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ΰ©ˆβœ©β€§β‚ŠΛšΛš ΰΌ˜β™‘ ⋆q*ೃ༄
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  MARISOL WAS EXCITED. Eli made a comeback, bringing with him the company of two familiar facesβ€”Peter and Melanie Moskowitz. Melanie, Eli's aunt, had undergone a hair dye transformation just a year ago, a detail that stood out in Marisol's memory. Peter, her son, was reintroduced to Marisol's life after a considerable span of years. While their past interactions had not forged a particularly close bond, Marisol remembered engaging in occasional conversations with Peter before the onset of middle school.

With an infectious sense of joy, Marisol skipped up each of Eli's doorsteps, her anticipation evident. As her knuckles rapped on the door, a grin illuminated her face. The door swung open, unveiling Eli, prompting a surprised gasp from Marisol. In a heartwarming gesture, Eli placed his hands on her hips, effortlessly lifting her into the air and twirling her around, coaxing laughter and giggles. Marisol's eyes sparkled with affection as Eli gently set her back down, and she looked up at him with an earnest smile, expressing, "I've missed you so much."

Eli, wearing a cocky grin, quipped, "I missed me too," prompting a playful punch from Marisol to his shoulder. The banter transitioned seamlessly into a shared kiss, the warmth of their connection causing butterflies to flutter in their stomachs. As their lips met, Marisol relished the sensation of melting into the kiss, her senses heightened by the tender touch of Eli's hand gently resting on her face, creating a moment that lingered in the realm of cherished intimacy.

A discreet throat clearing interrupted the moment. "Excuse me, m'lady. Why are you kissing my favorite cousin? You look fine and pretty today," a familiar voice playfully teased. Marisol turned to see Peter, the source of the interruption, and her expression shifted from the warmth of the kiss to a mix of surprise and amusement. "Peter? Oh my god," she exclaimed, caught off guard by the unexpected and lighthearted intrusion.

Eli responded to his cousin's comment with an eye roll. "I'm your only cousin," he grumbled, earning a surprised reaction from Marisol, whose mouth hung open in shock as he playfully bowed to her. "Yes, yes," he affirmed, approaching her with a suave demeanor. Eli gracefully knelt down, capturing Marisol's hand in a kiss. Her wide-eyed gaze shifted to Eli, registering not only his undeniable charm but also a realization of his unexpected handsomeness that left her momentarily awestruck.

Peter straightened up, placing his hands confidently on his hips. "Why haven't you told me about this fine lady, Elijah?" he questioned Eli, punctuating his inquiry with an eye roll. Eli chuckled, admitting, "Well... I did. This is Marisol," introducing her with a gesture that conveyed a sense of pride and a hint of amusement at Peter's delayed awareness.

A gasp escaped him as he turned his attention back to the girl. "Marisol? Oh my god... You look so grown up!" Genuine surprise painted his face as he took her hands, playfully swinging them back and forth. Marisol chuckled, a mix of amusement and fondness in her expression, while Eli shot Peter a hardened glare, silently conveying a message of protective solidarity.

Eli enveloped Marisol, his arms securing her waist, and an unfamiliar emotion stirred within himβ€”jealousy? It was a side of Eli that Marisol hadn't witnessed before, or at least, not to her knowledge.

Eli shook his head. "All right, bye now, Peter..." He tried to guide Marisol towards the door, but Peter clicked his tongue in mock disapproval. "My goodness, Elijah... I thought you said you were gonna take me to the tattoo parlor. And we were gonna meet Miguel, Hollis, and Demetri there for a boys' day?" Peter added a sassy tone, injecting playful banter into the exchange, creating a lively moment amid the farewell.

Eli shut his eyes tightly, grappling with the urge to punch Peter, who had undeniably become more cocky. Despite the brewing tension, he gently kissed his girlfriend's forehead and asked, "Are you okay with this? I know we were planning to hang out today." Eli sought reassurance from Marisol amid the unexpected turn of events, his concern evident in his words and actions.

Marisol waved her hand dismissively. "No, it's fine. Have fun!" she exclaimed, opening Eli's front door as Peter winked and snapped his fingers. As the door closed behind her, Marisol lingered in the entryway for a moment, a whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind. She grappled with the realization that Peter seemed exceptionally cockyβ€”perhaps even more so than Eliβ€”a notion that left her pondering the dynamics of the unfolding situation.

