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'Wolf Moon'


Luna awoke to her alarm going off making her groan and sit up stretching her limbs.She hadn't heard from Scott at all checking her phone only seeing texts from Lydia about an outfit,Stiles about picking her up,One from Derek who she was surprised to her from saying her was back in town.She turned off all the alarms for that day since she had 3 in case she had trouble waking up.

Luna got up going downstairs before doing anything to see Celesteย  her god mother drinking coffee. She looked up from the book she was reading smiling before handing her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you.Derek's back in town."She said making Celesteย  choke on her coffee,she was friends with all the hale family knowing Talia Derek's mother.

"You okay,Celes?"She said looking at her as she nodded putting her cup down.

"Yea,um do you need me to drive you to school before i head to work."She said looking down at her phone seeing the time.

"No stiles is gonna come get me."She nodded.

"Well i'm gonna make breakfast,you go get ready or your gonna be late."

Luna walked upstairs still drinking coffee before sitting it down and heading into her closet grabbing the dress Lydia had picked out for her during the summer when they went shopping.She throw off her clothes grabbing a new bra and underwear and pulling the dress on.She walked into the bathroom across the hall grabbing her brushing her teeth before doing her hair which had braids in it.

Luna walked down stairs after grabbing her shoes and all her school stuff.She had Scott's hoodie in her hands that she was probably gonna stuff in her bag.She quickly ate the pancakes Celesteย  made.

"No getting into trouble,Moon ok."Luna smiled at the nickname shes call her since she was a kid.

"I promise."She washes off her dishes before putting them into the dish washer and grabbing her boots that made her and inch or two taller since she was 5'3.Hearing a knock on the door she finished tying her shoes and grabbing her stuff.

"Bye,Celes!"She yells as Celesteย  was upstairs before grabbing her keys to the house.She opens to door seeing Stiles.

"Come on."He grabs the girls arm dragging her.

"Ow stiles."She looked down at her arm as he let go smiling at her.She got in throwing her bag in the back.

"Ok game plan."Stiles started the car as she looked at him confused.

"Game plan for what exactly?"

"Getting you and Scotty boy together."She groaned throwing her head against the seat.

"He doesn't like me stiles and most likely will find some girl to date this year."Stiles looked at her as she looked down fiddling with her dress but didn't say anything knowing she was right.


"Are you sure it was a wolf?"Luna questioned looking at her two friends apparently last night Scott got bitten by a wolf and Luna was scared it wasn't just a regular wolf but an were-wolf.She stared down at her phone seeing a text from Derek.

"OKAY LET'S SEE THIS THING?"Stiles shouted,i looked up at Scott as he lifted the side of his shirt,revealing a large bandage on his side.Stiles looked at Luna seeing her check Scott out before shaking his head and making a disgusting noise,he dropped his shirt back down,nodding.

"It was too dark out.I couldn't see much.I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."Luna fiddled with her necklace that belonged to Talia Hale before she gifted to the young witch.

Stiles stared at him before chuckling as if he had told a joke to the two."A wolf bit you?n
Nope,not a chance."

"What do you mean i didn't?How do you know what i heard?"He said back looking between the two, realizing that Luna was nervous about something because she was fiddling with the Necklace.

"Because California doesn't have wolves,not in 60 years,scott."Luna said playing along knowing damn well about all the big bad werewolf's.

Scott looked at her confused furrowing his eyebrows."Really?"

"Yes really,there are no wolves in California."She said glancing at her phone to open Derek's message.

'Laura's dead i found her body this morning.Cut in half.'

Her eyes widen at the text realizingย  the girl they were looking for was Laura Hale.She was dead because of hunters most likely and that meant somebody else was the alpha who bit Scott.

"Oh,god this is freakin' awesome.i mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened in this town since-the birth of Lydia Martin."Stiles spoke as Lydia motioned for her to follow her.

"Bye."She said walking away not wanting to be apart of this.

"Hey Loony."Lydia said grabbing her hand,spinning her around to great a view of the dress.

"Hey lyds."

