𝟬𝟭𝟱. unconventional family.

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β€” ❝ ( chapter fifteen, unconventional family. ) α΅•Μˆ ΰ³«Λšβˆ—

"MOM, THE ONE BESIDE YOU," Jukyung uttered, "Is that Lee Suho?" she asked as her mother chuckled quite scarily. "Goodness, of course, it is," her mother answered, "Why? Did you think he was a statue?" she asked. "Darn it!" Jukyung cursed as she rushed upstairs leaving Moonyoung alone with the family. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself," Moonyoung muttered as Jukyung's mother made her way to the girl.

"Hubby, Juyoung, this is Jang Moonyoung. The daughter of Jang Woojin," Jukyung's mother introduced as Moonyoung bowed politely. "I brought everyone some gifts," Moonyoung stated happily as she handed everyone their bags.

"Omo! You didn't have to~" Jukyung's mother laughed as they quickly opened their gifts. "Thank you, Moonyoungie," Mr Lim beamed as he marveled at the tie. "Omo, how gorgeous!" Mrs Hong cooed as she stared at the gift.

"Noona~ Thank you~" Juyoung cutely said as he went over to give Moonyoung a friendly hug. "Aish this brat," Moonyoung muttered jokingly. She and Suho then went to sit on the couch as Mr Lim and Juyoung scanned Suho, who sat there stiffly.

"So Suho, are you and my Jukyung friends or something more?" Mr Lim said finally addressing the elephant in the room. "We're not that close!" Jukyung butted in as she placed the vegetables on the desk.

"Not even close to being friends," she added, as the two glanced at each other. "Is that so?" Mr Lim chuckled "I wish for nothing more than for it to be kept that way," he stated. "Ya, aren't you busy today?" Jukyung asked Suho. She whipped her head to the door, signaling him to get out.

"I'm not," Suho deadpanned, "Don't be ridiculous," Moonyoung remarked "You have classes today," she reminded, she could tell that Jukyung did not want Suho here so she decided to help out.

"What? Extra classes?" Mrs Hong asked as she came out with scissors. "That's not the case," Suho assured as Mrs Hong sighed a breath of relief. "Right? Our Suho and Moonyoung must be hungry," she cooed.

"Hubby, get the table with Juyoung, let's enjoy tonight like a feast!" Mrs Hong ordered, cheering at the end. "Feast my foot," Jukyung mumbled.

Mr Lim was bout to stand up before Juyoung pushed him down to the seat. "Come on, don't sit there like a pile of hay," he sneered. She and Jukyung went back to the kitchen and helped bring all of the food out.

"Moonyoung-ah, I hear you're top of the class right?" Mrs Hong asked suddenly, "Yes Mrs Hong," Moonyoung replied politely. "My Jukyung is terrible at school," Mrs Hong admitted as Jukyung turned to her mom embarrassingly as she tried to get her mom to stop.

"So do you think you could help her out?" Mrs Hong asked, "Of course!" Moonyoung smiled as Mrs Hong beamed "Omo! Moonyoung is such a kind person~" she complimented "Can we just bring the food out?" Jukyung asked.

Moonyoung, Jukyung and Mrs Hong went out to set the food in the table when Suho broke one of the legs. The entire family froze as did the boy. "This..." he trailed nervously "This is the table I bought when I got married," Mrs Hong muttered.

"I'm sorry," Suho apologized quickly "There's no need to be," Mrs Hong said kindly -- though anyone could tell she was hiding her anger. "I can't get married again, but I can always buy a table," Mrs Hong said quickly before chuckling scarily.

The family ended up making a makeshift leg, the food looked absolutely gourmet. The vegetables looked fresh and green while the meat was fatty and soft. Mrs Hong made ssam's ( vegetable wraps ) for both Suho and Moonyoung -- hand feeding it to both of them.

"If we had not lost the house, I would've treated you two to beef, not pork," Mrs Hong stated, "Honey, porks known to be better for you," Mr Lim said before receiving a glare. Juyoung suddenly looked at both Moonyoung's and Suho's jackets.