Seating herself in the car, she stole a glance at her phone, revealing a message from Moon that captured her attention.

Moon: hey girl! wanna come by patty's and hang? Yasmine, Therese and Sam will be there. it's been awhile since we hangout.

Marisol pondered, biting her bottom lip, before composing a dry message in response.

Marisol: sure. . . i'll be there soon ig.

She responded to everyone with a notably dry tone in her texts.

As Marisol entered Patty's, her eyes roamed the venue, searching for the familiar faces of the four girls. "Mars, over here!" Moon's perky voice cut through the noise, guiding her to the group. Turning toward the source, Marisol's gaze fell upon Sam and Therese, who were standing in an unexpectedly close embrace, their hands tightly held. A flicker of surprise crossed Marisol's face, her mind processing the newfound closeness between Sam and Therese, a scene that added an unexpected twist to the atmosphere.

Marisol walked over with a furrowed brow, a confused expression etched on her face. "Are you guys...?" She hesitated, her finger pointing between Sam and Therese, the unspoken question lingering in the air. Therese met Sam's gaze with wide eyes, both seemingly caught off guard by Marisol's inquiry. The atmosphere hung with a sense of uncertainty, waiting for an explanation to unfold.

Sam released a sigh, the weight of confession evident in her words. "Yeah... We are," she admitted to Marisol, her gaze reflecting a hint of concern. Sam had confided in Therese about Marisol's involvement with Cobra Kai, creating a shared sense of hesitation between them. Unspoken worries lingered in the air as they navigated this revelation, choosing to keep it from Moon and Yasmine, at least for the time being. The unshared secret added an undercurrent of tension to their interaction.

Marisol released a slow exhale, consciously relaxing her shoulders in an effort to maintain composure. "Cool. You guys look great for each other," she commented with a forced grin, glancing at Yasmine, who had scooted over. Marisol regarded Yasmine with a hint of reluctance. "Um..." she began, her words trailing off. It suddenly clicked in Yasmine's head that she had never genuinely apologized to Marisol. "Shit... I'm sorry, Marisol, for everything I've done," Yasmine admitted, her realization punctuated by a sincere apology that hung in the air.

With an eye roll and a dismissive tone, Marisol retorted, "Whatever," as she settled down beside Yasmine, intentionally avoiding direct eye contact. Clasping her hands together, she shifted gears, asking, "So, what's going on?" The air hung with a mixture of tension and curiosity as Marisol sought clarity amid the unfolding dynamics.

Sam cast a meaningful glance at Therese, who awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "So... I was sorta talking to Hollis. Sorry, Marisol, but we almost became a thing, then he broke it off. I don't know why... Now I'm with Sam, and Hollis sent me a text that he's back. I don't know what I should do. Should I, like, tell him I'm gay or something?" Therese confessed, her uncertainty and the complexities of the situation hanging in the air.

Marisol folded her arms across her chest, an unmistakable sense of being left out settling in. She had minimal interaction with Hollis, and her connection with Aunt Holly was distant at best. Moon, sensing the tension, raised an eyebrow. "Are you gay?" she asked Marisol, prompting a shake of the head in response. "Pansexual," clarified Therese, unveiling a layer of complexity in the unfolding dynamics.

Moon clicked her tongue thoughtfully. "Then... No, you shouldn't. Just tell him that while he was gone, you and Sam became a thing," she suggested to Therese. Marisol's eyebrows furrowed with curiosity. "How long did you guys talk for... becoming a thing?" she asked, digging for details to unravel the timeline and dynamics of Therese and Sam's budding relationship. The room buzzed with a mix of advice and inquiries as the trio navigated the complexities of their interconnected lives.

"A week," they replied in unison, causing Marisol's eyes to widen. The speed of it all seemed rather surprising. "O-kay..." she responded, her tone carrying a hint of disbelief.

Yasmine let out a sigh. "Just text him that you guys need to talk," she advised, nonchalantly filing her nails. Marisol responded with an eye roll. Following Yasmine's suggestion, Therese took out her phone, composed the message, and sent it. The anticipation filled the air as they waited, and soon enough, Therese displayed the received message on her phone, sharing it with Marisol and Yasmine.

Hollis: okay. . . See you at the dojo at 8?
How are you?

