𝟬𝟬𝟡. war of hearts.

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β€” ❝ ( chapter nine, war of hearts.Β  Β ) α΅•Μˆ ΰ³«Λšβˆ—

JANG MOONYOUNG AND LIM JUKYUNG WALKED TO SCHOOL LINKING ARMS. When Seojun approached them throwing a key at them. Moonyoung swiftly caught it while Jukyung ducked. "Give that to Jukyung," he said simply "Why?" Moonyoung challenged "She told me to stop," he replied simply -- again. "What?" This time Jukyung asked "To stop riding my motorcycle," he grinned as whispers started rising "Starting from today -- I'm only going to listen to you," he stated bending down to their level before quickly leaving.

"What is this?" Sihyun the cute chubby girl asked, "Did Han Seojun just ask you out?" Hyun Gyu asked "Ya Han Seojun!" Jukyung called as she went to him but was held back by Lee Suho. Jukyung looked at Moonyoung for help but instead received the signature innocent shrug before the Jang girl left Jukyung alone with Suho.

Moonyoung sat in class admiring a confused Jukyung from afarΒ  when Seojun entered the scene."Take this back," Jukyung said snappishly "Why would you give this to me?" she asked as Seojun scoffed. "For me to stop riding my motorbike, you'll have to keep it. Why? Because I'm only listening to you from now on," he said coolly "Ya! Jukyung," Moonyoung called as the class turned to her.

"Tell Han Seojun to ride his bike and die," she said simply as the class burst into laughter as Seojun glared at Moonyoung before slamming some lemon juice on Jukyung's desk. "Found it on the way, enjoy," he stated "I prefer strawberries!" Jukyung remarked as the class started laughing again.Β 

After a few classes, it was break time. She sat next to Suho who was ranting to her about Han Seojun and Lim Jukyung. "Aigoo~ Look at you acting like a lovesick puppy," Moonyoung cooed as Suho glared at her "If you're not going to help I'll leave," Suho snapped "Fine, I'll help," Moonyoung sighed as she leaned in gesturing for Suho to also lean in.

"Okay, so I think that Jukyung would choose you over Seojun any day, but if Han Seojun keeps doing all these stupid gestures, Lim Jukyung's heart is going to start racing, and she might start to like Han Seojun," Moonyoung explained as Suho looked at her questioningly.

"My point is, you should start doing small gestures too!" she hissed "Like get her strawberry juice or something! Just in private. Jubal seems to hate public attention," Moonyoung advised as Suho nodded finally understanding.

Then the two headed to science where Moonyoung told Suho to buy Jukyung Strawberry Juice. She then sat opposite Suho who called Jukyung over to sit with them. Jukyung timidly placed the drink on the table.

"I thought you weren't going to drink it?" Suho asked "It'll be a waste to throw away," Jukyung explained as Moonyoung grabbed the drink and took a sip. "Then I'll have it," she stated as she looked down at her notes.

She lightly kicked Suho, signaling him to give Jukyung the juice which he did. She watched the two proudly as the teacher did roll call. She could see Jukyung slightly bite her lip in joy. During the entire class, she noticed how Jukyung kept glancing at Suho.

During lunch, she sat at the table in the back when she noticed Han Seojun sitting next to Lim Jukyung. With a clap of Seojun's hands, a bunch of Tokanstu came out. Jukyung hung her head low when "Woah Woah Woah Woah!" Seojun said as he smoothly slid an arm around her "Don't eat your hair," he advised as the room filled with whispers.

The Jukyung slammed her car keys on the table and asked "Why would I need this?", "My motorcycle is parked in front of your house," Seojun teased as Jukyung spit all of her food out onto Seojun. Moonyoung started laughing heartily.

"Good job Jubal!" she cheered as she stood up and skipped her way over to Jukyung's table. "Omo! So much Tokanstu~" she cheered as she grabbed out of the trays with Tokanstu and the keys to Seojun's bike.

"I'll use your bike then," she said simply to Seojun "And can I have this?" she asked as Jukyung nodded happily as she skipped her way back to her table and started eating happily. After lunch, she caught up with Suho and the two walked the halls when she and Suho froze simultaneously.

Han Seojun was on top of Lim Jukyung holding her head. "Suho, let's go," she muttered quietly as Suho grabbed her arm, forcing her to stay. Jukyung head bumped Seojun as groans of pain escaped his mouth. "Ya-"

"You shouldn't have stopped me! I fell because of you!" Jukyung snapped "I helped you!" Seojun replied "Well don't," she winced, "Why can't I have a normal and quiet school life?" she mumbled as she bumped her shoulder into Moonyoung "Are you ok?" Suho and Moonyoung asked as she nodded. Seojun wasn't taking rejection so well.

Moonyoung and Jukyung then decided to go on a walk when they stopped by the music room after hearing a gorgeous voice. "Gowon," Moonyoung grinned quietly as the two peeked into the room. "She sings so well," Jukyung sighed "I know right?" Moonyoung agreed when three girls walked into the room and slammed the piano stopping the practice.

"Get out," One of them said as the pianist ran out of the room immediately. And the one that looked like the leader slammed the music sheet stand aside and slapped Gowon making Gowon's glasses fly to the side.

Jukyung held Moonyoung back from going in there as they listened in "Ya, I told you not to sing well right?" The leader said "Don't tell me you actually want to solo?" she asked "Go tell the music teacher that you can't do it," she warned before leaving pushing Gowon to the side "Those mean little bitches," Moonyoung hissed. Gowon picked up the bonnet and ran out of the room.

After school Moonyoung decided to visit Suho, she gave up on getting the reason for ignoring Seyeon but if she ignored him she would be friendless so, she decided to just suck it up a while. he opened the door to see Suho playing his VR game. she sat next to him while he raced on a motorbike.

The real Suho wouldn't dare to touch a bike saying it'll ruin his face but with VR you could do anything. She watched him play until the bright pink words said LOSE she smirked as Suho sighed and took of his headset as he stood up. "What? He's only going to listen to her?" Suho asked "Sounds about right," Moonyoung nodded.

Suho threw his headset down on the table as he sat down next to Moonyoung who laughed at him and went to get each of them a drink. "Drink up," she said tossing him a red ginseng drink while she drank her vitamin C drink.

After chugging his drink he sat on his long chair as Moonyoung flopped onto his bed "Aish smells almost as bad as you," she mumbled as he sent her a look. "If you're so jealous of Seojun text her!" Moonyoung suggested as he nodded grabbing his phone to text her.

After doing nothing, Moonyoung sighed and snatched his phone and dialled Jukyung's number then putting on speaker for him to talk to her. "hello?" said a male voice "Isn't this Lim Jukyung's phone?" Suho asked "Lim Jukyung's in the shower he replied as Moonyoung flopped back onto Suho's bed slowly drifting to sleep at the comfort of his scent.

Moonyoung always liked Suho's scent the most. It was the most calming and nice. Seyeon's was sweet and loving, Seojun's was rough and wild Suho's was cold but calm. Suho was about to call Moonyoung when he heard soft snores coming from the bed.

He glanced over to see Moonyoung sound asleep in his bed. He softly smiled and tucked the hairs out of her face and tucked her in. Covering her in blankets before heading out of the house quietly.

When Suho got back, he noticed that Moonyoung was still asleep. He sighed and decided to sleep on the couch. At some point during the middle of the night, he definitely crawled into bed next to her.

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