chapter fifteen

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"You alright pretty girl?" He quietly asked, his lips brushing over the shell of her ear. She threw her head back, hands tugging at the tie that was tied around her wrists, connecting her to the headboard. She nodded her head, biting her lips as she closed her eyes. He pulled away slightly, "No, let me hear the words," He taunted, pushing his clothed dick against her bare pussy, making a whimpering sound to erupt from her throat, "Y-yes. I'm okay." Her voice was strained, a moan threatening to interrupt her spoken words.

He smiled down at her, leaning his head in and connecting their lips in a slow kiss, softly groaning into her mouth at the feeling of her tongue running over his bottom lip. He pulled away, a line of spit connecting their lips, "Such a needy girl aren't you?" He cooed, nudging her jaw with his nose, his mouth attaching at the base of her throat, nipping at the skin between his lips, quickly soothing it with the warm feeling of his tongue.

She moaned quietly, softly grinding her hips against his covered bulge, whining every time the rough material of his jeans dragged along her clit.

He moved his mouth away from her the marked skin of her throat, tilting his head down, his forehead placed against her lips, watching as her hips bucked against his. She pressed soft kisses on his forehead, her bottom lips dragging over his skin as she threw her head back once more at the euphoric feeling that was quickly collecting in the bottom of her stomach.

A small yelp escaped her lips at the feeling of his cold finger tracing over her hardened nipple, pinching it, and then running the rough pad of his thumb over it-

Her eyes felt like they were forced open against her will. Blinding golden light flooding her vision, the sun's hues illuminating the room through the sheerness of her curtains. The feeling of her heartrate beating erratically in her chest, a thin layer of sweat on her skin. Dakota groaned, feeling the mental pleasure dissipating along with the warmth and comfort of sleep. She blinked harshly, humming quietly as she stretched her legs under her white duvet.

The sound of her phone vibrating against the wood of her night stand grabbed her attention. Groaning, she lazily threw her hand over, fingers grasping at the device.


beach football. meet behind the hard deck at 10:30

She furrowed her eyebrows at the message scoffing lightly, as she placed her phone back on the table. Her freshly conscience mind gathered her thoughts, closing her eyes and throwing her forearm over her eyes, blocking the light that was pouring through her sheer curtains.

The sound of the front door opening and closing slightly alerted her, yet her nerves were calmed, "Yo dipshit! I come with coffee and doughnuts." Phoenix's voice echoed through the house. Dakota blew a soft raspberry through her lips as she sat up, stretching her compressed muscles, letting the once annoying morning sunlight soak up in her face, inhaling deeply.

Her numb feet padded across the floor as she made her way to the living room, seeing as her friend place the breakfast on the dining table. "Did you get a text from Mav this morning?" The curly head asked, as she turned on the television, choosing to softly play Modern Family in the background. Phoenix turned around, chewing a bite of doughnut, "Yeah, something 'bout beach football? Bob texted me and said he got it too."

A soft sigh from her lips, as a smile tugged at her lips, "And I figure you expect me to drive you?" Phoenix looked over at Dakota from her place on the couch, nodding her head, "Yup! My beach bag is over there." She motioned to the bag that was thrown next to the front door. The younger pursed her lips, grabbing her coffee and a doughnut before sitting down on the couch, placing her feet on Phoenix's lap. "How kind of you to just make yourself at home, when I'm not even fully awake yet." She chuckled lightly.

The two of them basked in each other's presence, calmness and comfort being shared between one another. "So," Dakota started, as she sipped the last remains of her coffee, "I've noticed you eyeballing Halo," she playfully smiled, only earning a sign from the older. "What's that about?" She questioned, getting up and strolling to the kitchen. A loud sigh coming from the living room, "It's nothing I just-" "No Nat, it's not nothing. Do you like her?" Dakota started dish water in the sink.

Phoenix watched as she scrubbed the dishes, leaning her weight in the counter next to the sink, "I dunno. Maybe? 'M just confused 'cause i didn't notice her when we were in Top Gun and now it's like she's all I can notice." She sighed, pursing her lips as her eyes lingered on her friend's face. "Well, I for one, think that she might like you back. I mean the girl can't stop smiling when you walk in the room Nat." A beat, "I also think that means you should wear a hot ass bikini." A playful smirk pulling at her plump lips.

The two of them laughed lightly, the white noise from the crashing of the ocean waves through the open kitchen window above the sink. Lavender floating in the air, "So what do ya say?" Dakota asked once more, arm lazily around Phoenix's waist as she washed dishes, placing her chin on her shoulder "Will you wear one with me?" She questioned, as Dakota turned off the faucet and lacing her wet fingers with the ones that were placed on her stomach. A small smile playing at her lips as she turned her head slightly to look at Phoenix.

Her lips were pursed, running her tongue along the inside of her cheek. "That wasn't a no."


The two girls strolled up to behind the Hard Deck, the mid-morning sunlight pouring golden hues on their tanned skin. Lingering in the air, salt and sunscreen, burned their nostrils in a relaxing way.

