chapter thirty

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Dakota leaned against the wall of the Hard Deck, a rum and coke in hand as she swirled it around, the ice cubes of the beverage hitting the side of the glass. Her curly hair was pulled up off her neck in a messy bun, her baby hairs too short, making them frame her face, some of them cascading down the back of her neck. Rooster's old Naval Academy hoodie hung off her shoulders, engulfing her frame and hiding the black shorts she wore underneath.

Once the group of Top Gun graduates  completed their mission, they took a few days to relax and reciprocate. Dakota having faint bruising along her hips, thighs, and neck from those days, curtesy of one Bradley Bradshaw. Then, once the weekend was over, on a rainy Sunday night, Hangman had texted the group chat that they had made and suggested they had a beach day in celebration.

And so, that's exactly what they did. After hours they spent hanging out, chasing each other, and once the sun had set under the horizon, casting a pink glow on everything, they had decided to head up to the Hard Deck, just letting loose, drinking, with not a care in the world.

She watched as Phoenix and Hangman were leaned over to pool table; sticks in hand, and nothing but competitive friendly banter being exchanged between them. Halo, who Dakota learned who's name is Callie, has been spending a lot more time around Phoenix and them, was sat in the windowsill that was behind the pool table.

The two of them casting lingering glances across the room, and she couldn't forget the quite intimate hug the two of them shared that she saw happen in the crowd of celebration that was on the deck of the carrier.

Rooster had his hands placed on the corners of the pool table, leaning his weight on it as he 'judged' the game that was currently going on. His tanned figure was clad in a pair of jeans that were tight around his muscular thighs, and a loose, Navy shirt that hung off his shoulders, the sleeves of his stretching around his biceps with each movement he did. His sun-kissed hair sat on his head in his loose lazy curls. The apples of his cheeks were tinted pink from the time they spent on the carrier, his dog tags hanging proudly from his neck, the silver chain peeking out from the neck of his t-shirt.

Every now and then, he would look up to her, mouthing the words 'I love you' or just simply raking his hazel eyes up and down her exposed legs, making her chest pound occasionally.

He walked over to her once Phoenix and Hangman declared yet again another round of 9 ball. With a huff he sat down in the barstool next to hers, and pulled her seat closer to his, throwing his arm around the back of her chair as his fingers hooked around underneath her knees, pulling her legs onto his lap.

Still, even after almost a week of finally admitting her true feelings to the man, she found herself blushing at the stupid compassion he showed for her; always touching, kissing, looking, teasing her. Like earlier today at the beach, he couldn't keep his hands off of her, trailing his fingers along her ribs or kissing up her neck, she didn't know how to react.

She looked up at him, a smirk tugging at her lips, "Got tired watching?" He shrugged, as he placed his large, rough palm on her lower thigh, his thumb rubbing into her skin lovingly. "Well I couldn't bear to be away from you for any longer, honey." He grinned, proud of himself. She scoffed, "That was just cheesy, Bradley." He leaned in, placing a lingering kiss on her temple, "Only for you."

He smiled down at her, seeing how the dim lighting in the bar soaked into her golden skin, making the few freckles that were dashed across her face more prominent. She felt him trail his finger tips up and down her bare shoulder, where his hoodie hung down. "You know bagman, you're never gonna win," she shouted at him, adjusting her legs that were on Rooster's lap, hooking her arm under his bicep, laying her chin on it.

Hangman stood up from his leaned over position over the table, a small sigh escaping from his lips once her made eye contact with her. "Hm, thank you Mustang. Don't think I could've noticed that." Sarcasm was laced heavily in his tone, yet his words were quickly followed by laughter. She beamed at him from her position sprawled out on Rooster, "You're welcome."

Her eyes settled on Natasha's figure, her body leaned up against the window sill, smiling down at Halo when it was Hangman's turn to play.

She thought the two of them were absolutely adorable. Ever since they got back from the mission, Phoenix had been texting Dakota over the week they didn't see each other about how well things were going between them. Even after the night that happened between her and Halo, she thought it was so sweet; the little dates they went on, the kiss they shared, the everything; and it made her heart soar to see her friend so happy.

Dakota felt Rooster get up from beside her, making a small pout appear on her lips. He let out a light chuckle, extending a hand towards her  "Come on, honey." His tongue darted out, wetting his bottom lip. She quirked her head, hesitantly placing her soft palm in his rough on, "What're we doing?" He only smiled back at her, leading her through the bar.

He stopped at the juke box, never disconnecting their hands as he bent down to unplug the wires, then striding over to the piano, unfolding his sunglasses that hung on the neck of his shirt, and placed them on the bridge of his nose. Rooster turned his head, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, "Why are you just standing?" He ran his hands along his thighs, flexing his fingers. She shrugged, "I dunno," she felt her breath hitch in her throat as he reached out, dancing his finger tips along the side of her thigh, pulling her closer. "What do y'want me to do?"

