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'Second chance at first line'


"Did you apologize to Allison?"Stiles questioned Scott who was leaned up against the locker in a daze as Luna walked in looking between the two.

"Yeah," Scott says staring off at the other lockers making Luna confused.

"Is she giving you a second chance or...?"Stiles questioned trailing off looking at Luna asking if she knew anything she shook her head immediately.


"Yeah?All right!"Stiles says happily, Luna groans leaning her head against the locker."So, everything's good!"Stiles says turning away to go to his locker.

"No," Scott says making both of them turn to look at him confused.

"No?"Both teens questioned making them glare at each other for saying it at the same time.

"Remember the hunters? Her dad's one of them."Scott said Luna's eyes widen realizing what Derek had done on Friday since she didn't question.

"Her dad-" Stiles trails off looking at Luna with wide eyes.

"-Shot me."

"Allison's father-"

"-with a crossbow."Scott nodded as Luna groaned sitting down on one of the benches.

"Allison's father..."Stiles repeated making sure he heard that right as Luna looked at Scott's naked torso but quickly looked away knowing this was the wrong time to do this.

"Yes! her father!"Scott shouted angrily.

"Oh my god, Oh my god," Scott said panicking making Luna get up.

"No, Scott, come on snap back."Stiles said rushing over to the boy patting his face."You okay?"Stiles says patting his face.

"Hey, all right he didn't recognize you, right?"Stiles asked what Luna wanted to ask but she stayed quiet knowing she might let something slip.

"No, No, No, i don't think so...I-I.."Scott says still freaking out as Luna puts a hand on his shoulder making him relax a tiny bit.

"Does she know about him?"Stiles questioned

"Oh yeah, i don't know. What if she does?"Scott questioned."This is gonna kill me, man. I can't..."Scott said as the whistle blow.

"Okay, just focus on lacrosse, okay? Here Scott take this and focus on lacrosse for now, okay?"Stiles said as Luna and him handed him his Lacrosse stuff."That's all you gotta do, yeah? Lacrosse. Here we go."Stiles says patting his shoulder before turning away and falling making Luna laugh.

"Hey, Scott."Her voice came out soft making him look at her."It'll be alright your not dead, yet. So yea bye."

Scott looked at the girl with wide eyes as she left.

"That totally helped, "Scott mumbled looking at where she was.


Luna sat on the bench with a book in her hand not really paying attention and Stiles always forced her to come to practice and the games. Luna looked up seeing Scott was nextย 

"McCall, What are you waiting for? Let's go!"Coach yelled. Scott ran towards Jackson before Jackson hit him throwing him to the ground.

"Oh," Luna whispered before looking down at her book.

"Hey, McCall!Hey, McCall!"Coach said walking over to Scott as Jackson said something to him walking away.

"Mt grandmother can move fast than that and she's dead! You think you can move fast than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"He questioned as Scott answered him but Luna couldn't hear what he said.

"I can't hear you!"

Luna watched as the two exchanged words before Scott ran back to the lineup.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!"Scott got back into his position where he was before. Coach blows the whistle twice.

"Let's go!"Scott ran before hitting Jackson hard making him fall, as Luna stood up seeing Jackson holding his shoulder in pain. As Scott fell down Luna started walking towards them, as the team went to help Jackson. Luna ran after the two to the locker room, none of them noticed Derek Hale watching them.

"Come on here we go,"Stiles spoke looking at Luna who was coming towards them, as Scott breathed heavily."Sit down. You okay? Scott you okay?"

"Get away from me!"Scott yelled his eyes turning yellow making the Stiles back away from him.

"Oh shit."Luna mumbled as she stood in the doorway watching as Scott went after stiles."Shit, what's the spell."She mumbled haven't used magic in three years. She ran after them seeing Scott on the ceiling thing.

"Fuck."He had cornered Stiles.

"Motus."She spoke quietly asย  Scott went straight into the lockers hitting his head making him pass out. Stiles behind her stood in shock looking between them with wide eyes.

"Wh-What just happened?"Stiles questioned as Luna looked at him confused."You just made him,"Stiles spoke putting at their friend who was slumped against the lockers passed out."Fly across the room."

"I don't know what you're talking about."She spoke, to stiles as he looked her crazy.

"I just saw you...you, you just somehow throw across the room without even touching him."Stiles spoke again.

"You're probably just seeing things, Stiles. He ran into the locker hitting his head."Luna spoke, as Stiles nodded.

"Yeah probably."


Luna had lefted after Scott had turned right away, Luna sat on her bed freaking out.

"Oh my god, Oh my god. What did i do?"She whispered freaking out, she heard her laptop ringing."Shit."She spoke seeing Stiles's name pop up, not answering it she continued to freak out before her phone ringed.

Answering it she could hear stiles yelling.

"If you don't answer my call right now, Luna. I will come to your house."Stiles spoke, as Scott laughed.

"Okay fine don't come to my house, you weirdo, "Luna spoke jokingly answering the call before hanging up."What is it you two dorks want?"

