1.11 | Drive-In

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📽The Last Picture Show📽

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Isabella pulled up to the Drive-In, she parked her car by the screening room before getting out and pulling Jughead's jacket on. She grabbed the small bag of snacks from her car before shutting the door and locking it, her attention was taken by the noise coming from the Serpents. She sighed before making her way by them, smiling kindly at the familiar faces and receiving subtle nods back from a few before she made her way around the building.

Isabella approached the door and let out a slow breath before knocking three times, she waited a moment as footsteps headed toward the door before it opened. "Hey Jug," Isabella greeted with a sweet smile, the boy swooned at the sight of it before moving aside to let her in. "I noticed that you ended up picking Rebel Without a Cause," Isabella said as she walked into the small building, she let her eyes wander around the room as Jughead closed the door.

There was a cot pushed up against the wall that had clearly been slept in, clothes were scattered in a few places, and posters were covering some of the walls. "You live here, don't you?" Isabella asked Jughead before turning to look at him. "Yeah..." Jughead replied as he looked down in shame. "It's sweet... humble... but is it safe?" Isabella asked as she walked toward the boy, he lifted his head and nodded at her question.

"What will you do now?" Isabella asked him with concern lacing her tone. Jughead sighed, he didn't want to worry the brunette with his problems but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't gonna let it go. "I'm not one hundred per cent sure yet but I'll work something out," Jughead assured her before moving toward the chairs he had set up by the projector, he smiled at the girl before motioning for her to follow him. Isabella held concerns, she worried about Jughead more than she'd admit out loud.

Isabella put her bag down and pulled out the snacks she had bought with her, she sat down next to Jughead as the movie started. The two split the snacks and sat in silence watching the movie though their minds ran wild, Isabella was thinking about how she could help Jughead; maybe she could offer the family garage or talk to Uncle Fred about making room for the boy. Meanwhile, Jughead's focus was on the brunette girl sitting next to him, he couldn't believe that the girl he's had a crush on for years was his best friend; and was right next to him.

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Jughead smiled as he looked toward his shoulder to see Isabella fast asleep, light snores echoed softly though he took notice of the slight drool. He debated whether he should wake her up or let her sleep, he had noticed the bags under her eyes and it was clear that her mother's worsening condition had added to the stress that the brunette was already feeling. Jughead carefully moved her head before lifting the girl into his arms with minor struggle due to the chair, he walked toward his bed and laid her down on it; brushing her hair out of her face before pulling the blankets over her.

The movie still had around half an hour left and he wasn't feeling tired, he sat on the edge of the cot as Isabella stirred slightly before relaxing into the makeshift bed. Jughead knew watching Isabella sleep may have been a little creepy but ultimately, he couldn't pull his gaze away from her; she looked beyond peaceful and relaxed, and for a moment, all was right in both of their worlds. Jughead moved back to the chairs and began to clean everything up, he put Isabella's things into her bag and set it aside before cleaning up the rubbish; he sat down and watched the rest of the movie and its credits as the sun came up and the film cut off.

Isabella blinked her eyes open before yawning, she heard movements by the bed and remembered she had fallen asleep on Jughead's shoulder. She sat up and looked around the tidy room before spotting Jughead removing posters and rolling them up, placing them into a backpack with a sad expression. Isabella moved to lean back against the wall watching Jughead without interrupting his goodbye to the home he had, she ached at the thought of him having nowhere to go but most of all, she wanted to know why he wasn't living at home with his father if her parents were so adamant about FP Jones being a "good friend".

"Need any help?" Isabella spoke up startling Jughead, he turned to her with a raised brow as she held back a laugh. "Nah, I'm good," Jughead replied before he walked toward her and sat down next to her, resting his head on her shoulder as he looked around the room. "I know you said that you'll figure something out but until you do, there's always room at my place," Isabella whispered to Jughead, he smiled softly at her offer. The two best friends just sat in a comfortable silence as Jughead mourned his home and Isabella showed her best friend support and comfort.

