chapter twelve

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Dakota groaned as she took off her helmet. The tightness of her bun causing a borderline headache to pound in her head. Sweat dripped from her nose as she walked down the taxiway, having just completed the simulation with just herself, no duos. It's not that she minded flying alone, it's just that she felt out of place, almost. With everyone else flying in teams, and Maverick just having her fly solo, she felt somewhat kicked to the side.

But nonetheless, she didn't question the Captain's ways of teaching.

The cool air of the base hit her like a truck. A content sigh falling from her lips as she walked towards the locker room. "You okay babe?" the smooth voice of Phoenix questioned.

Distant sounds of showers running causing a white noise in Dakota's mind. She smiled at the sound of her voice, the cool metal of the lockers coming in contact with her cheek as she leaned against it, "Ugh not really,"

She opened her locker, peeling off the sweat soaked jumpsuit off her skin, "I'm not tryna be one to complain but I just dunno why Mav is having my fly the course alone." Phoenix watched her as she dried her hair with a towel, eyes briefly trailing down her body.

"Mhm well you were one of the only ones that made it to the target. No?" Dakota huffed, grabbing her toiletries and closing her locker, "Yes but still, it's tiring doing it all by yourself. Low key wish I had a backseater but I just know myself too well-" "You'd be an absolute asshole to them." Natasha smirked, also closing her locker as she placed the strap of her bag on her shoulder. Dakota smiled, "Yeah. Exactly. Guess I'll just have to see how it plays out tomorrow."

The shorter female placed a chaste kiss on her rosy cheek, "I'll see you at Penny's later right? She said she's closing early for us to come in. Something along the lines of a 'girls night'." Phoenix walked towards the door to the locker room, watching as Dakota's smile tightened more. "Yeah for sure. Just gotta shower and I'll meet ya there?" She nodded, "See ya babe!"

The curly head blew a raspberry threw her lips as she walked back to the showers, turning on the water as steam poured into the air around her. The squeaking of the knobs echoing through the now empty locker room. She sighed, taking off her sports bra and spandex from her adhesive-like skin due to the sweat, and stepped under the shower head.

The quiet sounds of clothes hitting the floor in front of the curtain somewhat startled her, "Hello?" She cursed herself, who the fuck says hello to an ominous, now naked, figure?

A large hand wrapped around the thin fabric separating them, the heavenly figure of Bradley's naked body bestowed in front of her. The breath stoping flowing in her lungs, the blood leaving her brain, heat spreading in her lower stomach. "Hey, Dakota." God the way he said her name. The way it fell from his sinful lips, the heat spread to her core.

Bradley closed the curtain behind him, droplets of water splashing on his muscular chest as he smirked down at her. He lifted a finger up to the corner of his mouth, "You got a little bit of drool right there princess." A scowl crossed her feature, "God shut up Rooster," She turned her back to him, reaching for the shampoo in her caddy.

Dakota felt his gaze on her back, which inevitably made goosebumps arise on her warm skin. The heat from her core now making her nipples harden. She let out a shaky breath.

"Such a nice ass for such a nasty little girl hm?" His rough hands flattened against the small of her back, traveling to her waist, pulling her into his chest. She opened his mouth at his movements, rolling her eyes, "Now's not the time Bradshaw."  She firmly stated, pulling her body from his as she brought her small hands to his on her waist. She tried to keep her gaze on his face, watching as his eyes trailed down her naked body.

"You sure?" He leaned his head down to her level, nudging her nose with his, their breaths intermingling, the steam from the shower making her head feel fuzzy. He licked his lips, his tongue wetting hers ever so slightly, "Heard you had a bad sequence. Figured I could help." Her breath hitched in her throat.

Dakota placed her hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat quicken under her palm, trying not to listen to the part of her brain that was telling her to fuck him until she couldn't think straight right then and there. "And how would you help me, Brad?"

A smirk on his lips as he brought his head away from hers, watching as she tried to hide the fact that she was rubbing her thighs together. "The same way I did in our Top Gun days," Her gaze was settled on his lips, "With my mouth."

Her hands trembled underneath his that were in his chest, her breath trembling as she exhaled. He leaned in slowly, pulling her body flush with his, feeling her hardened nipples brush against his skin; his cock twitched slightly. "Is that okay with you?" She nodded her head vigorously, not trusting herself to speak.

Dakota lessened the gap between their mouths, connecting their mouths as the warm water beat on her back.

Rooster groaned into her mouth, the feeling of her naked body against his once more being intoxicating. He wrapped his hand around her neck, pushing her back flush with the cold tile. A gasp parted her lips at the contrast between her hot skin and the frigid tile. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into her mouth, running is along hers. She moaned at the feeling.

His rough fingers squeezed ever so slightly on the sides of her neck, cutting off blood flow to her brain, making a small whine to spill from her lips as he assaulted her mouth.

She couldn't think straight. The steam from the shower creating a heavenly effect around the two pilots, the feeling of his calloused hand around her small neck, controlling her breathing. She almost came then and there.

Rooster pulled back from her lips, a line of spit connecting. He looked down at her nakedness, watching as she bucked her hips against the air, her face turning red due to the lack of air to her brain. "Aw what's wrong?" His grip became tighter around her neck, another whine and buck of her hips, "Poor little girl needs to breathe?"

Dakota tried to nod her head against his hand.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as her thighs started shaking; he loosened his grip on her neck as she inhaled sharply, a moan of protest escaping her lips as she looked up at his smug face. A tsk of his tongue, "You're such a brat you know that? Begging for me to cum when you haven't even asked properly?"