"Jackson's got a separated shoulder, because of this idiot."Stiles spoke talking about Scott."Now they're counting on Scott this Saturday."Stiles spoke finishing where the two lefted off.Scott shakes his head before Stiles and Luna notice something behind Scott looking closely she could see Derek Hale.

"What?"Scott questioned confused,as Stiles types on the computer.

"It looks like..."

"It looks like right?"Scott questioned as their computers start to mess up on his end.

"Someone's behind you."Stiles's text comes up on his screen.

"What?"Scott spoke zooming on his screen seeing a figure behind him. Suddenly the call went dead. Luna sighed, closing her laptop she knew Derek was there at the field she figured that out when she left seeing him but didn't say anything.

Laying down on here bad she groaned, she felt bad for gaslighting Stiles and telling him he was probably just seeing things. Hearing the door opened she knew it was Celeste.

"Hey, kiddo."Celeste spoke,coming and sitting down on the bed.


"What's wrong?"Celeste questioned."And don't lie to me."

"Scott's a werewolf,i used my magic so he wouldn't kill stiles i then gaslight stiles into believing he was just seeing things. How was your day?"Luna questioned with a smile.

"Luna..."Celeste spoke as Luna's smile dropped."Who bite scott?"

"We don't know neither does Derek."


Stiles pulled Scott away from his locker to the stairwell they wanted to know what the sheriff was saying.

"Tell me what they're saying."Stiles spoke pointing to the sheriff, as Scott listened in."Can you hear 'em?"Stiles questioned as Scott shushed him and Luna hit his arm.

"Curfew because of the body."

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out doing whatever he wants."Stiles spoke, as Luna frowned at the mention of Laura.

"Can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek."Scott spoke, as Luna nodded.

"I can do something."

"Like what, Stiles?"Luna questioned.

"Find the other half of the body."Stiles spoke, as he walked away dragging Luna with him.

"You can't be serious Stiles."Luna spoke as he continued dragging her.

"I am, Luna."Stiles spoke as Luna sighed.


Stiles opened the door running upstairs as Luna looked at him with an expression before closing the front door and following after him.

"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?"Stiles questioned.

"He's had a lot of Adderall."Luna spoke quickly.

"I found something at Derek Hale's."Scott spoke as Luna's small smile dropped.

"Are you kidding?What?"

"There's something buried there-i could smell blood," Scott spoke as everything clicked together for Luna it was the other half of Laura's body, Derek must have buried her.

"That's awesome."Stiles spoke as Luna glared at him."I mean that's terrible. Whose blood?"He asked.

"He probably doesn't know."Luna spoke, as Scott nodded.

"But when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And than you guys help me figure out to play Lacrosse without changing. Because there's no way I'm not playing that game."Scott spoke, as Luna wondered why he wanted to play so badly when he could risk changing.

The trio left heading to the hospital, walking in Stiles pointed to a room.

"Good luck i guess."Stiles spoke, as they walked into the waiting room seeing Lydia, before walking over to her.

"Hey, Lydia."Stiles spoke as Luna decided to sit down and listen from a little way."You probably don't remember me. Um, i sit behind you in biology. Uh anyways,i always thought that we just had this sort of connection. Unspoken, of course. Maybe it'd be kind of cool to, get to know one another."

"Yeah,i didn't get any of what you were saying. Is it worth repeating?"Lydia asked.

"No,sorry. I'll just sit. You don't care."Stiles spoke sitting down next to Luna.

"Sorry, Bud."Luna spoke looking at him.An moments later Jackson walked out as Lydia stood up heading over to her boyfriend

"Okay? Did he do it?"Lydia questioned her boyfriend.

"He said not to make an habit of it,but one cortisone shot won't kill me."

"You get one right before the game too.The pros do it all the time,you wanted to a little high school amateur?Or do you want to go pro?"Lydia questioned her as Luna looked at Stiles before Lydia started kissing Jackson.

"Disgusting."Luna mumbled,Scott came over ripping the magazine from Stiles hand making the pair jump.

"Holy god!"


"The scent was the same."Scott spoke looking down at the pair.

"You sure?"Stiles questioned.

"You're like 100 percent positive?"Luna also questioned.

"Yes."Scott replied as the two stood up.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property?"

"Or somebody else did?"Luna spoke defending Derek even though she knew he had buried it but kill her?No.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl."Scott spoke ignoringย  the girl.

"I say we use it."

"I say we don't."

"How?"Scott spoke again Ignoring the girl,Stiles looked at her frowning.

"Tell me something first,Are you doing it because you want to stop Derek,or because you wanted to play in the game,and he said he couldn't?"Stiles questioned wanting to know.

"There are bite marks on the legs.Bite Marks."Scott spoke as Luna looked confused.

"Okay than we're gonna need an shovel."


Next she knew they were at the Hale house at night looking for the other half of Laura's body.Waiting for Derek Hale to leave as he got into his car leaving as Stiles drove up.

"You not getting out?"Stiles questioned the girl who shook her head.

