๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฑ. forget him.

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โ€” โ ( chapter twenty-five, forget him. ) แต•ฬˆ เณซหšโˆ—

MOONYOUNG HAD IGNORED SUHO FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS. She was rather upset with the tone and attitude she received from him and if there was one thing we knew about Jang Moonyoung when she was angry, it wasn't cute. Suho continuously asked what was wrong like a total idiot. She and Seojun had become friends again despite Suho's protests. "Where's Seojun?" Moonyoung asked loudly as the class's head whipped over in her direction.

Suho eyed the girl next to him who looked frustrated and annoyed. "What are you looking at?" she asked harshly as Suho looked away. "Moonyoung!" someone called, she turned over to see Chorong.

"Oh, Chorong! Where's Seojunie?" She asked as the class started whispering. "They're friends again?" Soo-ah whispered to Jukyung who shrugged. "He won't leave my class!" Chorong whined as he led Moonyoung over to Chorong's classroom.

"Han Seojun!" she yelled as he quickly lifted his head up to see the petite girl who was marching towards him. "What?" he asked as she grabbed his ear and dragged him out of class. "I don't want to go to class!" he whined, "Who said we were going to class?" she asked as he perked up.

"Let's skip," she sighed as he beamed and dragged her to the cafe near the school. She sat with her soda as he drank his. "How could you drink that sewage water?" she asked as she sipped her peach soda.

"Yah! Don't talk to my lemon like that!" he defended as he sipped his lemon soda whispering things to it. When they returned they were going to the corner where all the garbage was. They were greeted by Suho and Jukyung standing there.

Moonyoung could barely make out what they were saying until she heard "But I am your boyfriend," come out of Suho's mouth. She eyed Seojun who looked just as jealous. She scrunched her peach soda can which she finished and threw it at the trash loudly before she and Seojun left.

"You know I will be counseling you guys for your college admissions starting from next week, right?" Mr. Han asked during class as Moonyoung stared at her paper. Dream Job. what was her dream job?

It was finally the weekends and she went to a restaurant one hour away from where she loved just to eat the couples set. Her father knew the owner and so she loved eating there on the weekends. Shee walked through the entrance and a waitress came up to her. "Hello, do you have a reservation?" The lady asked as Moonyoung nodded, "It's under Jang Woojin," Moonyoung smiled as the waitress's eyes widened as she spoke into her little machine.

"VIP," was all she said before guiding Moonyoung to her usual seat in the restaurant. She sat in the corner before she scanned around to see Lee Suho feeding Lim Jukyung. She rolled her eyes as her couple set came out and she started eating when Hyun Gyu and her other classmates entered the restaurant.

"Lim Jukyung?" Hyun Gyu asked as he and his friends approached Jukyung, making Suho duck under the table. Moonyoung smirked as she watched the scene unfold.

"Hyun Gyu, what brings you to this neighborhood?" Jukyung asked, "This place is pretty popular," Hyun Gyu remarked, "We go to places like this," one of his friends added as their friend group nodded in agreement.

"What about you, who did you come with?" Hyun Gyu asked, "I- I came alone," Jukyung stuttered, "Who ordered a couple set when you came alone?" Hyun Gyu asked, Moonyoung felt as if that was a jab at her as she had just finished a couple set on her own.

"Yah Ahn Hyun Gyu! What's wrong with getting the couple set but going alone?" she asked angrily as Hyun Gyu and his friends whipped their heads in her direction. "Moonyoung?" Hyun Gyu asked before he was about to lift the table cloth

Jukyung stopped him, "Aigoo, you must be Jukyung's boyfriend, You must be really shy," Hyun Gyu laughed as he hit Suho's bottom. Moonyoung snorted, "He's not my boyfriend," Jukyung replied snappishly.

"Shall I see who it is then?" Moonyoung asked as Jukyung shook her head. "Nice to meet you Jukyung's boyfriend," Moonyoung smirked, "Next time I hope we get to say hello to each other face to face," Hyun Gyu added.

"Lee Suho," Moonyoung whispered to the table cloth quietly before she and Hyungyu's group left them alone.

She walked to Selena's event. She and Selena had been close friends because Selena first got her kick start for Moonyoung's mother. She was suddenly shocked by the loud screams of Jukyung. She turned around to see Jukyung happily running to Selena's event.

She smiled before following the excited girl to the event. She watched from afar when she was suddenly dragged away. She flinched from shock, thinking she was getting kidnapped. "Yah-" she was about to scream before the person covered her mouth.

She glanced over to the side to see Lee Suho, she rolled her eyes before biting his hand. He quickly moved his hand away, groaning in pain. "Don't touch me!" she snapped checking her lipstick.

"Jang Moonyoung, did I do something wrong?" Suho asked sincerely, his eyes glittering. "Why are you ignoring and avoiding me?" he asked again before she rolled her eyes again. "Whatever," was all she said before marching away, leaving a stunned and confused Suho behind.

She groaned and walked into the bathroom to see Selena applying lip tint onto Jukyung's lips. "Don't tell people you learned makeup from me if you're going to do it half-heartedly," she remarked, "Thank you! I'll work hard!" Jukyung called as Selena was about to leave.

She smiled and turned around. "You were a lot better than me when I first started, so don't get discouraged and keep going," she advised before going out and joining Moonyoung. "Unnie," Moonyoung smiled, linking arms with Selena, "Moonyoung, what's up?" Selena asked eyeing the girl.

"Nothing, Nothing," Moonyoung brushed off, "Shall we go to the spa?" Moonyoung asked, "I don't know..." Selena trailed as Moonyoung gave her pleading eyes and a pout. It obviously worked magic. "Fine, let's go!" Selena sighed before she and Moonyoung burst into a fit of laughter as they made their way to the spa they normally went to.

That night, Moonyoung forgot about Lee Suho completely.

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