Pink tint blossomed on her cheeks at his words, as she continued to hold his gaze. Her teeth tugged are her bottom lip slightly. Rooster inhaled deeply, eyes dropped to her swollen lips.

"C'mon, I know you're needy." His cock was throbbing at the sight of her flustered state, her chest heaving up and down, brushing his as her king filled up with air.

She smiled shyly up at him as his hand left her neck and settled on her hips. A silence was in the air between them, only the sound of the shower running cutting through the sexual tension. His lips kissed the corner of her mouth, trailing down her cheek and finally her jaw, nibbling the skin that was sucked between his swollen lips, A moan escaped her, "Please make me cum sir."

He silently groaned into her skin at her small voice, pushing her further against the cold tile of the shower and placed his thigh between hers. He pulled his head back, watching as she gasped when his knee brushed her sensitive clit. Her hands gripped her forearms, digging her fingernails into his tan skin. 

A tremor of pleasure shocked through her body. He looked down at her, chuckling at her desperate state. The grip on her hipbones tightened.

"Go on," he whispered in a teasing tone, leaning his forehead against hers, teasing her lips with his, brushing his tongue over them, "Get yourself off. I know you want to."

Dakota whimpered slightly at his dominance. Her senses were heightened by his presence.

She bit her lip as she started moving her hips, her clit dragging along the skin of his thigh. The roughness creating an intoxicating feeling. She ground her hips faster and harder, feeling the pit in her stomach deepen as her core grew tired. But she didn't care she wanted– no needed to cum, and she didn't care how would achieve that.

High pitched moaned left her mouth, her throat becoming raw as she kept on moving her clit against his thigh.

He moved his leg, pressing his leg against her core even more, watching as she came undone by riding his thigh. "Look at you," He cooed, as his hands helped move her hips along the length of his thigh, watching at her mouth trembled slightly at the sheer pleasure erupting through her body. The pit deepening in her stomach at the sound of his raspy voice, "You're so desperate to cum that you're using my thigh. How pathetic." His hands moved her hips faster, causing a particularly loud moan the fall from her lips.

His hand left her hip and clamped down over her mouth, feeling her whines and whimpers vibrate underneath his palm, as she continued to grind down in his thigh, moving her hips in circular motions, the bundle of nerves causing white hot heat to blind her senses, her thighs closing around his as they shook intensely.

He smirked down, watching as small tears fell from the corners of her eyes. He removed her hand from her mouth, and moved it to her delicate neck once more, squeezing the sides of it, stopping the blood flow to her head.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as her hands moved to his biceps, curling her fingers around the muscles as her mouth hung open, nothing spilling from her lips. The pure ecstasy she was feeling at that moment was unimaginable. The sparkles covering her vision, drool spilling slightly from her mouth.

"So cock drunk for me aren't you?" He whispered, watching as her eyebrows furrowed.

Her muscles at this point were exhausted. But she wanted nothing more than to cum. She didn't care how she would obtain the pleasure she just knew she needed it.

The steam of the shower, the heat of his body against hers, the contrasting feeling of the cold tile against her back, his rough palm controlling her breathing, the feeling of her clit dragging along the skin of his thigh, it all became too much for her.

He flexed his thigh, watching as her eyes rolled back once more, her face turned red in lack of air, and in a desperate need to cum, "Ah there we go, you like that hm?"

Her body started to shake, "Yeah go ahead and cum for me you little brat." The pit in her stomach seemingly erupted. The white hot heat making her senses focus on nothing but the euphoric feeling that washed over her body.

Rooster smirked as he watched her cum, pulling his body away from her shaking one, as he got down on his knees and connected his mouth with her core. His lips circling around her bundle of nerves, looking up at her as her fingers weaved through his sun kissed hair. "Oh my god Brad!" She whined, her throat raw. He chuckled into her folds, causing her to convulse in after shocks of her orgasm.

He kept sucking on her clit, his tongue entering her every now and then as he watched her come down from her high.

She tried to pull away, only for her back to be met with the hardness of the tile behind her, "No-no more please–" His rough hands threw one of her legs over his shoulder as he kept his mouth on her core. Large hands held her ass, massaging the muscle in between his fingers.

The warm water of the shower beat down on his back, his knees aches from the firm tile underneath but he didn't care. Watching her cum in his mouth was worth any amount of pain in his opinion.

Dakota felt the pit in her stomach deepen quickly, an odd feeling within her core as her legs began to shake in his grasp. She pulled in his hair harshly, causing him to groan in her folds once more, drawing her closer and closer to the edge with each malicious drag of his tongue against her swollen clit. "Bradbradbradbrad–"

She whined loudly as she came for the second time. The heat spreading from her core across her body as it shook violently. A feeling of pure ecstasy flooded her brain as she looked down at him. Her chest heaving as she watching him smile brightly up at her. "That was so fucking hot."

Her stomach fluttered at the sight of his smile, causing her heart to clench painfully.

Bradley Bradshaw will be the death of her.

he sent me a full face pic on snap so i decided i was horny and wrote this in an hour LMAO sorry if it's bad🤭🤭

tbh this is the hottest thing ive ever written so APPRECIATE IT NOW🤬🤬

just kidding🙂

did y'all like that little ... maybe *shocking* FEELINF OF SOMETHING OTHER THAN HORNINESS AT THE END???



ive been thinking about my new rooster fic and i'm hella excited BUT what if i did a miles teller fic... like where the actress who plays dakota and miles fall in LOVE ???? (ofc top gun would be rated r) BUT i hope y'all get the imagine of my world.


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