"God damn, I don't think you too could've taken any longer." Hangman stated, gaining the attention of the other pilots along with their captain. Dakota stopped in front of the blond, who was leaned against the siding of the bar, "Actually we could've, just decided not to make her cum today." A sly smirk tugging at her lips, a few strained chuckles coming from the surrounding pilots. Hangman scoffed playfully as Phoenix pulled her away by their interlaced fingers, Dakota reluctantly following her. She turned around, walking backwards towards the beach, "And plus, it's only ten twenty five bagman!" She yelled at the man, who was walking along side Coyote.

"Okay c'mon girl, don't need you punching him again." Phoenix said, as she wrapped an arm around her waist. Dakota giggled lightly, pushing her sliding aviators up the bridge of her nose.

The group of pilots followed as Maverick walked towards the water. He turned around, "Glad you all could make it." He stated blatantly, a smile on his face. Dakota motion her fingers to his hand, "What's with the footballs Mav?" Her plump lips in a small smirk. "Well I am so glad that you asked, Mustang. The game is Dogfight football. Offense and defense at the same time. Don't ask me the rules 'cause I don't know." The naval aviators chuckled lowly, as they split and set their things down in the sand. "I'm gonna need two team captains," Maverick yelled over the noise of the crashing waved behind him. Hands shot up, all of them being the guys, as Phoenix and Dakota laughed quietly, watching as they competed on whose hand was the highest.

Maverick grazed his eyes over the raised hands, "Hangman," She turned to Phoenix, a sarcastically shocked expression on her face. "And Rooster."

Dakota moved her head toward the tall man, seeing as he was clad in jean shorts and a loose tank top, the muscles in his arms and shoulders flexing with each small movement he made; Sunglasses covered his eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips. She truly cursed her mind for going down the gutter at that moment, remembering the feeling of his mouth on her- "Alright Hangman you get first pick." Mav's voice interrupted her brief thoughts.

Hangman's smiled arrogantly, placing his hands on his hips; "Coyote," Dakota rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Rooster, you go." Maverick stood in the middle of the group. She watched as his eyes moved over them, the mid-morning honey light of the sun making them visible through his aviators. She saw- no, felt his gaze once it settled on her; how it trailed up her legs, watching as she oh so slightly pressed her thighs together, the heat starting to spread in her lower stomach.

A smirk, "Payback," his addictive voice spoke. Her breath hitched slightly in her throat, mentally groaning at just how easily her body is turned on by him.

The two men continued to go back and forth until they had their teams, Hangman's consisting of Coyote, Fritz, Mustang, Harvard, and Omaha. And Rooster's consisting of Payback, Fanboy, Halo, Phoenix and Harvard. Dakota smiled, placing a quick kiss on Phoenix's cheek, "Don't drool too much babe." She scoffed at this, tossing her middle finger over her shoulder as she walked towards Rooster.

The freckled female walked up to the blond pilot, "Surprised you chose me Jake, given I y'know," She trailed off, watching as he quirked an eyebrow up, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek before darting it out to wet his lips, "Yeah me too, only did it 'cause Rooster told me to." Dakota's playful smile faltered slightly, tilting her head, but before she could say anything, she heard Hondo blow a whistle, the obnoxious noise piercing her eardrum. "Alright c'mon let's go! Y'all too pussy to start this?" He shouted, his white teeth glinting in the sun. The pilots chuckled at his words, before splitting across from each other and getting into position.

Sweat rolled down the side of her face as she wrapped her lips around the water bottle, sighing at the refreshing feeling of the cold liquid.

They had been playing dogfight football for about an hour and a half now, shirts being forgotten from both teams as everyone's body temperature rose along with the sun. So far, she had successfully averted from eye-fucking Bradley; although it was quite impossible, the beads of sweat rolling down his chest as is rose up and down as he breathed. His shorts hung dangerously low on his hips, his v-line prominent with the muscle that flexed along his torso, his honey hair messily sat atop his head. He looked god-like in her eyes, the corner of her lip's skin almost broken as she chewed at it, every now and then pressing her thighs together, desperate to ease the fluttering feeling in her core.

Phoenix jogged up beside the girl, huffing as she threw her head back, placing her hands on her hips, "Damn it's hot." She panted, grasping the water bottle Dakota handed to her, quickly opening it and taking a sip. "Yeah no shit, doesn't help I've got sand all over me too."

The two girls sat down on their towels with an exhausted sigh. The feeling of their damp tank tops clinging to their torsos which were dropped in sweat. "Hey Nat, how 'bout we just sit back for a bit hm? Watch the game as we lay out?" Phoenix looked over to her friend, seeing as a smirk edged its way onto her face as she adjusted her aviators in the bridge of her nose. She inhaled deeply, "Yeah okay, but only 'cause I can't take another tackle from Coyote." Dakota smiled brightly at her friend.

Rooster was tossing the football between his hands as he talked to Payback, the ocean's waves splattering a cooling mist along the skin of his muscular back. He knew where she was, having to do nothing but cast his eyes over Payback's shoulder to land his gaze on her body. He had to do a double take when he first saw her lift her tank top over her head, watching as he abs flexed slightly as she pulled it off. The sweat on her now exposed torso reflecting the sun's rays, making her tan skin look heavenly. Her unruly curls cascading over her collar bones, hiding the faint marks he left along the sensitive skin the last time the two of them were together.