Eventually, they grabbed their bags and headed out of the small projector room spotting a few Serpents by the gates as Isabella placed her bag into her car and Jughead spray painted the small building. She turned to see a familiar man approaching Jughead, she tilted her head before walking toward the two. "They'll tear that booth down, too. Raze the whole place. Send it to the junkyard. And us with it," The older man spoke as Isabella stopped a few steps back, she didn't want to interrupt and wanted to be a distance away so if the conversation became personal, she could step away.

"Yeah... Maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic, and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were," Jughead replied to him bringing a soft smile to Isabella's face, she admired the hope that Jughead carried. "So where are you gonna live now?" The man asked Jughead as Isabella finally put the pieces together within her head. "I'll figure it out, dad. I always do," Jughead told his father before turning and looking at Isabella, she smiled at him before looking at FP. "I've got his back, no matter what," Isabella assured the older Jones, FP smiled as he watched Jughead and Isabella walk to her car and drove away.

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tw: panic attack

Isabella pulled into the driveway after the two ate at Pops, she led Jughead into the house before noticing how quiet it was. "Dad?" Isabella called out before noticing the note on the table, her heart was pounding as she read it before her breathing picked up alerting Jughead. "Hey, hey, hey... what's wrong?" Jughead asked panicked as Isabella stumbled back into the counter, her eyes closed as she pulled at her long hair. Jughead quickly looked at the note before frowning, his own heart breaking as he read it to himself before realising it was the trigger of a panic attack.

"Dear Belle, I've had to call an ambulance after your mother almost drowned in the tub. We'll be home soon. Try not to worry, she's a fighter. Love, dad."

Isabella could hear her blood pounding in her ears, her heart thudded within her chest as she heaved her breaths trying to calm herself. Her vision was in and out of focus as Jughead refrained from touching her or getting too close in case it worsens her attack. She slowly slid down against the counter ignoring the pain it caused in her back as her lungs burned, her chest constricted and her head spun like she had been twirling endlessly. Jughead kept himself calm despite the panic rising within his own chest, seeing Isabella like this was a nightmare and he hated seeing the panic and pain upon her face.

"Isabella!" Jughead called bringing her attention to him, her unfocused eyes locked with his and he could see she needed him. Jughead slowly reached over and lightly placed his hand on her arm, she flinched slightly but leaned into him hoping it reassured him that she needed to be held. With her consent, he moved forward and pulled her into his arms ensuring her ear was against his chest. Isabella overworked herself to focus her hearing on Jughead's steady heartbeat as he continued to whisper reassuring words into her ear; running his fingers through her hair as her breathing wheezed but slowed.

The two just sat against the counter, Jughead holding Isabella against his chest as she took in deep breaths with the hope to pace her heart with his as best as she could. Isabella could feel the aftermath of exhaustion from the panic hit her as her eyes closed, her breathing steady and her body relaxed from his tense posture within Jughead's hold allowing him to finally let out a breath of relief. Jughead helped Isabella up the stairs and into her room, she didn't hesitate to kick off her shoes and climb into her bed under the blankets.

Jughead made sure the house was locked up before heading up the stairs and placing his bag on the couch within Isabella's room. "JJ..." Isabella breathed out, he walked closer to her and sat on the bed beside her. "Yeah?" Jughead whispered back. "Can you... lay with me?" Isabella asked with watery eyes. "Sure," Jughead whispered before removing his shoes, jacket and beanie. He climbed into the bed and reached for the lamp, switching it off before laying on his back with his hands behind his head. Isabella took a deep breath before moving to lay her head on his chest with the need to hear his heartbeat.

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Rosemary Speaks

Hey, I know it's been a while but hey, peep the new gif banner that I made; what do ya think?

Anyways, my usual pattern with this book is to have three chapters for each episode however, this episode has only two; so I'm just gonna jump into the next episode for the next chapter.

Much love, and sorry for the hold on this story. I've got so many books that it can be a little difficult to focus on one book along with working at my new job. But I will try to get more updates out!

See you in the next chapter!

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