Marisol's laughter echoed, recognizing the irony even though her connection with Hollis wasn't as tight as before. "He knows he's in deep shit," she remarked, capturing the essence of the situation. As she pondered why Hollis would engage with Therese, a question lingered in her mind. After all, he had made his gay orientation abundantly clear on numerous occasions, making Marisol wonder about the motives behind their recent interactions.

Therese leaned her head on Sam's shoulder, seeking solace. "I've felt off lately, and I don't know why. There's so much I want to say. Should I lay it all out?" she questioned, her voice filled with uncertainty. Sam, understanding the weight of the situation, shook her head gently. "Noβ€”," her response carried a sense of caution, signaling a hesitancy to unload everything at once.

Yasmine took control of the situation, swiftly grabbing the phone from Therese's hands. "No! Less is more," she declared, startling Marisol with her sudden outburst. Yasmine, with a determined focus, began typing on Therese's phone, emphasizing the importance of brevity. Moon joined in, supporting Yasmine's perspective. Marisol, feeling a bit out of place, questioned her role in the unfolding scene. "Mhm. Keep it short, not sweet," Yasmine concluded, handing the phone back to Therese, who now held a succinctly crafted message.

Therese read aloud the concise message, "I'm okay," and then looked up with a knowing expression. "Should I add a smiley face or something?" she questioned. "No!" Sam, Marisol, and Yasmine responded in perfect unison. "Definitely," Moon countered, causing the four to exchange a synchronized look of disagreement. Frustrated, Therese banged her head onto the table, feeling overwhelmed by the contrasting opinions and the pressure of crafting the right response.

Moon orchestrated a spa day for the girls, complete with colorful tie-dye robes. Marisol, despite the vibrant ensemble, couldn't shake the discomfort – it was making her itch. "Moon, this place is so you," Therese commented with a sarcastic look, her eyes observing Moon casually rocking her feet. "Isn't it?" Moon replied, seemingly unfazed by Marisol's unease, and the spa ambiance continued around them.

Moon delved into the details. "When Piper and I broke up, there was a lot of negative energy," she explained, hinting at the complexities and challenges that accompanied the end of her relationship.

Marisol's focus wandered as she found Yasmine's constant typing on her phone annoying, leading to a subtle eye roll. Undeterred, Moon pressed on, "Which is why I brought you here," gently wrapping her arm around Therese. "You've got to find yourself, figure out who you really are." The words held a weight of meaning, urging Therese to embark on a journey of self-discovery amid the challenges of a past breakup.

Yasmine nodded, indicating upward. "They also do facials. So..." Her voice trailed off, and she shifted her focus back to her phone, engrossed in whatever held her attention. Sam responded with a click of her tongue, expressing mild disapproval. "Come on, sweets," she urged, adding a tender kiss to Therese's cheek, a gesture that carried a sense of reassurance amid the group's dynamic.

As they trailed behind Moon into the room, a peculiar pod came into view, evoking a Stranger Things ambiance for Marisol and serving as a subtle reminder that Season Three was set to premiere on July 4th. "What is this, exactly?" Sam questioned, her curiosity prompting an inquiry directed at Moon, who held the key to unraveling the mystery of the unfamiliar pod.

Moon's grin widened, radiating enthusiasm. "This is a self-actualization pod," she announced, infusing the room with an air of intrigue and the promise of a unique experience.

Therese arched a brow. "So, like a sensory deprivation tank?" she questioned, seeking clarification. Moon shook her head briskly. "Oh, no, no, no. They don't call them that anymore. It's not about deprivation. It's about connection with your innermost self," Moon explained, her words carrying a sense of reassurance and a distinct shift in the perception of the experience within the pod. The room buzzed with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

Marisol chuckled softly. "Like in Stranger Things? Eleven?" Her gaze swept across the room, only to be met with blank stares from the others. "Damn, none of you watch it?" She gave them an incredulous look, prompting Therese to roll her eyes dismissively at Marisol's pop culture reference.

Marisol playfully blew a raspberry, glancing down and rocking on her heels awkwardly. "Thanks, but I'm gonna pass... I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow water," Sam admitted with a somber tone, casting a shadow over the lighthearted atmosphere. Yasmine and Marisol exchanged wide-eyed glances, silently acknowledging the unexpected gravity behind Sam's reluctance.