His jaw went slack, as his eyes trailed over her toned legs, watching as she straightened them out in front of her, throwing her head back as she inhaled deeply. Payback's voice sounded like white noise to him at this point.

A deafening whistle was heard beside him, his attention being forced back on Hondo as he yelled, "Alright round two! Mustang Phoenix, you guys out?" He watched as the pilots surrounding him turned their heads, looking over their aviators as they trailed their eyes over the girls' bodies. Quiet whistles were heard, "Nah we're gonna sit out for a while Hondo!" Dakota said, a smirk planted on her plump lips.

God. He thought to himself, feeling as blood slowly flew south, his cock twitching slightly in his shorts. He ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, "Yo Rooster! C'mon dude," Payback slapped a hand on his shoulder, tugging him lightly towards the pilots.

Dakota pressed her thighs together, biting the inside of her bottom lip, watching as Rooster caught the football that was flying towards him, his shoulder muscle flexing at the movement. Her eyes trailed down to his short clad thighs; she swallowed harshly, feeling heat spread across her core at the memory of his thigh against her clit.

"Yo I think Halo's lookin'," Phoenix's voice cut through her thoughts, as she motioned her head over to the woman. Her eyes trailed over his god-like body once more, pressing her thighs together trying to desperately to ease the heat in her core. Dakota turned her head, watching as Halo lifted up her aviators ever so slightly, letter her eyes run over Phoenix's exposed skin, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. A scoff leaving her mouth, "Hell yeah she is. Can't say I blame her though." Dakota said, giving a playful look to her friend.

The two of them watched as the pilots played in front of them, and involuntarily Dakota's breath hitching in her throat every time Bradley even cast a glance her way. "Looks like Rooster's enjoying himself." Phoenix stated as if it was obvious, laughing quietly as her friend quirked an eye brow at her words. "What?" "Oh my God don't be so delusional Dakota. You squeeze your thighs together every single time he looks over here; and not to mention he's almost hard in his shorts." She furrowed her eyebrows, "How do you-" Phoenix interrupted her, "You don't think I know how to tell when you're turned on?" A smirk planted firmly on her lips. Dakota's mouth opened in shock, "Surprised you remembered." "I could never forget."

Rooster watched as she threw her head back, her chest lifting in the process. He licked his lips, her hips squirming each time she moved; exposing the light marks left on her hipbones from his mouth. He was beat.

A wet hand slapped on his shoulder, "Yo," he turned his head slightly, the face of Coyote coming into view. The tanned man noticed where his line of vision was focused on. "Oh yeah dude I know. Who knew her body was like that." He did. Bradley knew her body was like that. "All the guys have been talking about it ever since they sat out." Coyote spoke.

An odd feeling trickled over his body at his words. They were looking at her like that?

He tossed the football to Hondo, before walking towards the female's sprawled out on the towels, letting the heat of the sun soak into their skin. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her exposed skin, nipples perked due to the occasional ocean breeze.

"You need to stop." His voice spoke firmly, his gaze focused on Dakota. She sat up slightly, leaning back on her elbows as she brought a hand up to pull her aviators down the bridge of her nose an inch, letter her eyes roam freely over his torso, "Stop what?" A smirk playing at her lips. She watched as he inhaled deeply, "You know what." His hands flexed at his sides as he spoke deeply. Dakota couldn't help but press her thighs together once more; he noticed this, running his tongue over the inside of his cheek. She tilted her head to the side, a small pout resting on her lips. "No, Rooster I really don't."

His cock ached longingly at the sight in front of him, "You're just too oblivious aren't you?" He squatted down next to her, causing her to crane her head up slightly. Rooster placed his aviators on the top of his head, his eyes trailing down her body. She scoffed, "Yeah, whatever." Rolling her eyes she pushed her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose.

Dakota watched from her peripherals, as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, letting his eyes drag down the length of her body once more, before her elongated his legs and walked towards the group of pilots huddled near the shallow waves of the ocean. Phoenix gawked lightly, "What the fuck was that about?"

She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but seeing Bradley jealous, and possibly protective made the heat inside of her even hotter. "I have no idea honestly."


holy hell surprisingly that took forever to write tbhhh. i would always write one thing then hate in and think it's cringe and then i'd delete is and re-write. that happened about three times while writing this chapter.

i hope you guys enjoyed my version of the beach scene... i know you guys knew what song to listen to during this chapter ;)

okay now sixteen is going to go off-movie, bc i'm adding my own shit ok?

nowwww i tried so hard to write out the godliness that is the beach scene... hope you guys liked herrrrrrr PURRRRRR

and one last thing, thank you all so much for over 90k reads and 3k votes, that's insane. AND the insane amount of love i'm getting for my other rooster book??? yall are too kind ALSOwhat did you guys think of the third person in roosters mind?? HMMMM

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