𝟬𝟬𝟳. clearing up rumors

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β€” ❝ ( chapter seven, clearing up rumors ) α΅•Μˆ ΰ³«Λšβˆ—

THE AIR IN THE CAFETERIA BECAME TENSE AND AWKWARD. As the two boys stared each other down. Moonyoung moved toward the back wall and leaned against it smirking. Soojin threw her a glance telling her to "Fix this mess," only for Moonyoung to return an innocent look as the small girl shrugged her shoulders. Seojun glanced at Moonyoung --- seeing the huge smirk painted on her face before removing Suho's hands off him and punching him straight in the face.

Suho got up and grabbed him by the collar again just as he was about to throw a punch, the dean stepped in. "Hey! What are you doing?!" he yelled as Suho and Seojun continued staring at each other.

"Get away from each other!" he yelled as they ignored him. Moonyoung rolled her eyes and pulled the sleeves up and pulled the boys away before grabbing their ears and dragging them near the dean --- groans and moans escaping their mouths as the small girl dragged the tall boys, who were groaning in pain with her. "Shall we go sir?" she asked politely as he nodded.

The dean led the three to the office where he started lecturing the boys. Moonyoung smirked and watched in amusement as the boys kept throwing glares at her. Their ears were red from the pain. "Han Seojun! You took a leave for your mom's health, no wonder she's still sick," he lectured. Then the vice-principal came in and dismissed Suho and Moonyoung.

The two left the office only to be greeted by Kang Soojin. "Soojin-ah," Moonyoung greeted as she received a few smacks from Soojin "You should've stopped it sooner!" she lectured "It was fun watching them glare at each other like cats and dogs," Moonyoung shrugged.

"Oh, you're hurt," Soojin gasped looking at the blood on Suho's lips. "You should've broken an arm or something," Soojin joked "Then I would've won-" Soojin was about to add before realizing Moonyoung was back.

Soojin and Moonyoung were competitors since freshman year but it didn't strain their relationship so much until her father kept comparing her to the Jang girl. Naturally, the two started to drift.

"Get lost if you're going to talk nonsense," Suho snapped as Moonyoung snorted at the remark. "Or you should've beaten him to a pulp. Teach him a lesson or two so he'd never bother you again!" Soojin suggested, "Why did you even bother to learn Jiu-Jitsu?" Moonyoung laughed as Suho and Soojin glared at her.

"You may be tall, but you're weak on the inside just like in elementary," Moonyoung added "But what happened to you three anyways?" Soojin asked as Suho and Moonyoung stiffened "Was it about Seyeon?" Soojin asked as Moonyoung glared at her "Stop spitting nonsense," she snarled before grabbing Suho to leave.

Soojin quickly grabbed him back "You should at least apply this," she reminded as she slipped the tube into his pocket. Moonyoung glared at her again and dragged him off. Moonyoung then let Suho go as she went into the classroom only to see a crowd around Jukyung.

Those pesky students kept bothering her about her supposed Love Triangle when Moonyoung slammed her fist on one of the desk quieting the classroom. "Get lost if you're going to bother Jukyung," Moonyoung said through her gritted teeth as people started to evacuate.

She then returned back to her seat when the door opened and Suho walked in. Whispered arose as Suho sat next to Moonyoung sending her a grateful look which she nodded at. The door slammed open. it was Han Seojun's little gang. Suho then left with them.

The next day she sat in class and watched as the math teacher asked the class to solve four problems. She barely cared. "How about or SooSu couple? Come out and solve questions one and two," she called as Suho and Soojin went up to the front. "Our Moonyoung and new girl Jukyung can solve 3 and 4," She called as Moonyoung nodded while Jukyung groaned.

The four in front of the board Suho and Moonyoung standing near each other while they solved the problems with ease. She heard Jukyung ask Suho something as he looked like he considered for a moment before finishing his question the same time Moonyoung did.

"Omo! Moonyoung you are just as smart as I remember! Matching up with our Suho!" She gushed as Moonyoung nodded before returning to her seat only to take a nap. She heard faint words "Seems like Seojun knows the answer, will Seojun come up and solve it for Jukyung?"

Her eyes shot open. "It's not going to work on me Han Seojun," the teacher said sternly after Seojun tried to yawn and fall asleep. He groaned and went to the front to solve the answer. The sight was a blessing. Moonyoung had to bite her tongue to hold back a laugh as she marvelled at the sight.

After class, she was walking around when Jukyung, Soojin and Soo-ah approached her "Do you want to join a study?" Soo-ah asked her as she nodded "Sure," she shrugged as Soo-ah grabbed her arm and the four girls walked together around the halls and then outside where they ran into Lee Suho.

"Suho do you want to study?" Soojin asked, "There's space for one more," she added happily "No," he replied bluntly not taking his eyes of his book. "But my mom will only approve if you and Moonyoung go-" Soojin stated "Tell her I'm going," Suho replied shortly, cutting her off.

"You want me to lie to my mom? Just join-" Soojin suggested "No, I'm good," Suho cut her off before leaving. "Aish that jerk is playing hard to get..." Soojin mumbled "Ah! ImJoo~ Here's the blind date guy!" Soo-ah brought up as she showed the three other girls the photo.

"A blind date?" Moonyoung asked, "It's really dangerous!" she added as Soo-ah brushed her off "Blind dates here and in America are a lot different okay?" Soo-ah assured as Jukyung muttered, "I'm not ready for this..."

"But I should go, to show everyone that the boys don't like me!" Jukyung added "I agree," Soo-ah nodded "I'm coming," Moonyoung stated before leaving.


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