"Well there's a perfectly good seat right here for you." He said nonchalantly, spreading his thighs, and patting them slightly. Dakota felt blood rush to her face, his fingers tracing a bruise that was apparent along the inside of her thigh.

It was funny, even after all the times he's seen her naked, that she's seen him naked, he still never fails to make her blush at the simplest of words.

She nodded, stepping in front of the bench he was sat on and took a seat on his left thigh, wrapping her right arm around his neck.  His cologne flooding her senses, the smell of mahogany laced with a hint of sunscreen, from their previous time at the beach that day. The silver of his dog tags was in between her fingers, as she tangled it absent mindedly.

Bradley pressed down a couple of random keys on the old piano in front of him, pursing his lips as he did so. Dakota watched as his fingers moved so effortlessly; somehow it was so hot to her. She peeked over his sun-kissed curls, to the group of pilots that were still huddled around the pool table in the corner; until she made eye contact with Phoenix from across the bar, motioning her head, telling them to come over to where they were.

She smiled as she watched him, the sound of the keys sounding around the crowded area, making people turn their attention to them. And then, she felt a sense of nostalgia pour over her at the sound of his voice.

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain," Dakota tightened her fingers around his muscular shoulder. "Too much love drives a man insane," her eyes danced on his side profile as he sang, her smile widening as she saw her friends group around them. "You broke my will, but what a thrill," Then, the whole bar seemingly joined, along with her too, "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"

Then, as he sung, his fingers moved, Dakota felt him start bouncing his thigh underneath her, making her gasp quietly. The rough fabric of his jeans against the skin of her legs, ever so slightly rubbing against her clothed cunt, tingles erupting along her spine, her lower stomach; the muscle of his thigh moving

"Kiss me baby," Bradley turned his head towards the girl on his lap, a smirk tugging on his lips as he knew was doing to her; her cheeks flushed, lips slightly pouted as she struggled to keep her face straight. "Oh, that feels good, baby." And Dakota could've sworn, her mind blanked out when he winked up at her, bouncing his leg up and down faster, watching as she lightly bit her bottom lip.

After Rooster finished the song that he's been singing since the two of them were in Top Gun just a couple years ago, her body reacting to his thigh brushing her, they stood up, bowing down sarcastically as the crowd that had gathered around them started applauding. Completely oblivious to what he was doing behind the piano.

She laughed slightly as she walked away from him, smiling, when she approached the bar, "Hey Pen," Dakota sighed, sitting down on one of the barstools, playing with the bracelet that was around her wrist. "If you don't mind closing Rooster's tab? I think him and I are gonna head out here in a few." The older woman threw the rag over her shoulder, leaning her weight on the bar across from the pilot.

"Sure thing hon," she smiled, walking over to the computer at the edge of the bar. Penny leaned her elbows on the counter top, Dakota's receipt held loosely between her fingers, a smirk on her lips. "Just make sure to use protection." The woman whispered, an eye brow raised.

Dakota felt her jaw drop at her words, but before she could say a rebuttal, she felt an arm wrap around her waist, tugging her off of the barstool, "Thanks Pen," she heard Rooster say from her side, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear as he pulled her close. Her heart pounded in her chest, heat flooding to the bottom of her stomach.

The older woman gave them a loving smile, her eyes lingering on Dakota's, mouthing a 'we'll talk later' with a knowing smirk.

She sat on the car, the passing street lights casting shadows on her face as they passed them. His right hand was placed firmly on her thigh, his thumb rubbing soothingly into her skin; it felt as if her nerves were lit on fire, burning uncontrollably like a wild fire, uncontainable. She inhaled deeply, the air expanding her lungs when his fingers tightened their grip, "You okay honey?" His words only hinted with cockiness. But as much as she wanted to speak, she couldn't.

As the two of them walked through the front door of her house, (a change since the last week), Dakota made a b-line for the bathroom, not knowing just exactly how long she had left until she couldn't take it anymore. His lingering touches, his almost too intense kisses for the public eye while they were in the bar, him just bouncing her up and down on his thigh while he simply moved his fingers along the keys of the piano. It all was becoming too much for her.

Dakota leaned her weight on the marble countertop of the bathroom, her eyes looking over her worn out looking face. Small curls falling from her messy bun, her cheeks flushed much to her dismay, her shaky fingers curling tighter around the edge of the cool marble.

A soft knock made her breath just catch slightly in her throat, "Are you okay Dakota?" she heard him call from around the corner, the soft padding of his footsteps on the hard wood floors indicating he's walking closer.

