๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ. frenemies?

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โ€” โ ( chapter forty-one, frenemies? ) แต•ฬˆ เณซหšโˆ—

MOONYOUNG'S FIRST WEEK AT PRIVATE SCHOOL WAS, EVENTFUL, to say the least. She was taken by storm in a mountain of schoolwork. Homework? No problem! Moonyoung has never had a problem in school, she has always been a gifted child. But, her biggest event was this "so-called" gossip blog/website? What in the gossip girl was that?

Why in the fuck was there a gossip website that literally blackmailed and exposed students? Thank god she had not been one of the victims of that stupid gossip website. Even if she was, she would've had her Appa find out who had been running that website and sue the fuck out of whoever it was.

Moonyoung ate the fancy pesto pasta they were serving in the dining hall, sitting next to Youngjae who was also enjoying the pasta very much. They sat in awkward silence, Daphne and Diego were off somewhere making out, or fucking. Either way, Moonyoung didn't want to know.

She had Youngjae Yun had perhaps, the weirdest relationship dynamic ever. In class, they were fierce competitors, seeing who would get the higher score on a project or test. Outside of class, they were... friends. They would talk to each other in Korean, Youngjae would update her on all the latest gossip lingering around school, and they would talk shit about their common enemies in Korean.

Moonyoung's verdict of this annoying, handsome, tall, smug, asshole; he's fine if he keeps his mouth shut.

Youngjae's verdict of this 5 feet ( with an extra inch of sass ) firecracker was; she's nice. just don't fuck with her.

"So," Youngjae began, putting his spoon down, "Are you coming?" he asked as Moonyoung furrowed her brows and sniffled.

"Coming to what?" Moonyoung asked

"Did no one tell you?" Youngjae frowned, "The seniors host the most parties because it's our last year here. I hear Amelia Johnson is hosting some party. It's going to be at the senior dorm,"

"Damit, I was hoping to get some sleep tonight," Moonyoung quipped, scrunching her nose distastefully.

Youngjae snorted, "You look a lot like a bunny when you do that," he commented

"Do what?"

"When you sniffle or scrunch your nose, you look like a bunny,"

"Keep talking and I'll chew you to bits carrot-ass," Moonyoung scowled

That night, the senior dorm house had been turned into a classic high school frat party. Red plastic cups were aligned on the kitchen counter, the kitchen was full of snacks and alcoholic drinks. Moonyoung, dressed in a simple black crop top and wide-leg jeans, smiled into her drink as everyone around her danced and simply, had fun.

Apparently, one of the guys here was the heir to an alcohol company, which was how the seniors had so many freaking drinks there. Daphne grabbed the shots from the drinks table and handed them to her, Youngjae, and Diego. The four of them clinked their glasses and chugged down the drink, wincing and spluttering as they finished.

"Geez, what the fuck was that D?" Diego coughed, "I have no idea," Daphne replied in her perfect accented English, "Could've been bleach for all I know,"

"I'm not bothered," Youngjae sighed mournfully, "Better than having no idea of what to do with your life,"

"You'll figure something out," Diego cheered, patting Youngjae on the shoulder.

"Well, being the only male heir with a bunch of jealous and petty Korean Women and their husbands while fighting over a near one billion dollar inheritance is just what I want to do with my life," Youngjae replied, drowning another shot.

Moonyoung snorted, "Well, that's one way to put it," she laughed. "Well, what about you?" Youngjae challenged, "Was it not obvious?" Moonyoung replied, "Work for my dad until he kicks the buckets and then take over and make a couple million every hour,"

Daphne and Deigo laughed as Youngjae frowned while shaking his head.

An hour into the party, everyone was now for sure wasted, laughing, dancing, and drinking the drink lined the table. The house was fully crowded, with barely enough space for anyone to move, but everyone was too busy finding someone to fuck before one of the professors came and shut down the party. Youngjae had retired into the top of the stairwell, where he made sure no one was going into his dorm room. Party music blared in the background and flashing lights danced around the room.

A very drunken Moonyoung hopped onto the table and began to dance wildly beside Daphne. She really was letting loose, her jet-black hair flying around her, she looked so free and happy. People formed around them, clapping and cheering them on as the two girls swung their hips to the beat of the song and sang the lyrics loudly. Youngjae laughed and finally decided to rejoin the party downstairs.

Moonyoung had accidentally made a wrong turn and gracefully toppled over as Youngjae had just made it in time to catch her. "You okay?" he asked worriedly. "I'm fine," Moonyoung murmured, "I'm--" she tried to push him away, but she staggered and Youngjae caught her again.

"You are not okay," Youngjae declared, "But I want to dance," Moonyoung whined, stomping her feet like a child, "This is my favorite song!" she added, scowling and scrunching her nose up. "And what if you have a concussion?" Youngjae asked, Moonyoung shrugged, "Dance with a concussion,"

"No," he said sternly, "You need to lie down and sleep!"

"Who needs sleep when I can just dance and drink?"

"Alright, that's it, nope!" Youngjae declared as Moonyoung protested, Youngjae began to drag her up the stairs and down the hallway into dorm room 505. "I'm perfectly fine-" she suppressed a gag. Youngjae raised an eyebrow as if to challenge her, "Are you, Moonyoung? Are you? You're practically green!"

He was right, Moonyoung had turned a seasick green and looked like she was on the verge of projectile vomiting all over the dorm house. Finally, getting them to the room, Moonyoung stumbled into the bathroom and heaved over the toilet. Youngjae sighed and sat down next to her, rubbing circles in her back.

They didn't share another word. After Moonyoung was finished, Youngjae led her to the sink where he brushed her teeth and grabbed a washcloth, running it under warm water and using it to wipe her face. Moonyoung hummed as he wiped her face, swaying on the spot for a few minutes.

"Tired," she murmured as Youngjae led her out of the bathroom, helped her up the ladder, and bit back a laugh when she flopped face-first into her silk pillow.

Moonyoung woke up bright and early. sitting up and looking around, she realized she was back in her dorm. She appreciated the thought that it was Saturday. Moonyoung could not fathom taking a lesson with the sensation of her brain pounding against the edge of her fucking skull. Judging by the sleepy silence, no one would be awake until midday.

She could barely register what had happened yesterday, but she knew she was fully dressed. All she could remember was dancing next to Daphne on a table before falling into someone's arms. Maybe Daphne had plopped her into bed before rejoining the party.

Scowling at her jeans, digging into her stomach, Moonyoung hopped out of her bunk bed, pulled open the windows, grabbed some clothing, and got dressed.

Going downstairs into the kitchen area, she surprisingly found Daphne who was drinking a cup of tea. "Oh, hi!" Daphne smiled breathlessly, "My head feels horrible-- like it's about to explode. I can't possibly fathom how you feel,"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not remember?" Daphne frowned, as Moonyoung shook her head vigorously. "You and Youngjae had a bit of a go at each other, you jumped on a table and danced with me, then you tripped and fell into Youngjae's arm like a lovely little damsel in distress,"

"Shit," Moonyoung winced as Daphne snickered, "That's so embarrassing,"

SPOTTED: our golden boy rubbing his shoulder with the one and only jang moonyoung ( heiress to the Jang Organization and owner to a hefty and heavy trust fund ) is this the match made in heaven YJ was waiting for since freshman year? but be careful, YJ, you never know what skeletons are in one's closet.

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