you gotta take orders from?" Husk said

"I know! What a fucking joke, right?" Angel said

Elodie rushes to Angel in relief, "I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so sorry, Angel. I promise I won't ever, ever, ever, ever-"

"Elodie, it's fine. I get it. Thanks for caring about me and being there for me. I'm sorry as well for saying about not being my best friend and having my back. You're the best friend I could ask for," Angel opens his arms for a hug, "Best friends."

"Always." Elodie said and hugs him back

Charlie weeps tears of joy. Angel and Elodie notice it and give her to Vaggie.

"Ehh, I think this is yours." Angel said

"Okay missy, let's get you to bed." Vaggie said

"He-he-he said he-for-forgave Ellie." Charlie blubbered. "It's so beautiful, Vaggie...", Charlie said.

"Hey, how about that drink you three?" Husk said

"You read my mind." Angel said

"Sure, I could use one." Elodie said

"After the day we've had, I definitely need one." Atlas said

Angel, Elodie, and Husk head for a drink.

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