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ᵃ ᵇⁱˡˡʸ ˡᵒᵒᵐⁱˢ ᶠᵃⁿᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ

valora woke up in a cold sweat, after struggling to fall asleep the night before. the thought of somebody knowing what she did caused her legs to go jelly and her heart rate to pick up. she felt like she was going to be sick.

the girl changed for school and stepped out of her house, her eyes darting in every direction as she walked down the street.

as she got to school, she was met with swarms of police officers and reporters. valora looked around for anyone she knows, spotting sidney and tatum as they were walking towards the stairs to the school.

she caught up with the girls and they turned around to face her, giving her concerned looks.

"guys, what's going on?" she asked, gesturing to the crowds of people in front of the school.

"casey becker and steve orth were killed last night!" tatum spoke up, sidney letting out a gasp, while valora stared at the floor.

"and we're not just talking killed- we're talking splatter movie killed; ripped open from end to end!" the blonde explained.

"casey becker- she sits next to me in english!" sidney exclaimed.

"not anymore. it's so sad, her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside."  sidney let out a noise of discomfort as valora stared in shock.

"do they know who did it?" valora wondered.

"fucking clueless, but with the way she treated you," tatum looked at the girl, pointing to her as they walked to the building. "i think it's safe to say you're.. sort of a suspect." she spoke, nonchalantly. valora let out a gasp and furrowed her eyebrows.

"wha- me?" she pointed to herself, in disbelief. "why?"

tatum looked at her, an uncertain look on her face. "well, she was horrible to you for like, two years! the police think you might have wanted to get some sort of revenge." tatum quoted what her brother had told her.

"they're interrogating the entire school, teachers, janitors.. i mean, dewey was saying this was the worst crime they'd seen in years, even worse than.." she stopped herself, realising her mother's passing was still a touchy subject for sidney.

"well, it's bad." she nodded to herself, walking away and letting both valora and sidney to follow behind.

as she sat in class, valora couldn't rid her mind from billy. there's no way he could have done this, right? well, he did say she would get what she deserved but it must just be a coincidence. sure, he was protective, but he wouldn't go as far as to kill someone.

her thoughts were interrupted by her teacher calling her name.

"valora, it seems to be your turn." the girl looked up and the whole class' eyes were lay on her, which made her want to crawl into a hole and die. the girl stood up and avoided eye contact with anyone as she walked to her principles office.

as she entered, she was greeted by principle himbury, sheriff burke and dewey, tatum's older brother,

"how are you doing, valora?" the sheriffs asked, as the girl sat down and faced him.

"fine." she answered, simply.

"we're gonna keep this very brief." himbury started. "the police just wanted to ask you a few questions, okay?" she nodded in reply, really not wanting to speak.

"now, we understand you had some sort of.. relationship with the victim, and not a very good one. would you care to elaborate on that?" sheriff burke suggested, making valora tense.

"um, well she wasn't exactly my closest friend," she chuckled at herself. "um.. to shorten it, she would call me names, like a slut, and blame me for things that weren't my fault.." she knew luke's death was her fault, but she chose to remove the painful memory from her mind.

all three men nodded while the sheriff wrote notes down on his pad, occasionally looking up and into the girls drowsy eyes.

"do you happen to enjoy hunting at all?" dewey raised his eyebrow at what his superior had just asked out of the blue.

"uh.. no? why is that relevant?"

"nevermind. you can go back to lesson now, valora." the sheriff shooed her away.


i dislike this chapter rather much.


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