She hummed, his figure appearing in her peripherals, "Yeah 'm good Roos." He leaned against the door frame, propping his arms up to hold onto the top of it, his t-shirt riding up a little bit, exposing the bottom of his stomach, along with tuff of hair there. Dakota tried ever so desperately to press her thighs discreetly together, just trying to subdue the heat that has bloomed there.

He huffed, walking over towards her, his fingers wrapping around her hip bones, pulling her into his frame, his chest against her back. She held back a quiet gasp at the feeling of his semi hard cock pressed on her ass. "You sure?" Bradley pushed, leaning his head down to her neck; he danced his lips along her sensitive skin, his tongue dragging up to her ear, making her whimper slightly. She nodded her head.

Rooster stifled a groan at the sheer sound, tightening his grip on her, his senses flooding with her coconut scent with a hint of salt. He nibbled on her ear lobe lightly, "Cause you didn't seem okay at the bar," his gaze met hers in the mirror in front of them. Her already worn out expression only made the blood flow faster to his cock.

Bradley nudged the side of her jaw up with his nose, his lips continuing their assault on her neck, teeth nipping at the soft skin, only to quickly sooth it with the warmth of his tongue. "Your cheeks all red," he placed a kiss on her seemingly burning hot cheek. "Thighs pressing together," he trailed his hand down to the side of her thigh, "Hell, even your breathing changed, sweetheart."

Of course he noticed the simplest detail about her. Her fucking breathing was different, and who was she to thing that he wouldn't notice.

Dakota couldn't help the goose bumps that rose on her skin, and the sound of her breath hitching in her throat. He was intoxicating.

To her, he felt like a drug. Something she could never give up, something she would never leave, something she would keep forever. Her something that kept her sane. She was truly surprised just exactly how long the two of them 'hated' each other; Sure they would fuck, everything quick and nothing lingering. But, there was never emotion behind it. Ever. That was until just a couple weeks until their Top Gun graduation, when she started to feel something for him.

He placed his hands on her waist, turning her around and lifted her up, sitting her down on the countertop, the white marble cool against the back of her thighs. Dakota shivered; at what? She frankly didn't know. It could either be the heavy contrast of the counter beneath her, or the fact that Rooster was trailing his fingertips up her waist, his lips abusing hers as he gathered his hoodie just under her breasts signaling her to take it off. She raised her arms above her, a small giggle erupting from her as he tugged the material off of her.

Her hand traveled to the back of his neck, her fingers getting tangled in his golden curls that were at his nape; the other pressed around his hips, pulling his strained cock against her, a soft whimper into his mouth at the contact; her thin shorts and underwear providing little to no barrier between her and the outline of him in his jeans.

A groan sounded from the back of his throat as he threw his head back. The feeling of her trailing her lips down the column of his neck combined with the buzzing feeling of Dakota rutting her hips against his. Small moans vibrating into his sensitive skin every time the outline of him rubbed against her covered clit just right.

"Why don't we get you out of these clothes," Bradley pulled back from her assaulting lips just slightly, a loving smile on his lips. "Hm pretty girl?" And god he must've known just how much she loves it when he calls her that, given the fact his smile widened when he heard a needy whine pour from her. Yet, in her hazy state she managed to breathe a few words. "I could say the same about you, pretty boy."

He chuckled at her as he untied her bathing suit top, not focusing much on her exposed breasts before her started tugging at her bottom clothes, taking both her shorts and her underwear off with the help of her lifting her hips up slightly. "Pretty boy hm?" Bradley muttered in a low voice, his hazel eyes looking down at her in adoration. Dakota nodded, a playful smile apparent on her features, her small fingers pulling up the hem of his old t-shirt, signaling him to take it off.

Rooster obliged, taking it off and throwing it to the side along with the rest of her clothes.

She marveled at his toned abdomen, never minding his lingering eyes given the fact that his are doing the same. But god, the sight of one Bradley Bradshaw always took her breath away; the cool silver of his dog tags dangling against his collarbones, his abs flexing with each breath he inhaled, the happy trail that disappeared into his pants, leading to his hardened cock.

It was as if her mind was getting lost in a haze from just the view in front of her, her fingers absentmindedly trying to unbutton the suddenly complicated button to his jeans. Rooster chuckled lowly at her, covering her hands with his, and helping her tug down his jeans, leaving him in his black underwear.

As much as she was trying so hard to keep her head straight, she lost all hope she she felt him graze one of her pebbled nipples. She moaned quietly, leaning her weight back on her hands as she widened her thighs, helping fit his large frame between them. "Holy shit." She gasped, just slightly embarrassed at how desperate she was in this moment. He tsked, ducking his head down to connect his mouth with her other hardened nipple, "Where'd this filthy mouth come from, honey?"

She couldn't do anything but let out a broken whimper, "Please."