"I'm alright."Stiles nodded noticing her behavior,Luna wakes up to Stiles screaming making her jump out of the jeep running over.

"Hey stiles you alright?"Luna questioned in an soft voice crouching down next to the boy.

"What the hell is that?!"Stiles yelled looking at the body,as Luna looked at it seeing it was an wolf.Luna's eye watered but she quickly blinked getting the tears away.

"It's a wolf."

"Yeah,i can see that.I thought you smelled blood,as in human blood."Stiles spoke as Luna nodded thinking the same thing.

"I told you something was different."

"This doesn't make since."

"We gotta get out of here."

"Yeah,okay,help me cover this up."Stiles spoke as Luna quickly helped pushing derek over the wolf,before she noticed Stiles looking at something.

"What's wrong?"

"You see that flower?"Stiles questioned as Luna looked seeing it was an wolfbane flower.

"What about it?"Scott questioned watching as Luna got up walking over to it.

"I think its wolfsbane."

"What's that?"Scott questioned as Luna rolled her eyes.

"It's an deadly flower that can kill werewolf,you can crush it up put it into bullets and other stuff to kill on."Luna spoke without thinking making the two boys look at her confused.

"H-How do you know that?"Stiles questioned.

"What?I like to read."Luna spoke lying,as she took the flower out of the ground pulling on the weed that happened to make an circle around the grave.It finally ended before scott stood up.

"Luna,Stiles."Scott spoke as the too went over to the grave seeing now Laura's body there,as Luna eyes went wide she knew she was dead but she didn't want to believe it but now there was proof,her eyes looking up at them.Luna eyes started to water she couldn't even hold back the tears that were coming out.Stiles looked over at Luna seeing her crying so did Scott.

"Luna."Stiles spoke as she just stared at her body."Hey it's okay."Stiles spoke pulling her into an hug he thought she was just crying because of seeing an dead body but the real reason was because Laura was practically her family.


The next day rolled around Stiles had taken her home,and she had cried in Celeste arms for what felt like hours.She couldn't keep this secret anymore but she had to,to protect them.She had decided not to with Stiles and Scott to watch Derek get arrested she felt quilty enough instead she was curled up in bed not wanting to get out.Hearing her phone ringed she answer it seeing it was Stiles.

"Luna!Luna!Oh my god!"

"Stiles hey calm down."

"Scott he um he still had the wolfsbane flower and went crazy running off."

"He'll be back Stiles i promise.If he's not back by morning we'll goย  look for him."Yeah she was worried but right now she didn't really care.

It was the day of the game and Luna didn't want to be there but she went cause of Lydia who had dragged her there.She was sitting with Melissa cause she didn't want to sit by Chris Argent.

"Hey,Kiddo."Melissa spoke to Luna who sat down next to her as she smiled."You alright?"

"Y-Yeah completely fine."

"You've been taking your meds?"Melissa questioned quietly,she was talking about her Anxiety and Depression medication.

"Yeah."Luna spoke it was somewhat of an lie she had been taking them but since the stuff with scott she hardly did.The game than started Luna didn't pay any attention when she looked up she relizeed nobody was passing it to Scott,than Jackson knocked Scott down.Than jackson scored as the crowd cheered for him.

Luna looked over at Lydia and Allison seeing them now holding up an sign that said 'We Luv You,Jackson.'She looked at Scott and could tell instantly he was angry.Luna watched as Scott made an goal as Melissa cheered for his son and so did Stiles Luna smiled proud of him.Scott made an other shot meaning they won the game,everybody cheered.Before Luna went down to Stiles sitting down next to him.Noah was on the phone talking to somebody.

"Dad,what's wrong?"Stiles asked.


Luna and stiles went to go find Scott heading to the Locker room as they walked in Allison was walking out.

"Hi,Stiles,Luna."Allison spoke walking out.

"Hey,yeah."Stiles spoke.

"I kissed her."Scott spoke happily.

"We saw."Luna spoke somewhat aggressively.

"She kissed me."Scott said,Luna couldn't even feel bad Scott was happy and that's what matter most to her.

"Saw that too,That's pretty good,huh?"Stiles asked.

"I-I-I don't know how,but i controlled it.I pulled back.Maybe i can do this.Maybe it's not that bad."Scott spoke,as Luna frowned knowing Allison was his anchor.

"Yeah,heh,we'll talk later than."Stiles spoke,spoke patting Scott's chest about to walk away but he grabbed his shoulder.

"What?"Scott asked.

"The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we-well you guys found.The killer of the girl is an animal not an human so they let Derek go."Luna spoke for Stiles.

"Are you kidding?"Scott asked

"Yes actually Derek killed his sister and sliced her body in half."Luna spoke with an straight face,as Stiles hit her arm.


"Yeah Laura Hale.Derek's sister."


A/n:guess who's back bitches.No but I'm sorry for the wait i didn't have any motivation for this book and part of this chapter was just sitting in my drafts for the longest time.

Also follow my tiktok and Instagram where i post stuff for my book.



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