"I knew it! Young and Rich~" he stated as he grabbed Suho's coat. "Put it down," Jukyung seethed, "PuT iT dOwN," Juyoung mocked. "Jukyung's not only clumsy but she gets clumsy grades too," Mrs Hong sighed "Mom, there's no need to tell him that!" Jukyung exclaimed.

"I heard that you and Moonyoung are top of the class?" Mrs Hong pushed the topic further, "Can you look after Jukyung and study with her? Moonyoung's already agreed but I feel more comforted with two of you watching over her," Mrs Hong stated

"Sure," Suho stated simply, "Always you three together," Mr Lim said quickly "Never just Jukyung with Suho. Moonyoung and Jukyung alone together is fine," Mr Lim added quickly, "Ya, this isn't a knock-off right? Can I try it on?" Juyoung asked, "I just want to see how it fits," he explained.

"You rascal," Jukyung hissed, kicking him under the table, "Do you want to have it?" Suho asked, "Hyung~ I couldn't possibly more grateful!" Juyoung beamed, "Ya! Give that back!" Jukyung hissed again. Kicking him under the table again. "Stop poking me with that dirty foot!" Juyoung yelled grabbing Jukyung's foot.

"Let go!" Jukyung yelled as the two fought back and forth. "You imbeciles!" Mrs Hong yelled as the room froze. She then realized that Suho and Moonyoung were joining them tonight. "Suho and Moonyoung are joining us tonight, so let's eat graciously," Mrs Hong said calmly.

"But she keeps poking me with her foot!" Juyoung complained as the two went back to fighting. Suddenly, Juyoung tugged a bit too hard at the wrong foot resulting in Moonyoung's head falling to Suho's lap.

The tension rose as Moonyoung and Suho stared at each other with wide eyes. "Everyone, let's eat," Mrs Hong said finally as Jukyung helped Moonyoung up. "Hyung, Noona, Do you guys have siblings?" Juyoung asked as Moonyoung and Suho shook their heads.

"Can you consider me as yours? I don't want to be hers, you see," Juyoung explained as he glanced at Jukyung as she glared at him. "Id I could choose, rather Suho than my son. I'd give you my daughter in trades for Moonyoung," Mrs Hong joked.

"They're barely adults honey," Mr Lim said "I'm only joking, no need to get serious. Anyway, it seems like our fates are intertwined," Mrs Hong "Sorry?" Moonyoung and Suho asked simultaneously.

"My eldest works at move! Your father's agency and she use to do internships for M.Y.K!" Mrs Hong explained, "Right," they mumbled, again simultaneously. "Let's quickly eat up and wrap up for dinner!" Jukyung said hurriedly.

"She made a career move from a major company last year, Her being meticulous and sharp will definitely help your father run his business!" Mrs Hong assured when suddenly the door slid open and Jukyung's sister came in, drunk and tired.

She started dancing and talking gibberish. "She normally doesn't drink like this!" Mrs Hong assured. Suddenly, Jukyung's sister tripped over the power cord and the power went out. Suho and Moonyoung quickly stood up, trying to help the family relocate the fuse box.

When Moonyoung was about to fall Suho grabbed her before being pushed by Jukyung's drunk sister. The two-faced each other as Moonyoung lied on top of him. The dark hiding their pink cheeks.

Suddenly, Suho and Moonyoung felt more weight when the Lim family started toppling on top of them. Jukyung finally found her phone and opened the flashlight to see her family on top of Moonyoung and Suho who was facing each other with bright red faces.

She then shone the light to the corner to see Heekyung happily eating meat. When everything was finally stable. Suho and Moonyoung left. "Why did you follow her home? You should've said you were busy," she said to Suho.

"I couldn't," Suho replied quickly. "You're good at that," Jukyung frowned, "You're good at drawing a line and keeping a distance," she explained "Sorry you had to put up with that," she said coldly before turning to Moonyoung.

"Sorry Moonyoungie~" she frowned, "Next time I'll treat you," she assured, "No need!" Moonyoung laughed as Jukyung went back into the house.

"I like that family,"

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