Rooster detached his mouth from her nipple, still rubbing the other between the rough pads of his forefinger and thumb. A cocky smirk on his lips as he gazed down at her, "Please what baby?" He cooed tauntingly. Dakota threw her head back, leaning it against the mirror behind her, the heat in her lower stomach spreading, and burning hot at this point. "Please fuck me."

Her eyes were fluttered closed at this point, her mind dazed over as she heard the rustling of clothes in front of her. But, they shot open the second she felt his tip brush against her soaked folds, dragging it up and down her slit, collecting her wetness before he rubbed it against her clit in tight circles.

He leaned back slightly, his eyes settled onto where their bodies were almost connected. A harsh swallow, making his Adam's apple bob in the process as he tilted his head back, his teeth grazing his swollen bottom lip.

She placed her lips along the scars on his cheek and neck, as a drawn out whine from her as she felt him buck his hips into hers, the feeling of him stretching her as his entire length pushed inside, her walls clenching around him. "Rooster ohmyfuckinggod," she moaned, her chest moving up and down against his.

Once Bradley started moving his hips, feeling her cunt just wrap around him perfectly, she was done for. The coil inside her abdomen tightening with each hard thrust, his tip pressing delicately against her g-spot, the sensation of his cock dragging forcefully along her walls. She winced, her teeth clamping down on his shoulder, her fingernails digging into the back of his neck.

"That's it," he cooed, pulling away from her grasp, making her lean her back against the cool glass of the mirror behind her. He took his hand from gripping the marble countertop beside him, to her neck; his fingertips tightening around her throat, feeling her pulse underneath. "You can take it pretty girl," his voice was inducing her further and further into her state of euphoria.

"Fuck, you look so pretty like this." The pit in her stomach deepened, her muscles tensing, as the tip of his dick repeatedly brushed her g-spot. Her eyes started rolling into the back of her head. "Can't you?" She distantly heard him taunt, her mind being too far gone already to comprehend anything but a lazy nod at his words. She whimpered.

He tightened his fingers on her throat, "I can feel you clenching me baby," her jaw went slack, her ankles hooking around the backs of his thighs, pulling him closer into her. She started to feel the coil inside of her start to unravel, her mind dipping into a pool of euphoria. Dakota tightened her hands into fists on her side, resting them on the marble countertop. "Are you close already?"

She couldn't do anything but let out a high pitched moan, drool dribbling down her chin as she had no control over her own body, her own mind; her thoughts focused on wanting nothing more than just a release.

Bradley placed his free palm over her lower stomach where the small bulge of him appeared every time he bottomed out, applying pressure just slightly as his thumb rested on her clit, starting to rub small circles on her bundle of nerves. Dakota let out a loud gasp, her having gone silent now due to the amount of pleasure she was being washed with.

His fingers tightened their grip over her pulse, restricting her breathing, the tip of his cock dragging along her g-spot with each powerful thrust of his hips, his other hand pressing down on her lower stomach where a bulge appeared, making the pleasure she was feeling more intense, along with the small circles on her clit. She was done for.

"Cum for me honey," he strained, keeping his hips the same pace, "Please. Need to feel you cum around my cock."

And before she knew it, the knot in her stomach snapped, drowning her in a feeling of white hot heat, numbing her nerves in nothing but euphoria. Her vision blank, as he continued dragging his dick inside of her, helping her ride out her orgasm and desperate to reach his own.

Dakota somewhat gained control back over her mind; her eyes watching at the man in front of her dropped his hand from her neck, his finger gripping the edge of the counter as he bucked his hips faster. "Roos," her broken voice spoke. She waited for him to look up at her, her chest swelling as his eyes met her own, "Kiss me."

She wrapped her fingers around the chain of his dog tags, pulling him towards him and crashing her mouth into his. A messy kiss, her tongue dancing with his as their teeth clashed against each others in desperation. She smiled into the kiss when she felt his thrusts slow, a loud groan vibrating into her mouth as he came.

"Fuck," he breathed, disconnecting their mouths as he bottomed out in her, their foreheads leaning against each others as he looked down to where his cock was in her, a small ring of cream pooled around his base. He looked up at her through his eyelashes, his heart jumping in his chest at her fucked out expression. "I love you so much."

Dakota sworn she could've cried right then and there. The emotion she felt for the man in front of her was unimaginable. the pounding of her heart, the comfort. He was her everything. And truth be told, she wasn't sure how she survived this long without him.

"And I love you too. More than anything."


have u guys seen purple hearts? if so what are your thoughts bc i'm so confused on what i think about it

this took awhile... over 4000 words...


this has been such an incredible ride! and don't worry act two will be up soon! just gotta finish a couple things and i'll have it published!

also i am SO sorry this took so long. i always tell myself i'm gonna write when i get home from practice but i just end up being so mf tired😞😞😞

N E WAYS byeeeee act one

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