"You know this would be a great out-fit if you weren't wearing that old necklace you wear all the time."Luna gasped dramatically looking down at the necklace and back up at Lydia who laughed.Pulling her along with her.

"But seriously why do you wear this thing,its like a thousand years old."Lydia grabbed it turning it around looking at the letter engravedย  into the back.'T.Hale'

"Hale?You knew the hale family?"Lydia questions sticking her books in her locker.

"Y-Yea family friends."She nods as the bell rings.


Luna sat down behind stiles doodling in her notebook as the seat next to her that was behind Scott was empty.Not paying attention to the teacher tuning them out before they said something about the dead body from last night still making her uneasy knowing it was most likely Laura.

"I am here to tell you that the police have a suspecting custody which mean you can give you undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlined for the semester."The teacher then pulled out for everybody to see.Everybody groaned.

"Whatcha doin' back there?"Scott ask making stiles turn around looking at her.

"Rethinking my existence."The young witch said causing the two boys to chuckle as she put her head inย  her hands.Stiles quickly pried them of her face giving her a look,she rolled her eyes and looked down to read the syllabus before the door opened revealing the assistant principal and a give with brown hair.She was pretty no doubt she looked over seeing Scott staring at her as the girl fidgeted with her fingers nervously.

"Class this is our new student.Allison Argent."He gestured to her,as he said her last name the witch freezes up scared Derek probably knew the Argent's were in town but she didn't know meaning she would have to tell him and they most likely killed her.But the girl looked to young knowing she wasn't a hunter at least not yet."Please do your best to make her feel welcome."The assistant principal left leaving Allison to walk to the empty set next to her.Scott turned around handing her a pencil making Luna confused on how he knew.


"You guys have Lacrosse practice today,right?"Luna asked looking between the two boys.

"Yup."Stiles answered looking at Scott who was staring at the new girl with fondness."Another day of pure failure for me."

"Oh come on.You're not that bad."Luna said laughing.

"See!You're laughing.I'm an embarrassment. A total embarrassment,isn't that right Scott?"He cocked his brow,looking at Scott who was still looking at Allison.

"Scott's got an interest.My boy."Stiles says smirking before giving Luna a sympathy look.

She happened to be standing beside Lydia and Jackson who Luna hated with a passion thinking she could do much better then him.Jackson was an asshole no doubt he didn't like Luna thinking she was weird but didn't say anything knowing Lydia would yell at him or give him the silent treatment.

"Can someone please explain to how the pretty new girl is here for five minute and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"Some girl asked from behind them.

"Because beautiful people herd together."

ย ูญโ˜†โ˜…โ˜†ูญ

Luna sat on the bleachers alone texting Derek,as she watches Scott and Stiles play mainly Scott since Stiles usually sits on the bench the entire game.Classic she saw Scott was playing real better then usually making her scared about him turning know how bad it was since she use to help Cora when she came to Beacon Hills,taking away her pain or making her a sleeping potion.

"Hey!"She heard from behind her turning around to see Lydia and Allison the new girl who's family would kill her in a second if they saw her along with Derek.

"Hey Lyds."She greets as the two girls sit behind her.

"I'm Luna,nice to meet you Allison."

"Nice to meet you too."She greets as she turns her attention to see Scott in the goal.'What the hell' the girl thinks knowing Scott's never played in the goal before.

"Who's that?"Allison asked taking an interest to Scott making the girl frown knowing she had a chance with him more then she did.

"Him?I'm not sure who he is...Why?"Lydia said making Luna shake her head.Luna grabbed the book next to her that was on Dragon's she randomly picked it up from the library just to grab something.

"He's in my English class."

"His names Scott McCall,i'm friends with him."She said not turning around as Lydia looked at the girl then at the book.

ย ูญโ˜†โ˜…โ˜†ูญ

A/N;This is the second chapter to Little witch,thanks for reading.Their will be flashbacks to what happened soon,also more about her family and her powers.I'm also gonna do a face claim for Celeste i already have one but she'll be more of a major character in Season Two so i'll end up putting her face claim in the second act.Also here's Luna Locket.

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