Therese's lips curled into a sympathetic frown as she gently rubbed her girlfriend's back. "Dark..." Marisol mumbled, and Yasmine, in solemn agreement, nodded. "Wow. That's dark," she commented. Moon, with a knowing expression, addressed the underlying tensions. "Sam, ever since the tournament, you've been off balance, and Therese, you're trying to find yourself. So are you, Mars. It's clear there's a lot of tension; this pod will be helpful. It's gonna help you find yourself," Moon explained, hinting at the potential for emotional release and self-discovery within the unique confines of the self-actualization pod.

Marisol sighed, her determination overriding any reservations. "That's not so scary. I'll do it," she declared, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. Moon responded with a smile, acknowledging Marisol's willingness to step into the experience. Meanwhile, Sam and Therese exchanged a shared look, silently recognizing the significance of Marisol's decision within the group dynamic.

Marisol stepped into the pod, the water buoying her as she floated. Gazing at the pod's ceiling, she closed her eyes, surrendering to the sensation of falling into a dream. When her eyes reopened, she found herself in the enigmatic void, a scene reminiscent of Stranger Things. A nervous gulp caught in her throat as she surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings, and she tentatively walked across the water. In the midst of her surreal experience, a familiar voice broke through, calling out, "Marisol... sweetie."

With a quick turn, she found her mother behind her, a younger version of herself at her side. "Come home with me! Daddy's a bad man. Do you want to be with a bad man?" her mother pleaded, her gaze fixed on the six-year-old Marisol. The younger Marisol looked back at her father sitting inside and shook her head, a silent but firm rejection of the situation. The weight of the moment hung in the air, bridging the gap between past and present.

Marisol's features contorted into a troubled frown. It was during this period that she had gone missing for a whole month, drawn into an ordeal when her mom took her. The aftermath unfolded with her mother being sentenced to a year in jail for kidnapping, casting a shadow over that challenging chapter of Marisol's past.

Marisol's senses perked up at a growling sound, propelling her into a swift run across the unusual expanse of water. Her momentum came to an unexpected stop when she tripped over someone's foot. As she looked up, Sam's figure loomed over her, a combination of surprise and amusement etched on her face, accompanied by the laughter that spilled out. The peculiar encounter unfolded against the backdrop of the self-actualization pod, blurring the lines between reality and the dreamlike experience.

Marisol regained her footing and, spurred by another growl, resumed her sprint. In the midst of her hurried movements, she collided with someoneβ€”Eli. "Eliβ€”" She began, only to be met with a scoff and a disdainful look. "Leave me alone, Marisol. You're a traitor. You're with Cobra Kai now?" Eli's accusation hung in the air, introducing a layer of tension and conflict into the surreal sequence of events within the self-actualization pod.

She gasped, caught off guard. "Howβ€”how did you know? I'm sorryβ€”" Marisol's words tumbled out, laced with surprise and a tinge of remorse as she grappled with Eli's unexpected knowledge.

Eli shook his head, his expression hardened. "Leave me alone, traitor." He waved her off dismissively, striding purposefully into the mist that veiled his retreat. "ELI! COME BACK!" Marisol's anguished scream cut through the surreal surroundings, tears streaming down her face like a cascade of emotion. The plea hung in the air, marking a poignant moment of conflict within the enigmatic realm of the self-actualization pod.

"Firecracker, you don't need him. You have us now," Terry spoke soothingly to Marisol. As she turned, she found Terry Silver standing there, accompanied by Tory, who proudly held the Cobra Kai trophy. The presence of the other Cobras added to the weight of the moment. Overwhelmed by the unexpected support, Marisol took a step back, releasing sobs that resonated in the air, a poignant expression of her emotional turmoil.

A gasp escaped Marisol as her eyes shot open, greeted by the sight of Moon opening the pod for her. "That was refreshing, right?" Moon said with a grin as Marisol rose, accepting a towel from Moon and wrapping it around herself. "So, what did you think?" Moon asked, and Marisol forced a smile with a small nod. "It was good." Despite the affirmative response, a cloud of uncertainty hung over Marisol. What did that surreal experience truly mean? The questions lingered, leaving her with a sense of ambiguity.


ash speaks!

I don't like how I wrote this chapter, so I'm sorry if it sucks.

anyways next chapter is gonna be depressing as hell.

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